"Please enter, young master."
Entering the limo with grace, Roland enjoyed the feeling of having his own luxury car.
In Roland's last life, his background was pretty normal, and his car was an old one used by his dad and given to him when he got his driver's license.
Now, he had a car filled with various luxuries, and even a chauffeur to drive him all the way to school.
Being rich was awesome, and Roland should have enjoyed the experience.
But the moment was covered in the gloom of his impeding demise, since the limo was heading straight towards Nightmare Academy.
"Nightmare Academy" took place in present day, with monsters being a minority that was almost hunted to extinction by humans, and went into hiding.
Nightmare Academy, the school in which the game was named after, was made to educate young monsters on their history and origins, as well as how to fit into modern society.
It started small, accepting half-monsters and rogues before slowly expanding into monster society. It didn't take long before high ranking monster families began to take interest in the school, and it soon became a place of status, where nobles sent their kids to make friends and connections.
The Mercury family was one of the first families to invest into the school, so they had a lot of power in Nightmare Academy. In fact, if the principal wasn't a capture target herself, Roland could have gotten away with expelling the player.
Of course, things wouldn't work out that way.
The principal, Evelynn Cress, was one of the oldest living elves left in the world, and held an enormous amount of influence.
The elves were different from most monsters, as they could mix in with humans and live ordinary lives. The reasons elves were almost extinct like most monsters, was because they had a hard time reproducing. But in exchange for that, they lived for an extraordinary amount of time, like the 500 year old Evelynn Cress.
As long as she remained, it was impossible for a third party to directly intervene in Nightmare Academy.
She was also one of the most popular capture targets, being a legal loli, and having helped the player multiple times throughout the game.
Despite her friendly reputation, Roland intended to avoid her all together.
Why you may ask?
It's because of her hobby of dissecting the bodies of those who interest her.
Evelynn had lived for a long time, experiencing many horrible and tragic events, and the only thing holding her shattered psyche together was her love for magic.
She loved taking apart the bodies of those who are unique when it comes to magic.
In fact, her initial reason for helping the protagonist is so she could get close to him and study his draconic body in detail. Then one thing would lead to another, and they would fall in love as the player slowly heals the wounds littered throughout her long past.
She was one of the less dangerous capture targets, and considering the fact that Roland's magic was ordinary when it came to vampires, he should have no reason to be scared of her.
Except for the fact that he was transmigrator.
Roland didn't know the reason for his transmigration. Maybe it was just a higher being messing with him, but it could also be an advanced or experimental form of magic.
Because of this, he decided that he needed to avoid her, which was very hard since she was the principal of the school.
While Roland was contemplating how to dodge Evelynn, his thought process was interrupted by the sound of his car coming to a halt.
"Young master, we have arrived."
Taking a deep breath, Roland slowly got out of his car.
"Young master, we have arrived." The Driver said.
"Then drive around the block a few more times!"
the legendary loli baba

my only worry if there will be gore, because isn't my thing
Sigma male rule #1029: f*ck the bit*hes, you got the riches
to escape school he should have said I forgot something at home or I have a stomachache
the principle
If you are referring to the head of the school, it is principal.
, the 1st chapter was a bit of a turn off btw
Its just you
@LordHeadass no, you're the cuck :)