CHAPTER 22- A… special test? Part 2.
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CHAPTER 22- A... special test? Part 2.

The 5 of us met.

It's important that we get to know each other and at least learn our names.

Sylphie will have trouble at first, but she should get used to talking to people.

I'll make sure none of them try to flirt with her, so as not to bother her.

For now, I won't allow anything to waste our time.

"First of all, let's say our names. My name is Saik."

"Mine is Ludius, nice to meet you."

"My name is Naok!"

"I'm Bell."

"M-my name is... Sylphie."

Yeah, I figured, she's nervous about being surrounded by men.

Don't worry, Sylphie, nothing bad will happen to you, you have my protection. And believe me, my protection is very good.

Even presidents and millionaires would be jealous of your protection... Literally, if they knew, they would be.

"We'll start now."

"Then… Do you have any idea how to earn points, Saik?"- Ludius said.

—... "Mmm..."

I closed my eyes and took a breath.

Naok is useful. Sylphie... Ah... No... Mmm... Yeah, it can work.

Bell and Ludius can help me with the garbage.

Plus the points I get... Yes... It can work well.


I opened my eyes.

"I have an idea. Naok, you're on the basketball team, right?"

"Yeah, we'll have our first official game in a week."

"How many positive points can you earn if you win the game?"

"I think it depends on the points we get and the points the opponent has.!

—... "What if your team wins by a big point spread?"

"I think the maximum number of positive points is 200 per player."

200 points.

This is a good beginning.

It was a good idea to have him.

"Although ... My team isn't that good... We won the training games, but the difference in points was very small... I think I could only earn 50 positive points if we win."

"Don't worry, as long as you do your best... Ludius, how many positive points do you currently have?"

"64 points."

Wow... It's better than I thought.

He's not the smartest, but he's passable.

"I see... Are any of you in a club?"

"I am in the soccer club."- Ludius said.

"I'm not in any club."- Bell said.

"I-I'm not in any club either."

I see... I am starting to put all the information together... Basketball and soccer teams will have a game soon.

"Ludius, can you also earn 200 maximum points?"

"Yes, though it will be difficult... I can only promise to earn 50 points."

"As long as you make an effort, it's okay."

250 points.

No... 400 points.

... Mmm... Wait… The points of the members added... Yes... I see... That makes sense.

"Ludius, Naok, we need you to win your games. You train, you won't help us with the other works."


Naok seemed to love that idea, but Ludius looks at me confused.

"Is it really okay? We don't know if we really win."

"It is a risky bet. If we don't win at least second place, I myself will be in charge of distributing my own points among all of you."

"Second place?! Y-you think we'll be able to win second place?"- Bell said surprised.

"I-if Saik says it, it means it's true... We have a chance to win second place."- Sylphie said.

Thanks for your support, I'd rather save myself a lot of trouble explaining.

"I can't guarantee you the first place. Ram has the strongest team, but only in academic terms. I am confident in your abilities. Naok, Ludius, you just train. The rest of us will get points with contributions to society."

"It's true, Saik knows how to win...!"

“I don’t know. If you mean the positive points I earned, I'll tell you I don't know, Bell. We will earn points with the works available on the board mentioned by the teacher."

—... "Do you really think we can win, Saik?"- Ludius said.

"Yes, I'm sure... Trust me."

—... "Yes, it's okay... I trust you."

"Me too."

"Who wouldn't be able to trust the best first year student?!"

"I-I trust you, Saik!"

Well, I've earned their trust, that'll save me too much trouble.

Lunchtime began and everyone left quickly to go to the board.

Many students are running in front of our classroom. They are probably first-year students. I don't think students in either second or third year have the same test.

"Saik, let's go!"

"They will e-earn us the best works!"

They are concerned about getting works that will guarantee us a lot of points.

It wasn't necessary.

I have two plans. If the main plan fails, I will use plan 2.

"Bell, Sylphie, don't worry."

