Chapter 1: Where it all began
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I woke up on a very bright room without any memory of past self, I can't even remember what's my own name. I am aware that I am already dead, but I can't remember how did I died. "Is this what usually happens to dead people after they died?" I thought of my self as I walk forward on this bright room.

And as I continue walking, I bumped into a transparent wall without realizing it there. The sound I made after the bump echoes, and suddenly I heard a shattering glass-like sound behind me so I turned around to see what is it.

As I turned around, I saw a cracked on the other side of this room. I rushed towards the crack to see what's going on, and as I run towards it I realize someone is coming out on that crack.

I stopped running the moment I saw someone came out on the crack. It starting to creep me out making me want to run, but I know there is no escape route on this room. The girl who came out on crack looked at me, and slowly comes down and approaches me.

"Who... Who are you..." I spoke as I slowly back off.

"You... Kuragari Saito, do you even realize what have you done while you are still living on that world?"

Huh? What is this girl even talking about...?

"I don't know who you are but... Did I... do something horrible, enough to make you do that disgrace face you doing right now?"

"... .. Wait a second... Can I ask you a question?"

"Before you ask a question, is it the right time you introduce yourself to me?"

"Keh... Fine! My name is Giustizia, one of the 5 gods."

"Giu... Giusti..."

"G. I. U. S. T. I. Z. I. A!"

"I see... As you mentioned earlier... You said that my name is Kuragari... Saito, right?"

"Yes. So, can I ask you question now?"

"Yes, what's your question? Miss god Giustizia."

I probably should stop now... It looks like I pissed her off...

"... .. Miss Kuragari, do you perhaps can't remember anything that happened to you before coming here?"

"Right! I can't seem to remember everything, even my name."

"Then allow me to tell you what you did while you are alive, but I can't tell you how did you died and who killed you."

"... Sure... Go on..."

But you just spilled the beans, well at least I have a clue now... You said that you "won't tell how did I died" nor "who killed me". So meaning, I didn't die cause of an accident or an illness, I died because someone killed me. But I still don't know how and why did this "guy" killed me...

"At the age of 17, you currently living at your mother. Your father leaves the moment you turn 6 for unknown reason."

So they're divorced...

"You two have been living peacefully until one day you came home and see your mother in the living room, laying on the ground with blood splattered everywhere."


"On the same room, someone's sitting on your couch and it's your father covered with your mother's blood. You two talk for a bit and after that you rush towards the kitchen and grab a knife and killed your own father."

I expected that but... There's something missing...

"And for some reason, after you killed your own father, you... Looked at his corpse with a smile on your face."

... What?

"I don't know the real reason but... After you killed your father, you exit the house and start killing people."

The hell...?!

"But... You are not killing random people, all the people you have killed have committed sins. On our records, you also killed this one person that committed murder and other more!"

"So it's like... I can see the difference between innocent people and sinned people?"

"Yes but we still don't have an answer how did you do that. We, the gods, can't interfere to humans on their worlds, we can only talk to them if their souls have reached us."

"So you have waited for me to die, then question me... Is that right?"

"Correct. But unfortunately, your memories got erased cause of 'that' incident."

Good! Another clue. "Then I have a question..."

"What is it."

"What am I going to do from now on? Am I going to hell like all those sinners that I killed?"

"To be honest, your soul should be burning on the dept of hell right now, but I took all the trouble to prevent that. I didn't call you here just to question you, but also to ask you a request."


"If you agree to this request of mine, I can give you another chance. I can give you a chance to live again but not on your previous world."

"... But first, let me hear of your request..."

"Like you did on your previous world... I want you to purge all sinners you find and fix the world itself!"

"Kill... So you're asking me to kill every people who committed on that world? Is that all it?"

"Yes, but I'm not telling you to kill everyone. I will give you an ability to see who has committed sins and who has not."

"Oh, that will be useful. So how does it work?"

"Just like [Appraisal] you will able to see people who committed sins and who has not. If you use the ability to a innocent person nothing will happen, but if you use it to someone who committed sins, a heart will appear on their chest that only you can see."

"I see..."

"The brighter the heart is, the more sins the person have committed. So, will you accept my request?"

"Heh... If I don't accept it now, I will be sent to hell right?"

"... Who knows."

"Then I'll accept!"

"Good! Now I will give you an unique ability."

"Unique... Ability?"

"Unique ability is something only you can use and no one else. It's something you can master easily."


"Also one more thing. If you arrive to that world your face will change, you will not have the same face as your previous one."

Well I don't care about that, I don't even remember what my face looks like.

"Then it's time for you to go. Once I sent you to that world, we will not be able to talk again. So do you have any last words or question before I send you there?"

"... Thank you for giving me life again."

(Smiles) "You're welcome."

Suddenly everything become brighter and brighter until I can't see her anymore. "I can't believe I just agree to everything she said" I thought of myself as I got transported to the world.

After a while I opened my eyes and see myself on a forest. Jungle maybe? I don't even know... 

"Where the hell I am!?"

Too much talking? 😂