Chapter 4: You were expecting to teleport, but it was me Sacrifice, Death and Loss!
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The Ash soul didn't get much feeling of fullness for the teleport before she felt like she was being ripped apart, and felt a feeling of weightlessness as she slammed into a black realm, In pieces, because she was ripped apart.

"you're..." The Ash soul heard, "Unexpected?"

The Ash soul tried to lift her head to look around to notice that she lacked any neck to do so, it rolled around for a moment before realizing that it didn't have anything around anymore to try to roll, so in actuality, it rolled back and forth.

The ash soul felt the smash of a hand shoving into her ash body before she felt it try to put some things together inside of her body.

"Mara! get over here!" The person cried, meriting a grumble from another voice, who walked over and joined in.

After a bit of struggling from the 2 unseen voices, the Ash Soul felt her body, after a moment it wiggled around to stand up, in which the ash soul walked over to grab what was left of its head, it stumbled but was grabbed by an unseen hand, the ash soul reached around to grab around the person's neck and was led over to her head.

The Ash soul leaned down and grabbed the head, letting it see the feet of the person who had helped her, the Ash soul dusted the side in contact with the ground, which was about as successful as brushing off ash would go. Then She popped her head back on her neck.

"Hi!" the girl in nice white robes who she hadn't seen yet said, "Do you know why you were butchered?"

The Ash soul tilted her head, Butchered?

She turned her head to look at the woman to see her smiling towards her. The woman was a blonde woman with a pretty face with a small lips and big blue eyes, separated by a button nose...

With a red bleeding cut on her neck that was ruining her nice dress...

"She's staring at your neck Fatwah!" another girl that the ash soul hadn't quite noticed with the woman in front of her grabbing her attention.

The woman was a nice looking person with a scythe in her hand, she looked like one of the reapers that spawned in the dungeons, except she actually had flesh where the others had skeletons covered in magic.

"Oh Mara, she's like a curious child, leave her curiosity alone," Fatwah said, "She's not doing anything wrong!"

"I like her, she's a change in this mundane place..." another girl that had walked up behind the Ash Soul said, causing the Ash soul to jump in the air to look back at the girl.

This girl was covered in a thin covering of fog, obscuring any definite details from being discerned. She tilted her head and looked at the woman's soul instead, revealing a small girl with a tattering of clothing similar to how the wraiths were dressed.

Mara grabbed the Ash Souls shoulder, "so how did you get here, because Fatwah here is skipping details, and Lethe over there is going to be crazy about the changes in the outside world," Mara asked.

The Ash soul tilted her head, "Portal".



"Anything else?" Mara asked, The Ash Soul looked up and shook her head.

"She's weird, but I like her!" Fatwah said, "I'd make her into my cute little Apostle, and she's even got the sacrifice requirement done, Multiple times actually!"

Mara looked at Fatwah, "Why couldn't you just skip it all for Saintess?" Lethe started poking at the Ash soul's belly at this point.

Fatwah put her hands to her chin, "Why not?" She faced towards the Ash soul, "Wanna be really powerful!?"

The Ash soul shrugged, She's good with how she is?

"That's a yes!" Fatwah cried excitedly, rushing over to put her hands onto the Ash soul, Mara grabbed Fatwah away quickly, "She wasn't saying yes, she was indecisive!"

Fatwah stared at the Ash soul, "I think I would have my work cut out for me if I put her as my saintess," Fatwah said.

"She smells of regret, so much, oh I could just wash myself in it," Lethe said, rubbing her face against the Ash soul.

The Ash soul didn't like that suggestion, so she pushed the woman off of her, who slouched away and behind Mara.

"Yeah, she just reeks of death, most of them aren't even taken by her, Fatwah what is she?" Mara said, looking over the Ash soul.

"She's a construct made of souls and the ashes of long dead souls from a burning town," Fatwah said...

"She's an opportunity," the three said in unison, "Would you like to be our saintess of all 3 of us?"

The Ash Soul blinked, "Saint...ess?"

"Yeah! I'm the goddess of sacrifice, Mara here is the goddess of Death, and Lethe is the goddess of loss," Fatwah said, "Would you like to be our collective saintess now?"

The Ash Soul looked between the 3, "What's the difference?"

"What are you asking here?" Mara asked.

"Death, Sacrifice and loss?" She responded.


"ok, you're getting this and you're not resisting, how about that?" Mara said.

"No! That's cheating!" Fatwah said, Lethe nodded.

"Fine, how about we give you some basic common sense to go with this?" Mara offered.

The Ash soul blinked, was her common sense not basic?

"Don't answer that!" Mara yelled, "I think that it might be the best offer actually, she can't leave here without our help anyways," Mara continued.

"I thought we were saving up so all of us could leave?" Lethe asked.

"Well if we use her to get more power it would be faster in the long run!" Mara answered, the other 2 goddesses nodded in agreement and they all looked back at the Ash Soul like hungry beasts.

"I could get one of my wraiths to help her too..." Lethe said evilly, "I bet one of them could think of a cute name for her too."

"one of my daughters could also get dragged along too," Mara said giggling, the change in behavior making the Ash Soul fear for it's safety.

The three goddesses grabbed onto the front of the Ash Souls chest, "Come on! You're getting out of here!

That is how the struggling Ash Soul was dragged away by the 3 goddesses of inevitability and forced to dress up for a few hours on end. The Ash soul had been ripped apart by the god of teleportation, who happened to hate the god of death, and so hated undead. Although all of his first followers would have been ripped apart by portal magic, so he owes the goddess of death some for some souls the goddess should have taken, so she'll get a free ride. although the god of portals tries to keep a lid on that secret.