13- Let’s play!
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In front of the hospital were Jacob, Sophia, inside the car, while Catarina was outside vomiting everything she had eaten, but that wasn't the only thing, as the car was now full of new dents, scratches on the bodywork, broken glass, a flat tire and the absence of a trunk lid.

“W-Well, we can have another class during the day, but you won't get behind the wheel. OK?? UNDERSTOOD?"


"BLERRGH!" At that moment, two doctors finally left concerned, while one went to help Catarina, the other headed towards the car.

“Hey! All right with you!? It was an accident? Is anyone injured?"

“Yes…more hurt than we'd like. By the way... do you redeploy lost limbs?”

"Damn it! So serious!? Hey you, take her inside and prepare the operating room!”

"OK! Let's go, Miss!"

"Sir, do you have the missing limb!?"

"Well... I just managed to find the thumb, and the pinky." Upon saying this, Jacob reached into his pocket, and withdrew his fingers that were slightly purple there, and showed it to the doctor, earning a little squeak from Anna. "Does this work?"


"Huh... Ah... W-... Well, we would need the rest... A-And the members would have to be in a cold container and fresh..."

“OH! Well then I don't need it.” *Put in glove box*

“A-Ah… Sir, are you sure about that? I mean, it's fingers after all..."

“Boy, kid. It's just fingers that can't even be reimplanted, don't get attached to these things, now help me here, I think had already lost an 800ml of blood, but on the trip here, I think I lost some 360ml. And I think Mr. Kangaroo will be mad at us if I lose any more.”

“Mr. Kangaroo... ?"

"Yes, he's back there." *Points* “Hey! Look at the swear words around a lady!"

“. . .Right. . . I'm thinking you lost more than 1,160L ​​of blood, excuse me young lady, could you come along and bring your fingers?"

“Anna, don't do this! No, wait... Yes, bring it, I don't want my car to stink, we can put them in the freezer in there.”


"Damn! Okay, I will! Why so much fuss about two fingers!? If you had even seen what I've already seen, you would have vomited her up to your organs! Hey, do me a favor? Take that money, and call a trailer to take that head to the police station and look for Sophia, and she'll settle the rest.”

"Yes sir! Now... can we for God's sake go into the hospital, and take care of you!?”


night-next day


"As you can imagine, it's impossible to reimplant the lost limb, after all, it doesn't even exist, which gives you two choices, crutches or prosthetics." The doctor in the room told Catarina, Sophia and the two sisters- *RONC!*- forget it, just Catarina and Sophia, while Jacob was still sedated in bed.

"Okay, you can prepare the surgery for the prosthesis, and don't worry about it, I'll bring a prosthesis the day after tomorrow!" –Sophia

“But I can't do this without the patient's opinion! It's unethical!”

"And who prefer crutches?" –Sophia (Sorry about that! I know it's not always an option, I hope I don't offend anyone!)

“That's not the point! Leaving this type of option for the patient to choose brings a good kind of feeling, which helps when accepting the loss of a limb! (I have no idea what I just wrote.) So, until he wakes up, I refuse to release an operating room for him! Ah! I almost forget, there are two people in suits outside. Do I let them in?”

“Huh? Oh, okay, let them in, please.”

Upon leaving with Sophia's confirmation, two women entered the room, while the second carried a folder under her arms.

"Good evening, allow me to introduce ourselves, I'm Adelaide, and my partner here is Joyce." -Adelaide

"Hello! We came here on behalf of OTTO Defenses.” -Joyce

"Where did I hear that name from?" -Catherine

“From yesterday's incident involving Jacob in a coma? You really can't remember names, huh?” –Sophia

"Yeah...I think I'll make an appointment about it later." -Catherine

"And what does your company have to discuss with us?" –Sophia

“A compensation for what happened, and we would like the head of the UndI-692 unit. After all, it's still our property, but as a bonus, if they return the head to us, they can receive a 10% increase on the original compensation amount.” -Adelaide

"If we refuse compensation, can we keep our heads?" -Sophia- As soon as the question was asked, the air around the two women changed to a little more aggressive.

“I fear this is not possible, as has been said before, it is our property. And while we have every right to simply take what is ours, we are giving you this unique chance. So we ask that you… think very… wisely!” -Joyce

“. . . Understand. . . We can deliver it to you tomorrow at one o'clock in the afternoon. What about?" –Sophia

"Excellent! So how about we do it like this? You give us your head tomorrow, and we will give you compensation at the time of the exchange.” -Adelaide

“. . .Right. See you." -Catherine

"Goodbye! Have a great night!” –Adelaide- *Leaves the room.*

“. . .”

“. . .Catarina, I think something is not right. What do you think?"

"You think? I'm sure there's something going on."

"Catarina, I need you to do something."


Following day.


A stunnned Jacob in the morning was lying down, refusing to open his eyes was waking up and mumbling some nonsense. "Hng... What a hospital smell..."

". . ."

“. . .This smell is too realistic for my taste.”

"Of course, it would be weird if the hospital reeked of one pub, 'Dad'."

“Sweet as always, Denisa! My jacket is in the car, could you bring it for me?"

“Huh? But why?"

"It has a canteen full of my favorite drink!"

“Are you really going to drink now? Here at the hospital?”

* Intense stares. * "I lost a foot, I want to drink."

“Okay, I get it, it was a stupid question. If Anna comes back before me, say you woke up after 10Am, okay?”

"Let me guess... a bet?"

"Yes, she bet before 10Am."

"And what are you betting on?"

Hearing Jacob's question, Sophia blushed heavily and stuttered as she spoke, and ended up releasing more information than she should.

"Girls stuff! You do not need to know! It's not like we bet a sex toy-AH!! FORGET THE LAST PART! AND DON'T FORGET TO TELL HER THAT I WON!!” *GET OUT OF THE ROOM IN A RUSH!*

“. . .They are growing so fast. I'm so proud! . . . Right... *Picks up a paper, Write, write.* How would I stay here...” While trying to get out of bed, Jacob found himself in trouble with a few issues, one of them being; how to get out of there? After all, getting around right after losing a foot wouldn't be possible for normal human beings- 'WAIT!... I almost forget he's from another world... Well, getting back on track...' After fighting to stay Standing with the help of the IV pole, Jacob slowly left the room, getting used to his body's disturbed balance, when he stopped when he heard voices in the background.

"Damn it! Where is he!?"

“He can't have gone far without afoot! Find him, fuck!"

"Did he leave any clues behind!?"


“. . .”

“. . .”

“. . .”

They stayed be like this for a LONG time.

“Well, I have to be really stealthy from now on! Let the games begin."

(Imagine it as one of those comic scenes from the cartoons, where Jacob is chased everywhere while hilarious things happen, like one of the stalkers mistakenly entering women's clothing and getting beaten up, Jacob almost getting caught for stopping to peeking at women's clothing, some hapless being pushed through the second-floor window, anyway, you get the picture. This was way better than my initial drafts for this scene, and I got tired of erasing and rewriting the exact same thing over and over for 2 DAYS!! Use your imaginations! LAZY! And I'm not a hypocrite!)

"Huff... Huff... How can a Huff guy... without a foot be... Huff... faster than us?"

"Damn...I'm 45...HUFF...HUFF...I'm too old for that...HUFF...HUFF...Don't count on me for that..."


At that moment, the sound system that was silent, finally gave sign of life.


“. . .How did he get up to the eighth floor if the elevators are being serviced today?”