Vol 4: Ch 6 – The Cambrian Event
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In anticipation, Shalgana didn’t blink as she wanted to see what happened when they used the magic to travel to Marty’s world. However, it was so quick that it was almost as if she had blinked. She looked around, surprised at the scenery that had changed entirely. A deep breath revealed that the air was different, though she didn’t know why. A large structure, a short distance away, caught her eye with its size. She continued to scan the area around her until her eyes ended on Marty, who studied her.

“What is it?” Shalgana asked as she realized he had probably looked at her the entire time.

“Nothing,” Marty replied with a slight smile. “I was watching your reaction. Could you give me a hand, please?” Marty asked as he gently lay Cali in the ger.

Though she did not require sleep, Cali could enter a state similar to it. It was required to preserve and regain the energy she expended for casting Emotion Magic.

Shalgana helped Marty free the horses as they had teleported into the large fenced off field that Marty owned. Hengroen, Morgan’s black stallion, came over and interacted with the horses a little and soon they galloped around together. Marty picked up Cali and led Shalgana over to his house.

“It seems the other girls just entered the bath,” Marty said as they approached.

“How do you know that?” Shalgana asked as it appeared to come from nowhere.

[I can speak to someone with my mind.] He replied telepathically.

Shalgana blinked twice as she had heard his voice but did not see his lips move. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised anymore.”

“That isn’t the first time I’ve heard that,” Marty replied with a chuckle.

For the next half-hour, Marty showed Shalgana around the house before they settled in and chatted. Marty gave her the bracelet he had previously given Sam and explained what it did. It was soon after that Shiro’s voice rang out.

“Caelia! Morgan! Hurry up! If you don’t, I’m going to eat all the cookies!” Shiro shouted as the thumping of her feet could be heard around the corner.

Marty and Shalgana were seated where they could not see the stairs or the kitchen, but they were very close.

“Morgan, could you make sure she doesn’t eat all the cookies and spoil her next meal?” Caelia asked from upstairs.

“Got it,” Morgan replied as her steps quickened.

Marty gave Shalgana a quick smile before he sat up and went towards the kitchen. However, when he turned the corner, he froze. Shiro’s hair was still damp, and she had a towel wrapped around her. Typically, this would be more than enough, but she had hopped up onto the counter to reach the higher cabinets. Her tail poked out from underneath the towel which lifted it, thankfully not enough to reveal anything it shouldn’t but was far too close to being dangerous. Morgan had a towel around her body and another on her head.

When she saw Shiro, she quickly ran over to her, unaware of Marty’s presence. “Shiro, don’t do something so dangerous. What if you fell?” Morgan scolded.

Shiro tilted her head cutely. “I’d land on my feet?”

“Geez Shiro, I got out before you to help dry you off. It defeats the purpose if…” Caelia began as she came down the stairs before she froze up. Naturally, the reason was she had noticed Marty, and she wasn’t decent. All she wore was a pair of Crimson panties, and a towel draped over her neck was just barely covered her breasts. After a second pause, she flinched to cover her upper half as Marty looked at her. Slowly, she relaxed and, very embarrassed, let him look.

Marty, who was momentarily stunned by the situation, looked away with a hint of guilt. However, when he saw Caelia, that guilt wavered. Though he was momentarily entranced, he couldn’t help but notice the small puff of smoke that escaped from his nose.

The puff of smoke didn’t escape Caelia’s eyes. Nor did the slight red glow in his eyes as he continued to look. Embarrassed, surprised, and with a hint of pride, Caelia at his undivided and subconscious attention.

So enthralled by her current appearance, Marty barely noticed the ball of fire that shot towards him in time. He quickly raised his Ki and used destruction magic to snuff it out. Morgan had sent one of her fireballs at him as she covered herself with her free arm in embarrassment. However, before either she or Marty could exclaim, Shiro bounded over and exclaimed “Marty!”, utterly unfazed by the fact that Morgan had just shot a fireball at him. She was going to give him a tackle hug, so Marty decided to dodge. But, before he could move, he noticed Shiro’s towel had started to slip. The combination of the mental stun from Caelia, the sudden attack by Morgan, and the possible reveal of Shiro, whom he wanted to have only the purest thoughts of, made Marty close his eyes and take the full brunt of the now naked Shiro who stuck to him like glue.

“I missed you,” Shiro said as she hugged him tightly.

“I missed you too,” Marty replied as he hugged her.

