14- “. . .HOLY CRAP!!”
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Uma hora depois, Jacob estava sentado na maca, enquanto o médico estava sentado à sua frente em um banquinho de metal, e nas mãos ele tinha uma caneta e uma prancheta, no quarto estavam Catarina, Denisa e Anna.

"Eu não posso negar que apesar do alvoroço que você causou, é bom ver que você está se adaptando, agora vamos conversar, ok?"


“O primeiro da lista seria como você está, mas já percebi que você está muito animado, então podemos pular este. Hmm ... Você sente algum tipo de desconforto ou alguma coisa na área operada? "

"Hum não ...? Oh! Espere ... Não, não é um incômodo."

"Huh-uh... *Write, write* OK, the third topic, what's that, and what was it doing inside your leg?" Saying this, the doctor put his left hand towards one of his coat pockets, and from there took out a luminous stone and held it with his thumb and forefinger.

Seeing the stone in the doctor's hand, Jacob looked towards Catarina, who was shooting him with questioning eyes before standing up and extending his hand to the doctor, who easily handed it over without knowing the value of what he had in hand.

"Is there any more?"-Catarina

"NO-" -Jacob

"Yes, there are eight more spread all over the body, except for the head." -Doctor

"Damn it! Fish and X9(squealer) die through the mouth! And how do you know that!?” -Jacob


"Why the hell did you get a full-body x-ray if my FOOT problem was!?"

"...Force of habit." Despite the calm way of speaking, the doctor was sweating, and shaking slightly, and kept averting his eyes.

"Tell me, this 'strength of habit' of yours... it's also called 'GOVERNMENT ORDERS'?"

“W-What!? N-No!”

"...I understand, so they don't trust Sophia enough, and when an opportunity arises, they won't miss it."

“Hey, can we get back to the 'NOW' business? Why the hell are there so many of these inside you, if according to what you've told us, it's too restricted?” Jacob didn't say anything just looked at the occupants in the room, and looked at Catarina again, who quickly got the message. "Could you leave the room for a moment, please?"

The government doctor/spy, clearly hesitant, left the room, followed by the sisters, and after waiting a few minutes in silence, Jacob finally spoke.

“...Damn... I was a... 'semi-spy-traitor'? Whatever the name, you just need to understand that I smuggled Eternium from my country to others! I had a high-level scientific contact, who had the same ideals as me, and that's why I passed the Eternium.”

"And what would these ideals be?"

“That we shouldn't have a monopoly on the ore. While people were starving and cold because they had nowhere to shelter at night, we preferred to create weapons of mass destruction. It didn't even cross the minds of our leaders to shut down the energy companies and supply them for free and use the money for something else. It got to the point of being an unequal resistance fight, where our 'enemies' could not even destroy our armored vehicles. We just…were a one-sided massacre.”

"...I get it... But where does the Eternium come in?"

“I smuggled them in, with weapons blueprints at long ranges, like an electromagnetic cannon. What do you think happened?”

“A decrease in conflicts. After all, what is the use of fighting with countries that have military power as similar and dangerous as yours? ”

“Heh! You get things fast huh? And as far as the top echelon noticed these weapons, they will decrease the military onslaught by 80%, and so a less bloody war has taken the place of the last one. Of course, it wasn't like a thousand wonders, as we turned our weapons to smaller, neutral countries, stole their resources. The war really serves to see how everyone around you faces ... ”

After Jacob unburdened himself, the atmosphere in the room quickly turned dark, giving Catarina time to analyze each information that was said, and silence remained in the room for a few minutes, before Jacob got up with the help of a crutch, walked to the door as complained.

"Shit! I was in a bad mood! And since it's your curiosity to blame, you buy yourself a drink and don't even think I'm going to want a low-alcohol one. ”

"Right. Ah! I was about to forget, you were demoted. Apparently, the superiors didn't like his live show. ”


"Do you think this has already been reported to them?"

“Of course it was reported! They want these ores, right? ”

"Yeah, but don't you think they're already retired from inside you while you were out?"

“. . . SHIT! ”

"Let's drink soon..."
“. . .Right... Wait, you didn't say where I was assigned! ”

"Ah... You're right, you're going to-"

5 days later.

It was 6 am, and the two girls were quietly eating breakfast while watching TV, until the younger looking one, with certain sleepiness in her voice, said:

"Hey, won't he be late if he doesn't get out of bed too late?"

"Yes... Odd or even?"


“Ok, odd. 3...2..1.GO! ARGH! ”


"Don't even think about eating my toast!"

"Hai, Hai!"

On the way up the stairs, she stopped at the second door in the hallway, and without any consideration, she just kicked the door open, creating a huge bang! Revealing a male figure under the sheets.

“. . . *snoring*. . . *snoring*. . . ”

Realizing that the noise was not as effective as expected, she quickly collected herself, took a few steps back, and ran into the bedroom and when she got close enough to the bed, she jumped while giving a scream similar to a battle cry, and fell down. on top of the male figure that woke a grunt.


"If it takes too long, you'll be late for the new job, the coffee is on the table, so hurry up." Saying this, she got out of bed and opened the back of the room, before retiring, leaving a person completely bewildered in the morning in bed, who got up minutes after the 'Walking Alarm Clock' left the room, but when he was about to walk, lost his balance and fell on the bed.

"Damn, I forgot to turn this thing on." As he said this, Jacob bent down and lifted the hem of his pants, revealing a matte black prosthesis with a bluish circular button, which when pressed turned purple. That done, Jacob got up once more and walked down the stairs.


The appearance of Jacob's prosthesis








“Yawwn~~~. Damn, my back is going to hurt for the rest of the day... Good morning Anna...”

“Good morning~~!”

"No good morning for me?"
“More than literally a few minutes ago? Not."


“Hm? Which?"

"No need to worry about that."

--~~-~~-- 40 minutes later ---~~-~~--

“Now, can you explain to me again, what is the supposed reason, that being the escort of a vehicle, with multiple criminals, is a position considered as demotion, Catarina?”

"Well, generally, when some of the special forces agents don't meet certain parameters, get old, or retire for various reasons, they're sent to escort prisoners, until one day, some high-ranking special forces idiot, decided and spread the idea, whoever was from the special forces, and was transferred to the escort, was being demoted, and it is like that until today.”

"I must say... that was one of the biggest nonsense I've ever heard in my life."

“And I completely agree with you. Oh, we've arrived at our destination. Good morning everyone, what's the load today?”

“*SIGH DISAPPOINTED* Take a look, Boss.”

“S-aquilo ... COMO SÃO TANTOS PRISIONEIROS DE ALTO NÍVEL EM APENAS UMA LISTA ?! E COM UM ESCORT PADRÃO !? Esta lista já foi verificada com os supervisores? "

“Sim, senhora, e recebemos as seguintes ordens; 'Siga com o transporte normalmente'. ”

“'Normalmente' eles dizem, hein? Ok, caramba! Você vai torcer para que nada dê errado. "

"Você realmente disse isso ao meu lado ... Sabendo que estarei literalmente no mesmo transporte em uma hora?"

“. . .Puta merda!!"