Kanae returned to Dry Gulch with a lot more people than she had departed with. Siress Vandyss originally tasked her to chart a path through the Under Roads straight to the Mutt of Avanesse's domain. She hadn't given it much thought before, but the undertaking turned out to be a lot more daunting.
A caravan of five wagons descended into Dry Gulch filled with miners, equipment, camping supplies, and two eager scholars of Bravost's Ordane University. Arms folded, Siress Vandyss watched as the vehicles rolled past her for the Under Roads site. A scowl adorned her face.
"I had hoped to earn Sultana Dudula's favor quietly, but it seems Archmage Donnu believed this a dangerous enough venture to warrant help. Pah. So be it." Vandyss turned tail and slithered back to her manor in a huff.
"Who shoved a stick up her ass?" Edina asked on the way up to Kanae. "More importantly, just what in three hells does Donnu expect us to run into down there? When you told us we were going spelunking, I figured it would be like all those other times we went into caves. We got a whole damn party going down with us this time!"
Kanae put her hands up. "The archmage knows more than we do about the Under Roads. If he thinks we need help, then I believe him. Besides, we're better at fighting than digging anyway. So, that's what the goblins are for."
A group of goblins walked past them. One in particular made a lewd gesture, miming grabbing Kanae's horns and bucking his hips as if to face fuck her. Another put two fingers up and licked between it, pretending to eat her pussy. She rolled her eyes. Some things just didn't change, and goblins were still as horny as ever. It might fall to her to sate their urges to keep them working throughout the expedition.
There were more than just goblin miners though. Several archaeologists and other academics, each specialized in their own field of study and hand-picked by Archmage Donnu, joined them in the excursion into the Under Roads. Whether they were really here to help or to keep an eye on Kanae and her companions, she wasn't sure.
In total, their caravan comprised of twenty miners, fifteen of which were goblins and five were beastmen of powerful stature, a minotaur foreman to lead them, Seif and Panner, an archaeologist and geologist pair from Ordane University, and a cartographer to map out the tunnel system.
Seif, the giddy kobold scholar, was jumping with excitement as they made their way down to the site. On the other hand, Panner tried to cozy up to Kris after learning about her enchanted compass.
"Such a device would be an invaluable boon to our mining guilds. How much would it take for you to part with that?" Panner asked seriously.
"Unless you can duplicate this baby, it's not leaving my hands! We almost died trying to get this. Right, Kanae?" Kris nudged her in the side.
"Don't remind me. I lose nights of sleep remembering how close we were to turning into charcoal." Kanae shuddered, still feeling how intense the heat from the lava was.
"That's a shame." He sighed. "One can only imagine if there are more like it. The dwarves were incredible architects, but I find it hard to believe they created a magical item such as that. I wonder if it originated from a Rift, or someone magically-inclined designed it for them. Hmm. More puzzling, what were they searching for?"
The crew paused at the threshold between cave and Under Roads. A great many guards, including the centaur guard captain from before, stood watch in front of the hole.
"You're not coming with us, are you?" Kanae asked.
"No, we are not. Not even the East Saviran Trading Company can pay me enough to go down there. Siress Vandyss stationed us here to guard the entrance. Good luck." He waved his subordinates to step aside.
Everyone shuffled into the Under Roads except Alicia, who stood at the mouth of the entrance with a thoughtful look. She folded both hands in front of herself. Some of the Dry Gulch guards were perturbed by how still she was, almost like a statue erected in place.
"What's the matter?" Kanae returned to her and asked. "Still afraid of dark and enclosed spaces?"
Alicia shook her head. "Not at all, thanks to you. I'm merely reflecting on my fear, and how I could have been afraid of something so silly. It seems so insignificant now."
"That tends to happen when you overcome something. It also shows how much you've grown!"
"I suppose so, but I'll not rest until the perpetrators of my imprisonment and anguish pay for what they did to me. The years stolen from my life. Yet… my misfortune did lead me to you." She rested a hand against Kanae's cheek and leaned up to press a kiss to her lips.
Taken by surprise, Kanae simultaneously froze up and turned hot. A satisfied Alicia walked away with her tail flicking joyfully from side to side. Some of the guards who saw went red in the face and pretended not to have noticed.
