Chapter 214: Que De Raro Tiene
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Everyone's a Catgirl! Volume One and Volume Two are available for pre-order now!

Once I’d begun looking for Keke and Ravyn, I started to worry. I could just hear Ravyn’s voice in my head.

“‘I’m not taking handouts from a cunt,’” I muttered, pitching my voice like hers.

The spitting image of sophistication, that one.

I made my way to the room Keke, Ravyn, and I had been sharing since we first arrived at the castle. Things would’ve been so much easier if they were still together packing, but they weren’t there. 

Of course.

The gear was cumbersome to carry all at once. Even after leaving my tiger gear in the room, my [Cat Pack] wouldn’t be able to carry all of it. I drummed a finger against the door’s handle, wondering who I should try and locate first.

I guess we’ll find Ravyn first. Probably shouldn’t put that off.

Ravyn would undoubtedly be the worst of them to convince. But, much like a shot, it was best to just get it over with. The longer I put it off, the worse it would get. 

After I threw her new gear into my [Cat Pack], I walked the lengthy halls of the castle in search of our resident witch. It wasn’t until I exited into one of the palace’s numerous courtyards that I finally found her.

Ravyn was hunched over a plot of violet flowers. Her tail swayed side to side as she plucked one by the stem to sniff it. She’d periodically look up at Ball, who was perched on the trellis—a word I’d learned from Shizen—beside her. Ravyn was muttering something I couldn’t hear. The only word I’d caught was my name. I rubbed the clasp around my ear.

Ball had seen me the moment I walked outside. The hellkite and I looked at one another for a time, and I wondered why he hadn’t let Ravyn know I had arrived. This would usually be the moment the little shit would scream some vulgarity, and he and Ravyn would share a laugh at my expense. It was odd to see him quiet.

For some reason, it felt as if someone had filled my shoes with cement. My feet refused to move, paralyzed by what I knew was going to be an awful conversation about Cailu. I ran a hand through my hair, leaned my head back, and shut my eyes.

Come on, man. Like a shot.

I took a deep breath and approached, my hand on my [Cat Pack].


Ravyn shot to her feet, shooting a dark glare at Ball. The parrot narrowed his eyes, and the two shared an experience I had no words to describe beyond ‘uncomfortable.’

“What?” Ravyn snapped.

“Sorry if I caught you while you were busy,” I said, nearing her.

Baka. I am always busy.”

“What? Drinking?” I chuckled.

Ravyn glanced at me over her shoulder, spun the flower in her hand, then tossed it to the side. She turned to face me, crossing her arms and wearing her usual expression that seemed stuck somewhere between a pout and a glare.

“I’ll have you know that I only had one drink last night.”

“Great,” I said with a forced smile. “I come bearing gifts.”

She raised a brow. “Of what variety?”

“Just, uh… let me explain, alright?” Reaching into my [Cat Pack], I procured the headdress from within. “Here. There’s a lot.”

Ravyn’s frown deepened. “Where did you get that?”

“Nowhere.” I continued to extract the remaining clothes from within, grateful that her outfit was primarily cloth. Most of it folded over my forearm with relative ease. All that remained was the jewelry. “It was about time we got new gear, so—”

“Cailu set you up,” Ravyn finished.

Here we go.

“I’m not taking handouts from a cunt,” she continued. “The last thing I want is— Why are you laughing?”

I couldn’t hold it in. I bowed my head forward and rubbed my eyes as I chuckled. “Sorry, it’s nothing. Really.”

Mou ii. Whatever. The equipment I have is fine.”

“Hold this,” I said, tossing the headdress at her underhanded. Ravyn responded, catching with a stumble. Her cheeks reddened. “What do you feel?”

The way I figured it, she’d be able to pick up on the outfit’s boosts like Cannoli and Ceres did. If it was even half as powerful as her current gear, then she should’ve been able to detect it immediately.

After all, you can basically smell magic, right?

Ravyn gaped. “The fuck? This…”

“So I take it it’s strong?”

Ravyn has gained: Summoner’s Scorching Headdress!

