Chapter 15: The Night
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The walk to the prince’s chamber was spent in silence. Only as they neared the door didRe finally turn back to look at Ka. “Were you bothered by anyone?”

Ka pursed his lips – he’d been rather bothered by the entire experience. “Not really. The queen.” Re groaned loudly, guiding Ka into the room. “I also met Arik.”

The prince paused and turned on him with a curious, “Who?”

Ka was not surprised the royal didn’t recognize the name. “He said he was claimed by Princess Salani?”

“Oh, you mean Uncle Ari,” Re said with an understanding nod. “Not a romantic interest as far as I know. I’m sure she’ll decide to change that soon, she’s of age now.”

Ka shook his head, slightly baffled. Just one more bizarre piece of living with nobility; that did fit better with the fatherly figure he’d seemed to be. “I didn’t realize there were other . . .” the scribe trailed off, unsure what to call the other ‘claimed’ man.

“Any royal can take a pet,” Re said, having no problem with the term. He reached to lift the other’s chin and gazed into those pale eyes as he grinned. “If they see something special that entices them. And there are benefits on each side.”

The prince leaned forward as if to kiss him and Ka quickly pulled back. “Wait, what are you-” he protested and tried to step fully away.

Re pulled his hand back, still clutching Ka’s chains. It kept Ka from retreating and he moved his other hand to the scribe’s cheek. “I’ve brought you from the harem to my bed, it is expected at this point.” Ka pulled back again and the prince shifted, raising his arm instead. Ka’s arms were pulled up, higher than the scribe could stand and he was forced onto his toes with a gasp.

Re’s free hand trailed down slowly, caressing the shorter man’s throat before dragging lower down his chest. Ka’s eyes shut tightly and he struggled not to groan, a small whine escaping him instead. The prince was right, he thought. If anyone else had taken him, this is exactly what he would have expected. He had no real right to refuse. He already expected it with the prince; he had been dreading this confrontation. At the same time he couldn’t help remembering the chatter and praise from the concubines. The prince was a desirable lover and a good man by all accounts.

Re’s hand slid around his waist and Ka clenched his teeth to keep from moaning. He couldn’t deny the touch felt good. Re was smiling at his pet, pleased with the reactions he was getting. His hand pulled back around the brunet’s waist, touch light and ticklish across the man’s scar. Ka gasped and the moan tumbled from his lips. His head fell forward and he managed to protest faintly, “Stop-”

Re chuckled slightly. “I don’t think you really want to stop,” he teased. His hand slid lower and rubbed the other man’s growing arousal. “This certainly doesn’t want me to stop.”

Ka groaned and whined again. His head fell back this time, looking up at the prince with hazy eyes. Gods help him, he did want this and when the prince leaned down again he didn’t avoid the kiss. Re made a pleased noise and moaned low in his throat. Slowly he lowered his hand, settling Ka’s chained wrists behind his head. Then he pulled the scribe closer while he continued to rub his need, not releasing his lips.

Ka moaned again, eyes shutting as he returned the kiss. He did want this, a warm body in his arms, gentle hands on his skin. His hands brushed against the man’s hair, then quickly undid the tie to free the long strands. The redhead pulled back at last, only to lower his mouth to Ka’s neck for a harsh little bite. The scribe yelped, then groaned, his eyes rolling back slightly. His hands sank into the prince’s hair, pulling more tightly as Re pushed fabric aside to grip his erection directly. He wanted this . . . Mei would forgive him.

Re chuckled again, the sound rolling over Ka like thunder. “Long hair and soft skin,” the prince muttered and asked, “Is it easier if you pretend I am her?”

Ka’s eyes fluttered open, his breath catching slightly. He hadn’t realized he’d said anything aloud. Now it was like a spell was broken and he blinked again, then frowned. He scowled, anger rising sharply. Re leaned in to kiss him again and Ka tightened his grip, yanking the prince back by his hair. Re cried out and Ka put hands on his shoulders to shove him away. “Don’t talk about her! You are nothing like her!” he yelled in a rage.

The prince stumbled back a step and Ka stumbled with him, dragged by the chains he’d forgotten about. Re growled at him, hand snapping up to wrap tightly around one wrist. Ka was still moving though as instinct took over. He tugged his opponent down, getting a fairly solid knee to his gut and throwing him to the floor. Re hit the ground on hands and knees and screamed out, “Guard!”

Ka’s eyes widened as he realized what he’d done. The door slammed open and someone charged in, catching the scribe’s arms and holding him in place before he could try to escape. Re was quickly on his feet again, glowering at him, furious. Ka tried to pull away, but the guard only tightened his grip, keeping him where he stood.

Re growled, drawing himself up to his full height. “I did not object to the slip, pet, but I do find error in your treatment of my scalp. As well as your lies, but you may keep those for now, it is your actions that deserve punishment.” The prince leaned closer and quietly demanded, “Apologize.”

Ka’s breath was still fast, glaring himself as he stared back. “Don’t talk about Mei.” Ka’s body was ready for a fight, but held immobile he knew he couldn’t muster any defense. He was still angry though and pride refused to let him back down.

The prince’s hands curled into fists. Ka cringed back more, but then Re was focused on the guard. “Chain him in the courtyard for the night.”

