Chapter 26: Airship
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Monkeys exterminated, sire! As it turns out, the monkeys aren't infinite. It's been two hours since we've arrived at the foot of the mountain and were forced into the middle of a skirmish between monkeys, wyverns, and pirates. All the pirates besides the captain are dead, and the wyverns left a long time ago, so it turned into a battle between the monkeys and us. Due to the weak stats of the monkeys,  we basically had Estelle nuke them with her massive INT. It's kind of vexing having a stronger magic user in our team when it's my whole thing, but judging by Estelle's physical prowess, I seem to have the best of both worlds, so maybe I shouldn't complain that much.

I really don't understand how this Earth Magic skill works. Sometimes I can learn spells, sometimes I can't. Sometimes a spell comes to my mind, other times I have to create the spell myself. Sometimes I can do an effect if I think I can do it, other times it doesn't allow it. It's so inconsistent. It's like the Goddess is watching me and choosing what I can do with Earth Magic by rolling a dice. 

Anyways, since there are no more monkeys, we can go into the Forest of Death. Finally, some progress towards the main goal. What's the main goal? Collect all the Masks, obviously. Why? Because I want to know more. 

Before that, however, the airship. After seeing the wyverns run away, the pirates were going to retreat, but I had Bee fly Estelle over onto the ship. From there, they slaughtered all the pirates besides the captain, then Estelle attacked the monkeys from above. Turns out Hivemind's telepathic ability has no range, unlike Telepathy, so I can communicate with Bee anywhere. Not that I remember Hivemind has such an effect since Bee isn't one for conversation, and my mind is always elsewhere. Something about being the cool type, which is something she learnt from that Dungeon Master and his Beekin. It seems they will plague me in ways not involving my new body. Anyways, to the airship!

Bee, can you lift me up to the ship? The rope broke when I tried to climb it. Bee swiftly flew down and knelt down so I could climb up. The flight up to the airship felt slower than when Bee flew Estelle up, but maybe it's my imagination. Oh, what am I saying? It's because I'm a golem. I'm pretty heavy. I'm now curious about the materials this body is made out of. It's still rock since my race is still Rock Golem, but it feels… different, compared to my original body.

We land on the ship, and I take a peek around. It looks like your typical pirate ship, although there's no sail. There were many tiny ship models in the Adventurer's Guild back in that town, and out of curiosity, I studied them from head to toe. I'm guessing there's no need for a sail in the sky. I really want to know how this works, but first, the captain.

"Wait, the maid is a golem? Damnit, this really could've been one hell of a steal. I don't see your leader, though. Where are they, little girl?" The captain, who was tied up at their legs and wrists, was looking all over Bee.

Estelle pointed at me. "Leader."

"The maid? Really?"

Yes, really.

"The fuck? Did it just speak?"

No. I'm using Telepathy.

"Ohohoo… fuck man. Ya really could've been a steal. A shame."

I'll just let you know I'm not actually a maid.

"Explain the maid getup then."

The person who gifted me this body has… a certain taste.

"Ahh… a refined gentleman. Anyways, whaddya need from me? Gotta be a reason y'all left me alive."

I would like an explanation about this airship. I am rather curious about its working.


"Buzz buzz buzz (I wish to destroy this ship)."

"There's food below, and I have no idea what the bee said."

She wants to destroy the ship.

"Fuck that. That bee should just stay put. Now, ya wanted an explanation as to how this flies, right?"


"I've got no fucking clue, mate. All I know is that it floats and that if I ever landed it, I probably won't get it up in the air again."

Did you not scour the ship to find its power source?

"We did that on the first night. There's a door somewhere that we can't open. Tried a bunch of shit, then figured fuck it, it's in the air already, let's keep it that way."

Wouldn't it be fueled by something?

"I dunno, all I know is that it flies."

So how did you get supplies from the ground if you don't land this?

"We've got rope, don't we? Now stop asking these fucking questions. I've got no actual idea 'bout anything besides pirating."

I have one last question.

"Fine then, ask that one, but it better be the last."

How long have you been flying this airship?

"Hmm… I think roughly three months. Why?"

I was just wondering how long this ship could last without maintenance or refuelling. I've learnt that those are important aspects when it comes to preserving ships.

"They sure are. It's why I get me boys to clean the deck. I guess they won't get to complain anymore."

I see. I apologise for slaughtering your men, then.

"Bahaha! An apology to a pirate? That's new. Monsters truly think differently."

They certainly do. The difference in thought processes between the races and monsterkind fascinates me.

"Pfft… you're funny."

Well, I do know an old man who called me entertaining.

"That man knows well. Now then, since this airship has been taken by y'all, I guess that makes you the new captain."


"Haha! She's calling ya captain already. Mighty fine job, captain."

What is it, Estelle?

"Magic power low." What does she mean by that? Her MP is still in the triple digits, and mine is almost back to full. I doubt she's talking about the pirate captain or Bee, they don't use magic. Hmm… what could it be?

At that moment, I felt the ship tilt a little. Then the tilting worsened. The captain, who was still tied up, ended up falling onto me, which made me bump into Estelle. We were fortunately saved by the railings, but that's when it hit me. The airship was going down. Why now of all times?

So I went back and improved the tables of previous chapters, turns out they were terrible. Well, I've only improved the layouts of the tables. As for what's in the tables... maybe later. I've grown a disdain for tables. Well, tables in the Scribblehub Editor. I really hate tables now. I'm not gonna lie, you'll probably end up seeing less and less tables because they're just a pain. Maybe next time I'll write a story that doesn't have a System.