The chirping of birds and the streaming dawn light are the second thing I notice when I wake. The first is the woman in my arms. So at peace, sleeping soundly, her face tucked into my chest, pressed up against the scar.
But rather than pain, I only feel relief as I see her red locks.
Before this, before I’d woken, I’d seen a most confusing nightmare.
Glass and metal intertwining, lost without a sense or feeling of who I was.
No matter which room I could enter, it would all be the same. I’d see memories I’d felt detached from playing behind the doors that I would open. The heights of the heavens were beneath me as I’d stared out the window.
All through the marble path that I’d walked I knew nothing but the path that I’d walked forward.
Raising higher.
Step by step.
Lead by my own sense of loss to forge forward up the length of the seemingly endless building.
Forgetting everything, even her.
But as my memory returns to me as I escape from that dream, I know that no matter what, even if I had to fight through hell, I would fight to return to her.
To remember her.
Though loathed as I am to do it, I make a stir while hoping I could spare her from waking. But of course, it doesn’t play out the way I’d wish it to. With a little whimper, she begins to move and soon faces her bright eyes lit up with the remnants of dreams towards me.
“Morning already?”
“That’s right. I wish I could remain laying like this, but a promise is a promise.”
“And you’ve always been a man of your word.”
Though now would be the time to relinquish each other, Juna holds me even more firm and tightly for an instant. But she eventually lets me go and twists to lay on her back.
“I don’t have much to do today. I think I’ll rest just a little while longer.”
“I can understand that. It’s a good morning in the making.”
I shuffle to the side and rise. Getting prepared and garbing myself. Though I wouldn’t care about a morning shower just yet. It’d be a waste with the exercise to come.
When I put on a simple shirt, a fresh memory hits me.
Hyla’s tearful face by Neptanie’s bedside. Whatever is to come tonight, I do my best to prepare myself. No matter what it may be.
My last moment in with Juna for the early morning is sealed with a kiss as I leave her to dream a little longer.
✩ ✩ ✩
“Would you look at that! Twinsies!” Meeting me in the halls, Mercy gets into step with me while the two of us head out of the manor. “Talk about some impeccable timing.”
“It’s a good way to get the blood pumping and start a day. Glad that we’ve been at this still. If I were alone, I would just be doing calisthenics in my room.”
“Always good to have a partner in crime. I appreciate it.”
Out of the manor, on its front lawn we do our beginning stretches and lend each other a hand before preparing for the real exercise. Side by side, raising our pace into a run, we head out from the property and eventually cross over into the streets of Empyrea. The crisp, perhaps even spicy morning air is a wonderfully refreshing kick to the senses. But another kick comes for me quickly.
“So you get plenty of exercise last night?”
“What a start to conversation. We’d just started running.” I respond to her in good humor. “For your information, there was plenty of exercise yesterday altogether.”
“I’d bet! But don’t think I’d overlook the fact you didn’t deny the topic of my question. Must have been a really good day!”
“Say what you want. You can make use of your imagination.”
“Sounds hot.” The snickering from her mouth is more than content to have cornered me.
“You know, I would have expected to have learned about that odd showman district from Celine. Hadn’t really expected something like that to have come from you.”
“What can I say? I like weird things.”
“I like you who likes weird things.”
“I like weird things so I like you who likes weird things. Obviously.”
Our back and forth comes to a brief halt when we find our usual stop in the streets. A small stand selling off some breakfast foods. With a quick order and money exchanged, Mercy loads the bag she’d come with full and we take off once again after a pleasant wave and word of thanks.
“The next big competition is on the horizon, so I think it’d be best to step it up a notch in preparation.”
“Got some more medals to bring back?”
“The medals are always cool, but the feeling of victory really is the best.” Everything about her tone is smug. “Though I’m thinking of adding a few more events to my lineup this year.”
“What else are you looking for? I can’t really imagine anything else at this point with how much you have under your belt.”
“Nothing like… muscly. Been thinking of picking up something that will be fun for the brain.”
“Ah, now there’s something new. Got tired of just reading books? Want to live the experience?”
“Something like that. Competitive board games have been ticking along in my brain. Maybe some cards. None of those games with the tiles though. They’re a bunch of nonsense.”
“Well, if it’s anything like that, you’ll have more partners to choose from then myself and Juna. Perhaps Uria would be a good place to look?”
“If she had the time. Given history, I’d might end up annoying Celine more than anything, so I’ll roll safe and pass on her for now.”
“I’d expected as much.”