“What?!” Ka’s eyes flew wide, trying again to jerk away. The guard gave a sharp affirmative and was already stepping the other way, pulling Ka with him to the door. The scribe shook his head and still tried to fight. “Wait- no, I am sorry, Re, please.”

The prince stood unmoved, eyes drilling coldly into his pet. “Until sunrise,” he ordered. Then Ka was pulled into the hall, the door shut again as quiet filled the room. Re lifted a hand, rubbing the stinging spot of pain on his scalp. He turned and went to the large window, staring out at the courtyard below. This was risky, he thought. Ka had gone too far, it could not be ignored. This was severe, however, and Re hoped it would not turn his pet against him completely.

Ka fought his captor this time. He tried to get the man off balance or break his hold, but Ka wasn’t in a position to do either and the guard was able to keep him under control without too much fight and only minimal cursing. This wasn’t Tamul, this guard was shorter, though still taller than Ka. He had no qualms giving the scribe a smack to the head to help quiet him before dragging him outside.

The chill of the night air immediately bit into Ka’s skin and he sunk down as if to escape. The guard just shoved him forward, making a direct course for an area near the center of the open space. Ka fixed his gaze on the large statue he was brought too. A goddess of harvest and wealth stood as tall as three men, towering over Ka as he tried to shrink away. The guard gave him another smack as they reached the stone, then hauled his hands forward. There were metal hooks here, sunk into the stone and intended to hold displays. The chain between Ka’s wrists was attached to one of these, then fixed in place with a sturdy metal lock.

The guard finally released him and Ka pulled against the chains instinctively. Everything held firm and he grumbled out a small curse. Then the guard stepped away, taking his scant body heat with him, and Ka shuddered miserably. He couldn’t help but pull again at his hands, but then he just sank down to his knees. This was not what he thought would happen. He hadn’t exactly been thinking when he attacked, there was no logic or plan to it. Still, as his sense returned he had expected to be beaten, Re had threatened just that in the past.

This punishment was rather more sinister. As he was pinned, Ka was able to kneel, resting on his own feet, but with his arms stretched above him and held in place. The warmth of the desert sun was long gone by now and a soft but chill wind whipped through the courtyard, stealing away even his own body heat. Ka huddled beside the statue, trying to be as small as possible to try and get through the night. He was already shivering. Not far away, he could see the guard that had brought him here. He’d been joined by a second and both of them had cloaks over there shoulders. One moved as if drinking something and Ka imagined a warm beverage, spiced and sweet. He groaned miserably and shut his eyes, hoping to simply pass out. A story above, pulling a quilt around his own shoulders, Re settled into the window seat to keep an eye on his pet.


Ka barely managed a fitful doze, shivering badly enough that his teeth chattered. He only managed fleeting moments of sleep, waking each time shuddering from a frigid gust of wind. Every time he looked around his bleary gaze settled on the guards. It seemed like added insult to see these watching men warm and comfortable. Ka tried not to look, but each time he woke he forgot and his eyes would land on them again. The scribe could do nothing but hang his head and pray for morning to come.

It seemed like an eternity before the sky finally began to lighten. Ka practically sobbed with relief, even though it was still some time before the sun itself would rise. That time was spent just as miserably, but each time he woke, the sky was that little bit lighter and Ka knew he would soon be brought back inside.

When the guards finally came over to him, Ka barely had the strength to raise his head. He was exhausted and half frozen and when they undid the lock, his numb arms just fell to his lap. That was actually rather painful and Ka groaned, certain he would finally pass out. The second guard leaned close, proving himself to be Tamul as he muttered, “Idiot. Come on.”

The two guards hauled Ka up to his feet between them. Just straightening out hurt, especially in his weak knee. It was all Ka could do not to scream and he couldn’t support his weight at all. Thankfully he didn’t have to as the guards all but carried him back inside and up the nearest staircase. They reached the prince’s door and Tamul announced them. The prince’s voice replied immediately with a firm, “Bring him in.”

Ka stumbled in between the larger men, bleary gaze searching for the bright red of the prince’s hair. Re was in his bed and the guards came close before stopping, still holding the brunet’s arms. Slowly Re sat up in the bed and pulled the blanket aside. “I hope your night was . . . enlightening. If you have learned your lesson you may join me here.”

Ka was still shivering slightly. His head dropped and he nodded. “Yes, Master, please.” Re nodded to the guards and they brought Ka the last few steps to the bed. They helped him onto the mattress before leaving, Tamul taking an extra moment to retrieve the spare blanket from the window seat.

Ka shuddered once more as the bedding was pulled up over him. His limbs tingled as they regained feeling and blood flow and it only made him feel worse. The scribe curled up, naturally moving closer to the warmth in the bed. When his hands touched warm skin though, he jerked back. “Shh,” Re hushed him and the prince’s hand closed around his. Re pulled the scribe’s hands to his chest, then put his arm around Ka’s shoulders. “I have the heat of the sun, I can spare a bit for you.”

Ka didn’t need to be told a second time, leaning close and greedily soaking in his warmth. Re’s hand shifted, moving to stroke through the other’s hair. Ka’s eyes quickly grew heavy and he felt himself drifting into true sleep at last. Then the prince’s voice came again, soft and gentle. “Next time . . . just tell me no.” He sighed. “I will be disappointed, but I will not have to punish you.” He lightly kissed the other’s head, continuing to stroke his hair until they both dropped into sleep.
