Chapter 45 M15+
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It was another two hours after Mahnu had been taken away by Marcus, that the King arrived and finally saw Mahnu's carriage.

Sighing, he continued, but was interrupted by one of the knights following him. "Your Majesty. I just saw someone hiding!"

The King stopped. What was going on? Her carriage is right there! Why?

Then more people were seen coming out of the close by hedge. Some of them went to kneel, putting down their weapons, others were running away in fear…

"Get them all!" King Richard yelled.

He then galloped towards the carriage in haste, worried for Mahnu's safety, leaving his knights to his order.

These people have surrounded this area, were they after Mahnu? Does that mean that they are Sedric's men? Is that why reports had been stopped, because they had been intercepted!? Mahnu!?

He searched and searched and finally stopped his horse in front of William. "Where is she!?"

William looked up from his strategy plans of attack and couldn't believe that the King was in front of him. "Your Majesty!"

"Where's Mahnu!?"


William took a moment to respond. "She was taken away by Marcus, about two hours ago, Your Majesty."

Having Sedric’s men not attacking but not dispersing upon Mahnu’s leave, William figured that not only were they confused like him, but earlier, Mahnu had stated something about Sedric himself coming and that they had been waiting for him…So, the best William could do is keep defending this area and possibly come up with a sure method of attack…But he had not come up with very much, since he did not have many knights here to help him…

The King frowned, not understanding what Marcus’s intentions were, "What...Marcus?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." William said, bowing before his King.

He didn’t know whether it was planned or not, but since Mahnu’s quick escape, Sedric’s men had continued to do nothing, so perhaps Mahnu had on purposely left to save their lives…

Not wanting to be someone that Mahnu had to defend and protect, William had tried his hardest to come up with a plan to get rid of them so that he could go back to Mahnu’s side…

He was a knight! He was Mahnu’s main protector, yet, every time, she was always doing this to him!


"Why?" The King asked, really desperate to wanting to know what Marcus’s thoughts were.

William was confused. How can the King not know? Marcus was his most trusted Loyal Knight!

In haste, William thought back to when he saw Marcus last. "He came, Your Majesty, and then he ordered Mahnu onto his horse and took her. She told us not to follow until Sedric's men were gone."

The King stared at William...

What was Marcus doing? Why was it like this? What could he plan on doing? Was it…To save these people?

These questions didn’t matter though, as the King was desperate not only for Marcus, but for Mahnu as well…

What if they had followed after Marcus and Mahnu?

He had faith that Marcus would protect Mahnu, but realistically he wondered if Marcus could hold himself against fifty or so men on his own, and the King started to panic just thinking about it!

"Sedric's men are being attended to now. We will pursue after Marcus and Mahnu. Jaclyn, you will accompany us! What way did they travel?"

William ran to a horse and helped Jaclyn onto it, and they followed the King, as he had already started to travel in the direction that William had pointed to.

With the King’s rushed attitude, seriousness overcame those close by and not another word was said as they raced after Marcus and Mahnu!




Marcus had taken Mahnu to the road that goes between Harval and Conrella. They went to an inn there, that was situated along the roadside, and he starts to interrogate Mahnu as a hostage.

"Tell me one good reason why I should let you live!" Marcus asked, glaring at Mahnu. He had already tired her up after rashly throwing her onto the floor…

Mahnu had kept silent this entire time. She was unable to do anything due to Marcus's anger and her own puny, human strength. Her bottom hurt as he had thrown her to the floor and her hands and feet were very tightly bound…

She felt...Absolutely...Helpless...

Was she going to see Richard again? Was she really to blame? If she really ran and tried to live, would she get away? Should she pay with her life? And what of this innocent child's life?

His question ran through her head and she blurted out, "I saved the humans!"

She did have resolve to stay alive, but she also felt terrified at the same time…Having answered this question, it was the first thing that came to mind. This answer had been her self sacrifice for more than a thousand years! Even if one asked her the same question in another hundred years, she would most likely answer in the exact same way…


Marcus uttered some words that Mahnu didn’t hear, but she heard his thoughts about the last couple of years. Richard when he was drunk, Richard when he was angry, Richard when he was absentminded or temperamental…Then…Richard when he had told Marcus to leave his post…

At Marcus remembering this, his anger spoke once again, "And now, you are ruining the King and with that Kralaide! That reason is no longer sufficient!"

Mahnu helplessly tried to free her hands, from the rope above her head, but it was of no use. She was trapped with a person with one goal…Just like the little boy from centuries ago.

The boy had continued with his goal and what if Marcus continues with his?

But what was different from the boy to Marcus…It was that this time...The goal was her and her existence! Her life was on the line! Her child’s life was on the line!

