Chapter 7 – The Claw and Poison
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Since the first few minutes of its cage being opened—he has already killed a few mortals. Including one of my team members who carried a lot of bags on his back when we first met. Oh yes, he also ate my left arm.

What I thought was pretty cool was— he did it while lying down. At first glance he looks like a wolf with long hair. His head was black with metallic claws that were now stained with blood. He attacks by swinging his front paws, like a cat inviting to play.

But the creature named Garuru was intelligent. My memory had the data. One of the Celestials caught him running amok on a certain planet. They locked him in a planet that we deliberately set up like a nature reserve. Like us, he was born from the energy of galactic creation.

When the big bang occurred about 14 billion years ago, the universe expanded and created galaxies, stars, planets and other planetary objects. But the explosion also gave birth to organic beings who had minds. Celestials were the only intelligent race known to possess galactic energy.

But there were also similar beings with various forms who were born carrying galactic energy in their bodies. Nature determines our outward appearance according to what already exists in the galaxy. Like us Celestials that are born like plants. Or Garuru who was born to resemble a four-legged mammal.

Did the Celestials deliberately want to annihilate the planet Staraid? Garuru, as far as I know, lived on a captive planet so he couldn't hurt anyone. Only Celestials who were thousands of millennia old could handle the monster's power. Definitely not me who was less than a day old.

Other than the ability to incarnate and change forms—I didn't had any other skills that were useful enough to deal with him. After all, this circus show was over. The audience immediately dispersed in panic when they saw there were casualties.

I was still near the cage and kept my face as neutral as possible. Panic? No. I'm immortal. Although my bandaged left arm was dripping with blood—I didn't feel any pain at all. So I had to calm down and evaluate this situation.

What if this wasn't sabotage? But intentionally aimed at me?

I know that I must meet the elders to determine — what was my role for the Celestials?

There was no clear memory of it in my brain, I guess the Celestials purposely didn't go into details so we the newborns could be judged fairly.

If I were a god, what would I do?

My heroic soul once again thought that I should protect the mortals from the monster's rampage. Just by swinging his claws without touching— he could kill dozens of people. What damage Will happen if he stands up and bites.

Worse, what if he goes berserk? Celestial data in my brain said that he once destroyed an inhabited planet thousands of millennia ago. The orbit of whatever remains of the planet shifts away and crashes into and fuses with its star.

Now, the legendary creature was in front of me. He left some of my arm after chewing it and spat it on the ground.

He was a monster with the power of a dwarf star within his body. Only a Celestial could tame it. Now the stadium was almost empty. I don't see any other celestials around here.

I re-accessed my memory, figuring out how to deal with Garuru. What was His weakness?

While I was thinking, the monster jumped past me. He ignored me.

"Hey!" I tried to get his attention.

"If you're looking for a worthy opponent, face me!" It was ridiculous to hear those words come out of my mouth. Am I trying to be a hero?

Garuru stopped and looked back. He stuck out his tongue and swung his paw at me.


Now I have lost half of my body. My intestines and entrails are scattered. But my brain was still awake. I also saw Garuru running away and exhaling around him. Then all the plants and creatures around it died.

Garuru could destroy all life on a planet with just his breath. Plants wilt, oxygen drops and water turns toxic. Every planet that Garuru lands on will die. Garuru was created in the world to destroy.

The adult version of Garuru has the power of a thousand times the sun and also travels throughout the galaxy to destroy planets. Celestials track such monsters and keep them on special planets because we believe—although destruction was necessary for the balance of nature—Garuru was an animal. He acts on instincts that had been programmed by nature. They needed the Celestials to direct them.

I rearranged my body—make it whole again. Then I ran after him. Even if it was only for a moment—Garuru had made the entire city of Urduk as barren as like being struck by a nuclear bomb.

Once again, I accessed the data in my immortal brain.

How to defeat galactical monsters?

They were attracted by power. His attention will turn if he finds something that he thinks could threaten his life.

I thought again. Of course I theoretically know how to bring out the Celestial powers. Like Incarnated, maybe I could naturally do it.

Our power radiated through the tip of our finger. Whatever form we chose, whether humanoid or otherwise—we attacked using our fingers or the tips of our claws.

Let's try. I focused my energy on the scaly index finger of my right hand. Then I touched one of the walls of the stadium which was now deserted. I wished I could make an explosion big enough for the monster to turn towards me.

He was a rare protected species. I was guessing another Celestial will be here to catch him. I just need to endure. Wasn't my job as a god to protect the mortals?

When my index finger hits the wall. I felt a tremor in my legs. The walls shattered like a building eaten by termites from the inside. Then the crack widened, now the whole stadium rumbled and crumbled. I frantically retracted my finger, but the damage didn't stop immediately. It expanded and crushed the ground around it. Creating a gaping hole like a nuclear explosion.

The sound was certainly very loud and deafening.

I immediately felt guilty. All I did was touch it a little! Would I get in trouble?

I saw Garuru running towards me. At least one of my goals was achieved. Now I just have to disable him.

"Enough, newborns!"

I saw a white-winged figure speaking to me from the sky. He resembled the image of an angel I knew on earth but his face was covered by a mask. He was seen jumping down with a long chain in his hand then sitting on the Monster's back. The chain looked like it was made of bubbling lava but was solid.

The silver-haired Celestial wrapped around the monster with His chain. I saw Garuru struggling hard but he was helpless, until finally after a few minutes he gave up and started to calm down.

"How did this creature get to the staraid?" The Celestial asked me.

"I don't know," I thought they brought him here themselves.

"What are you doing here?" He gave me an angry tone.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do this, I just wanted to protect the mortals," I said defensively.

"I don't care about your intentions, what I mean is. Why are you talking and hanging out with the mortals? Don't you know that it's forbidden? Who gave you permission?" He probed again.

What? The planet was almost destroyed by Garuru's rampage but that was all he cared about?

"The Staraid mortals have broken the rules, they are talking to a celestial. According to the procedure, this planet will be abandoned and destroyed," said the angelic Celestial coldly.