Chapter 2 – Incarnated
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She said her name was Uhme, a Celestial and the keeper of this place. It was said that this vast prairie was the birthplace of the Celestials. I don't quite understand yet. Considering that I myself was still a bud and there were many trees around me that were big, tall and leafy-are they all Celestials too?

But they didn't move like the Uhme tree. Uhme and her human-like form are still patiently sitting cross-legged in front of me.

"You have a lot to learn about our people. But you were born with sufficient knowledge, the roots in your feet are connected to all life on this planet. You know that you are special," Uhme said.

I don't know how to respond. My memories are mixed. I still vividly remember my old life. But there was also a part of me that slowly understands my current situation.

I know that I am not a plant let alone an ordinary corn shoot. I might be some kind of strange animal-like creature born with instinct.

"So what am I?"

I asked again. Somehow, I know that I can do many things. I also know that my real body- which was like a tree bud- can't go anywhere. If I leave this place, then I will die. The soil in this place contains special nutrients that keep us alive. Like oxygen or water. The difference was that we didn't inhale it but absorb it through the stringy roots of our feet under the ground.

She said I am Celestial, a god. It reminds me. Before I died I heard the aliens claiming that they were also Celestials. Were they like me?

But I need more explanation than that. If I'm a god, does that mean I'm as strong as the aliens that destroyed my earth? I doubt it, because I'm helpless right now. In addition, the aliens I met were in humanoid form.

"Let me explain again. You are a Celestial. The embodiment of energy from the formation of galaxies billions of years ago. You are a conscious being, can think but have no emotions. We were born to maintain the balance of the galaxy, create life and sometimes destroy it," Uhme said again.

Her physique was a little different. Human-like but with slightly protruding forehead, She had wide lips like a fish. her hair was like palm fiber and her clothes are just wrapped around like the clothes of women in the ancient rome era. She was thin and tall. What made me know that she was definitely not human were her trumpet-like ears.

The older I get, my roots absorb more nutrients from the soil and I get smarter. Now I knew that I don't have to be in this meadow forever. I can roam. The nutrition under my feet, apart from keeping myself alive, was similar to data on the computer. My roots suck the nutrients including any knowledge stored underground.

"I'll incarnate," I said.

"Yes, do you need my guide?" Uhme asked.

"No, I got it, I guess."

In my mind at this time, a variety of incoming information jostled. I saw a lot of planets, a lot of species, a lot of animals and I knew that I just had to focus and pick a look that suited me.

Like Uhme, who chose the form of a middle-aged female merman. I knew right away what it was going to be.

A warm feeling shimmered around my body. At first I emerged from my buds in the form of light. Then I formed my hands, my feet and my face. I chose to be human. Be myself before I die blowing myself up.

I moved from my original body which was a small tree bud and walked steadily on the ground. When I stepped on it, a sharp, cold feeling immediately hit me. Feels dangerous and at the same time makes me curious. This vast prairie could not be entered by anyone other than Celestials.

At first I thought I'd be wandering around like a ghost. But this body was solid. I can be touched and touched. Even though this was just an incarnation. Which means I might have split up like an amoeba and a planarian worm.

"You chose that form?" Uhme asked dryly.

I couldn't tell if she didn't like or like my new form. Her expression was flat the entire time. She said Celestials were born emotionless. But I'm sure I'm not. There was still a sense of anger and sadness when remembering my previous traumatic life.


"Where did you take that look from?" She asked again.

"This? I'm just being creative .Is this too weird?" I asked.

"I'm just not familiar with that appearance. My current form is similar to that of the amphibians on planet Draugluin. I like their anti-war culture and the way they interact with nature," Uhme informed.

Celestials usually incarnate according to what they have seen or through planetary memories absorbed by their roots. In my mind there was a lot of knowledge about every nation and species that exists in the galaxy. But I didn't see man or earth there.

Besides, I can't tell Uhme that I reincarnated. The Celestials didn't know that concept. As a newborn Celestial I'm sure that's impossible. Because Celestials do not believe in the existence of souls let alone the concept of the afterlife.

Then if that was all true, how come I can remember all my old life on Earth?

"When will I meet the elders?"

"After you can incarnate, we can immediately meet them," said Uhme who immediately got up from her seat and asked me to follow her.

Uhme spread out her wrinkled hands. The two of us would leave Trevals-the name of the meadow where all the Celestials were born and live until they died. My and Uhme's tree-like bodies would never leave that place. Our roots will continue to absorb nutrients while our other bodies roam freely outside of Trevals.

Before long some kind of portal appeared before us. A chilly feel radiated from it but I didn't shiver at all. I'm a Celestial, as long as my roots are still deep in the land of Trevals-nothing can hurt me.

I also thought that the alien who destroyed the earth was a Celestial. Does he live in Trevals too? I see there may be hundreds of Celestials inhabiting Trevals, was his real body dwelling in Trevals sucking the nutrients of the soil with its roots like me?

I don't have the data in my brain. Trevals Nutrition doesn't provide the information I want. Maybe I should ask Uhme. How to kill a Celestial?