For a thousand years, she had wanted to die…She had wanted to rest for eternity…But, now that she was mortal, she desperately wanted to live!

She wanted to spend the rest of her days with her family, that was what she has decided!

Wasn’t it ironic though…As soon as she had decided on a future, something worth living for, something that filled the small, empty hole in her heart…Something wants to come along and destroy it…

Now…Now…It was probably not going to happen…

The only thing that she could try to do, is to reach Marcus outside of his emotions…If she could find out how to get the Marcus both she and Richard knew, would he continue this?

…Marcus's normal goal was to be by His Majesty's side...How could she change it back when she knew that they had a fight?

Mahnu was really at a loss for words...She had no idea on how to change the situation…


Marcus sneered at her and got closer. "I don't understand the power you have over His Majesty...Is there perhaps gold on your body?"

He stripped her harshly and Mahnu felt a tear drop down her cheek. She felt utterly powerless. Before, when she had been a God, no one had treated her like this…Now, she felt like Marcus had gone too far but was unable to do a single thing about it!

Her body being laid out to display in front of another besides Richard, made her feel angry and disappointed…Now, will Richard even want her? But then…Did she want to come in between those two in the first place?

Moving her bound wrists, she just continued to sit there, not looking at Marcus.

He was Richard’s friend and family, yet she was angry…Was this what it was like…To be human?

To be entrapped to a place of not feeling I belong anywhere?

The wish that they could all get along was simply shattered in her heart…Perhaps…Marcus was right…

She was not supposed to be beside Richard ever…That perhaps she should have stayed away, never to indulge in the feelings that she had never encountered before…


Marcus touched her skin and saw how soft it was but found no gold. Not daring to look, Mahnu shut her eyes tightly, knowing Marcus was still curious.

He had never touched a woman like this in his entire life. His libido was starting to become unleashed and Mahnu knew it could be intense…She wished that he goes no further but did not think this wish would come true!

She flinched to his touch and tried to move away, making Marcus let out a husky laugh.

"I don't see any gold! Why does he like you so much to go to such lengths? It has to be here." He put a finger over one of her nipples. "Surely, your body holds his desire. But he loves the Queen, he doesn't have to love you. He just loves your body, right?"
Mahnu let out a sob, hearing his thoughts of anger and rage flow through her. She could see that if she didn't do anything to change the outcome, he was going to rape and kill her!

His curiosity and anger together, really weren’t a very good combination!


Breathing in sharply, Mahnu calmly said, "I'm sorry that you had a fight with Richard..."

Suddenly, he slapped her hard! She had never seen it coming!

Pain washed over her cheek and her head was thrown to the side, due to the force of impact…

"Don't call His Majesty that!" Marcus yelled at her.

Mahnu turned her head and stared at him, not letting the pain show, "You know your King! He is a good man! You know he probably regrets saying what he did to you!"

Marcus stopped for a moment and Mahnu thought that she may have gotten through to him.

But then he laughed, took out a knife and started to slowly drag it over her skin.

It was very sharp, leaving a thin line of blood from where it had traveled down the side of her body.

Letting out a few whimpers, Mahnu took in some deep breaths and tried to calm herself down. If she was going to die, she would at least state one more thing. This thing, which he helped her accomplish, was something that she still does not regret, even though she was enduring this pain.

She interrupted his cold silence, having gained courage, "Thank you. I assume the people back at the carriage are now safe because of you."

"…What?" His surprised answer gave her some hope amongst her gratitude.

Letting out a small cough, Mahnu continued, "…We were being surrounded by Sedric's men."


Marcus was stunned. He hadn't even realized.

“They only wanted me, so I willingly came with you in hope that the rest of their lives could be spared, to that I must thank you.” Mahnu cleared her throat, never did she want water more than she did right now…

Losing the despair in her eyes completely, Mahnu looked at Marcus and smiled, "I could have told them your thoughts too...But I don't want you to be hated by others and scare them about my safety. Now, they probably think that you are a hero."

Marcus stared at Mahnu. She was right, she would have known what he was thinking, but instead of saying anything, she had taken his hand.

…Why? Why had she taken his hand when she knew his thoughts? Why is she looking at me like that? Why is she smiling like she is in no trouble!?

"For anything..." Mahnu coughed, due to thirst, then continued, "For anything you do, whatever you do to me...I forgive you...I know this isn't the real Marcus. But at least I don’t regret coming here with you…Even now…"

He let out a laugh. How is that possible? He could go to the lengths of raping her and killing her!

…Forgive me?

Seeing her figure bare to him to see, then setting his eyes upon her hands and feet, Marcus blinked then took and unplanned step back away from her…

…What was he doing?