Shalgana stared at the side profile of Shiro. From her angle, she could only see where Marty was and could not tell where the other two voices came from. With interest, Shalgana leaned forward to get a better look at Shiro as her unusual features intrigued her.

Shiro’s ears twitched as she realized there was a presence nearby. She had to twist her head as Marty refused to allow any space for fear of revealing a small forbidden valley. “Hello,” Shiro said as she now saw Shalgana.

“Hello,” Shalgana replied.

“Who’s there?” Morgan exclaimed as both she and Caelia desperately cover themselves when they heard an unfamiliar voice.

At this time, Anna came down from upstairs. “Mistresses, master has come home.”

“I know that! You should’ve told us earlier!”

“Master instructed me not to bother you until you had finished your bathing.” Anna continued before she turned to Marty. “Master, everything has been prepared as you asked.”

“Good. Girls, go on and get dressed. We have a guest, and I’m going to make some hamburgers.”

“Yay!” Shiro exclaimed as she quickly pushed herself from Marty’s grasp, with just enough time for him to avert his gaze. If he could see Morgan, he might’ve broken into a cold sweat as she had made a motion which was her precursor to her fireball, but, with indignation, decided against it before she rushed upstairs with her cheeks red from embarrassment. Caelia, whose body had turned a slight bronze, also quickly made her way up with Shiro.

Marty let out a soft sigh smile. “That was an unexpected event.”

Shalgana followed Marty outside as he began to barbecue the hamburgers that Anna had prepared.

“Your cooking?” Shalgana asked with a look of surprise.

“Some would say that barbecuing and cooking are two different things, but at its essence, yes,” Marty replied.

“I see,” Shalgana said with a hint of confusion and disappointment in her eyes.

“I noticed that the women in your tribes provided the meals,” Marty replied as he pondered something. “The reason you appear to be disappointed isn’t that you planned to seduce me with your cooking, is it?”

Shalgana’s eyes shot wide for a moment before she looked down in embarrassment. “I wouldn’t say seduce.” She replied softly, embarrassed that he had instantly seen through her.

“You are more than welcome to cook if you’d like. Anna, who does most of the cooking, can show you the ropes.”

“Then why are you cooking?”

“For pleasure.”

“You enjoy cooking that much?”

Marty chuckled softly. “No, it’s the reactions of those who eat my food.” He replied as the girls entered the patio. “Oh, perfect timing. Everyone this is Shalgana. Shalgana, this is Shiro, Caelia, Morgan, and Anna.” Marty continued as he pointed to them, respectively.

“Nice to meet you,” Shalgana said with a slight nod

“You too.” “Likewise.” Caelia and Morgan responded, confused and surprised.

“Starting from now on, use the newest member of our family.” Marty continued.

Shiro had a look of confusion, Morgan had one of shock, but Caelia didn’t seem surprised.

Morgan clenched her fists her aura seemed to turn into fire. “You disappeared and came back with another girl?” She asked as her eyebrows twitched.

“I don’t do it intentionally. I left to help a friend and a lot of things happened, ask Cali.”

“It’s true,” Cali said with her head buried in her arms as she sat down at the table, apparently still exhausted.

“You do get another girl every time you disappear,” Caelia said softly.

“This has happened before?” Shalgana asked.

“I can’t say for certain, seeing as I was the last one.”

“I see. Well, I guess it isn’t a surprise that he would attract many beautiful young ladies like ourselves.”

“Who is attracted to him,” Morgan huffed.

“Do you mean to say you do not like Honorable Husband?” Shalgana asked. For a moment, there was complete silence as everyone froze. The hamburger sizzled as it slipped off the spatula in Marty’s hand and landed back on the barbecue. Realizing what she had said, Shalgana covered her mouth. “Sorry, I wasn’t supposed to say that.”

“What does she mean Honorable Husband!” Morgan asked as she rushed up and grabbed Marty by the collar.

Marty’s response was positive momentarily as he noticed that, instead of her usual anger, there was panic and a hint of fear that confused him.

“It’s not like that,” Shalgana said in a slight panic. “He technically married me to protect me. If he didn’t, I was going to be married to an awful person. He hasn’t recognized me to be his wife.” Shalgana continued. A slight sense of sadness followed her final words.

“Really?” Morgan asked Marty as she eyed him. The spark of hope in her eyes caught him off guard.

“Yes, let me explain from the beginning.”

Marty and Shalgana both went over the events of the last few days for them. Marty noticeably got embarrassed when Shalgana vigorously went over his fights and repeatedly praised him.

