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We are in the distant past, in a forest where a large number of people were on their knees weeping silently as if not to disturb the world around them. They murmured prayers and spells to accompany many bright little beings in their vain quest to help an old man avoiding him in the air as carried by the wind yet then nonexistent. The old man seemed serene, so serene that an outsider might have thought that he was asleep and not that his very existence with Gaia's help was flying to another world where he could live a completely different life. Slowly for the last time he opened blind eyes that nevertheless admired the world in a way that only he can. Then said: 


"My dear children, fear not.... 


All looked up with hope at him. 


I know that the events of the last few weeks have marked you, they have all marked us... We have lost children, mother, father, brother, friends, I hope to be the last to be forced to leave because of these tragedies... of our mistakes... It won't be the first or last... But did not lose hope ... do not forget the prophecy, there will be a person capable of saving us... to enlighten us... will be a child, the purest of children. With a huge heart and full of generosity. It will defend the darkness that has been devouring us for far too long. My children you like me know that the earth in wonder, fantastic animals the people, unicorns, Faes, dragons, phoenix. And even elves, goblins, giants, dwarfs, we men and many other species and ethnicity whose existence we do not know. We also know that it is populated by creatures that are the perfect opposite of the one I quoted. But in the meantime this child you must, stayed.... United... You have to.... not.... Let.... Darkness... Pervert your heart... 


The old man's breathing was getting more and more jerky. Then slowly he began to disappear seeming to disappear from this world as if there had never existed, before leaving completely, he cast a spell on the tree of the Faes that overhanging him helping all the people present so that this spell could matter no matter the passing of time will last. So that when the elect are finally born, he will be carried to the one who will guide him to those who can protect and guide him. The old man finally disappeared, leaving behind beings who will wait for a long time for the savior they had been told. 

Hello guys, thanks for reading the prologue of my novel I think adding a new chapter quickly, but English is not my natal language and I should translate the novel before posting for you. Please say my if I should correct anything. Next chapter, we meet the protagonist so wait and see.  BYE BYE