Quest 20: Give A Command
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“[Command Creature]: Fly in a circle while descending until you land,” Robyn mumbled. She could sense her skill activate as a bird flew from the tree behind her. It flew in the air gracefully, making circles as it descended. The bird landed after enough cycles and returned to its previous action. Robyn watched as the creature returned to its nest and loving family. Scenes like these always filled her with homesickness. The others in her team were no different. The four could hide behind their general mission, but each week weighed heavier on their mind.

“Training your skill? I remember when I was first starting out.” A rough-looking man said. Robyn was snapped out of her homely thoughts as the man approached. She’d never met this person before, and she’d definitely remember a man like him. He was extremely handsome. His chiseled facial features left little for a person to critique. Purple-tinted armor hid his well-defined muscles and drew the attention of any creature that could see him. Impressive gems replaced the rivets holding each piece together. The man held no weapon, but he was intimidating enough without one.

“Yeah, I still need to understand how specific I can be with it,” Robyn replied. She was using her free day to test her newest skill. [Command Animal] had evolved when she changed into the class [Creature-Caring Commoner]. Her new skill now encompassed monsters as well as animals. She’d already tested it on the nearby slimes, but the finer details were still lost on her. Was there a time limit on any given command? How specific could a command get? If the target couldn’t complete the command, would it fail or would the creature still try? These questions had to be explored if she was to survive an encounter with a powerful monster or, worse, another sin.

“Greater versions of your skill exist. With enough training, you could probably command people to bend to your will.” The man said with an odd smile. His words had a sense of pride behind them as if he knew of those greater heights from experience. However, that shouldn’t have been possible. A person like that could bring kings to their knees. The system would never allow it. Humans had an upper limit on the level they and their skills could reach.

“That sounds…horrifying,” Robyn replied. She wasn’t sure how to respond. This person was saying terrible things without flinching. Control other people? That was ludicrous. Robyn already had reservations about controlling creatures, so taking over a sentient being would feel even worse. If the skill ever became passive, like Xander’s [Forgettable] or Rex’s [Irresponsible], she’d never be able to speak without forcing a person to do something.

“Is it odd for the strong to control the weak?” The man said with a concerned look. He couldn't comprehend why someone wouldn’t want that power. Strength was everything, especially in a world like theirs. He was prideful to know that he stood well above others. People moved out of his way as he walked with authority. Those with power deserved to rule the world. He always assumed that others felt the same.

“Yeah? In what way is it good?” Robyn said, asking her own questions. Her disbelief was obvious in her voice. She experienced culture shock now and then from this new world, but this man was on a different level. He was like a noble who truly believed he was a gift from god. He didn’t see a problem with stepping on others if it served a purpose.

“I suppose that’s to be expected given your class. However, you’ll need to lose that sentiment if you ever want to gain more power.” The man said with a stern tone. He almost seemed disappointed in Robyn. She had a great power for someone so new to adventuring. [Command Animal] didn’t come easily, and its evolved form was even more challenging to obtain. Robyn was undoubtedly special, which is what confused the man even more. She should be eager to use her skills to their fullest benefit.

“You can see my class?” Robyn asked. She was confused about how that information was known. She understood other people had their own set of skills. The system didn’t only apply to her and her companions. Participants of the Genesis Program were special in that they had accelerated growth and seemingly limitless potential. That was their only difference. The man she was speaking to must have trained all of his life to reach a point where he could tell Robyn’s class at a glance. It was either that or the alternative…

“I have the skill [Analyze]. I use it to see how strong a person is. Your level, class, and skills are all on display for me to view…as well as something a bit more interesting.” The man said. A smile grew along his face as reality dawned on Robyn.

The two fell silent. All was still. Even the wind stopped blowing for the briefest of moments. Neither looked at each other, but the gears in their minds were turning. A single bird chirped and acted as the signal for action to commence.

“[Command Creature]: Attack this man!” Robyn ordered. She could feel her initial fear of the man rising. He wasn’t just odd. He was inhuman. Robyn gave her command the leaped back, trying to put as much distance between her and the man as possible.

Birds shot from every tree. Insects rose from the ground. Small woodland critters got involved, but nothing worked. The man was too powerful. He wasn’t fazed in the slightest by their attempts. In fact, he was even a bit disappointed. Robyn could have given a more specific command. Had she did, he may have needed to offer the slightest bit of resistance.

“Pathetic,” the man grimaced. He was hoping for more of a challenge. Too bad he was going against someone with an incredibly low level. His expectations may have been a bit too high, but that was to be expected. The man compared Robyn to himself due to her extraordinary skills. That was his mistake. No one in the world could compare to him.


“Now then, chosen hero of the voice. You will lead me to the one that killed Envy, whether you like it or not.” The embodiment of pride said with a smile. He closed the gap between him and Robyn in an instant. A firm hand gripped her neck and raised her off the ground. Robyn couldn’t fight against Pride’s growing strength.

All she could do was utter a few words.