The Under Roads's corridor was wide enough to accommodate the wagons and carriages. First day went by mostly uneventfully. They came across collapses, but the goblin miners made quick work of clearing them. Jayir, the foreman in charge, was a minotaur built like a fortified stone wall. Powerful muscles radiated underneath his light brown fur. He helped in clearing the rubble and really earned his keep. Everytime they came out to work, Kanae couldn't help but steal glances in the minotaur's direction and hoped he would notice… for obvious reasons.
However, someone else caught Kanae's attention the most. Their cartographer was a human man of Arkesian blood, likely a few years younger than her. Even though there was no sunlight down here, he wore a hat fastened onto his head. Clusters of short blonde hair poked out from underneath. A small shard of whitestone, connected to the frame by a string, hung from his thick glasses and offered him some light.
"I haven't caught your name yet. I'm Kanae. Nice to meet you!" Kanae flew up to the wagon and smiled.
"Oh, hello! Shurran, cartographer. Please, don't mind me. My job here is simply to map out the cavern," Shurran explained while trying to hide his wandering gaze from staring too hard at her cleavage.
"It must be hard," Kanae said coyly. "Don't cartographers usually map surfaces?"
Shurran cleared his throat before speaking. "W-While that is true, a significant part of Bravost's economy relies on ore and gem mines. I've apprenticed under cartographers whose lifelong skills are to chart subterranean paths. We use this!" He pointed to an hourglass-like apparatus pinned to the window. "As long as the ronoas travel at a constant pace, I use the sands to keep track of time. Whenever I need to turn it around, that is a dotted mark on the map. This bell here is strung up in a way that it rings every time the wheel makes a full rotation ten times. And since I know the wheel is 36-inches in diameter, I can extrapolate how far we travel in a given hour. Speaking of which…" The cartographer turned the emptied hourglass over to begin its flow of time again, then inked a mark on the sketch of the Under Roads in progress.
Kanae was horny at first, but now she was intrigued by this simple yet ingenious design to map out the Under Roads.
The caravan came to an abrupt stop. It was another cave in that prevented them from going any farther. Jayir emerged from his wagon to start barking orders at the miners. For some reason, even the non-miners came out to start setting up camp. When Kanae went to the front to check in, Claudia and Edina were already there.
"How's it looking?" Kanae asked.
"Foreman says this is a pretty big one. It's going to take a while and that we might as well make camp," Claudia said.
"I'm gonna help 'em with some undead to speed things up. Alright, minions. Wakey-wakey!" Edina called forth a dozen undeads to pick up the extra pickaxes and shovels.
The goblin miners almost crapped their pants when the undeads joined them at the cave in site. They also terrified Jayir at first, but restless undead proved to be more efficient laborers than living ones that needed breaks.
"Mistress Kanae." Jayir strolled up to Kanae, his hooves clopping heavily on the stone tiles. "A preliminary report from Vienne, our geologist, suggests the rubble stretches nearly twenty feet. It may take three days to move all that earth even with the undead's help. There are three side tunnels we can investigate for alternate paths, but we fear monster attacks."
"It might be worth checking out…" Kanae muttered.
Edina stayed put to continue commanding her undeads to dig. Kanae split her party up. Renya, Petyr, and Kris would check one tunnel. Claudia, Alicia, and a couple of miners entered another. She joined Jayir and two other goblins for the third.
Jayir led the way, and Kanae followed up from behind. The two goblins came up from the rear and snickered quietly. No doubt they were checking out her backside.
The side tunnels were pitch black. Braziers and torches had long gone cold for centuries. It was hard to see even with natural dark vision. Fortunately, an expedition sanctioned by Archmage Donnu came with plenty of useful tools. One being a magic crystal powered lantern that beamed like a flashlight from back on Earth.
These tunnels were too smooth to have been made naturally. They were purposefully excavated a long time ago to serve as extra passageways. Some off-paths had since collapsed. Others weren't so bad, and the group were able to climb over. Along the way, Jayir would light torches on the wall with flint and tinder.
"It wouldn't be so bad if these tunnels weren't so humid…" Jayir grumbled.
"Hey, toots! If you're feeling a little hot, maybe you wanna take off some of your clothes?" a goblin suggested.
"You two just want to see my tits. Keep it in your pants. Once we find a way through and get back to the others, you can have at me. Until then, we need to get around that damn cave in," Kanae groaned.
Something landed on Kanae's head. She brushed the debris off her and glanced up. Sand and debris trickled down— then something poked its nose through. She dove forward just as several creatures landed between her and the goblins. They threw their tools to the ground and ran the other way screaming.
