Aegis – Reclamation era I
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Aegis - Reclamation era

Long ago- many hundreds of years ago - while the land was raw, and the shells of the Titans had yet to rust - The Aegis was a wild thing.  The fulcrum that brought the giants low was as it has always been.  A nexus of great power.  Back then, Humanity was still reeling.  Desperate to secure peace, many turned their eyes to the Aegis.  Armies gathered before it, but before they could so much as hold an account, the Aegis drove them off.

For it was built with one purpose.  Disable the strong.  The factions that comprised the titans were divided, but refused to denounce their origins.  Their technologies were potent yet, capable of restraining the spirit lords.

It was this effect of technology that the Aegis was raised to counteract, however it was not just the remnants.  As tribes began to rise from the fog of war, The Aegis turned on them.  The fay were suppressed completely, and many colonies were walking on eggshells to reform.

Humans, of course, were tenacious.  Where they lost one foothold, they turned to another.  Drawing in spirits, capitalizing on them until they choked, and compensating with new allegiances.  The impoverished race became a great equalizer in the wake of the titans, and reinforced the tribes that remained.

None more often than their heroes.  As one generation gave way to another, and the boon of immortality showed it’s true colors, those champions watched as their legacies expanded into other races, and in turn fueled their growth.

A retired general saw this and turned his back on the Aegis.  It was one thing to check tyrants, but it wasn’t in his best interest to abide suffering.  Not in theirs, or any race.  He turned to peace.  Not the source, but the cause.  The wisdom that brought out unexpected strength, the needs that endured, the scars that shrank with time.

Within the shattered human ranks emerged a mismatched herd.  Beggars arranged at the foot of the Aegis too trade blessings no matter how small.  Eventually, the souls harnessed enough mana to rival a component of the Aegis.  With this as ransom, they appealed to the spirit lords, and gained the opportunity to board the vessel.

Of the humans who held out against the aegis, half of them sacrificed their forms.  Some more than others, became wholly different races, while others adopted features of their most trusted fey.  Others yet, the Aegis found indistinguishable from titans, and adopted mechanisms in the place of flesh.

All the same, those gathered there surged onto the Aegis.  Even those who strayed returned to examine the anchors that bound it to the world.

From that day on, the ground fell away.  The relics that sustained the Aegis became the footprint for major cities named for their functions, while the supercarrier learned to walk.  The land touched by its shadow became known as the royal valley.  Humanity and their newfound ties came to form the most prosperous civilization in the world.  A legacy that continues to this day.