I had no idea why it was called a headdress. It was more like a golden thread or chain if anything. It wasn’t so thin like Ceres’s, where it was obviously meant to be weaved into your hair, but several precious jewels and ornaments hung from it like what I’d expect to see on royalty. 

“Very,” Ravyn mumbled before clenching it in her fist. She met my gaze, and an expression I hadn’t yet seen twisted her features. It felt like she was trying to decipher what was in my head. Almost as if I was up to something. “Fine. I’ll take it.”

“And the rest?”

She grunted. “And the rest.”

I smiled. “Thanks, Ravyn.”

I handed her the remaining pieces of fabric, setting the sandals and jewelry in a neat stack on top of a nearby garden chair, eager to get this over with. I couldn’t tell how much of it looked in a pile, and frankly I couldn’t care less. If I was being true to myself, it hurt me that Ravyn was being so blase about the situation. She wouldn’t be with me for my Class change or for… well, much of anything for the foreseeable future.

It was hard to imagine.

The worst part though? I still struggled to see where we stood. I never knew how to act when we were alone. After our first act of intimacy, our interactions had felt stilted, awkward, unsure. Like there was something each of us wanted to say but didn’t have the guts to say it. To me, it felt like there was a fog between us.

And neither of us was willing to cross it to understand the other. For my part, I constantly feared I’d just make things worse.

“Alright. I’m going to get out of your hair. Lots to do,” I said. I’d spent enough time delivering these outfits. Cailu was undoubtedly sitting in a chair somewhere, wondering where I was.

“Hold on.” Ravyn spun the length of golden chain around one finger, a hand on her hip. “I want to see exactly what boosts I’m getting from this.”

“Go ahead and strip. I’ll turn around,” I joked.

“I need at least three drinks if I’m going to strip in a courtyard.” She strode by me, chain clenched in her hand, and tugged me by the sleeve of my jacket. “Come.”

Ravyn has gained: Summoner’s Scorching Robe!
Ravyn has gained: Summoner’s Scorching Bands!
Ravyn has gained: Summoner’s Scorching Knickers!
Ravyn has gained: Summoner’s Scorching Sandals!
Ravyn has gained: Summoner’s Scorching Brooch!

I’d expected her to drag us back to our own room. Would’ve made things easier too, assuming Keke had returned.

Instead, she pulled me into a room that hadn’t been claimed. It was furnished like the others, with gold and red embroideries, lavish marble floors, deluxe beds. You know, exactly what you’d expect from a dragon who enjoyed hoarding his treasure.

Ball flew inside just before Ravyn shut the door, perching atop the closest bedpost.

“Turn around,” said Ravyn.

“Oh, what, now we’re shy?” I teased. She raised a brow and crossed her arms, tapping her foot against the floor. “Alright, alright.” I turned around, looking at Ball. “So, how have you been doing?”

Ball shut his eyes into half-slits. “Stupid Matt! Squawwwk!

“Great. Glad to see our relationship hasn’t changed,” I grumbled.

“What was that?” Ravyn asked. The sound of her clothes hitting the floor raised the hairs on my skin, and I shook my head away of any intrusive thoughts.



Minutes passed. I was beginning to wonder how much longer this was going to take. Surely it wasn’t that complicated to put on. Save for the chest piece, it seemed like it was mostly fabric.

“Having trouble?” I asked.

“No. You stay put.”

I sighed and tapped my foot against the floor, watching Ball preen himself. The entire time Ravyn dressed, Ball kept his attention on me. For some reason, it felt more… I don’t know, more analytical than usual. Probably just the stress getting to me. The days I spent away from the castle were nice, but they’d also made me slightly awkward with the girls. Guess that’s what happens when you spend time away from people you’ve been traveling with for so long.

And it’s going to be a lot longer soon.

“I’m finished,” Ravyn announced.

When I turned around, I raised my brows. Gone was the sexy witch; in its place was the graceful sorceress. Maybe this would be a nice—

“I wonder if someone could shorten this for me,” Ravyn muttered. “It’s much too long. Doesn’t show off my assets.”

Of course.

