Meeting Alberto’s family
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Hey hey, What's up? All ok?

Well, I have internet problems.

I was late, so I'm just going to write what I can.

In other news I think I am dyslexic, but since the psychology services in my state are very bad, I am not sure of my diagnosis (I mean, the morons diagnosed me with ADHD only to later discover that what I had was Aspenger Syndrome, that is, Autism)

But hey, let's see what I can do.

Enjoy this episode

Warning: Severe dysphoria, transphobia, domestic violence.

Albert and Emilia were both at Albert's house, they were two days away from returning to the front of the war.

Suddenly a sound came to Alberto's house.

"Ring, ring, ring" a device known as a telephone rang in Alberto's house.

Alberto approached the phone and answered

"Well, who's talking?" she asked.

At that moment Albert's eyes widened.

"I'll go right away, Grandma! I won't be long" said Alberto.

Alberto looked at Emilia and said: "Let's go, they need me in my house"

"Who?" asked Emilia.

"There is no time to reply" said Albert

Alberto and Emilia arrived at a one-story concrete house, it was unpainted, only the concrete was visible on those walls.

At that moment a girl came out of the house.

"Albert! Dylan is hitting Grandma!" said the little girl.

Alberto got ready, and she said to the girl: "Wait here, I'm going to take care of it."

They both entered the house and screams were heard within it

The voice of a child was heard in the house

"I'm just defending myself you old asshole!" said that boy.

A woman in her 60s was fighting that child.

"Listen to me, slimy child, the asshole who can hit me was not born," said that woman.

At that moment Alberto addressed that child: "Ernesto calm down, damn it!" she said.

That child tried to hit her, but Alberto took his hands and held them behind her back.

Then Alberto asked that woman: "Are you okay, Grandma?"

The lady looked at her and said: "Miracle you're here, this slimy boy is hitting me, get him out of the house now!" she said.

Alberto looked at her.

The boy was still struggling to get out of Alberto's control.

"What happened Grandma?" Alberto asked.

"That stupid man wanted to hit me just because I hit him for not doing his homework" said the woman.

The boy didn't seem happy about it.

"Hush old slug, I was just defending myself, you were hitting me with the belt!" He said.

"Don't raise your voice to me you asshole, shit, waste of the world" she said "Alberto mijo, get this asshole out of the house"

Alberto looked at her sadly.

"Grandma, he's my little brother" she said.

"I'm worth asshole, you're not very happy with me either, if you don't want me to take it out on you, take that moron out of my house, right now!"

Alberto took the boy by the arms, then led him to the street.

"Join me E ... Jose" she said.

The three of them reached the street, then Alberto let go of the boy and asked him: "What the hell were you thinking?"

The boy looked at her and said: "What do you know? That lady just keeps hitting us, and you left us, you are a failure of a brother and a man"

Alberto looked at him sadly.

It's not like she wants to be a man.

"Ernesto, I asked you to take care of them" said Alberto "Sometimes Grandma is somewhat violent, but she will get over it, don't forget that she hits us because she loves us"

Ernesto did not seem convinced

"She hit us because she loves us? She doesn't seem to love us, she tells us every day that she would be better off without us"

"Look Ernesto, she was the only one who took us in after our parents abandoned us, she has no reason to support us and she still does so she does. From what I see, she worries about how you are at school"

"Yes, because she is a teacher at that school, she doesn't want her reputation to be tainted by a 'donkey grandson'" he said.

"Well Ernesto, if you have an idea of ​​where to go you are free, but if you don't hold on, I can get out of there, you will, but avoid doing something that you will regret in the future" said Alberto.

At that moment Alberto signaled to Emilia to enter the house.

"Little brother, stay here until Grandma's courage passes"

They both entered the house.

At that moment the voice of Alberto's grandmother was heard.

"Thank you mijo, I want to tell you one thing; I don't want that child in my house, right now at twelve he wants to hit me, I don't want to imagine what he will do to me when he grows up"

Alberto had a kind of emotional pain.

Her family seemed to fight on a daily basis, plus in her entire life she had never been referred to as a woman by them.

"Don't worry Grandma, I'm here for anything you need" she said.

"Well, I have some dishes, the assholes of your brother and sister do not want to wash them, according to they say it takes time from them to do their homework, as if they had pure A + in their grades"

"I wash them grandmother" said Alberto.

Then Emilia and Alberto went to the kitchen.

"By the way, mijo, who is he?" Grandma said pointing at Emilia.

Emilia hated being referred to as a 'he'.

It was a nightmare for her.

She sometimes saw herself with her old body, she gave him a headache just being like this.

Her body doesn't match his mental image of her.

It was horrible.

Alberto (and all the other trans girls) were almost certainly going through something similar.

Then Alberto began to wash the dishes.

It was a rare sight to see someone in an army ceremonial outfit wash dishes.

But there was Alberto doing it.

"Why do you do everything she tells you?" asked Emilia.

"I don't want to fight her, if I can stop a fight I will" she said.

"It is common for you to fight in your family" asked Emilia.

"She doesn't usually fight with me, I don't live here anymore, but before, I did everything she asked me to do, and if she scolded me, I stayed silent, or I answered what she wanted me to answer" said Alberto.

"That sounds horrible" said Emilia.

"You haven't seen anything, once when she saw me wearing a dress"

Alberto seemed to want to cry.

"She threatened me with a kitchen knife, she said that 'if I wanted to be a woman she would cut my cock', I told her that it was just a curiosity of mine, she called me a pervert, apparently she already forgot that" said Alberto

"You know, I really wouldn't have minded having my penis cut off, I hate it."

Well people, this is all for today, do not forget to leave me your comments