129 | A Wish Before Crashing Waves [IV]
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The two of us were a delightful mess when we’d returned to the manor. It was a snap decision that we would share water this time. After we’d spent enough time letting the water work away the fatigue we’d built up from our activities, we’d both gone our separate ways after one more kiss shared.

Though it would currently be my own piece of diligence to the cause, I’d grimaced the moment I’d seen those letters sitting on the top of my desk.

As the hours whittle by and noon makes its entrance, I quickly recognize that I’m in dire need for a break. Thinking over the woman who is the reason for our campaign, a plot quickly formulates in my mind. I take my phone and make a quick call before I take myself out of the manor and out to visit with two good friends.


✩ ✩ ✩


Ulrique and Xun’s Emporium.

That good old sign hangs overhead and the store front advertises its rare and peculiar merchandise while making the proud announcement that it’s also an officially recognized service store by the knighthood. Although it hadn’t been all that long since I’d last visited, it’s still an almost nostalgic feeling when I enter in.

Before my eyes can travel far along the wares, a rather diminutive figure comes jogging up to me.

Clad in a school uniform minus its necktie, a leather apron bearing a decorative pin of a cactus on it, it’s a young lady only a few years my junior.

“Khiron.” Her serene, monotone voice calls my name as she quickly makes her way by my side.

Befitting to her voice, her face is completely placid. Her fluffy, silvery hair is topped with two cute, pointy ears like those of a cat. Ears which betray her true emotions as they twitch and bounce while she stands before me and peers up to catch my eyes.

“It’s nice to see you, Xun.”

“It’s been too long. I want you to visit more often.”

“Quite forward of you.” Her usual blunt manner earns a chuckle from me. “Sorry that it’s taken as long as it has. There’s been plenty on my plate lately. I’m grateful for all the messages you send me.”

By instinct, I raise my hand and begin to pet her head. Her eyes close and those cute ears of hers flatten.

“There’s the man I was hoping to see today.” A second voice gathers my attention.

Walking up casually is the owner of the store. The black beanie cap on her head is tented up into two points. Her hair, much like Xun’s, is a pale silver but it falls near to her waist. Her clothes are comfortably casual and she too wears a leather apron cinched with a cactus shaped pin. A long blue and beige scarf wrapping her neck completes her look.

Altogether from the way she carries herself and the fact that she’s the taller of the two shows who is the elder.

“And here’s the woman I was hoping to visit. How has business been, Ulrique?”

While I absentmindedly cease petting Xun’s head and let my hand fall, she quickly catches it and replaces it on her head. Her blank eyes are pleading. I give into her whims and resume, earning a pleased tuck of her neck as she enjoys my caress.

“Great! You know, word that the Celestial Knight shops here is always a boon to our sales. Today is a bit slower, but we’ve been going ahead good and strong. I think it’s time that I’d hired more hands.”

“That’s great news! You guys really are lifesavers when it comes to my work. I’ve heard as well that there are plenty of knights that are more than grateful for your sales.”

“Ahaha! Praise me more! Praise me more!” She beams a toothy grin while she pats my shoulder. “We have that thing you’re looking for set aside. Were you thinking of doing anymore shopping?”

“I’d wound up using all my supplies when I was fighting through Wrath. With how things are going, I’m likely going to need more very soon so it’s best that I’d get it settled now before anything else hectic comes this way.”

“Always the forward thinker! That’s our Khiron!”

Snaking her arm around my shoulder with a catty grin on her face, she begins to pull me along. But not too quickly that Xun would be left behind. Her adorable younger sister wraps herself around my arm and holds me near as we make for a rather cozy looking trio on the move.


✩ ✩ ✩


Shopping went smoothly. Although Ulrique had relinquished me quickly enough, Xun had continued clinging to me like a barnacle the whole way through.

Having collected all the supplies I would need, there was one last matter to settle before we’d have our traditional time for relaxing together.

“I still don’t get it.” I sigh as I hold the doll in my hand.

“You may not get it, but they sure are selling like hotcakes.” Ulrique informs me while retaining her cattish, upturned lip. “If you hadn’t called about it ahead of time, it would have been sold off. We’d had one walk in customer asking about it.”