“Ah, she’s just too cute. Hard to shut your mouth when there’s someone like her around. She’s really magnetic. Hard to explain it.”
“I can… somewhat see where you’re coming from. You like learning new things and gaining new skills so why not try to learn how to shut your mouth when she’s around?”
“Now there’s a cutting remark! Touche!” Her sentence is followed through with an inelegant snort.
✩ ✩ ✩
Coming down from the latest full speed sprint to round things out, I, once more, have need to take a minute to recuperate. Despite how much her pushing me for all this time has improved me.
I lay down on the grass and stare up at the sky. Mercy comes by and unceremoniously lands her head on my stomach with just the right amount of force to cause me to hiccup a breath. Crossing her legs and taking out her phone, she begins to idly fiddle with it.
“Good job as always.” She congratulates me. “You’ve really shaped up since we’d first met.”
“And yet that shape still feels very square to me.”
“But those little corners have rounded out nicely. You’re like a rounded square at this point. Less of a spaz.” Waving her free hand around while continuing to peer at the screen, she mocks my voice. “Oh! I have to kiss girls! What am I going to do! This is surely hell!”
“I’d hate to think if you were a guy… Or if you were in my position.”
“Tongue on the first time. No other way.”
“Right.” I sigh out a little chuckle. “You know, for as much as everyone has changed, it feels like you’re mostly the same.”
“You can’t top perfection. And I’m always on top.”
“Tell me about it.”
“You know I’ve changed plenty. You’re just exaggerating.”
“Still never a dull moment, though.”
The morning clouds begin to shape up from their more whimsical, brushed appearances and the sun now sets itself up just a hair past the horizon. I prepare myself to raise but speak one last word before I go and ruin Mercy’s comfort from using me as a pillow.
“You’re great, you know that? I’d even call you a friend at this point.”
“I’d hope so. Be really awkward if I wasn’t even a friend after everything we’ve done together, loverboy.”
✩ ✩ ✩
After the run, I’d decided to plunge myself into some warm bath water again. Thankfully a free day thus far, but the coming talk still places a little seedling of worry in my gut. Mercy went off to do her own thing after we’d come inside and placed down some food for all the manor’s occupants.
Though as I sit there and rest myself, I hear the sound of the interconnecting door drawing open.
“Are you enjoying your bath, master?” Jupa’s comforting voice comes through the second door yet standing between us.
“Very much so. Thank you for preparing it. At this point, you really have me more than figured out.”
“It’s my pleasure to serve. Would you desire anything else?”
“Not at the moment. It’s all fine. Just take some time to rest yourself.”
While I’d expected to hear another word from her, I’m left in silence. That silence gives way to a shuffling noise. Then my senses are zapped as I hear the last remaining door separating us open and see Jupa slowly walking in with nothing but a towel to cover her body.
The soft, delicate complexion of her skin is in clear view, marvelous as it is. The sight of her long legs and thighs ending just before the edge of the white towel is a tease. While the cool, calm and collected attitude I’d come to know her best for is nowhere to be found, it’s replaced by an adorable, shy uncertainty.
“I hope… you wouldn’t mind if I were to join you… To help a little bit more.”
✩ ✩ ✩
True to her word, she’d helped me by caring for my back and in return, I’d done all the same for her before we’d returned to the tub together. While Juna had naturally become quickly accustomed to such skinship with me, by this point Jupa is understandably yet unfamiliar. She sits a little stiffly at the opposing side of the tub and keeps her body held close.
“So, after all that’s happened, you’re still committed to this maid business?” I joke with her to ease up her tension.
“I… Well, I enjoy this work. Very much.”
“Truth be told, I really didn’t expect that you’d have come out with it the way that you did. Still wishing to be a maid after everything settled down. I’m endlessly grateful for all your help when it came to Wrath. The help you’ve always given me.”
“Your gratitude is more than enough for me… Well, you already know what I’ve always dreamed… and…”
“You were always so bold to say it before. Suppose it’s a bit different in a situation like this, isn’t it?”
“No need to be shy. I feel the same way. Well, not entirely the same. I don’t want to be a bride.” My dull joke earns a smile out of her. “That thing that’s the opposite of a bride. You know the one.”
“I do.”
While her smile continues to shine shyly on her face, I take a moment to openly admire her. A light, rosy shade brushes along the majority of her pale skin. Not only is it from the warmth of the water, but undoubtedly from her nervousness in the occasion.
Of course, I’m more than grateful for all that I see. But I’m ultimately dissatisfied with the distance between us. Raising my arms, I beckon her.
