15- Start Operation
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30 minutes later.

“Right, new blood, our way of working might look easy…But it might kill you the first chance it comes, so grab your stuff and get ready! Doubts?"

In front of Jacob was a tall man, wearing a white ski mask, while wearing an orange helmet, and a black bulletproof vest, which matched his shirt, pants, and boot, and in his hands, it had a set similar to the one he was wearing, and a semiautomatic one, except that the set didn't have a shirt, just a boot, and the helmet was yellow in color. And behind him was a small tactical unit of five men, in the same garb, and with helmets of different colors, three brown, one beige, and one yellow.

"Yes... What's with the colored helmet, and what's your name?"

“Superiority, which means you are under my orders, you are on an equal footing with him, and you are superior to them. But since you're new here, let me give you a tip... they hate people who use contacts to gain positions. Orthen, that's my name.”

Hearing the 'friendly tip', Jacob leaned slightly to the right, and looked behind Orthen to five pairs of eyes with varying feelings in each, focused on him, gazes to which he responded with a slight nod of hand. Straightening to face Orthen, Jacob cracked a small smile.

"Well, I just want you to know... I suck at taking orders."

"Oh... I see... Glad I have plenty of time to discipline you."

“Pff-HAHAHA!! Understood, old man.”


“And why the hell does you think I'm a… 'old man'!?”

"The way you behave gave you away, old man."

“. . .”

"Pfff~~ He got you, Orthen."

"Shut up, Catarina... where do you get me these problems?"

"Now Orthen, did you forget that every single one of the problems I got you was an uncut gem?"

“Refresh my old memory with a drink tonight. But until then, I'll be cutting this new 'jewel' of yours.”

“. . .Hey... Are you guys doing this on purpose? I'm still here."

"And what are you still doing here, and you didn't go change clothes, new blood?"

“You didn't say I could go, much less say where I have to change. Sir."

“. . .Funny. Second door on the left, turning right."

"I will be back in a moment. But I refuse to have to wear this colorful little preschool hat.”

"You know."


20 minutes later.


"Okay boy, some tips on the first day, you can even talk to one of the loads, never reveal personal information that relates to work, never reveal your face to any of the loads in transport, and as is predictable, don't reveal information about the other agents. Doubts?"

"Yes sir."

"Fine, I don't mind, and it looks like the cargo has arrived."

"Well, at least now I know what that load is."

In front of Jacob and Orthen was a large group of prisoners, arranged in four equal ranks, who were being escorted by 'brown helmets'. And right behind them, in came a muscular black man, 3m tall, with scars on his face, on his wrists he had chains 4 centimeters thick, which connected to another chain on the man's ankles. The man was at gunpoint from two rifles as he was guided by the rest of the escort team.

"All right folks, when we've finished the transport preparations, we'll leave immediately."

“Aren't you going to say anything about that guy's size? He's huge, if he's that size, imagine the 'equipment' he has, I knew a girl who would love to 'have a cup of 'coffee' with him.”

"I pray to god my daughter doesn't know this guy."

"Hahaha! Instead… why don't you introduce me to her?”

"You!? I will not introduce you to my daughter if you go the way I imagine, you will die before you reach my age.”

"As if I want to live to be 300 years old."

After this little interaction between the two, they walked towards the long armored vehicle while laughing and joking.


(??? POV)


Location: UNKNOWN.

In a shed, a large group of people with 'unsuspect equipment' were getting ready for a good old 'Bulk Party', in a corner of the place, there were 4 people in front of the computers until one of them got up and he yelled to the rest of the staff.

“TARGET IN MOTION! Starting operation: DELTA-TANGO-948-BRAVO-39166-ALFA-ZULU!”

“*Whisper* Hey, who named the operation?*Whisper*”

"Sigh, 'THEY', named the operation." Saying this, he looked elsewhere in the shed, where he had several toys, video games and treats, and two children. Of course, this could even be 'normal', if not for the characteristics of children. They were two almost identical twins, as one had long blond hair, indicating that he was female, the boy had a horn on his forehead on the left side, and his left eye was red, and the left was blue. These same characteristics served the girl, only the order was reversed.


(Brother POV)


"Tex~~, I'm bored~~~!"

“No need to worry~~~, Wyo! Soon, she'll be free to play with us a lot!"

"You're right, Tex!"

As the twins interacted with each other, a team took off in a freighter helicopter, which just below had a powerful looking magnet, flew and headed towards a destination...

...the transport of prisoners.