“That sounds like something he would do,” Caelia said after hearing the whole story.

“I guess I’ll forgive you,” Morgan said as she turned her head away proudly.

“This hamburger is good,” Shiro said, clearly enamored with it. She continued to eat and ignored the laughter she had caused until her ears twitched. “The limo is here.”

Marty nodded and looked at Shalgana. “That’s all right. We should go.”

Shalgana nodded and followed behind him in silence. As they walked forward, Marty suddenly dashed back next to her. “I’d prefer you to walk next to me.”

Shalgana gave a surprised nod and a small smile at the gesture, which was an incredible honor to her.

As they rounded the bend of the house, they saw the limo and Tom, who held the door.

“Everything has been prepared, but we’ve been busy lately, and I’d appreciate haste,” Thomas said as they approached.

“I understand,” Marty replied. “Shalgana, this is Thomas. Thomas, Shalgana.”

“Nice to meet you,” Thomas said as he extended his hand to her.

Shalgana looked at his hand, then hit Marty before she shyly hid behind him. “You wouldn’t let another man touch your wife so easily, would you?”

Marty could only smile and shake his head. She was quite the actress as he could only barely tell that she wasn’t acting naturally. Of course, Marty had already instructed her about greetings, how he hid his abilities, and how she would appear to be one of his wives for continuity. In that single-action, she had taken advantage of that and displayed a level of intimacy that Marty would not be able to refuse if others questioned the specifics of their relationship. As such, Marty could only give a helpless look as Thomas chuckled.

“What’s kept you so busy?” Marty asked Thomas after they had entered the limo and had begun to drive away.

“You haven’t heard? Well, I’ll explain, but I have some things I wish to inform you about first. I just came from meeting with Sam, who appeared back in her room.” Thomas said as he watched Marty see his reaction, which remained stagnant. “She said she was unsure how she got back. She didn’t give much information about the world other than it had many similarities to the Mongolia of old.” He continued as he looked at Shalgana. “You suddenly disappeared after you met with her mother and appeared back at the same time with another wife who seems to fit the persuasion of the locals she described.”

“Merely a coincidence,” Marty replied dully.

“Of course, of course. And coincidences won’t be put on paper.” Thomas replied, fully aware of what Marty insinuated. Thomas was under the belief that Marty had gone to look for Sam. However, if that were true, Thomas wasn’t willing to do anything that might make Marty displeased. If he could achieve multi-world travel, he would be the first documented person who had such an ability. While such an ability would be coveted for his business, it also had fearful consequences. Thomas decided to keep his mouth shut and not to press further.

“So, what’s kept you busy?” Marty asked

“In your absence, a significant event has occurred. Are you aware of how many people who have been abducted have come back?”

“About 3 to 4 months ago, the number I heard was 25%, but I imagine that that statistic was manipulated.”

“You would be correct in that assumption,” Thomas said with a nod. “By my knowledge, that percentage did not include a good number of people. Not all of the disappearances can be confirmed abductions, but the number that came back included the unconfirmed abductees. In actuality, less than 10% of the people who were abducted have come back. That is, until just recently.  

“The day after you disappeared, we had a massive influx of people return all over the world. We’ve estimated that roughly 35% of the abductees had returned. On top of this, some brought Offworlders, and other Offworlders suddenly appeared. The other strange thing was we’ve had about a couple of dozen reports of people who have been reincarnated. They had either died in another world or on Earth and came back claiming to be that person. If the resemblance weren’t as close or their knowledge wasn’t so specific in those few cases, it would be considered to be impossible. However, their knowledge and appearances are too close to allow for any other explanation. Given the significant and sudden occurrence, we are calling it the Cambrian Event.”

“I see, that would make you quite busy.”

Thomas nodded. “The strangest thing is, the levels of powers are completely mirrored to what we’ve seen previously. The majority of them are in the second-tier with a super-minority in both the primary and tertiary tiers.”

Marty’s eyes got wide this information. He figured his strength was around S-, the lower half of the second tier. At this point, he had reached a bottleneck and overall strength. While he could increase his variety, he wasn’t getting significantly stronger. “What are you doing about security?”

“As much as we can. The eastern United States has the most structure when it comes to law-keeping organization. They transferred much of their SUEMA’s branch personnel across the US. Specifically, Helen and Indrajeet have temporarily joined the Western branch.”

“Well, with those two I’d assume we could handle any problems.”