“You’re both lifesavers.”

“I made sure to take it aside for you. Give me praise.” Xun states as she stares up at me with a sparkling in her eyes.

“I owe you that much, don’t I? Thank you, Xun. You’ve helped me so much.”

Her usually plain face takes on a bit of emotion as her mouth raises into a tiny smile.

“We should be getting in another batch of them soon enough.” Meanwhile, her sister continues talking about her sales. “While this store really only had the dolls, we’re definitely going to get a bit more merchandise with this next shipment.”

“People are really dying for this, huh?”

“The new TV show on the horizon is definitely helping keep it in the public eye.”

“Wait. That’s actually happening?”

“You haven’t heard? I’d thought that most anyone has heard by this point with how much it’s been getting advertised.”

“How would you even make a show about this thing?”

“If the price is right, studio executives can always hire the right kind of writers to make up a plot to anything. Money makes the world go ‘round, after all.” Her grin turns into a toothy smile and I could swear I see dollar signs consume her eyes.

“That’s one way of looking at it.”


✩ ✩ ✩


Roughly an hour passes by as we sit and chat. Per usual fashion, Ulrique had put up the sign for a break since she and her sister needed their time to at least eat lunch. While Xun had taken to her habit of attempting to feed me herself, our little rendezvous passes by quickly.

Yet there’s something more on the horizon.

“My sister is giving me time away from the store.”

“She has? There shouldn’t be too many customers for a while, I’d think.”

Grabbing my arm and holding it against her body once more, her ears begin to flatten as she uncharacteristically fails to make eye contact with me.

“I want to bring you to my room.”

“Oh. That’s… sudden.”

“But it’s okay. Sister said it would be.” She then unabashedly raises her thumb and her face returns to its plain expression as if her bashfulness before had been nothing more than a trick of the mind.


✩ ✩ ✩


At the back of their emporium, there was a simple locked door reserved only for the management committee. Through it and up its stairs was their own living quarters. The second floor of the building with plenty of rooms and space, though the majority goes mostly unused.

I’d visited their house plenty of times before. Though the first extended stay I’d had had happened shortly before Wrath had become a blight in the Royal Crown. It was a time when the two were laid up with a Celestian sickness that was mostly reserved for children. Given that they weren’t exactly natives, they hadn’t had the chance to have built up the immunity for it when they were young.

Having returned again, guided by Xun, she quickly gets me to the place I’d been invited to visit. Back when, the first time I’d ever seen this room, it was sparingly decorated, almost empty feeling. But as time has passed, it’s become more girlish and lively with decorations and personal mementos slowly amounting.

And it warms my heart to see that she continues taking good care of all of the gifts I’ve gifted her.

Sitting on her bed, she drops next to me and begins to talk.

“The Awoongus…” the first words out of her mouth and I nearly cringe on reflex thanks to the Pavlovian response Mercy had ingrained in me, “…is cute.”

She shows me her own Awoongus doll that had been sitting on her desk.

“It’s a social phenomena, apparently.” I laugh dryly.

“Why The Awoongus so suddenly?” Hugging the doll on her lap, she asks me her question while very interested. “You don’t like it.”

“Well, it’s not for me. It’s for Neptanie. She’s always wanted a doll of her own so I’d thought it’d make a good gift.”

“Something is wrong, isn’t it?”

“You can really be sharp.”

“I know you. I need to know what to look for so I pay attention. I know that something is on your mind.”

“Well, you have me figured out well enough, then.” The way I sigh alone is a proof that I’ll open up.

I recount the details of Neptanie’s condition but leave out any unnecessary details that she would be better not concerning herself with.

“Neptanie… is a good sister.” Her response is reasonable. There’s a bit of worry in her, but she remains as placid as she can be. “She will be fine. You are taking care of her.”

“Wow. I’m a little shocked that you have that much faith in me.”

“Of course. I will always have faith in you.” The piercing stare of her sweet eyes makes for certain that I have no room to doubt what she’s shared. “You are my knight. I believe in you more than anyone else.”

The heart behind her words is enough to halt me to a pause. She plays with The Awoongus in her arms for a moment before she sets it aside and doubles down on her glance.

