126 | A Wish Before Waves Crashing [I]
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Near the end of our travels, I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. Pulling it out, I find a new message waiting for me.

We’ve received all of the information and resources sent from the Empyrean National Correctional Facility. The department of the royal scholars will begin its evaluation of the Retro samples immediately. So too will we be researching the scans of prisoner Caetis’ letters. Royal Assistant Plutia has resolved to work alongside the scholars in their research. We will be sending updates on our status to you accordingly.”

Flawless professionalism.

Her message is simple correspondence. A few minutes later I hear another ping and give my black mirror a second glance.

Take care and don’t overwork yourself, dear. ♡”

Look at that smile. Get some good news?” Vestil asks me with curiosity.

Oh, it’s just a message I’d received from Uria. It’s cute how far she’s come. Back when she used to be all business.” I give the message one last glance before I hit the power switch. “I love it when she calls me dear.”

Lucky.” She huffs in mock frustration. “Still, good job breaking the ice with her. Nearly killed me when I’d first seen her actually smile. A smile like that on such a sweet and adorable face just brings heaven down to earth, doesn’t it?”

It really does.” I exhale a quick chuckle. “It’s a little perk to the job to be able to work with her like. With this new case, it’s all the excuse I’ll need to visit her again soon enough.”

All of the divine smile down on you, don’t they? Scoring with a gorgeous secretary and seeing the warm side of a frosty stickler. Even better that Uria ended up being one of the maidens too.”

Speaking of people who’ve changed; you sure have as well. I really like the new hairstyle. It look great on you.”

Hahaha! Trying to act slick! It’s going to take more than that to get a blush out of me!” She gives her steering a little pat with her fingers. “I’m getting used to it. It’s the longest I’ve had my hair… maybe ever. It’s not so bad. I kind of wish I’d let it grow like this long ago, but I was all caught up with those ideas in my head.”

Nothing wrong with that. I’m just happy that you’d really come out of your shell. It’s a new side to you. Maybe you can spoil me a bit in the future and wear another dress.”

We’ll see. We’ll see.” Though flattery hardly works on such a flatterer, that small, idle request of mine does manage to get a little pink on her face.

True to even Vestil’s growth, everyone I’d met on my journey as the Celestial Knight had underwent their own share of adversity and came out stronger and more true to themselves. Just looking at Vestil’s so minutely, but noticeably more feminine features brings that point home even more.

Really, though, you look great in a dress.” Perhaps it’s just the feeling, perhaps it’s a bit of sadism, but I can’t help but prod her a little more to get a rise from her. “To think that that flirty tomboy I’d know for all these years would become this beautiful. Always so pleasant to the eyes, but just so striking now. I hope you don’t mind that I just want to stare at you.”

Vestil remains silent, her face completely placid and still as she stares out to the road ahead. A little tap sounds as she drums her index finger against the wheel. It brings me to wonder just what’s running through her mind.

I find out soon enough as she takes a sudden detour from the path to the manor and begins down a road less traveled.

Feeling like taking the scenic route?”

Just thought that maybe I could spend some more time with the Celestial Knight is all.”

I wouldn’t mind having the captivating L.E.S. captain all to myself for a little while longer.”

The pleasantly warm air of the final moments of dusk lights the way for our little drive.


✩ ✩ ✩


In our own place away from the world, we’d ended up getting caught up attempting to out charm each other. We’d shared in fits of laughter as our lines slowly by slowly became less suave and more cheesy. A modest chunk of time had passed by and night has arrived by the time we’ve returned to the manor.

I lean with my palm on the edge of her car and send her a smile as I say my farewells for the night. Her proper and sharp uniform is a little roughed up, now without the tie in its wingtip collar. The top buttons are left stylishly uncinched.

Don’t go killing yourself, now. Get some sleep when you can.” She cautions me with a handsome look on her face.

Promise I’ll manage, but I can’t promise that I won’t miss you while you’re gone. You’ll be sneaking into my thoughts here and there. I’ll try my best not to get too distracted.”

That’s going to be a trial.” With a little click of the tongue, she winks at me and gets her car going. Leaving me with a cool parting, raising of her hand.

With that, I let her be off and rise the manor’s steps while thinking to myself that I’d best get a nice car like hers. That way we could trade places.


✩ ✩ ✩


Jupa had been the angel she always is and helped me with a bit of refreshments while I’d began my business with the Classical Killer’s letters. And as I’d fathomed, they’re a rambling mess most of the time. The stack of pages that I’d taken with me is sizable, in the most sparing of terms.

All of the flattery and absurd ideas he’d shared with his pen clacking on his desk proves to deal quite the sum of psychic damage as I bear it all and march on. Without Jupa’s help, I’d likely have been slamming my head on the desk by this point.

Taking another sip of tea to prepare myself for the next letter, I hear the sound of my door opening. I turn and catch the wonder of my heart, Juna, has come by to pay me a visit.

We begin sharing days with each other before the conversation finds its point.

It seems like things have gotten busy. If the pattern proves itself again, that you’re working with those three means it’s serious time.” There’s a mixture of humor and concern in her tone.