"But the best works will be finished. What if there are only limited works?"

Everyone left and only my team is left in the classroom.

The teacher is still here... I must take advantage.

"The teacher never mentioned that works were limited, right?"

I turned to see her and she nodded.

“Exactly, I never mentioned it because the works are not limited. There are always works available, but that does not mean that we will always have works available that guarantee a lot of points."

"Thank you for confirming this, teacher."

I took my lunches.

"I will go to confirm something. Eat something and don't despair."

I left the classroom and Yuki started floating next to me.

"It's a competition, Saik. They will win you the best works."

"Don't worry, Yuki, I have a plan."

Okay, I'm here. Here are the classrooms for third-year students.

I just have to find one that looks lonely... Mmm... They're all with their friends... Mmm... Outside the classrooms there are no loners.

I started looking inside the classrooms.

No... No... No... Nothing... Yeah, here's one. Group 3-E... Perfect.

I entered the classroom and the students inside turned to see me.

"S-Saik, entering a classroom without permission is a bit of a..."

"Don't worry, Yuki."

I stood in front of a student who ate alone.

Fat, a bit ugly and he is reading a book while eating.

He looks lonely... Perfect.

"Hello, my name is Saik."

I pulled up a chair and sat down across from him.

"I want you to answer a few questions. Here, it's a way to pay you for your answers."

I gave him one of the lunches.

"First of all, I don't know you. I didn't bring you cake just because you're fat, it was a coincidence. I just want some answers."

"Are you a first-year student?"


"Ah... I guess I can't ask you for points... All right, I'll take the cake. What do you want to know?"

"First question..."

Someone put a hand on my head.

"Hey, no little brats allowed here..."

I took his arm, pulled it hard, kicked his legs, he fell to the ground and put my foot on his chest.

"I am not talking to you."

I sat back down.

“Sorry about that... First question..."


He tried to hit me and I stopped his fist with my right hand.

"That's the second time you've bothered me..."

I started clenching his fist and he got down on his knees as he started to cry.

"Are you going to keep bothering me?"


I let him go and sat down again.

"Ah... I will be brief. Does group classification matter? Class A is the best?"

"Yes... I guess you realized it. Groups A are the best and groups E are the worst. There are different benefits for students in each group. A's get a scholarship to any university of their choice and a guaranteed job. B's only have the university scholarship. C's almost the same, except without the scholarship. D's receive a recommendation, but it is not certain that they will get into the university of their choice... And the E's get nothing."

I figured, the school forces them to compete. This school gets even more interesting.

"Last question. How is it possible to advance to other groups?"

"Of course, it depends on the students' performance. The total positive points of all add up and... Well, I guess you know how it is classified."

I see... The more points we have, the better our group.

"I'm sorry, but I have one more question. How many students are in your group?"

—... "9."

4 expelled at the end of the semester. That means that there were 5 expelled by the exams.

That's why they're in group E.

"I see..."

"By the way, I must tell you something else. You can also change groups with 25,000 points."

... That's too much, but it's understandable.

"Thank you for the information... By the way..."

I pulled my smartphone out of my pocket and opened the points app.

"I have 198 points."

"Are you really a first-year?"

"Do not change the subject. If I bet all my points and lose, I will be expelled. I have a question. If you beat me, do you get bonus points for expelling me?"

I could feel everyone's gaze on me.

"The class... We will all receive 1,000 points if we manage to expel someone from another group."

"I see... I'll bet you 198 points in a simple game of rock, paper, scissors."

The 4 students who were in the classroom surrounded us.

"Take the bet!"

"Come on! Do it!"

"We don't get a chance like this every day!"

He got up and smiled.

"Okay, I accept."


I started recording an audio.

“Me, Saik, a first-year student in Group B, agree to bet all my points in a game of rock-paper-scissors."

“Me, Rob, a third-year student in Group E, agree to bet 198 points in the rock-paper-scissors game."

I stopped the recording.

"Let's get started."

We both put our hands on our backs.