"Get back here! Damn it. I'm docking their pay when I get back!" Jayir growled.
"Watch out!" Kanae unwound her whip and lashed out at one of the lunging monsters.
It jumped back, screeching in pain. Wolf-sized moles circled her and Jayir. Their gigantic claws made for digging looked like they could shred even stone to pieces. Kanae tapped her Collar of Domination, seizing control of one of them. She charmed two more, but the rest managed to resist. Another mole monster jumped at Kanae, but the three under her control pounced.
Jayir roared and grew noticeably larger. He took a running charge and gored a mole, and the remaining fell quickly to Kanae's onslaught of bludgeoning attacks from Cockcalibur.
"What is that? Why do you wield a penis?" Jayir asked, returning to his normal size.
"This is a weapon… don't worry about it!" Kanae blushed. "Anyway, if the goblins run away at the first sign of trouble, then we should just go ahead without them. All we're looking for is if this leads around the rubble after all."
"Fair point. Allow me to continue to lead the way," he insisted and walked forth.
It didn't take very long before the tunnels turned into man-made corridors. Or in this case, dwarven-made. They stopped at an ornate stone and metal gate with the motif of bat wings on at the top. Statuettes of succubi framed the base of the entrance, each of them holding a basin above their heads.
Jayir and Kanae couldn't find a lever or anything that looked like it would open the gate. The two of them were stumped until the minotaur brushed aside dust on the wall.
"I've ever seen these runes before. Maybe we should go back to ask Seif and Panner for help?" Jayir suggested.
"No need. I can read them," Kanae said, recognizing the ancient magical texts only succubi could understand. "It says to 'fill the basins with nectar that sustains us'. Oh."
"What kind of nectar?" he asked.
Kanae had an inkling as to what.
"Can I… borrow your dick?" Kanae gulped.
Although Jayir looked taken aback, he didn't refuse. The minotaur untied his baggy knickers and let them fall to his ankles. Kanae kneeled down next to his hung beastly cock. It twitched the moment she laid a hand on the meaty rod. Gently at first, she stroked the length of his dick with one hand and massaged his hefty balls with the other.
"Oooh! Can you use your mouth?" Jayir asked.
"Yes, I will!" Kanae obliged by dragging her tongue from the tip all the way down to the base.
The minotaur reared his head back and moaned. He sounded like a mooing cow. Kanae took it another step further. Lubricated by her saliva, she stroked Jayir's spit-slickened cock with ease.
"Come on, cum for me~" Kanae coaxed both the dick and its owner.
"Not yet… I want this to go on for a bit longer…" Jayir resisted his orgasm by sheer force of will.
"What? No, don't hold back! I need you to jizz on the basins! Fine, have it your way. I can force you to climax. Turn Horny!" She fired the spell directly at the minotaur, and his dick— maybe it was her imagination— seemed to grow in size.
Something in Jayir snapped. His eyes flashed with the same kind of glow whenever Kanae casted Charm on someone. He let out a bellowing roar, growing in size like before, and picked her up. Even his cock had enlarged. Before she even had a chance to protest, Jayir tore her clothes and tossed them aside.
"I must… breed!" Jayir grumbled in a low voice.
"Breed?! I didn't charm you to do anything, I just— aahh!" Kanae had the wind knocked out of her as he forced her down on his massive cock, all the way down to the balls.
Jayir pinned Kanae to the wall and fucked her like a wild beast would with a singular purpose. Eyes rolled back and tongue hanging out, she bounced to the pace of his irregular thrusts. Their hips clapped loudly and echoed back down where they had come.
"Oh, my god… yes! I've been waiting for this… Fuck me! Fuck my brains out and shoot your load inside me!" Kanae cried.
"As you wish! Take my seed!" Jayir pounded Kanae even harder, the force of which threatened to break her waist. He squeezed her breasts together and sucked on both nipples. His thick tongue tugged on her piercings, dialing up the pleasure ten folds.
Kanae wanted to grab the minotaur's horns for leverage but couldn't. She resigned herself to the mercy of his lust. Jayir held her by the waist, pumping up and down as if she were an unliving sex toy and her existence was only to satisfy him.
Before long, Jayir's throbbing cock heralded his climax. A flood of minotaur seed filled Kanae's womb and painted her pussy white. He let her fall to the ground in front of the gate, then proceeded to ejaculate all over her body.
[Skill Drain has temporarily acquired the skill Bullish Rage.