“Unfortunately, that’s not true. Just yesterday one of the Abductees made a bit of a commotion and declared he would dominate the world. Indrajeet and Helen weren’t strong enough to stop him.”

“So, what happened?”

“Another Abductee by the name of David intervened, and instantly killed him.”

“How strong were they?”  

“David is the third tier. Though the level of strength, if he is as old as he claims he is, isn’t too surprising.”

“How old is he?”

“Apparently over 5,000 and he doesn’t look a day over 25.”

A look of shock came over Marty’s face. “What’s his disposition?”

“Very good. He’s a bit of a recluse, but he said he would intervene if something similar happened at his discretion. Naturally, we aren’t willing to do anything that might offend him.”

“That’s natural,” Marty replied as they drove towards the University. “Is there some event going on?” he asked as he noticed a large group of people in front of the University.

“No, it’s another protest,” Thomas replied with a sigh. “Especially after what happened yesterday, many people are demanding stricter regulations and monitoring of SUPERs.”

“Now that’s incredibly stupid. It isn’t a very bright idea to make the people who could single-handedly destroy an army angry.”

“You aren’t alone in that mindset. Many SUPERs have already expressed their displeasure with the current system in place. Many of the stronger people blatantly avoided our current regulations. Given our lack of manpower and strength, there isn’t much we can do. Even if we did, we can only force them, which would only irk their ire and risk others. Society is changing; changing fast.”

“Yes, and rarely for the better.”


The reason that they went the University was for Shalgana’s ability ranking test and medical check. Her tester was Carl, who Marty had requested. Though she was not as strong as the other girls, her swordsmanship did help close the gap. She was noticeably weaker than with her fight with Marty, but not by much.

After they had returned home, Shalgana joined the other girls while Marty went down into the bunker. There he spent the next couple hours in front of a giant supercomputer. Just recently he had installed a ReWrite system and had designated a small part of the bunker for a training area. Naturally, this did not come at a low cost and raised his debt even higher, but he was not too worried about that. He was obtaining grants and writing scientific reports regarding abilities and worlds.  

As he ran the diagnostics for the system, a screen to his side suddenly flicked on and revealed a Golden-haired girl.

“What’s up, Morgan?” He asked her.

A slight look of confusion came across her face. “Need help… Shalgana wants to cook. You come.” Morgan responded to him in broken English as the rings that they used to translate would not work through electronic devices. Even though Marty had learned her native language, he kept that a secret so they wouldn’t have an excuse to stop their practice of English.

Marty nodded. “Okay, I’ll be right up. Your English is impressive.”

Her face switched to a smile before it became slightly stern and she pressed a button on the panel. However, what she pushed wasn’t to cut off the communication, but the monitor on her end. As such, he could still see and hear everything as well as be heard.

“What did he say?” Caelia asked.

“He said he be right up, and my English skills are impressive,” Morgan responded proudly. Her stern look had vanished entirely, and her true feelings of his praise had appeared.

Marty chuckled and then turned off the intercom. He almost said something to them but decided against it as he didn’t want to get the intercom replaced due to a fireball.

After he had finished, he went up and found Shalgana and Anna together. Shalgana seemed a little desperate, and there was a slight mess in the kitchen. She was having some difficulty adapting to modern cooking, even with Anna’s help.

“Need help?” Marty asked with a chuckle.

“Marty? What are you doing here? I thought you would be busy for a while.” Shalgana asked, embarrassed

“We called him up,” Caelia said as she the other girls entered the room. “We figured we all make dinner together, what do you say?” She asked Shalgana.

Shalgana was momentarily surprised by the offer, but recovered and nodded with a smile.


During dinner, Shalgana had begun to come out of her shell around the others. Marty was slowly drinking as the girls chatted.

After a couple of seconds of silence, Shalgana took a slow look at everyone. “So, who is going to be the principal wife?” She suddenly asked, which prompted a spit-take from Marty.

“What do you mean?” Caelia asked with a hint of embarrassment.

“Well, seeing as we are all pretending to be his wives, isn’t it only natural to decide who the principal wife is?”

“I wouldn’t worry about that,” Marty said as he tried to wave it off.  

“Why not? Isn’t it only proper?”

“I don’t think so. I don’t believe that it will come up at all. If I even have more than one wife, I don’t want to lift one above another. I like to discriminate as little as possible. Only have a wife and never a concubine.”

Shalgana gave him a nod with a smile as she realized what he meant.

“What’s the concubine?” Shiro asks from Marty’s lap.

