Those who survived venturing into the farthest reaches of the Under Roads returned with many stories to tell. One commonly told story always shared that they would hear the frenzied, depraved, and outright unhinged moans of a howling banshee followed by some rhythmic clapping. Terror gripped these brave adventurers, yet somehow also… turned them on.
The source of these screams belonged to none other than Kanae, who thought nothing else but sex for the next three days, and Jayir, the minotaur who was trapped alongside her in the underground dwarven city, giving her a non-stop taste of his cock.
Of course, Kanae and Jayir would eventually be saved by the expedition they came into the Under Roads with. Before then, however, the two explored each other's bodies for all they had to offer.
On the first day of being trapped…
"Yes! Yes! Oh, my god… yes! I'm crazy for your cock… I just want more of it. I can't get enough of it. Please, don't stop fucking me… make me your personal cocksleeve!" Kanae cried, riding on top of Jayir until an orgasm rocked both of their bodies.
"How many times have I fucked you, and you're still so tight? This is… ooohh… better than being with a minotauress." Jayir emptied another load into her womb.
Too weak to continue staying upright, Kanae fell on top of the minotaur's chest. Her breasts squished against his broad muscles. Fine and smooth fur rubbed against her stiff nipples. His cock, which was still plugged deep in her swollen pussy, throbbed every now and then.
Jayir held Kanae's horns, lifting her closer to his face. In doing so, the minotaur's thick member slowly slid out from her pussy. It gripped tightly as if refusing to let such a thing leave her. Kanae threw her head back and climaxed again. Her tongue lolled out, but he pushed it back into her mouth with his own. They kissed and sucked the other's tongues, though Kanae mostly choked on his much larger organ.
"What is… going on…" Kanae coughed when Jayir's tongue parted from her throat. "I just want sex… only sex… Your dick is all I can think about…"
"Is that so wrong? Clearly, we were meant for each other! Let's stay like this forever. You, attached to my dick. Me, fucking you for the rest of our lives," Jayir insisted, his glazed over eyes in what she recognized was a Charm spell.
Kanae didn't recall charming the minotaur though. Maybe it happened during their marathon of sex. She tried to end its effect, but nothing happened. He remained firmly under some kind of spell that was not of her own. Which was weird. They hadn't come across any other succubus. Claudia and Alicia couldn't have done this either. He wasn't under the effects of Charm when they entered the side tunnel earlier.
Whatever magic seized hold of Jayir, it was keeping him hard and raring to go. His dick hadn't softened at all since they started having sex. Even Mitty and Titan went flaccid eventually!
"Hey, why don't we check out the factory? Maybe we can find a more comfortable place to lay down than a giant steel bridge," Kanae suggested.
"As you wish." Jayir got up with Kanae still stuck to his dick and made way into the dwarven factory.
"W-Wait, can you at least put me— mmh! Ahhh!" She came a little after every step the minotaur's heavy hooves made.
The shifting lava beneath the factory lit up the enormous cavern in a low light. They were able to see in front of themselves just fine, but it got darker the deeper in. Cold braziers and lanterns hadn't been set alight in centuries. Wherever Jayir stepped, he would disturb a layer of dust and ashes from the ground. Thin trickles of sand falling from above formed giant mounds that buried entire blocks and roads.
Every dark metal building was devoid of life as expected. Weathered skeletons of stout stature in likeness to dwarves laid about. A tiny spider crawled out of a skull's empty eye socket, raising its forelegs to warn them off. The stale air smelled like coal and smoke. Unlike the heavy clashing of metal in Ha'Vavish and Tortuga, it was mostly quiet here. The only sound Kanae could hear was the grumbling lava and distant burrowing borers in the cavern walls. Well, the squelching of Jayir using Kanae as a cocksleeve, including her coquettish moans of pleasure, added to the otherwise quiet atmosphere.
The farther in they went, the less this place seemed like a factory. Instead of giant factories, there were only shelters for habitation. No building appeared to be taller than four stories. Every door and entrance were suited for a race only a fraction of an average human's height… until the rigid and metal architecture of dwarven engineering gave way to more Saviran designs instead.
The sight of sandstone and whitestone blocks built in similar fashion to buildings in Bravost took Kanae's breath away. Or maybe that was just Jayir picking up speed and pounding into her pussy again. This block even boasted an open plaza where bazaars were hosted, but the vendor stands had been worn by age and empty of any goods.
"Jayir… stop screwing me for one second… What do you make of all this?" Kanae asked.
"No clue," Jayir answered after taking a gander at their immediate surroundings. "I'm just a miner. You should be asking Rodan, the archaeologist we brought along."
And the archaeologist was with the expedition, stuck behind twenty feet of rubble… Kanae sighed. Something or someone was controlling Jayir. If the others got through before she figured out why, they were in for a bad surprise. She had to think of something. It didn't help that she couldn't think with a big dick inside her.
Goosebumps formed across Kanae's skin. Another ripple of magic burst outward, similar to what happened after filling the succubus statuettes' basins with spunk.
"Ahh!" Kanae jerked when Jayir threw her on top of a creaking wooden merchandise stand.
"I'm going to fill you full of cum again like you wanted!" Jayir bellowed, increasing in size with Bullish Rage.
"Haven't you had enough?!" She gasped.
