127 | Waves Crashing [II]
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I was more than happy to put those long winded letters aside for the day. Very happy for the reason I’d been given.

I find myself at a much needed comfort after the long day with Plutia at my side, resting her head on my arm. The feeling of her leg on top of mine and the softness of her body pressing against me is a thing of wonder.

Simply in a comfortable lull, yet awake, it’s her who speaks first.

Neptanie has been on my mind… so much.”

I’ve been thinking of her as well.” I say with a little sigh and peer down to her.

The moonlight that glances off her features illuminates her skin with a platinum vibrancy. That deeper violet hair of hers glitters as the pale light mixes with its long locks. Though her eyes stare off, I watch them closely and enjoy the extravagance of their royal purple beneath the lunar rays.

Did I ever tell you how we’d met?” While her expression is plain, there’s a subtle sadness in those eyes.

I’d never turn down hearing it again.”

Now giving me a quick glance, a little smile forms on her lips, a feeling of gratitude within it. She embraces me more firmly as her story begins.

With the passing of my mother and father, I’d been taken in by some family friends, fellow royal assistants my parents had worked with. It was… maybe a year spent with them when I was told that I would be meeting new family. Two sisters.”

I can feel all of the fondness she feels in her words. A sunny joy as she recounts her precious memories.

At first I was apprehensive. I’d never had anything close to siblings before. I’d been given this dress to wear for the occasion. It had felt even more stiff than I’d gotten used to while studying to take up the mantle of a royal assistant.

It was a pleasant little get together in the royal garden. A table set up with fine dishware, tea, sweets and appetizers before our meal. All for us and my two sisters to be.

The first was this girl with glittering white hair. I was amazed at just how pure and shimmering it was. Everything about her was graceful, beautiful, but there was this sadness in her eyes… I’d understood it deep in my heart. It was familiar to me: they were the darkened eyes of someone who’d lost those they’d loved.”

She lets go of a heavy sigh and stirs as she readjusts her position. Feeling the burden of those eyes in her memory, she recalls the next details to her recollection.

The second was this adorable girl. She was so petite and fragile that just looking at her made me imagine she was a fairy tale princess. The type that were always in those story books my parents would read to me.

I’d thought to myself that if I was going to be watching over such a young girl, she was probably going to be energetic and a bother. But she wasn’t. She was so tired unlike such a little child should be. There were times when she could barely even stay awake. Even while we’d all gathered around for dinner together.”

I wonder what it would have been like if I’d seen them then. Celine and Neptanie.” I idly think aloud.

I remember what my step-father had told me when he’d taken me aside at the end of that day.” She pauses and giggles lightly to herself. “‘These two will be your sisters from today forward. I want you to take good care of them. You’re all such special girls and your mother and I promise we’ll always be there for all of you.’

My step-father is such a kind man. He’d kept to his word and raised the three of us with all the love he had. It was years later when I’d learned that he’d taken those two as his daughters on his own free will. When he’d heard of their lives, he and my step-mother were quick to adopt them. They’d wanted to give them a loving home after all the trouble they’d lived through.”

He truly is a good man.” I speak my honest feelings. “When I’d met him, he just radiated warmth. I’d never felt like a stranger and even if he was a new face, it’d quickly felt like I’d known him for years already.”

He absolutely loved you from the start.” The radiance of her glee grows and her grin practically glitters. “He’s always been an excellent judge of character and even though I already knew well for myself, it just set it all in stone for me seeing how he’d taken to you.”

I’m hoping that I’ll get to spend some more time with him soon enough. But it’s been so dang busy since. For both of us.”

We have our small aside speaking and giggling with each other but she returns back to her reminiscence.

At the start, the three of us were all nerves with each other. When I look back, it really is so funny that we’ve all always been shy people just beneath the surface. It took some time for us to begin warming up and finding our way together. But when we did, we’d wondered how we’d made it before we’d even met each other.

Celine naturally made herself Neptanie’s caretaker. All the time at any moment of the day she would be watching over her, doting on her. That’s just the person she’s always been. When I had my time away from my studies, I would spend it with the two of them. They were always so cute together and it’s always been so clear just how Celine adores Neptanie with all her heart.”

Beyond that, even. It’s all been hard as hell for her lately.” I take the silence as my turn to carry on. “I had a sister once as well.”

You did?” Taken in surprise, she raises up from my arm and looks down to me.

Though as she recognizes her form, that the covers are no longer concealing her body, she grows pink in the face while she regathers them. Still so shy, still so cute.

It was for a short time and I was so young, but I remember it.”

The look in her eyes silently urges me to continue, her interest well piqued.

It was when I was in Solus’ care. I can’t remember when it had happened, but when I’d met her, we were in this library together. We’d played around and lost track of time. It was later after that that I’d learned that she would be staying with us in this manor. Solus and Psypha, had introduced her to me properly.

A few years younger than me. She was so sickly and most often looked so tired. I used to take her wherever I would go as I was still learning how to manage the scar.”

That’s strange… That sounds a bit like…” Plutia ponders to herself but lets her thoughts trail off into silence.

I’d only had a handful of months to spend with her, but it was all so wonderful. Before I’d left for knight’s academy, she’d been sent away herself to live with a new family. Someone who could do much more for her sickness. I’d always wondered what had happened to her after that.

In our last moment together, I’d promised her that I would become the greatest knight that I could and that someday…”

Someday?” Her curiosity reaches its height as she leans forward and lets her hair drop against my cheek.

I’d… find a way to save her.”

You don’t mean to say…?”

I really don’t know. Something about all of it feels so strange to me. Almost like it was a dream. But I’ve done all that I could to uphold those promises. I’ve always hoped that I would meet her again. So I’ve always wondered to myself if…”


✩ ✩ ✩


Celine really wanted to go to university to study art and drama. It was her dream above all dreams. So our father helped her to enter. It was a snap with his connections. Ever since, she’s been hard at work on it.”

Time continues to escape from us as the night hours pass on while we talk. Now wearing a truly joyful smile, having put aside her fears, she continues talking about her beloved sisters.

The last play she put on was so wonderfully done. With big thanks to you. I’d never seen her so bright and confident.”

She did all the work. I’d just supported her in the ways that I could.” I respond, powerless but to smile as I feel all of her love for those two.

Well, you did teach her how to dance. I’d never told her before, but she really was the worst dancer until you came along. Sometimes it was agony holding back my laughter. I don’t know how I did it.”

Back when she… definitely wasn’t the most graceful on her feet.”

Before we can lose ourselves even more than we already have, I suddenly take notice of the hour. Although I wish that the moment would never end, I regretfully call it so we can rest.

We have our work cut out for us. We’d better be off to sleep.”

You’re right. Look at the time.” She giggles delightfully. “It’s easy to go on and on with you. I could… lose myself if I’m not careful. But… I like that.”

I take her into my arms and hold her close as I close my eyes. I keep quiet, but I hope that she can tell without the need for words that I feel the same way.

Thank you for taking care of us. Thank you for everything, Khiron.”