“We’ve been closer than this before, haven’t we? I’d be happy if you’d let me hold you. Even just for a little while.”
Though having always served as a maid, I make my request as a lover and she knows it. Free to answer, she makes her choice and timidly shifts towards me until our bodies touch together. And there she shrinks, growing even more flushed as she does.
I take the next step and take her into my arms.
Once upon a time she and Juna had been at odds with their competitions and silent quarreling, but now all of that trouble has faded away. And just as with Juna, I let myself rest together with her, the woman I love.
✩ ✩ ✩
Breakfast went by wonderfully as we’d all taken company with each other. Making use of mine and Mercy’s purchases as well as with what else Jupa had prepared, it was a pleasant meal. But there was one thing keeping our meeting from perfection.
One chair remained empty and the void it was continued to draw my attention back towards it. Through our many meals shared, we’d eventually found our own seats we would choose, unassigned yet made personal. And that empty seat was hers.
I’d taken myself up and back to my room as I’d thought up a good way to spend some free time in the day.
I’d found it in the place that it had been left last: that odd book that I’d come to grab. But as I look it over in my hands, a knock comes at my door. Though needless as it may be by now.
An elegant, lunar haired woman enters at my word and hers is the same troubled look that she’s worn lately. A look that I only wish I could take away for good to bring back the gorgeous light of her smile.
“Didn’t expect that you’d keep up that stalker habit of yours, Celine.” Another joke told for levity.
“I’d just felt how you were feeling at the table and… thought it’d be good to come by and check on you. You’re thinking about her, aren’t you?”
“It’s hard not to. Seeing through me like you do. So open to others and so caring. I’ve always loved that part of you.”
As sorrowed as she may be for thoughts of Neptanie, that doesn’t prevent the little spark of heat that hits her face. She manages her flustering and takes a deep breath to still herself.
“I… love you all the same. You’re like that too, you know?” Gaining to my side, she looks at the book I have in hand. “Neptanie’s favorite book. You’re lucky she’d given that to you. She really enjoys you so much.”
“Yeah. But it’s always made me feel a bit troubled too. Giving away something so valuable…”
I don’t need to put it all together for her, she immediately catches onto what I mean to say.
“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. What a strange one.” I flip it back over and reminisce with Celine. “A foreign book from some land called England. What kind of name is that for a country? I swear. She picks the strangest books.”
“I wouldn’t have ever heard of it if wasn’t for her.” She adds to my thoughts. “Just as unorthodox as the rest of what she likes. Dreams, other worlds, timelines, just so many surreal things.”
“But even if we’ve made strange things, Celestia couldn’t have written this one, that’s for sure.”
“Let’s read it to her. That’s what you’d had in mind, isn’t it?”
“You know it. I was thinking of spending some time with her. But this time doing something more than just sitting and watching over her.”
Tucking my fingers into her own, she meets me eye to eye and urges me to take the first step.
“Let’s go. We’ll read it for her together.”
✩ ✩ ✩
Page by page, switching off with each other, Celine and I read the book for Neptanie. We’d eventually found ourselves at the end of the first book. With a second wind, more than willing, desiring to give even more to her, we’d continued on to the second book carried in that leather bound tome.
Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There
Though the two of us had our time feeling morose, the whimsy of the stories and odd tales of walruses and oysters and other like oddball tangents had brightened our mood. And I’d heard that little bit of happiness in Celine’s voice as she’d began to enact and play the parts of the characters with even more spirit. Just like the natural born actress she is.
And it all carries on to a most touching moment.
“Neptanie loves this part! We have to read it well.” Celine’s energy is abounding, ready.
I take up the book and put on a little show for her.
★ ★ ★
This was a puzzler. After a pause, Alice began, “Well! They were BOTH very unpleasant characters—“Here she checked herself in some alarm, at hearing something that sounded to her like the puffing of a large steam-engine in the wood near them, though she feared it was more likely to be a wild beast. “Are there any lions or tigers about here?” she asked timidly.
“It's only the Red King snoring,” said Tweedledee.
“Come and look at him!” the brothers cried, and they each took one of Alice's hands, and led her up to where the King was sleeping.
“Isn't he a LOVELY sight?” said Tweedledum.
Alice couldn't say honestly that he was. He had a tall red NIGHT-cap on, with a tassel, and he was lying crumpled up into a sort of untidy heap, and snoring loud—“fit to snore his head off!” as Tweedledum remarked.