“Someday soon, I should see sister Neptanie again.”

“She would be very grateful, I know. She really likes you and if it wasn’t for her sickness, she would likely have visited you much more than she’s had the chance to.”

Despite herself, how she’s usually so open and blunt, as the talk of Neptanie cools off, Xun begins to become more timid. Even if her face doesn’t show it, I can tell all too easily. She’s not the only one that has learned to read the silent signs we share.

“Is everything okay? Neptanie may be struggling with sickness, but I’m worried just as much about you. Have you been well lately?”

“Yes. I’m fine. I’m… just happy you’re here. So happy that I don’t know what to say now when I think of you.”

“I appreciate that you’re always so upfront. Well, it’s always a joy to see the two of you.” Hearing this, her ears begin to fall a bit slack, depressingly so. “I’m grateful that I get to spend time with you. I’ve missed you.” Then they pick right back up to their sharp point.

“You’re almost done as the Celestial Knight, aren’t you?”

“Well, I have a few more things to do before that, but if records are to be trusted, I most likely am.”

“When sister and I first came here, we weren’t allowed to leave this country. We were planning along with Mia that when the Celestial Knight would be finished with his work, we would all be on our way. But…”

Her ears droop again, but this time it isn’t from any sort of sadness.

“We’ll be staying. Mia is still going to be leaving, but we’ll stay here.”

“It’ll be a bit sad to see her go, but I’m glad she’ll be free after all. It’s a load off my shoulders to know that I won’t be without the two of you.”

“…It’s because of you… that we’re staying. We’re staying with family. With you.”

Though she nearly mumbles what she says, I hear it well in the peaceful atmosphere of her room. And my memory returns to me clearly.

After they’d both had contracted that childhood sickness, I’d taken the time to watch over them and nurse them back to health. After they were past the climax of that delirious illness, Ulrique had come to me strongly, proudly.

I want you to be our family.” She’d declared unflinchingly.

And I’d agreed with her. It was their way of thanking me, but after all we’d ever been through together, I’d felt the same way. In my heart, they had been family for such a long time but it was such grand happiness to have made it all official.

Though the official ceremony was absurd, I was in it to the end. It was a dream come true that I could be their family and so I didn’t need even a second’s time to think it over. I was beyond willing.

One hallucinogenic cactus shared with Xun later, a whole mind bending, otherworldly experience endured and we were sworn as family. And, funny enough, Xun had personally chosen to see all of the Celestial Maidens as a part of the vow. Thus every one of them had become her sisters in her eyes.

Of course, even long before she had always been so adoring and clingy. Her feelings for me had only grown through the events we’d shared in together. It had always been patently obvious just how she’d thought of me and although at first I couldn’t reciprocate, the time came when I could.

“As her guardian and her older sister, I give my full permission and my blessing for you to marry my sister.” Ulrique had come at me like a bulldozer crashing through the wall of my mind. She’d spun me.

It was her job as her older sister to keep a lookout for Xun, and just how much she'd understood about the two of us was far beyond was I'd ever expected. Even if Xun wasn't a Celestial Maiden, somehow things just worked out the way they had. When the time came to break the news to the others, all of the maidens were extremely supportive and accepting of our relationship.

And thus...

“I'm happy that both of you have found your place here in Celestia. Back when you used to talk about leaving... it made my heart sting.”

“I want to be beside you. Always.”

“You know, plenty of people could learn from your culture’s honesty. It’s refreshing.” I laugh again to hide my embarrassment. “I do too. I suppose we have quite a future ahead of us now, don’t we?”

She only nods. A little more sunken into herself, tentatively playing with the hem of her skirt, her meekness hits me right in the chest. I let my the feelings of my heart go free and wrap my hand around hers. Lifting up her chin, I study the nearly gem-like radiance of her eyes before I seal our promise with a kiss.

“Together, as family.” She says to me with a shy smile.


✩ ✩ ✩


The time skates by as I talk with Xun and hear all she has to share, be it new lessons about her culture or the common matters of her daily life. Before I can completely lose track of the clock, I reluctantly prepare to leave.

