[Arc 1 – The Sprout] Chapter 1 – Reborn
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"You humans only have one fault. You are too weak," The figure spoke to me, a mid-ranking soldier who was lying helpless on his stomach in the arid land.

I saw my own feet were barely ten meters from where I was. While I felt the blood rushing from my thighs and flooding the ground where I was sheltering. I started to lose consciousness while wallowing in my own blood which felt like a thick, sticky syrup. It didn't smell fishy, ​​maybe because it was still fresh.

During this war, I became very familiar with the smell of blood. When it just drips it had the smell of iron, after a few minutes—because of the hot temperature— it will quickly smell like chicken that had just been taken out of the refrigerator and forgotten in the kitchen all day. I'm also too used to the scent of gunpowder or the sound of a rifle being cocked and the sound of a grenade being released.

The whole corner of the earth was the battlefield. No place was safe. Even the bunker wasn't very useful. We humans had no other choice but to came out of our hiding and fought them. We had even burned forests and blown up almost all oil mines in exchange for depleted weapons.

We hope the burning earth will made them away. But it didn't work. They rejected all our offers of peace. They don't want Earth's natural resources, nor do they need slaves—although we've offered millions of slaves who are willing to work without pay.

They don't want anything from us. Nearly eight billion humans were helpless—even though they enemies only consisted of less than ten people. They are humanoids with bodies only twice as large as Homo Sapiens. They had Silver skin with eyes that were entirely dark.

Only about three of them occasionally descend to Earth and destroy every city with the snap of their fingers. The aliens had fun with us. Chasing and hunting us happily like performing a street magic show.

In the four months since they first showed themselves—I'm sure they never spoke. But this time, one of them spoke.

I don't know when or how they learned it. His English was quite fluent. But why was he just saying it now? And to me who was just a lowly soldier? I was just lucky enough to stay sane while all my family and friends died almost at the same time.

I want to ask, why were they doing all this? What was the reason? Who are they? But I almost died this time. The remaining humans may not be up to a million people. I don't know what else they will do. Even us soldiers are already reluctant to fight.

This clearly was doomsday. We'd better wait in the ruins and pray for God to give us heaven after our death. Many soldiers had stopped fighting. I should have also prayed and waited to die with them. But for some reason I agreed to follow my commander's orders. Dying while fighting was better than giving up, he said.

I hate being a coward. The problem was we clearly can't win. We couldn't scratch them even one bit. They were bulletproof, nuclear bomb resistant, and didn't burn even if we tried to trap them with fire. They had no weaknesses.

"Who are you?" I don't know why I asked. The figure was still looking at me. Maybe he found it funny to saw me slowly bleed to death with my leg cut off. Strangely, this bad situation made me believe that karma exists.

When the earth was still peaceful, I once caught a grasshopper and then I torture it by cutting off its leg. Maybe the bug was laughing at me right now from heaven. Yes, I also regret it after doing it. It happened when I was in elementary school and I was upset that someone bullied me that time. So I took out my anger towards weak animals.

I think karma exists. These evil aliens will surely receive their recompense.

"We are Celestials, we will purify the Earth," he answered me.

It felt great to hear them talk. I know that I should hate them. Yes of course I despise and wanted to kill them. But they were extremely powerful beings and I couldn't help but get excited when I found out they chose to talk to me. I'm a little proud, unfortunately no one will praise me. My commander was dead. So did all my fellow soldiers.

But I guess my reaction made my heart pumped faster and increased my bleeding profusely.

I'm definitely going to die.

The alien, standing close to me. Still watching me. I know they were incredibly strong. But do they know that I'm wearing a vest full of explosives right now?

I know even a rocket launcher can't hurt them. But who knows if they have weaknesses? My arm grabbed the alien's hand and I held it tight like a leech sucking blood. He was surprised and I hurriedly pressed the trigger button.

A strange feeling of warmth enveloped me. I don't know, maybe it was my brain that was blown out or something. I didn't see anything. I should be dead but somehow I believe I already take one of the aliens to another world.

My job was done. I should be in heaven soon. Met my friends and parents and all the humans who left me. Hopefully Heaven really exists because that was the only thing that keeps me alive and sane on Earth.

Everything around me was very bright. Yes, this was similar to the picture I often watched before about heaven. Maybe I'll see an angel soon. I had been a good person on Earth to the end. I hope I can rest here and be happy.

All right, now I can see—a meadow?

Was this really heaven?

I only saw a wide meadow and a few big trees around me.

I can't move either. Shouldn't I be able to fly and soar? I ventured to look down. I saw nothing but bony stalks embedded in the ground.

Wait, was that my leg?

"What?!" I shouted. Why was my body so weird right now? Like plants. Or a strange animal that looks like a corn sprout.

Ah well, I remember now. People who die do not always go to heaven or hell. They can also be reincarnated.

Then me? Reborn as corn plants?

Damn it!

But at least, here the air was clean and warm—even though I felt god was too unfair to me. I'm not a criminal. Why was I born like this?

Wait. One of the trees near me seemed to move.

I thought I was wrong. But the tree was really moving. It looks like a jacaranda tree with purple blooms. Now it turned and moved closer to me.

"So you're already born?" The tree said to me.

This was too weird. A big tree talking to corn shoots like me? Before that, evil aliens talked to me even though he ignored even the president of the USA. Why me?

"You can talk, can't you?" From that tree, a yellowish light was created surrounding it. Then a figure resembling a middle-aged woman who looked wise appeared in front of me.

"Who am I? Where is this?" I was talking. I didn't have a mouth but I'm clearly talking to her.

"You haven't been given a name yet. The elders will meet you later. They must be happy. After thousands of millennia, a new Celestial has finally been born. You are a god and your life will be very busy after this," said the tree woman.

What? Did I hear it wrong? I was reborn as a god?