128 | Waves Crashing [III]
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Plutia had given me a pleasant surprise as I’d woken for the day. Once more time had become an enigma to the two of us. To the point where only when I’d caught a glance at the clock did I realize that I would soon be running late for my morning appointment.

As Plutia prepares to be on her own way, she has one last tidbit to speak.

There truly was quite a wealth of information on Astrologia left behind after their leader was captured. The sheer volume has been its own effort to work through for all of us, but I’m going to give it a deeper look from today forward until we have a definitive lead.”

Keep me updated and we’ll figure all of this out together.”

I will. I promise.”

With a quick peck on my lips, she’s off.


✩ ✩ ✩


As I meet Mercy, she’s all smiles with plenty of quips about my unusual lateness despite that I still wasn’t actually late.

While we’re on the run, she picks up the conversation and takes it in a bizarre direction.

I was reading this book the other day. It jumped out to me and I just had to give it a shot. In the end it was entertaining enough, but really didn’t hit the depths I was hoping it would.”

What was it about?”

Well, the protagonist is a hero that is tasked to save the world.”

Pretty plain and simple sounding so far.”

But, he has to court and bed maidens in order to overcome his enemies!”

What?!” I nearly miss a step as the shock that hits me nearly throws off my pace. “What kind of a story is that?!”

Right?! That’s what I was thinking! I was interested in seeing where it would go, but it really just ended up being mostly just that. A little disappointing, really.” She sighs exaggeratedly.

Maybe you shouldn’t be expecting gripping and complex tales in erotica.”

Hey, a good story can come from anywhere. Even the most unlikely places.”

Not usually where I would go for a moral lesson or a brain teaser.”

Not usually where you would go, huh? When was the last time you’d read some spicy stuff?”

Never, that’s when.”

You are the most knightly knight to have ever knighted, after all.” She chuckles to herself with a wide, toothy grin. “I bet if I’d discuss it with Neptanie she’d probably have some interesting interpretation or profound wisdom.”

Please don’t discuss erotica with Neptanie.”

Oh? Afraid that it’ll damage that innocent heart of hers?”

You’re unbelievable!” I give her shoulder a soft push and she pretends to stumble.

But really, there have been times when I’ve gone into a story that sounded just so strange and it ended up paying off. There are some great stories hidden behind all sorts of covers. Some would say it’s a sort of filter to the readers that could screen them accordingly.”

In terms of risque books?”

Yup! And then some! I mean, it’s all just fiction. Some people will read it and see something more, others will pick it up and end up thinking it’s just garbage or missable. That’s why Neptanie is so much fun to talk with. She’s the type of girl who sees the bottle as half full.”

Thinking about that just makes me miss her.”

Me too. Next time she’s awake, I’ll talk with her about that book.”

I’ll come and arrest you, that’s what I’ll do.”

The vivid image of Neptanie’s skin turning a tomato red lights up my mind and I can’t help but laugh despite myself.

You know what kinds of people are the most boring to talk with?” She gives a little swing of her arms as she thinks up her next talking point.

Who would those be?”

The types that can’t even take a hypothetical. You know; the ones that aren’t even willing to entertain a thought in casual chat, much less a debate. They’re usually the ones that can’t tell fact from fiction themselves and think anything hypothetical is some kind of attack against them and their sense of identity. Real sad saps.”

I’ve mostly seen criminals act that way. They say that someone who can’t understand sarcasm usually isn’t the brightest there is. Much less someone who can’t let a joke or offense roll off their shoulders.”

I’d say. What fun is life if you can’t have fun? Take everything too seriously and you’ll eventually snap.” Twisting skillfully, she begins to run backwards in front of me.

Maybe at times you could take it all a little more seriously.” I jest.

Would you be up to entertaining a hypothetical yourself?”

I’m willing to wager that in a moment I won’t have a choice.”

So! Imagine that that book was what you’d ended up with instead of all the smooching!” And true to my word, she begins talking before I even finish my own word. “Wouldn’t that have been crazy?! Bet you would have preferred it that way!”

That sounds more like you. I could barely handle the kissing at the start. If I had that fortune instead, I would have probably lost my mind and ran out of the country.”

Holy heck! Your face was funny enough at the start! I wish, wish, wish I could see how you’d look if you’d have heard that that was your duties instead!”

Though I’d been well experienced with her teasing, this one finds an opening in my armor and my face begins to heat up as she points and laughs at me.

You probably could work to read less erotica, judging by what I’ve heard today. With thoughts like this coming up in your mind now, it sounds like you’re starting to become more of a delinquent than you already were.”

Oh, it’s been worth the time. A learning experience. Not a single read wasted.”

What in the heck could you learn from books like that?”

Want me to show you?” A saucy look frames her brow and her earthen tone eyes have a playful look in them.

Shut it.”

What? I was just going to describe the moral lessons I’d gained from them. What were you thinking? Sounds like your mind was running off to who knows where!”