“I'm afraid he'll catch cold with lying on the damp grass,” said Alice, who was a very thoughtful little girl.
“He's dreaming now,” said Tweedledee: “and what do you think he's dreaming about?”
Alice said, “Nobody can guess that.”
“Why, about YOU!” Tweedledee exclaimed, clapping his hands triumphantly. “And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?”
“Where I am now, of course,” said Alice.
“Not you!” Tweedledee retorted contemptuously. “You'd be nowhere. Why, you're only a sort of thing in his dream!”
“If that there King was to wake,” added Tweedledum, “you'd go out—bang!—just like a candle!”
“I shouldn't!” Alice exclaimed indignantly. “Besides, if I'M only a sort of thing in his dream, what are YOU, I should like to know?”
“Ditto,” said Tweedledum.
“Ditto, ditto!” cried Tweedledee.
He shouted this so loud that Alice couldn't help saying, “Hush! You'll be waking him, I'm afraid, if you make so much noise.”
“Well, it’s no use YOU’RE talking about waking him,” said Tweedledum, “when you're only one of the things in his dream. You know very well you're not real.”
“I AM real!” said Alice and began to cry.
“You won't make yourself a bit realler by crying,” Tweedledee remarked: “there's nothing to cry about.”
“If I wasn't real,” Alice said—half-laughing through her tears, it all seemed so ridiculous—“I shouldn't be able to cry.”
“I hope you don't suppose those are real tears?” Tweedledum interrupted in a tone of great contempt.
“I know they're talking nonsense,” Alice thought to herself: “and it's foolish to cry about it.” So she brushed away her tears, and went on as cheerfully as she could.
★ ★ ★
“That’s always been a strange part of the story.” I admit, fully willing that Neptanie would hear my thoughts.
“Going out like a candle from someone waking. I suppose Neptanie is used to that, isn’t she? With how much she dreams?” Celine adds, watching over Neptanie while I keep the book in my hands, readying myself for the next paragraph.
“It’s a little frightening to think about. I’m just grateful that it’s not like that. But I’m looking forward to when I get to hear another one of Neptanie’s own adventures myself.” I glance up from the page and towards Celine as a funny thought comes to my mind. “Neptanie… I wonder if she sees herself in Alice at all.”
“I think we’ll have to ask her when we get the chance. I’d like to hear what she feels.”
✩ ✩ ✩
Celine and I had managed to finish the two books entirely. There had been times when the others had come by to say a quick hello and remain for a moment, but they’d communicated among themselves that we’d both decided to spend the day reading to her.
By the end, thanks to our commentary, the small pauses we’d take and the visits we’d have, sunset had began to shine by the time we’d put it all away and had thought to ourselves that we’d spoken with Neptanie enough for the day. We’d leave her to rest peacefully.
“Thank you for doing this.” Celine says to me as I take the book back from her offered hand.
“I’d had a wonderful time. Hopefully she’d heard it all. Heck, we’d might have influenced her dream, even. Maybe she’d become Alice in her own little Wonderland?”
“I’m sure that would make her so happy. She did always want to meet the Mad Hatter. Imagine the conversations those two would have.”
“I think he’d have difficulty keeping up for a change given how she can talk.”
Our hearts are warmed as we share in a little laugh. And together, we give her our parting words and a little kiss on the cheek. Outside the room, I pull Celine close and quickly kiss her lips before she can even react.
“I love you so much… Khiron.” Tears bead her eyes as she says those words she had once feared would be her undoing.
“And I love you, Celine.” Much like they too had been frightening for me. “It’ll be okay.”
I make her that promise, but there’s a fragment of doubt in my heart as I say those words. And as a rarity for the modern day, that fragment begins to sting my chest as I stand before Hyla’s office.
I enter in and find not only her, but Plutia and Uria as well. Their conversation halts and I take my place among them where not a single smile can be found.
The air is tense. Uncomfortable. Time begins to strain itself as it limps forward.
Yet I could only wish that time would have stopped before I would hear the words I do.
It’s a brief introduction. A brief greeting and a bit of warmth before the coldest phrase could be uttered.
"Neptanie is dying."
And while I’d taken those words in, my mind naturally gravitated back to the innocent story of Alice’s happy dreams.
A part of me wishes that the innocence I’d had before this moment could return.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hello! Thank you for your patience with this story's updates. I had recently been hard at work for Royal Road's Writathon competition. There are many, many new chapters finished for this story thanks to it. Given that, I'll be updating this site twice per week with the new contents. Starting today as the first installation.