You could say that. It’s certainly been a series of events.” When I pause, I see that look in her eyes and read it clearly. “Don’t worry; I’ll tell you what’s going on soon. Right now, I’m focused and it’ll take a bit to explain. Forgive me.”

I understand.” Juna nods her head and approaches me. “I trust you more than anyone. I know that there’s a good reason if you hold your silence. I’ll be waiting until you’re ready.”

Thank you, Juna.”

I lean my head back as I look up to her from my seat. Placing her hair behind her ear, she cradles my head in her hands and leans down. I’m gifted the magnificent, delicate sensation of her lips on mine.

Though we remain together, still, when she picks up, I hear a name I hadn’t expected.

Don’t let her know that I’d told you this, but Plutia had asked me for a favor.”

Her asking for a favor? That’s a rare one.”

It got me as well!” She laughs lightly. “With the way she was looking, I knew she really needed it. She’d asked me if she could spend some quality time with you tonight.”

I take it that that’s what tipped you off that something serious is going on.”

That and the fact that you’re all suddenly bumbling and as busy as bees. Anyways, she’s going to be coming soon enough and she could really use your company. Just do as you always do.”

You say that like I’m magic or something.”

Well, aren’t you?”

Hard to tell.”

Mr. Obtuse!”

I feel a little knock to my senses as she bumps her head against mine. Before I can catch her for her crime, she’s already out of the room. Instead, I’m left standing at my desk while Plutia comes wandering in. Her patented elegant posture and poise holds her shoulders high.

My, she’d fled quite quickly. You weren’t being a bully now, were you?”

I was about to be. She’d messed around with me and ran off before I could get her.”

You two can be like a couple of kids when you’re together.” She thinks aloud while she secures the door to my room and clicks its lock.

How is everything going?” I ask while I twist around my chair to face her. I then motion to the bed but she shakes her head lightly.

Day one for all of this. It’s really unbecoming that I’m feeling its weight already.” Though always so beautiful, the doubt that eats away at her confident look is subtle, but for me, distinct.

That’s understandable. This isn’t just anyone, after all.”

Still, I can’t let myself lose my composure and faith so simply.” Though reticent, pondering, she redirects the conversation fluidly. “You have your work with those letters and then some. How is that going?”

It’s a burden I wish I didn’t have.” I laugh dryly. “They lay it on even thicker than anyone in Astrologia did. And reading it nonstop probably hasn’t been the best for my sanity. I’m just hoping somewhere in there is a nugget, but this mine is looking pretty empty.”

Poor thing. You were always so shy about praise.” With a sauntering gait, she slowly walks towards my chair. “But you certainly deserve it in droves. I’d give you even more with more heart than those letters… If you’d let me.”

Though I’d already had my experience with her and her antics, she still finds a way to cause my temperature to rise.

I’m… not even sure how I should respond to that, honestly.”

Don’t worry about it. Let me handle everything.”

Now before me, she raises a leg onto the chair and draws her body near to mine. Yet before she can follow through to the end, I hear a scrape of her heel and all at once I feel gravity doing its work.

A loud thud sounds as the backrest collides with the floor. My head strikes against it and my vision goes dark.

Yet I’m not unconscious and the darkness surrounding me feels much more soft and warm than one would expect. Fumbling with my hands for a moment I reach about and wind up finding another soft thing.

Ah!” A yelp comes from Plutia’s mouth. “O-Oh no. Not again! Not now!”

Tripped, didn’t you?” Is what I want to say, but with my blinders on, I can only mumble out an incomprehensible, muffled hum.

Please don’t look at me.”

I can’t. I can’t even see anything.” Is what I try to say, but…

“…I want to die…!” Her voice wavers as her embarrassment begins to peak.

I rearrange myself to momentarily be free from my confines, able to speak once more.

I’m not going to say that I’m against this turn of events.”

All she can offer me in return is a shaky laugh as I look at her now crimson red face. Despite everything, she’s still as prone to embarrassment. A charm point of hers that I adore for sure.

I should get up now and-”

I quickly trace my hands up from that soft part and coil them around her waist. She gives another surprised yelp in response as I keep her from rising.

If you don’t mind, I’d be happy to stay like this for just a little while longer.”

O-O-Okay, I guess.”

We sit still while I simply enjoy the moment, but it’s eventually interrupted with a knocking.

All good in there?” The all too familiar voice of Mercy asks us.

Yeah, we’re alright. Nothing serious at all.”

Seems the door is locked too so I had to knock. Plutia is in you room, isn’t she?”

Why do you ask that?!” The lady mentioned outs herself without thinking twice. The look on her face is reminiscent to an unfortunate sailor who’d been struck by lightning while at sea.

There was a thud. That’s a start. I’m not going to say you’re clumsy, but if something suddenly fell in this manor, I’m laying money on the odds that you would have something to do with it.”

Don’t go placing bets on me!”

Already did. Marcia owes me now. So thanks for that.” She snorts audibly through the door. “Have a good night, you two. Don’t get too wild, now. I won’t come knocking again if there’s more noise so you’re on your own from here.”

Appreciate it. Sleep well.” I thank her.

It’s over for me.” She’s now dead in my arms and all of her weight replaces the blinders on my eyes. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Probably the most risque chapter I've written in a long while.

Have a good one!
- ItsukiMarebito