Now that she’s pressed my button, I can tell she’s capitalizing on it. I’m back to my old shy mode as I can’t even formulate a single come back. But she eases off soon enough and returns to running forward and by my side.

On another topic; you heard anything about The Awoongus lately?”

Great. That again.”

Yes, The Awoongus. An infamous, strange little doll that had found its way to Celestia and since had become some hot topic merchandise. T-shirts, charms and all other sorts of things were being sold in stores nowadays. Despite that nobody seems to know what it even is. I can even recall a picture on one of said shirts depicting that thing stepping forward with a giddy gait and the words above and below it reading “Unbreakable Stride”.

Some foreign doll from another country that just showed up one day without any explanation. All that it had to its name was the word on the wooden crate that held those dolls: The Awoongus.

Its appearance alone was bizarre by my own sensibilities. A little creature wearing a sheep onesie and a big smile. Though humanoid, it’s still an absurd little thing.

But of course, most of all is the fact that Mercy had priors with using the topic as ammo to harass me.

No, no! Hear me out here, just hear me out!”

Fine.” I grumble. “I’ll listen.”

So, so, you know how everybody has been wondering what that thing is all about? Well, it seems like some new information came out despite the trade and visitation embargo.”

I’m sure it’ll be something nonsensical.”

Not at all. It’s actually pretty straightforward.” She looks up to the sky as she, allegedly, recounts the new information on that aberration. “Seems that it was some kind of mythical creature depicted in legends from some other country. It’s ingrained in their culture but they’d ended up taking the route of making it marketable so they could have an export to sell.”

That’s… surprisingly simple. Here I was expecting that you were going to go on some insane tangent.”

Me? Please.”

Yes, you. Definitely.”

Anyways, The Awoongus is said to be a blessing to the houses that hold a doll or effigy of it. So in a sense, we’re all being blessed by the presence of the great Awoongus. People who have bought Awoongus dolls have reported improvements in their financial situations and boons to their luck. A pair that had met each other at the section selling Awoongus dolls had gotten hitched. After that report, a bunch of singles are interested in buying them in hopes to have their own blessings for relationships.”

And there it is.”

Really, could be the fact that The Awoongus is the mythical deity of joy and contentment. Why else do you think he wears the sheep onesie?”

That thing is a he?”

It’s because a sheep, in other lands, has historically been the main source of sustenance. A man wearing the sheep is one with nature.” She raises her hands and curls her fingers to mock a pose for meditation. “He is blessed by the sheep, is given rest and knows of greener pastures by still waters. Really, it’s all so obvious when you think of it.”

Can’t say I would have figured that out myself.”

Well, besides that. The Awoongus is getting a TV show now in Celestia.”

Okay, now that’s a lie and you’re trying to pull my leg.”

You’ll see and then you’ll call out into the heavens that I was right all along!” She raises her hands high and does just that.

Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it. But…” The strange topic reminds me of something important. “Neptanie really liked that weird thing. Back when those dolls were harder to come across so she’d never quite gotten one herself.”

I think I’m picking up what you’re putting down.” Mercy says smugly while she pats me on the back. “Ulrique and Xun’s Emporium is carrying them now. Maybe you should go say hi to those two when you get the chance.”

For as weird as you are, you can be helpful at times.”

Give me some more credit. Have I ever steered you wrong?”

Intentionally, yes.”

But unintentionally?”

We’ll see.”

I feel so very trusted.”

For a while we just run. And while admiring the scenery, I begin to rethink all that she’d told me about this Awoongus thing.

I suppose I could see it after all. The other lands with their large pastures, the old days of shepherds. I’ve heard of them. It does make that little creature seem a little more interesting, all things considered. Cultures tend to venerate whatever it is that sustains them.”

See? Now you’re getting it! I should buy you an Awoongus shirt sometime.”

The patron being of happiness… Other nations really have interesting iconography. Maybe it’s a little cute after all.”

My vocalized thoughts are interrupted by the sound of snickering. I click my eyes to my partner and see the huge, self congratulatory smile sitting on her face like a cat that thinks its the king.

You’re so gullible, it’s cute.”

Oh, you…!”

Before I can grab her, she’s already off into a full sprint. I launch myself after her, racing across the grass in hot pursuit. Slowly gaining until she’s in my reach, I snag her and we both go down. At the end of our collision, I hover above her and pin her arms down.

You really have shaped up. You win this time, but don’t expect it’ll always be this easy.”

Letting me win? That’s no fun. Where’s that competitive spirit?”

Sometimes you just have to give a little, you know?”

From my vantage point staring down at her, I begin to admire all the little things about her. That tossed, brassy hair of hers is perfectly hers given the way it’s always so shimmering with life. Two eyes ever holding a charge of energy in them. I can feel that spark transferring to me as I stare into them. Her tanned complexion is warm and inviting.

I seal that mouth always bearing its cheeky grin with a kiss.