Vol 7: Epilogue – Martel
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“Are you sure about this?” Turner, director of SUMA, the UN organization that dealt with criminal activity regarding SUPERs, asked.

Currently, both himself and Marty were privately meeting as Marty had wanted to provide him with some information.

“Given this conversation, M intercepted, it should be over 96% possible.”

The conversation in question was the leader of the Hero Association conversing with someone who was implied to be the leader in the Villain Association.

“Although the conversation portrayed the two of them as equals, I don’t think this is the case. It should not be thought of as the Hero Association leader conspiring with the Villain Association, but that they are the same origin.”

“For what cause?”

“Power. By controlling the villains, the mastermind obtains a lot of manpower that will be easy to control with the promise of benefits and threats of exposure. By controlling the heroes, he gains information to blackmail them. How easy will it be for the mastermind to control the information and deployment of heroes so that the villains can get away with occasionally lucky schemes? How easily will it be to misinform them that someone who is hindered by villains is a bad guy? Moreover, they help each other.

“Organized criminal activity will help perpetuate the need for the Hero Association as most police and government forces will be inefficient against large amounts of SUPERs. Conversely, the Hero Association will also make it more difficult for solo criminals encouraging them to join the Villain Association. The result will be a consolidation of power in both the Hero and Villain Association’s, enhancing the mastermind’s power.”

“Isn’t that really bad?” Turner asked, obviously nervous about Marty’s revelation.

“Of course it is, but there is little that we can do unless we take out the mastermind first, and that will be nearly impossible.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because I can say with approximately 87% certainty that the mastermind behind the scene is Legion, leader of Hydra.”

“What! How could it be him? Does it not go against his profile? Wouldn’t he be more upfront?”

Marty shook his head. “Typically, yes. However, he’s always had a habit of doing things behind the scenes. He only allows Hydra to openly act when he does not perceive them to be a disadvantage. I believe he is from Earth and will have some sentimentality towards his organization, so he will be more careful. Especially because M and his Adamantine Knight take out several Hydra bases.”

“Since M is doing that, why is it impossible to capture Legion?”

Marty made a bitter smile. “Besides the fact that he seems to be able to travel between realities, and he is insanely powerful. Although we do not know how strong, it’s safe to say he exceeds SSS rank.”

Turner furrowed his brows. “Doesn’t that make him beyond our current capabilities?”

“Completely. He doesn’t intervene personally because of his creed, but also because any big movements may bring powerful Supers that he is not aware of yet. I believe gathering the strength level of the SUPERs on Earth is also part of his objective for creating the Hero and Villain Associations.”

“I guess we can only take a wait-and-see approach towards him.”

“Unfortunately. Patience is the best course of action so we can catch them all at once. Keep this to yourself as I believe he has ears within SUMA.”

“I understand.”


“Marty, there you are.” Mr. Smith said when Marty came to the University.

“Mr. Smith, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Your new identification went through I thought I’d personally deliver it.” Mr. Smith said with a smile as he handed Marty a package.

“So it’s official then. I suppose Freyja will be relieved.” He mumbled as he held an ID card.


In a fancy building of medieval design, sat an elderly looking man in an office. His clothing was white and adorned with patterns that indicated his position. As he was mulling over some paperwork, a masked man suddenly appeared. The older man’s eyes went wide in surprise, but they soon narrowed. “Legion, huh, it’s been a while.”

“How long? This is the only world I’ve been to where the pace of time fluctuates.”

“Almost 200 years.”

Legion’s eyes narrowed. “Oh? Are any of the last generation heroes still alive, or have they all died of old age?”

The older man made a wicked smile as his body radiated purple energy, and his eyes became dark. “Or they were killed, silently.”

Legion did not reply but took a good look over the older man. “Are you going for irony? A demon playing Pope?”