She looked every part the [Sorcerer] she’d boasted she was. Silks of red draped over her body, ribbons of gold shimmering in the lamplight. A decorated chest piece of golden metal covered her torso, emphasizing her bust. As I continued to stare, I saw that her arms were bare, covered by a half-cape attached to the necklace that looked like it could be used as a weapon. A single emerald stone rested in the groove of her brooch.

I could see what she meant, though. The dress hovered just above her ankles.

“You look incredible,” I said. “I mean, beautiful, really.”

A rare shade of red colored her cheeks. Her eyes dropped, and she twirled a lock of hair around her finger. “Thanks.”

“Let’s see what the Stats look like.” I summoned the iPaw, happy to see it had already updated with her new equipment information.

Summoner’s Scorching Headdress: +15 Myana Points, +4 Magic, +2 Dexterity, +3 Defense, +8 Magic Defense. Enchantable.
Summoner’s Scorching Robe: +10 Myana Points, +4 Magic, +2 Dexterity, +5 Defense, +10 Magic Defense. Enchantable.
Summoner’s Scorching Bands: +8 Myana Points, +2 Magic, +3 Dexterity, +3 Defense, +8 Magic Defense. Enchantable.
Summoner’s Scorching Knickers: +10 Myana Points, +4 Magic, +3 Dexterity, +5 Defense, +10 Magic Defense. Enchantable.
Summoner’s Scorching Sandals: +8 Myana Points, +2 Magic, +1 Dexterity, +3 Agility, +3 Defense, +10 Magic Defense. Enchantable.
Summoner’s Scorching Brooch: +20 Myana Points, +5 Magic, +5 Dexterity. Special Effect: Reduces the Myana Point cost of Fire-Element Skills and Magic used through the familiar by 15%.

Sweet Christ, that’s a lot of Magic.

A burst of flame came to life in the palm of Ravyn’s hand. Could have been my imagination, but the flame felt considerably hotter than it usually did.

“Oh, yes,” she whispered, a malevolent smile twisting one corner of her lips, “I like this very, very much.”

“I’ll let Cailu know.”

She snapped her hand closed, snuffing out the flame. “The fuck you will.” She marched up to me, grabbing me by the shirt. It was weird not hearing the click of heels. That’d take some getting used to. “The cunt doesn’t deserve the satisfaction.” She let go of me, folding her arms once more and sighing. I straightened out my shirt while she tapped her foot in thought. “Why did you leave the castle?”

“I needed some time alone with my thoughts,” I admitted. “I overreacted, and no one needed to see that.”

Ravyn’s expression turned to one of confusion. “What’s wrong?”

Did she really not understand? Or was this another one of her jokes?

“Nothing. I’m fine now.” 

Don’t let your girls go without telling them how much they matter to you. Melly’s words rang loud in my ears.

I hesitated and scratched the back of my neck. Ravyn’s combative voice wouldn’t be there anymore, and I’d have to be okay with that. “Really.” She didn’t deserve that. She already had too much on her shoulders. “Just had a weird few days.” I could take it.

“Matt.” Ravyn closed the distance between us and embraced me.

My first instinct was to push her off of me, but I couldn’t. Not when I wanted this so bad. My facade was falling. 

“I can tell when something’s bothering you. You have that same look you did the night I gave you that earring.” Ravyn pulled back and looked up at me. 

“I’m going to miss you something fierce,” I relented.

Ravyn rolled to the balls of her feet and kissed my cheek. Her tone softened and she laid a hand on my chest. “Hey. I’ll be back. I promise. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

My eyes welled up, but pure stubbornness prevented the tears from falling. I didn’t speak until I was sure I could do it without choking, coughing, or crying. 

I returned her gaze. “I’m glad to hear it,” I said finally. I still had no idea where we stood. For the time being, though, this was good enough. I brushed an errant strand of hair away from her face. “It’ll be weird without you.”

She smirked, pushing me away in a playful manner. “Of course it will. I’m a [Sorcerer]. You’re going to be practically naked while I’m gone.”

“Yeah,” I smiled, running a hand through my hair. “Pretty much.”


Everyone's a Catgirl! Volume One and Volume Two are available for pre-order now!

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