Chapter 5 – The Stranger Thought I Was the Decoy
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Thanks for my genius brain.

Although I was not sure I could call it a brain. Because the anatomy of the original celestial body was a bit confusing. Our center of consciousness was at the bottom—close to the root. When our wood-like organ was split open—the texture was quite soft and wet like the trunk of a banana tree.

There was no blood flowing, other than a clear, slightly sticky liquid that would quickly dry up if we were injured.

In fact, almost no celestial had ever been injured. Trevals was a very safe place for us. Trevals was a very secret planet and had never been discovered by any civilization. Only we can get in and out of it.

Then how was I supposed to know about Treval's anatomy if we had never been injured?

Like in the medical school, there were people who donated their bodies for research. He was one of the earliest generation of celestials born about two billion years after the Milky Way galaxy formed. He was tired of living and decided to die.

Celestials who were too old sometimes decided to die. But only one was willing to allow his body to be dissected and researched before he decided to remove the roots from the trevals and died peacefully.

What did I say earlier? Oh yeah, thanks for my genius brain. I was not lost on this vast planet. My reasoning as soon as I managed to escape the siege of Uhme's followers — immediately to find out where the main celestial shrine was?

It was in the city of Urduk—the most arid place in Staraid. In my memory, the temple stood on top of a steep mountain. All the mortals would never be able to climb it. In addition to being steep and having extreme weather—there was an electromagnetic current around it that prevented any aircraft from getting close.

I was still using my mortal staraid form. Humanoid with snake-like eyes and a slightly protruding forehead. I was tall and had metallic blue scales on my forehead. My nose was almost flat like Voldemort's. My skin was slightly green mixed with brown earth. But I had gorgeous black hair. I was not very familiar with the beauty standards of this planet. But I thought I could be called handsome.

Staraid people may be a bit like ninja turtles. But without a shell or a headband mask on their eyes. Their attire was surprisingly close to that of an earthling. Most of them wear dresses or tight t-shirts and pants.

So I want to had a little opinion about the fashion sense of the designers that I occasionally watch on cable TV by accident. I had seen models walk around in dresses bulging on their stomachs and hips. She was like a giant balloon. I had seen clothes that were just as ridiculous. I mean—who would want to buy it? Was anyone in their right mind willing to wear it off the catwalk?

Forget it, Earth was already destroyed. If only I had time to record and save whatever was left of it. I would even be willing to frame those ridiculous dresses if I could find them. Even though I was no longer human, I felt an obligation to preserve the memories of Earth.

But the Celestials never found Earth. I know and memorize the data of more than 9000 civilized planets in the Milky Way galaxy. Earth was never recorded. Then how could that mysterious celestial come and annihilate humans? What had he got to do with Earth?

Uhme will probably still had a long time dealing with her business. So I would pay myself a visit to the main shrine and greet the celestials who might be there. It shouldn't be too difficult to climb the mountain.

"Finally found you!" Someone grabbed my arm. It was cold and scared me. I didn't expect to be touched like that so suddenly. My eyes widened and I coughed in shock.

"Hey, are you okay? Are you sick? Then what? Can you compete?" asked the mortal girl again.

Compete? What does it mean?

"He can, let's hurry! We have to hurry to the stadium!" Another one chimed in. He was a big, fat mortal.

Wait, looks like I understand this situation. I was wearing the wrong costume. The girl, and the fat leader were wearing yellow T-shirts and black pants. There was their team logo there. My clothes were the same as theirs. I just used my memory quickly to choose my appearance when changing my form earlier.

"We have been looking for you since two hours ago. I told you not to hang around. Don't you know that this is an important match?" The fat man scolded me. I grin, revealing my charming carnivore fangs.

"He's just a decoy, don't be too hard on him," another young man came over and carried a lot of luggage on his back.

No wonder they don't recognize their own team members. It turned out that the person they thought was me— was a decoy. A decoy was usually hired the last few days before the game. They hired anyone who was willing to play that deadly role for a hefty fee.

"I thought you wanted to run away..remember, we won't pay you if you're not in the stadium," the fat man threatened me.

I nodded. This was interesting. I could go to the main shrine any time. I guess getting a little involved with the activities of the mortals wouldn't be a bad thing.

Of course I know what they were talking about. Now was the thirteenth moon on planet staraid. Every year there was a national festival there. A festival held in honor of the celestials who protect their galaxy.

Since this was a festival honoring the celestials—that meant there would be offerings. To carnivorous mortal staraids—That meant blood sacrifice.

I complied when the mortal girl pulled my hand to go with her. Maybe their original decoy had really run away. I wouldn't call him a coward because this festival wasn't for the weak.

After a few minutes of driving in their space car, I was back on the ground.

In front of me stood a stadium similar to the Roman colosseum. It was just more modern and bigger. I saw the playing of light there and the music, although loud to the ears—not too annoying and distracting. Lots of people are seen queuing to get in.

What we were going to do now was indeed similar to a gladiator show. But with different rules and levels of danger.

"The Purple Team has started to compete, we are already late!" The fat man forced us to hurry.

"If we don't find you, I'll have to be the decoy and Hey! Your profile says you're a sprinter right? I hope you're not kidding. this job pays a lot but if you're not honest in your cover letter—you'll get in trouble," the mortal girl raved to me.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"Seriously? Don't you realize your current situation? You're a decoy," the girl said between worry and pity.

."I'll try," I said, smiling again.

"Whatever! Here, wear your armor!" The girl gave me thick clothes. The shape was similar to a suit of armor but more flexible and less heavy.

Now we were in the dressing room, and in a few moments we had to move to the prayer room. There the athletes would beg for salvation by the celestials. That would be awkward for me.

"Watch and observe," the big man called us to come with him to the window.

I saw a stadium filled with mortals. They cheered as they sat in their chairs and raised their hands. The field below them, full of blood.

Mortal Staraid also bleeds red like humans. It just smelled a little different, like the blood of an alcoholic. Slightly stinging and piercing.

The purple-clad team teamed up against something dark and big. With fangs far sharper and more terrifying than those of the Staraids. Its tail was forked in two with skin as smooth as an eel and it had mucus dripped onto the ground.

It was a festival for the celestials. Each participant was required to kill terrible monsters with whatever weapons they had. Someone must die as a sacrifice. If it was not the monster that dies, then one of the mortals would. Usually there were mortals playing as the decoy. That was me!