While it stings me enough as is to say farewell, the way her ears wilt tugs at my heartstrings even more. But I keep my resolve, remembering the stakes, and say my farewells with one more kiss for our parting.

While she remains in her room for a while longer, Ulrique is afforded the opportunity to have me to herself. While we settle up my purchases to carry out, she takes the opportunity to strike up conversation.

You know, Xun really misses you when you’re gone. You’re constantly on her mind but, while she has friends in her classes, she really hasn’t told anyone about your relationship. I’m the only one that knows. Well, me and those maidens.”

I’d imagine that at least some customers might have gotten a general impression of us.” I announce a touch sheepishly.

She’s always been pretty hands on when it comes to showing how she feels. She’s always been that way with me and I suppose that might be why she has that habit.”

I don’t really mind.”

I’d bet you’re used to it with all those girls you’re always hanging around.” A sly and cheeky grin pairs with her words.

It’s… I’ve always been a bit… unused to this kind of thing. Before I was much more shy – sure – but I can’t really explain it.”

What exactly?”

I may have… plenty of experience now, but it seems that whenever it’s a new girl, I can really feel back to my old self.”

I was so very surprised when you’d shared your secret job with the two of us. I hadn’t expected this kingdom would give its hero knight such a strange duty. I know that Xun is fine with this arrangement and I am as well… but I’m hoping that she’s going to be the last one.” Despite how jovial and pleasant she always is, an unexpected frigidity flows forth from her eyes.

I-I didn’t mean anything like that! I… well, Xun just happened to… win me over.” My nerves tangle and send a faulty signal to my brain that causes me to laugh. “I’d just meant to say that… I feel a little shy around her still. It’s pretty moronic, I know… Given everything.”

You’re a good guy. A bit hopeless when it comes to love, but… what can I say? You’re my family.”

Well, that’d be a first that you sound strained saying that.”

Don’t mind it.” With her own little chuckle, she returns to her happy-go-lucky tempo. “You know, even if you are Mr. Celestial Knight, Xun really doesn’t think about that at all.”

What makes you say that?”

All she ever talks about is you as a person. I never hear her bring up your title, your work, anything. That is besides worrying about you. She was happy you’d become the Celestial Knight, but boy does she really love you. Her friends are all completely left in the dark about just who this mystery boyfriend of hers is.”

I’m… flattered, really…” I try not to, but I do it anyways: I blush.

Ever since you’d protected her from that drunk that day, she’s been set in her ways.” She reminisces as she crosses her arms and casually leans against the counter. “She’s always liked you, but that night was the first time I’d ever seen her look that way. So flushed, clumsy and speechless. I’m happy that it all played out in her favor in the end.”

I had no clue that doing my job would have resulted in all of that.”

Anyways, I don’t mean to hold you up.” Her knuckle knocks against the counter before she gets back to a tall stance. “I know that there’s something going on with your work now, but it’s a mystery to me just what it is. No matter what, I know you’ve got this.”

Thanks. For everything as usual. All of these items are going to be a huge help for sure.” I take pause before giving her a little peek into the latest issue. “I’d talked with Xun about it a little bit. I’ll tell you more sometime, but for now you can ask her about it.”

I understand. And I don’t think I have to say it, but I’ll do it anyways. Come back in one piece. It’d break our hearts if anything happened to you. Besides, you need to take her out on another date. She’s been dying to spend that kind of time with you.”

I’m already planning a special day out, so it shouldn’t be much longer. And I’ll give it all my best to make it out of this unscathed. It’s looking like it may be a tough one.”

I’ll keep that a secret between us for now. I’m looking forward to seeing her smile. So keep your promise, be safe, and come back for her, alright?” Her face is nothing but sunshine with that cattish grin she wears.


✩ ✩ ✩


While I proceed on a tour settling matters around town, I think back to Ulrique’s please – a plea as my sister.

Come back in one piece.

If it all comes down to it… I’d just might have to use that Retro when we find it. Hopefully that little ceremony I’d had with Xun was enough to prepare me, but…” I look up to the cloudy skies foretelling rain, “…even if I have to fight like hell to make it, whatever it will take…”