"The rules are the same, without any change."


Everyone watched us too much and we started.

"Rock, paper, scissors."

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

Although we both said the same thing, he spoke louder. That wasn't necessary, it bothered me.

But well, the result was what I expected.

"Rock beats scissors. I won."


"I'll bet you all your points!"

The student who tried to beat me wants to expel me... Fufu. I'll take advantage of this.

Ah, it was easy.

I walked into my classroom and met with Sylphie.

"Did you go to see the available works?"

"Yes... But there were a lot of people, so I came back."

"Ah... I figured... I went to get information... The teacher still doesn't tell us, but group A is better and group E is worse. I confirmed it with a third-year student."

"Huh?! But the teacher hasn't told us anything about it...? And if that's true, why am I in group B?"

“I think they just stirred up everyone and assigned us random groups. Maybe in the next semester we will be assigned to another group, since the groups depend on the number of total points. If we are the group with the most points, we will be assigned to group A. There are also many benefits."

"H-how what benefits?"

I told Sylphie what I was told in the other group, about the benefits and how to move forward.

—... "Do you think we can move up to group A?"


To be honest, I don't care. I'll die after I graduate, so the benefits don't matter to me.

But Sylphie wants to have a good future.

And she has financial problems, she won't be able to pay for a good university.

—... "Yeah, I'm sure we can reach group A."

I will take care of that.

Classes started again and I went back to my seat, ready to sleep.

"Did you hear what happened? A third-year student was expelled for losing all his points."

"Then it's true about the expulsions."

Yuki stroked my head.

"You did the correct thing, Saik. Don't feel guilty."

Huh? I don't even feel guilty.

The teacher entered the classroom and stood in front of the board.

"Well, I didn't think it would be so soon... We use the first few weeks of classes mainly to help students adapt to the study method we use. In October we explained the situation better, before that month we were not allowed to talk about it. But today something happened related to a first year student, so I was given permission to speak."

The teacher explained what I already knew.

Ah... Damn, I lost a cake to get that information and it was in vain.

Ah... Today is not my lucky day.

"Now, about the situation... Today, a first-year student, a student of this group, bet with a third-year student of group E... And the first year student beat him on all points, causing him to be expelled."

Everyone began to murmur and I kept resting.

I know all that, I don't need to pay attention.

"Teacher, could you tell us who it was?"- Ram said.

"That information will be made public, so it doesn't matter... It was Saik."

I can feel the stares on me. I don't need to open my eyes to confirm it.

“Saik gambled and succeeded in expelling a student. When a student manages to expel a student from another group, all students in the winner's group receive 1,000 points."

"Does that mean each of us gets 1,000 points?!"

"Thanks, Saik!"

Ah... They'll hate me for what's next... Ah, I don't care.

"Don't celebrate. Since Saik was the winner, he had the option to either split those points or use the points to buy a protection point. The protection point is used to prevent expulsion... He used the points to buy it, so none of you will get any points."

I can already feel angry looks on me and I looked up.

"In my defense, before you get angry, I remind you that we are in a special test. I wasn't going to help the enemies."

I went back to sleep.


"With those points we could buy 10 answers!"

"You idiot!"

Blah, blah, blah.

Should I care about the others? This is supposed to be a competition. Why are they angry?

Well, at least I have one protection point.

"Saik, wake up, school's over!"

Ah... I really fell asleep... It was a good dream.

I started to put my things in my backpack and Ram stood next to me.

"Tell me, Saik, how does it feel to expel someone who was about to graduate?"

"Mmm... At first I felt satisfaction, because that student tried to hit me and he was annoying. But then the satisfaction disappeared and I didn't care at all... Yeah, nothing. Why?"

She smiled and approached me.

"I'm starting to like you."

"Oh... And what do you want me to do with that information?"

"Fufu. You're weird. Annoying, but interesting."

She walked away from me... That girl is weird... And a weirdo says so.

Sylphie and the rest of the team approached me.