“Well, there isn’t a single definition,” Marty replied. “What I mean by concubine is someone who is a wife in everything but name. Usually, the reason why they aren’t officially married is that she is a widow, has a child, or is socially lower than the man in question. Love is also rare in such a situation as it is more about the physical relationship. So, what I’m saying is that I will never have a lover. If I go that far, it will only be with my wife... Or wives. It doesn’t matter their social situation, if we love and trust each other, that’s what counts.”

“A praiseworthy thought process,” Shalgana said nod. “I’m pleased that you think that way, but you need to be aware there can be some problems with that thought. If all the wives have the same power, then it can cause problems if there is a rivalry between them. Newcomers won’t be submissive due to their status and more likely to make a move against the other wives which perpetuates discontent. However, if you have one benevolent wife who is above all the others, she can help promote conformity between all the others with her superior status.”

“So you think having one superior wife with all the others falling into a secondary category would promote household peace?”

“Naturally,” Shalgana said with a nod. “I very much believe that if you’re willing to marry a woman, you will do your best to treat them as equally as possible. So long as the principal wife is accepting of the otherwise, problems will be mitigated.”

“I see,” Marty replied with a nod as he half-heartedly thought about it. In reality, Marty wasn’t thrilled about the subject in general. Growing up in a monogamous society, he naturally had doubts about polygamy. However, his loss of Freyja as well as not wanting to hurt the other girls kept him from committing fully one way or the other. “Well, if I was going to pick a principal wife...” Marty began as he looked at Morgan.

“Why are you staring at me?!” Morgan exclaimed as she looked away in embarrassment. “Who said I want to marry you.”

“Ah, that’s fine,” Marty replied. “Since it’s so obvious you don’t want to marry me I guess the only real choice I can make is Caelia as the eldest and the maturest.”

At his words, Morgan seemed a little bitter as she looked away with a humph.

Shalgana flashed a hint of disappointment, but she quickly not with a smile. “I agree with your decision. Seeing as I arrived later than the others, it would be a little suspicious if I took that role. Out of all the girls, Caelia is the most suitable.”


Marty nodded and did not pursue further. After a short amount of uncomfortable silence, the girls started small talking again for a while until they went to bed.


In the dark of night, Shalgana tossed and turned. The unfamiliar surroundings and the strange bed did not permit her to attain sleep. The sheets rustled as she tossed and turned until she finally realized what was wrong as she made a subtle reach towards the space next to her. Embarrassed by the realization, she rose from her bed and exited her room.  

Absentmindedly, she stopped in front of the double doors that led to the master bedroom where Marty was. She did not attempt to assert her presence or to enter the room; she stood at the door as she internally debated if she should disturb Marty.

[You can come in.] Marty’s voice rang out in her head.

Had she not experienced it before, she may not have realized that he had spoken directly into her mind. Shalgana slowly opened the door and walked into the bedroom, which was decently lit. Marty was propped up on the bed, and Cali was leaning against him. They were studying a book on human anatomy together.

“Come on over,” Marty said to Shalgana as he patted at his side on the bed with a slight smile. “Cali, I think we are going to have to end our study session a little early.”

Cali looked up to him as a slight pout came over her face for the briefest moment before she reached up and pinched his cheek. A rare expression of displeasure at having her precious study time shortened.

As Shalgana slowly made her way onto the bed, Marty’s eyes remained glued to Cali. The way she made a slight hop off the bed as she hugged the considerable book to her chest was something he found incredibly cute at the moment. Cali put the book away, gave a quick look at Marty, who smiled in return, and then dispirited into dust to enter her room so as not to wake the others if they were already asleep.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” Marty asked Shalgana as he repositioned himself to lay down next to her.

“No, I’m just having trouble falling asleep.” She replied, slightly embarrassed.

“I understand. You’re more than welcome to stay the night. Are you adapting well enough?”

“Yes,” Shalgana replied with a smile. “It will take some getting used to, but the other girls are very supportive.”

“I’m glad you are getting along with them.”

“Of course. It’s my duty as your wife to get along with my fellow wives.” She replied with a sly smile.

“Technically none of you are my wives,” Marty replied with a hint of fatigue. “You’re free to pursue whatever and whoever you’d like.”

“That’s good because I’ve decided to remain faithful to you.”

“I’m flattered, but you don’t need to make that kind of commitment.”

“I know, just like you didn’t need to protect me from that wife-beater.”

“Fair enough, I guess. I hope you don’t regret your decision.”

