Chapter 3
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A loud shot could be heard before Alex himself looked for where the bullet had gone and after tracking where the gun was aimed he ended up looking towards his sister who was now on the floor holding her shoulder in pain.




Before he could even finish speaking his sister's name however Alex was pushed to the floor and before he could process what just happened he saw the barrel of a gun pointed right in between his eyes.


“Fucking little shit!” The man said while gritting his teeth 


Those were the last words Alex heard before hearing the man cock his gun one last time, hearing one final *Bang* and just like that he woke up here. He wasn’t even sure if his sister was still alive or not all he was left with was the feeling of both fear and regret with how things turned out the fear that his sister was dead and the regret of not being able to do more.


This was his easiest memory to recall not just because it was the most recent but because it was his greatest regret at first it was all he could think about feeling only fear and worry for his sister but after what felt like years had passed he later convinced himself it wasn’t his fault and everything was fine now and gradually forgot not only his previous life but also his past hobbies, interests, friends even what his personality was like the only thing remaining and keeping himself going was fear, the fear of forgetting what he once cared for and becoming completely numb.


But no matter how much he’s forgotten or how much he continues to forget he’ll continue clinging to the feeling that he took for granted when he was still alive, the feeling of being alive and content no matter what, he wouldn’t let himself forget it and drift away.


Then suddenly as if his thoughts and prayers had been answered Alex saw something he hadn’t seen in what felt like forever “Light” and a blinding one at that.


It shined brighter than anything he had seen before and spread further than he ever thought possible then suddenly without warning he was pulled towards it.


his mind was then filled with many ideas and theories of what exactly was happening. Was he going to heaven, hell? Was he being revived by someone or something? Or was it all just an illusion created by a madman, just somebody who had clung so tightly to hope that his mind created himself some, he didn’t know. 


The only thing he did know however was that whatever was happening he’d know the answer soon enough having almost been pulled completely towards the source of the light and as he got closer and closer something strange happened, his senses were returning slowly but surely things like touch, hearing and his sense of smell, things he hadn’t had in what felt like forever were returning.


He could feel a tight and soft numbness squeezing his arms, hear what sounded like calls in the distance as if someone was trying to get his attention and finally although his sense of smell wasn’t fully back yet it got stronger as he got closer to the light and could smell something that he didn’t recognise but found pleasant if he had to describe it a word he’d use would be, simple.


Then as he reached the source suddenly everything stopped working it was as if everything he had just experienced was some cruel joke but before he could stop to feel sorry for himself everything had returned and multiplied greatly.


The light now irritated him forcing him to squint and let his eyes adjust, his hearing was now much better hearing multiple voices around him and although he wasn’t sure exactly what they were saying it was much clearer than before, his sense of touch was better as well feeling something warm and soft like a blanket wrapped around him and while trying to test his sense of smell by sniffing for the first time in forever something shocking happened, instead of getting a better idea of what the smell was he instead took his first breath in what felt like forever.


After lying there stunned for a few moments processing all of this new information his eyes began to adjust and suddenly he had far more new information that he had to process.


After looking around the room he saw a group of people hovering above him some were talking to each other paying little attention to him while others were just staring at him which made him a little uneasy.


He then tried lifting his head but could only manage a little bit he then took in more of his surroundings noticing he was in a small room that was almost completely empty with the exception of a few candles and blankets.


He then rested his head back down feeling surprisingly exhausted but moving on from that after taking everything into account the strange room, size difference and the fact that he could barely move Alex had come to the conclusion that he had been reincarnated and although he wasn’t quite sure what that meant just yet he didn’t care he was just happy to experience something different.


And with that Alex rested his head on the cushioning placed under him, closed his eyes and went to sleep for the first time in what felt like forever.