"Saik, did you really get someone expelled?!"


"But it's a little cruel."

“T-the important thing is Saik didn't lose his points.”

I guess you could say I was lucky.

"And how did you get that student to bet all his points, Saik?"

"When I beat the 1,580 points he had, he was left with 10 points. I bet all my points on those 10 and he took the risk. Unfortunately for him, I won and he was expelled."

"Y-you're amazing, Saik...! Wait… 1,580?!"- Sylphie said surprised and the rest of the group turned to see me, including Ram.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

I pulled out my smartphone and opened the app.

"I bet with everyone, that student was the only one who risked betting everything."

I showed them the screen of my smartphone and Naok started celebrating along with Bell.

"We'll win!"

"Saik, thank you so much!"

"5,805 points?"

"S-Saik ... I-I don't know what to tell you... Y-you're amazing!"

Ram walked over to me and looked at the screen.

"You... You really..."

She smiled in a strange way.

... And that sudden change? Wasn't she a cold, unfeeling girl?

“You've become a more exciting challenge."

"Thank you?"

I put my smartphone away and took my things.

"I must go."

I walked out of the classroom and Sylphie started walking next to me.

"S-Saik, you shouldn't have risked too much. What if you lost?"

"If I had lost, I would have been the one who was expelled."

“But... Why did you do that? How were you so sure you'd win?"

"I promised you that we would win at least second place, and I will keep that promise... Though I didn't think I'd earn that many points... After all, we might win first place."

"Saik ... In the short time that I've known you, I've realized that you're really something amazing."

"Thank you... I guess."

"Saik, I want to talk to you."

Oh, the teacher spoke to me. I hope I didn't get in trouble for defending myself.

"See you tomorrow, Sylphie."

"S-See you tomorrow, Saik."

After saying goodbye to Sylphie, I followed the teacher to the teacher's lounge.

As I entered, I became aware of the presence of a certain ghost, who again tried to scare me.

But this time, he's not alone. There are 8 ghosts in all, and they all have grotesque appearances. Any normal person would have a heart attack or freak out at the sight of them, but my heart rate stayed the same and I showed no emotion.

"Kya! Disgusting! Why do they keep bothering?!"

Don't worry, Yuki, they won't do anything to us.

"Before anything else, I already proved that I earned the points fairly. I presented evidence. And neither is it possible to cheat with rock, paper or scissors."

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

She sat down in her seat and looked me in the eye... Or that's what She's trying to do.

“I hear you don't know what contribution you made to society. You really don't know?"

“I suppose you are referring to the woman I saved when she tried to commit suicide."

—... "Yeah, you knew... Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Why would I tell them? I don't think they want to wait for someone to attempt suicide to save that person."

"You know that's not what I mean."

... No?

"What do you mean?"

"The person you saved was the mother of one of your classmates."

"Yeah, Sylphie's mom."

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"Why would I tell her?"

"You... Don't you try to make her fall in love? If you tell her you saved her mother, I'm pretty sure she'll fall in love with you."

—... "Is love that easy? I'm not surprised that there are so many unfaithful couples today... If you think I'm trying to make Sylphie fall in love, you're wrong. I just want to be her friend. And if she falls in love with me, I will reject her. I don't want to have a girlfriend."

"No? I thought it was normal for students your age to want to have a girlfriend."

... Normal? Is that really normal?

... Really?

"And by the way, good deeds are not done so that others will see you as a good person, good deeds are done because it is the right thing to do, and if you presume that you do good deeds, you only show that you only want others to see you as a good person, and real good persons do the correct thing no matter that no one is watching and no one knows about it."

I felt like laughing with that phrase.

I only said that so she would stop asking me that.

I don't even consider it a good deed.

"Is that all?"

—... "Yes, you can go home."

I walked out of the teacher's lounge and Yuki started laughing.

"Hahahahahaha! Are serious?! I can't believe she believed that!"

She doesn't know me completely yet.