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Feng Luotian silently yet entertainingly read the information in front of him.

Although Kronos's Bloodline Sensing feature could provide him intel about the bloodline's ability of everyone he met, it only gave him a rough idea of what their ability could do.

However, after forming a party, he could see the numeric value and the fundamental formula of how ability worked. Bloodline Sensing feature was already unheard of, the feature this time was even more heaven-defying. Probably, even the owners of the abilities did know such information.

For example, Feng Luotian was living with Mei Yue'er for centuries in his past life yet he only knew that the clones would get stronger as she leveled up in cultivation. He did not know exactly how stronger they would be.

Seeing that Feng Luotian became completely quiet after joining their party, Mei Yue'er and Sun Wuji began to worry, so they asked: "What's wrong?"

Feng Luotian woke up: "Nothing. It's just that after linking Theríon, I could sense both of your bloodlines and abilities."

Sun Wuji waved his hand, not believing his friend in the slightest: "Blah!! Another bullshit!! Even the most clarification item on earth could not tell one's ability. How could you do that?"

Feng Luotian spread his hands: "It's the truth."

Sun Wuji did not believe him at all and did not want to continue bickering either: "Are you done daydreaming? Because I'd like to go now as we don't have much time, to begin with."

Feng Luotian: "Okay. Let's go. I will lead the way to the strongest clone."

Before they departed, Sun Wuji suddenly asked: "Why didn't you tell us from the start? That way, we can fight together and maybe we can obtain points faster than this."

Feng Luotian answered: "I went to send Mei Hongli out before coming here."

Mei Yue'er was astonished and thought: "So, you have become this strong already." She knew that although Mei Hongli was so lazy in his cultivation, he was still a true Seven Fangs Fighter. Defeating Mei Hongli without getting any injuries told her that Feng Luotian in front of her was not the weakling who needed her protection anymore.

Sun Wuji was also surprised: "You sent him out? I see. So that's why his scores have stopped increasing for some time."

Feng Luotian explained: "With his way of cheating if we let him be, we won't be able to catch up to his score, even after we defeat the strongest clone."

Sun Wuji: "Couldn't you just tell us what you planned to do?"

Feng Luotian chuckled: "Isn't it cooler and more dramatic this way?"

Mei Yue'er and Sun Wuji rolled their eyes.

Feng Luotian smiled: "Come on, let's go!!" Although he gave them such an irresponsible answer, the real reason was that he did not want them to waste their time hunting cheaters and losing points in the process.

Feng Luotian's party had reached the plateau in the northern area of the exam site when about fifteen minutes had left. They chose not to use any skill that boosted their traveling speed because they would like to reserve their Theríon for the final battle. That was the reason why they took a little more than ten minutes to reach here.

Once they had reached the vast plateau in the northern section of the exam site, they noticed that they were not the only party aiming to defeat the strongest clone.

Next to the vast plateau, a little bit to the south of it, there were numerous huge ancient broken walls and buildings where one could hide and observe the situation at the plateau.

At that place, there were several figures watching a scene, including Ying Lizhua. This particular scene they were watching was where a party was currently fighting one clone.

That party consisted of fifty people, led by He Chen, the third young master of the He clan.

So, there was really someone who grouped and aimed to pass the exam together just by defeating this five-thousand-point clone.

When they had determined the location of the clone, all fifty cultivators in the party headed straight to the northern area. However, they were not just traveling without fighting other clones.

If they came into contact with one, fifty of them would storm the target without delay, saving them from having any casualties.

This party was mostly made of Two Fangs to Four Fangs. And He Chen was only a Six Fangs Fighter. Even though the cultivation of each member in the party was not high, with the number advantage, they could defeat the higher-level clone with ease.

Although the points gained from defeating the normal clones were so negligible as they needed to share points among fifty people, they still got some points.

That was why they were all placed at 25th rank on the scoreboard.

However, within the fifty-man party, not a single person cared about what ranking they would get on the scoreboard. They only cared about one thing: to defeat the five-thousand-point clone and pass the exam.

That was their main goal when they grouped together.

Unfortunately, after meeting the clone they were waiting for, only despair was present in their mind as their foe was much stronger than expected.

They had been at it for about ten minutes now.

They used their abilities and skills to continuously disable the clone from moving and attacking, but the damages done to it were so insignificant that there was still no noticeable scratch on the clone at all.

Currently, the party's overall Theríon was about to run out.

That was when Feng Luotian's party reached the scene.

After noticing the strongest clone's stat, Feng Luotian gave out a wry smile along with dry chuckles.

Feng Luotian: "Hehe. And I thought that I've already prepared my mind to face the worst. The Second Elder is even more heartless than I thought."


Name: Mei Hongyi

Level: Three Talons


Sun Wuji took a huge sigh: "A Three Talons clone. How could we ever beat something like that? Even more than that, how could someone with lower cultivations than us have the nerve to challenge it? Do they not know about the suppressive principle?"

Mei Yue'er commented: "They might be blinded by their drive to pass the exam."

Feng Luotian nodded: "Yes, at least their courage is commendable."

[Suppressive Principle] was used as the term to tell those with lower cultivations to think carefully before eventually attacking someone with higher cultivation.

[Suppressive Principle] said that: when attacking, using skills or abilities on a higher-level cultivator, then the damage, debuff effect, and duration would be reduced. The wider the gap between the cultivations of attacker and defender was, the more reduction was applied.

For example, if a Three Fangs Fighter was to attack one of Five Fangs, their original damage would be divided by two. When attacking the Six Fangs Fighter, the damage would be divided by three.

Even if the gap was just one level, the suppressive principle was still there to reduce some of the damage.

And in this scenario, the strongest person in the fifty-man party was at Six Fangs, while their opponent was at Three Talons. That was seven levels different.

Moreover, just the normal defense of those at Three Talons alone would be enough to completely negate all damages of normal attacks from a cultivator of Seven Fangs and lower.

They would have to use their skills or abilities to increase their attack several folds before they could even deal some damage. Following that, the damage would be reduced again by the [Suppressive principle].

Even in this better case of a scenario where the illusion clone did not have a regenerative capability, they could only deal so little damage after fighting for so long.

If they were to fight a real cultivator at Three Talons with some regenerative ability, even if they were to attack for eternity without their opponent retaliating back, they would still not be able to finish the job.

Currently, the fifty-man party was at its limit as the Theríon of the party members was about to run out. Everyone witnessing this knew what would happen when the clone was out of disabling skills.

Suddenly, He Chen with his cultivation as a Six Fangs Fighter shouted: "Anyone who is not responsible for disabling the clone and has some skills to increase attack, please use those skills on me. Afterward, everyone, please pour all of the remaining Theríon to me. I will deliver the finishing strike with everything we have got."

With their leader's command, they immediately followed.

After the attacking buff, He Chen's attack was now increased by a dozen folds. And after all of the party members poured their remaining Theríon to him, with his ability, he could turn those Theríon into attacking damage, his body glowed in dazzling silver light.

He Chen unsheathed his rapier from the scabbard, positioning it in front of him while closing his eyes. The silver light covering his body was gradually poured into the rapier. He Chen roared: "With this, it will be defeated in a single strike!! [Divine Rapier]!!"

After the shout for his skill, He Chen explosively dashed out and charged straight to the clone. The devastating force he displayed had convinced those who were seeing this that he could obliterate anything on impact.