“I thought it was poetic when I obtained the information of Catholicism from a tortured Unchosen when trying to learn more about their world, your world. It’s surprising. A religion that focuses on the weapons of the goddesses growing faster than the religion of the goddesses themselves. I have so many fervent believers willing to do my bidding without questioning it. So many fools are willing to do atrocious things for their faith without realizing there helping the very enemies of their goddesses.”

“Speaking of which, the next Invasion should be soon, yes?”

“Indeed. Moreover, our King will soon come personally and take this world. So, Legion, we’ve always had a non-interference policy with Hydra. Won’t you come under our King? I’m sure he will value someone of your ability.”

Legion smiled, but his eyes weren’t laughing. Suddenly, everyone within miles felt as if a giant weight pressed on the top of their heads. However, this was nothing compared to what the older man, who bore the brunt of it, felt. The older man grunted as he was pressed down to the ground before his body slightly swell and changed to that of a monster.

Seeing the prostrating demon, Legion nodded. “You have some gall. You’re nothing more than a human who sold his soul to become a demon. You are the lowest of their race. Not even many pureblood demons dare to act arrogant in front of me.”

“Pure- pureblood demons?” The demon asked with a stutter from fear.

“Yes. I’ve met many pureblood demons; killed them too. I bet that’s surprising for you as you’ve never met one. After all, you never left that small microcosm and that King you so worship is nothing more than a human who obtained the inheritance of an actual demon.”

“You!… You!…”

“Scared now? You should be. Well, I’m feeling benevolent. How about you swear your allegiance to me and work for Hydra instead?”

“Never!” The demon replied with gritted teeth.

Legion mockingly shook his head. “Yes, you could never betray your King. After all, your loyalty is carved into your very soul. You gave up your free will for power, and that power is so weak. Oh well. I’m quite interested in how this world will turn out. After all, this was the second world which I was unwillingly brought to, so it holds some sentimental value. I wonder who will win? Will it be the invading demons? Will it be the summoned heroes and their goddesses? Or will Hydra win in the end? I can’t wait to find out.” Legion said with a laugh as his body slowly disappeared.


“Oh, I’m surprised you three idiots are still here and have not been arrested for sexual harassment yet,” Marty said when he entered the classroom.

“How rude!”

“We only appreciate the female form. We would never do anything like that!”

“Yeah, sure,” Marty said as he took his seat.

“Everyone be quiet, please.” The teacher, Eric Little, said. “We have two new students for this classroom; please come in.

Two young women walked into the room. One of which appeared as a normal human with golden hair, while the other had silver skin. 

“Hello everyone, my name is Freyja, pleased to meet you.” She said with a slight curtsy. “Angelica, likewise,” with a slightly awkward nod.

“Anything about yourselves you’d like to share?” Eric asked.

“Well, I wonder,” Freyja said as she made a friendly smile and glanced in Marty’s direction. 

Marty didn’t respond. Although it was no longer as important, Marty had originally told the girls not to mention that they were married and act like they were only friends. It was because he had only nominally married them so that he could legally protect them. He intended to give them complete freedom, and this included marrying someone else. He didn’t want others to perceive his relationship with them was beyond platonic so that he could quietly erase records. However, it was different now as he would not let them go.

“Are you single?”

“What’s your race?”

“What are your three sizes?”

Marty’s face hit his desk when he heard the three perverts.

Freyja made an evil smile. “While the first two questions are fine, our husband would probably be unhappy if he answered that last one.”

“You’re married?”

“Our? You’re both married to the same person?”

“Yes, we are, isn’t that right, darling?” Freyja said as she looked at Marty.

“Oh, are we no longer hiding it, Anata?” Miyuki asked.

“It’s about time, Honorable Husband,” Shalgana said.

“Marty, what the hell! How many girls did you marry?”

All of the girls raised their hands.


“Riajuu, go explode!”

“Nooooo! Even Shiro-tan! Marty, how dare you lay your vile hands on her!” 

Marty’s eyebrow twitched as a vein appeared. “There are two things I would like to correct in your statement. I haven’t laid my hands on her and,” he began as he took out his ID card, “from now on, my name is Martel.”