chapter 1: figuring out how to request sustenance from humans
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It stared at the imaginary afterimages of the figments as it wondered why its request didn't work.

It is small and less developed like all others who have come and been fed by those that were large and more developed?

It considered it for a moment before walking up the stairs, must there be some set being that gives food that it cannot recognize from the rest, they all look similar in some way, its form was a good example of it.

it lacked color except for a white ash hue, it had a bit of hair on its head that was quite lackluster, although it didn't identify to either of the 2 subtypes that these humans seemed to use, like male and female, adult or child, it didn't use any of the male or female subtype, and did use the child subtype, mostly because it doesn't have a lot of body mass.

It tapped its chin, maybe it's because it doesn't have a personal voice that is recognizably different from other sentient beings like in which that they did?

"Hmmm, mmmm, MMMMM", the ash soul hummed, tuning its voice to sound more mortal, deciding on a more squeaky child's voice.

There, it stole the sound of a human child that it had once seen following their parents into the dungeon, it did remember that they all got out, but the child was extremely memorable, as it had a large metal collar on its neck that the ash soul didn't like.1Ah, a slave collar, always forgets how nasty that magic is, keeps the magic in check so the person wearing it can't use it unless ordered, the reason our little ash soul knows what it is is probably because of its anti-magic properties. Don't worry, slavery has been banned in most magic-based countries, so you won't be seeing much slavery on the legal side of the world, sadly there are still quite a few places that allow slavery without punishment. Oh and I've got "Rules" now, I can only talk in short burst on my own, but I can talk without limits in footnotes, and I got my own speaking voice now, italics are me!

Well, it does remember that it was 200 of those year things ago, so they have probably died by now, it was a mortal race after all.

"Oh, I should also talk to myself, so others can recognize my concious thoughts!" the Ash soul said in it's voice, and clothes would be very important, most who enter here have clothes on, "Wait, I was supposed to say that!"

It shook it's head and looked at it's nude, genderless body, wondering what clothing it should wear...

"Habit, it was long and billowy, and hard to decide the gender of whoever wears it," The ash soul said to itself, although it didn't know how it would obtain a habit.

It grabbed a fist full of ash into it's hands and stared at it.

Level UP!
Minor Ash manipulation Lvl1 obtained!

"Well, that could work," It said, grabbing a hand full of ash and rubbing it on itself before realizing that a lvl1 skill doesn't really amount to anything, as all it resulted in was a bunch of ash being rubbed onto its chest and mixing with the ash it already had in it's body.

well, that doesn't help, maybe that status thing will help, is there a way to open-

Name: unnamed

Gender: confused

Race: Ash Soul Lvl 2


Stats: Summarized it! F in everything besides the history segment of wisdom!

Titles: Child of Fallen Ashes, Soul Eater, Terror of the Great, The Newborn of a New Race, Watched by Gods, Soul Fragment eater

Skills: Minor Ash Manipulation Lvl1, Soul Spear, Gluttony, Observation, Old Person's Appraisal, Fear Bringer Lvl8 

Passive: Undead, Boneless Body, Burning Curiosity, Skill Stealer, Photographic Memory

It looked at the new screen for a moment...

"This isn't very helpful," the Ash Souls said to itself, it closed the window and just started guessing how to create clothes from ash, which it managed to create a bit of clothing that managed to cover it's body, although they didn't react to any outer actions, like billowing in wind, or moving away from its chest when it leaned over.

All in All, it did a pretty good job for a fake set of clothes created with Minor Ash Manipulation.

It wiped the last crease in, before the level up message appeared

You now have leveled up Minor Ash Manipulation to level 5 because of it's use in your artistic expression.
You are nearing the milestone!

HA! Artistic expression, that shit was Fake clothing.

It stared at it's level up message and tilted it's head at the message, could it make it better through passing some sort of milestone, Maybe level 10? 20 seemed like a little too high.

It looked back at the room, and then down at itself, there was something else that it had to think about, What gender should it take as it's form!

The female gender might be strange, as the Ash soul would not have to deal with the periods that most mortal races have to deal with, while the male gender has to deal with that dangling weak point that the ash soul wouldn't be able to use as it can't create anything a normal mortal can use.

To be honest, the only reason it's decide on a gender is to make it look more normal...

It decided on the female gender, as their lack of physical excretions would probably be easier to hide than a mortals if they wanted to reproduce, and it could decide to only have one if it needed one.

so our still genderless protagonist still had one problem, What is a female?

What defines a mortal female? their Personality? their look? Their desire to shop?

It tapped it's chin, what truly makes a person get treated like a female?

It looked at the 2 options that it had given itself in it's mind.

I put the narrator in time out for this chapter, naughty piece of crap won't behave.

Our non-binary Ash Soul has a question!
  • Female, with an uppercase F Votes: 6 37.5%
  • female, with a lowercase f Votes: 10 62.5%
Total voters: 16