“I won’t,” Shalgana replied as the lights began to dim and they turned in for the night.

However, the silence only lasted for a couple of minutes before Caelia quietly entered the room. Marty tapped the side of the bed opposite of Shalgana as he mentally spoke to Caelia. Due to the darkness and the fact that Marty intentionally masked Shalgana’s presence with his own Ki, Caelia did not notice her.

“What can I do for my principal wife?” Marty teased Caelia with a hint of a chuckle.

Caelia paused her response as she was embarrassed at his words. “I’m not your principal wife. I just wanted to sleep next to you tonight.”

“You’re welcome to. I noticed that recently you began to take the initiative to do so. I’m curious as to why.”

“I… I can relax more easily and sleep better when I’m next to you. I noticed it after you fought the Red Dragon. I figured… I figured I just realized how much you mean to me.” She finished softly.

Marty very gently took her hand. “How is Shalgana doing with everyone?”

“She gets along with everyone very well and is a good girl. You seem to have an eye for good women.”

“You’re not mad at me, are you?” Marty asked, concerned over her insinuation.

“No. I’ll always support you so long as you don’t abandon me.” She replied with a smile Marty suddenly had a desire to gobble up, but he held back. “She told me everything that happened, and I’m very proud of you. If I were there, I would’ve told you to beat up that guy too. She’s a good girl, and when she talked about you, she almost seemed as though there was with a hint of worship.”

“It’s very nice you think so highly of her, isn’t it Shalgana?”

“I’m happy she likes me so much,” Shalgana replied.

“You… You hid her presence for me on purpose!” Caelia said with a hint of embarrassed anger.

After a small chuckle from Marty and a surprising giggle from Shalgana, the three of them eventually fell asleep. They were woken up by Morgan who found two more girls in the bed.

End of Day -117


“Hello there, Mr. Strongest F,” Harry said to Marty with a smile in the classroom.

“What are you talking about?” Marty asked.

“This,” Bentley said with a smile as he showed him the video on his phone. The video was a recording of the match between Marty and Carl when he had gotten his ranking.

“It’s already gone viral. Everyone’s talking about the F Ranker, who could even press someone as strong as Carl back with nothing but martial arts.” Joe added.

“This is what I get for not checking video sites recently,” Marty said with a sigh. The video was supposed to be private and not released, but it seems someone wanted to make a quick buck.

“Alright everyone, settle down.” Professor Little said as the class began. “We have a new addition to the class. If you would introduce yourself.” He said to Shalgana, who had come in behind him.

“Hello everyone, my name is Shalgana. I look forward to working with you in the future.”

A couple of people whispered in the class with a complement of her look.

“Shalgana, we are you from?” One of the students asked.

“I come from another world. My people never gave a name to that world, but my homeland was called Ul Kear Tal.

“Did you come here on your own?”

“No, I came in with my husband.”

“Husband? How old are you?”


“16?” Many of the young men in the class repeated discouraged by her claim to be married.

“I understand that age is a little young for this world’s current times, but from where I am, it is relatively normal. In fact, some get married even earlier. My mother was married to my father when she was 14.”

“How old was your father?”


There was a bit of an awkward air at Shalgana’s words, and the word “pervert” was whispered.

“Well that’s enough with the questions, thank you for sharing Shalgana. You can go and take a seat at any location that does not have a name tag.”

Shalgana nodded as she walked through the classroom before she stopped near Carl. “Hello again, Carl. I hope you will spar with me again in the future. I learned much from our bout.” She said with a smile.

“Okay,” Carl replied a little surprised that she requested it.

Amana couldn’t hide the look of concern on her face before Shalgana approached her as well. “You are Amanda, yes? I hope we will get along as we will see much of each other.” Amanda nodded with confusion but put it together when Shalgana nodded to the other girls as a greeting. Amanda glared at Marty, who didn’t react before she gave Caelia a worried look.

Caelia noticed but smiled it off.

“Professor, with The Cambrian Event, are we going to get even more additions to the class?” One of the students asked.

“Probably not,” Little replied. “You may not have heard this, but most of the people who newly arrived are mid-tier with very few being in the low tier. On top of this, someone high-up set stricter regulations to enter this particular class. You may have already noticed, but some people have already been transferred out.” He said as he nodded towards the now empty spaces where a few delinquents had sat before. “It’s doubtful this class will grow any time soon. At any rate, I’ll begin the lecture now.”

End of Day -116

In a flash, two weeks passed by.