Bullish Rage: Grow in size and strength. Raises STR to S-rank.]
Finally, clarity returned to his eyes and it dawned on him what he had done.
"Oh, no… What have I done? Please, don't tell Archmage Donnu what happened! I just lost control and… hhnghh!" Jayir tensed up as Kanae clenched his dick with both hands, milking the rest of his jizz out and licking the tip.
"Don't apologize… That was great… Feel free to use me as your personal cum dump until we're back on the surface. Now…" Kanae used the wall to help herself up. Upon unsteady legs, she wobbled to one basin and relaxed her body. Fresh spunk spilled into the bowl, and she waited until it was full before moving onto the next one.
Both basins somehow drained the jizz even though there were no holes or openings. A wave of magical energies rippled outward. Jayir didn't feel it, but Kanae certainly did. The gate slowly groaned open. Torches ignited one at a time all the way to the back of the room, illuminating a large chamber overgrown with vegetation. Thick vines stretched up the walls. A carpet of roots covered what looked like beautifully-carved tiles.
As soon as they entered, the gate slammed shut. The two whirled around and tried to open it to no avail. There weren't even succubi statuettes on this side to feed. With nowhere else to go but forward, they ventured deeper into the room. A long open window ran along the length of the right wall. Neither of them were prepared to see what lay ahead— a factory on a gargantuan metal platform, suspended over a lake of lava by chains connected to the cavern ceiling above. All the way in the back of the factory, three towering stone obelisks with glowing magic runes lit up intermittently. Since Kanae couldn't read them, they definitely weren't succubi ciphers.
"Look!" Jayir pointed to a wide bridge. "You can see where we're currently digging the Under Roads from."
"We must be on an observation platform if it oversees the dwarven factory like this. This is a dead end, but hopefully the others found another way through." Kanae sighed.
"We're still trapped in here. Well, I am. You can fly out this window. By the way, is there any way to clean you? The scent and sight of my own seed on a female… stirs something primal in me," he said.
"Oops. Being covered in cum just feels so right, I sometimes forget to do this." She cleaned herself off with Prestidigitation.
It was probably for the best. Petyr would kill her if she returned covered in minotaur cum. Now the next question was how to get them both out of here? Normally, she wouldn't have enough strength to lift Jayir. But she did obtain one of his abilities with Skill Drain earlier.
Bullish Rage. That must have been how Jayir grew in size during the fight against the mole monsters and when he fucked her. How does one activate it though?
"Hey, Jayir. Earlier you used a skill called Bullish Rage, right? The one that makes you bigger. How does that work?" Kanae asked.
"Oh, that. Any minotaur who manages to become crowned by the Supreme One or The Many gods obtains it as a given ability. I'm only a level 5 Berserker. Never had time out of work to do any adventuring… Anyway, I have to tense my body. Like I'm trying to… defecate." Jayir swallowed the lump in his throat after the last word.
"What… Uh, okay…" She shut her eyes and tensed her entire body, consequently squeezing the cum from her pussy out.
The sound of Jayir's hooves clopped as he backed away from her. Kanae opened her eyes only to realize the ceiling was a little closer. She had grown to be slightly taller than the minotaur, too. His mouth hung agape, while his dick sprung fully erect again as he gazed up at her.
"You said I can mate with you whenever I wish, didn't you?" Jayir pressed both hands together as if making a pleaful request.
"We don't have time for that! Let's get down first!" Kanae groaned.
Jayir clung to her back, and she could feel him humping her from behind. Every push was on the verge of plunging into her pussy again. She climbed out the window and flew over the lava, landing on the bridge. The others were on the opposite side of this cave in, and the door—
"Ahhh!" Kanae jolted forward.
Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap!
The minotaur started screwing Kanae without regard or warning. She trembled and almost lost the will to resist. Luckily, her increased strength from Bullish Rage was more than enough to push him off.
"Get a hold of yourself!" Kanae yelled.
"Sorry! I haven't felt this way before. It's like… There's something in the air making it harder for me to control myself," Jayir said apologetically.
"Didn't this happen earlier…" She was struck by an incredible urge to find the nearest dick to stick it in, and there was one readily available. A fire stirred her crotch and made her nipple stiff. Unable to control her increasingly insatiable libido, Kanae laid on the ground and spread her legs open. "You're right," she said deliriously. "Who cares about anything else… Get that big cock of yours over here and fuck me into submission~"