A new variable
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Chapter 12: A new variable

As she nonchalantly left The Spread Eagle, Miho walked out the front door without the tight security patting an eyelid. The guards ignored her as if she didn't exist.

With The Spread Eagle building behind her, Miho walked down the streets of the Loft District. Unlike the outer ring, the streets in the middle ring were clean and less crowded. This was because the streets here we're being maintained by cleaning robots.

Miho continued strutting down the road a little absentminded. 

Okay Fae, where's my next potential lackie?





FAE! What's wrong?!


What? What has changed?!

Only silence answered her back. For the first time in four years, Fae was silent. Like he was no longer there. Just like back at that lab.

Miho suddenly came to a halt. She felt it was harder to breathe. She clawed at her chest in hopes to clear out her lungs, but to no avail.

When she started to panic, the road in front of her suddenly distorted, making her view spin. She stumbled on her feet making her lean against a wall. She didn't even have time to think how a wall was suddenly close to her when she was just walking in the center of the road a moment ago.

Looking up at the sky, she felt like the walls were closing in on her not giving her space to breathe.

The edges of her vision grew dark as the world turned red. White canines bit on ruby lips and drew blood. Her finger stretched into claws as she held on to her chest for dear life.

Tasting the iron taste of blood in her mouth, she remembered what Fae told her when she exhibited similar symptoms back at the laboratory. 

What did Fae call it again? Ha! Yes. A panic attack. She's having a panic attack just like back then.

She shut her eyes and started to take deep long breathes.

Breathe …

Breathe …





As her heartbeat slowly came to rest, her fingers reverted back to their original appearance. Only then did she notice the window that popped up in front of her.

World outline has been changed due to an unexpected variable.

Loading new world storyline … 







Uploading new world storyline.

And with that, a sudden headache assaulted Miho's brain, accompanied by some random flashes of memories and events that are to happen.

How did she know that these events are yet to happen? 

That's because she has seen the previous storyline of this world and compared to the dull death march of the previous one, this new storyline seem to be a little more interesting.

After the government abandoned the citizens and fled out of space, the residents of Aquamarine continued to struggle for survival in the hopes of waiting this disaster out. But only a select few know that this apocalypse will never end as it is caused by a rip in the very fabric of space itself. How the planet is even able to hold itself together for this long is a mystery to all. But those that were able to grab a hold of power in this end times knew the planet would die soon, just didn't know when. Arnold Kristoff was one of these powerhouses. He proposed the truce between all the survival bases around the globe. And thanks to his protagonist halo, they all listened to him. Miho couldn't tell if it was only just his protagonist halo or the fact that his wife held the black material of all the survival bases in her hands and is regarded in high regard anywhere she went. Not to mention her superb socializing skills and allies around the world. She's even secretly the head of the, "Save Aquamarine Movement". And this movement has caught quite the eyes of many, but none dare move for after a brief investigation, it was clear that this movement was deeper than it seemed on the surface. This is because anytime they tried to dig deeper, all their clues vanishes into thin air. All this is a secret kept from Arnold of course, he thinks his wife is just a cute little white rabbit.

The plan proposed by Arnold was to build their own spaceships that could take away at least half the remnants of what was left humans on the planet. The rest? Sorry, it was impossible to build spaceships big enough to evacuate everyone. If it was possible the government would have not fled. Also, when including the fact that they have less that half of Aquamarine's resources to work with, less time and not to mention building spaceships that big in this unstable planet where a monster can spawn in your backyard at anytime, make it almost an impossible task.

This is why all the bases decided to keep this a secret for the populous for now, at least until it is impossible to keep it hidden.

All things considered, the forces of Aquamarine did pull through with their plans. Secretly constructed three medium size spaceships hidden underneath their bases. This is where the storyline had changed greatly compared to before. Unfortunately, for some reason, the world collapse came sooner than they expected.

No time to even evacuate people into said ships nor put up any sort of resistance. The world started to collapse in on itself.

At this time Arnold was making his rounds inside the spaceship to make sure things were in working order.

As the world started to collapse, Arnold in the spaceship was tossed out of the planets atmosphere due to a series of incidents. Typical protagonist halo.

The cause of why the planet collapse arrived earlier than expected remains unclear, but Arnold was the sole survivor of planet Aquamarine.

Being stranded in space, floating aimlessly for over a month, Arnold survived off of the limited food reserves he had on board. In his darkest time when things looked bleak and all hope seemed lost, there was a rift in the fabric of the spacetime continuum. A figure dressed wildly, like they were a mismatched of several eras came of the rift and saved Arnold. It is shown that later Arnold would be one of the most feared superlative in all the galaxy and go on to make a harem consisting of beauties from several races. This was of course, after he had forgotten about his dead wife.

The masked man from the rift in spacetime however, was not mentioned in history at all. This begs the questions;

Who is he?

Why did he save Arnold?

How come he came at that exact moment?

Where is he from?

How did he appear out from thin air?

All things in the new storyline pointed at one thing. Aquamarine had another anomaly other than Miho. And he was potentially more dangerous than Arnold.


Author's Note: sorry haven't updated for a while. Had trouble with my exams and my studies. But that's over now and updates will go back to normal.