Jayir ignored Kanae's protests and plunged his minotaur cock back into her pussy. He fucked her relentlessly on the stand. Each thrust further cracked the already fragile piece of furniture. Kanae stopped resisting, not that she could to begin with under his indomitable strength that matched an ogre's. She clenched a fist with one hand and pushed vainly against him with the other.
A heavy hand dropped down on Kanae's ass like a hammer. She saw white. Her sanity broke for a moment.
"You tighten up so much when I spank you. Mistress Kanae, you like that don't you? Tell me what you want me to do!" Jayir shouted.
"Spank me! Break my pussy! I've been a naughty succubus, and I want you to punish me!" Kanae cried in the throes of ecstasy.
Jayir grabbed a handful of Kanae's hair while pinning her head to the table. His other hand smacked her ass repeatedly until both cheeks turned red. The tip of his cock punched the entrance to her room with every thrust, intensifying the pleasure enough for her to switch on Masochist by instinct.
"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeeee!" Kanae lost consciousness the moment she orgasmed.
On the second day, they awoke inside one of the Saviran homes. The two laid in a bed carved from stone and layered with several tattered animal pelts. Cum drenched Kanae's entire body. Her insides were sore beyond belief, but each pulse of pain came with a wave of euphoria.
Kanae hugged Jayir's cock, squeezing it between her breasts and licking the tip clean. She traced a particularly large, bulging vein that traveled the length of the shaft with her tongue.
"More… Give me more of your hot stuff…" Kanae cooed, rubbing her cheek against the hard rod.
When Jayir didn't respond, she glanced back only to find him passed out. The shock snapped Kanae back to her senses. She switched off Masochist and climbed on top of him.
"Oh, no. Jayir? Wake up! Crap. I hope I didn't drain you to death." Kanae pressed an ear to his chest which had become slightly less muscular than she last remembered.
The ebb and flow of the minotaur's breath proved he was still alive. Barely. Kanae heaved a strained sigh of relief. At the very least, she returned some of his mana with Restore Mana. Her legs were shot. She had to fly out of the house with a limp lower body.
Something was definitely wrong with this place. Right before Jayir lost his mind, a wave of magic had erupted from somewhere. Kanae wondered if it was the succubus statuettes? But neither of them could have filled it from down here.
If not the statuettes, then maybe… Kanae recalled the three obelisks when they first peered into the city from the observation deck. They had runes etched into their surfaces and glowed as if powered by magic. She casted Prestidigitation over herself, then flew above the city in search of the stone monuments. The three jutted out like eyesores, so completely foreign in aesthetic compared to the dwarven and Saviran architecture.
Kanae descended into a wide square at the very back of the city. Each black obelisk stood maybe no more than ten feet away from each other, rising to a height of almost thirty feet. They were hot to the touch. The sigils looked like spell enchantments.
While studying under Master Marwin Fransk, Kanae had learned that it took incredibly skilled mages to etch spells into walls or surfaces. Maintaining them was even harder. It was why they weren't seen everywhere, despite their usefulness. But once such a feat had been achieved, they lasted a very long time due to the durability of the material inscribed upon. By that same reasoning…
Kanae clenched a fist, roared aloud to grow stronger with the Bullish Rage skill gained from Jayir, and threw a punch infused with Titanic blow. The hit landed, but she recoiled as pain traveled up her arm. The obelisk hadn't so much as suffered a crack.
"Figures." Kanae clicked her tongue. "This has to be the source. I have to somehow destroy them before they pulse with magic again… Not that I mind getting dicked by horny minotaur. But the others aren't going to be happy about being turned into sex slaves."
Something shuffled behind her. Kanae thought Jayir had come to consciousness and arrived to help. She spun around and instead found a horde of undead dwarves entering the plaza. Some of the skeletons among them had horns on their heads and spiny wings on their backs.
"Ed-Edina? Is that you?" Kanae stammered.
They didn't answer and broke into a simultaneous charge instead. Kanae drew her whip, shattering several undead into bone dust on impact. She casted Hailstorm, causing a wave to slip on the sleet of ice.
Fighting them was a piece of cake. Destroyed scores of undead just lashing her whip in an arc. At least, it was supposed to be easy. An undead landed on top of her. More jumped from the nearby buildings. Despite having one on her, she managed to dodge most of them. However, only a few needed to grab ahold of her arms and legs. She plummeted to the ground.
Thanks to Bullish Rage, Kanae threw many of them off her like ragdolls. Magic suddenly weaved across the plaza, sewing broken bones together and amalgamating them into a giant bone monstrosity twice her size.
"What the… That's not fair. Time to retreat!" Kanae fled to the sky, but the bone giant caught her by the leg and slammed her back down. She rolled in pain, then looked up to see a large skeletal foot poised to crush her. "Wait, wait! I'm not into getting stepped on!"
Stampeding footfalls rushed in. Jayir bodied the bone giant into the obelisk, shattering skeleton parts all over the place. The magic that connected pieces of them together dissolved away.
"Jayir, thank god!" Kanae sighed.
"Mistress Kanae!" Jayir scooped her up, throat-fucked her with his tongue, and said, "I'm in love with you. Please, don't leave my side ever again! I know we're alone in this gods-forsaken place, but we'll start a family together. Repopulate this city and create our own paradise!"
"Okay, this escalated. Snap out of it!" She slapped him across the face, and he blinked in surprise as if just now waking up.
"My apologies… Where are we? What happened?" he asked, gently putting her down.
"We have to destroy those obelisks. You're stronger than me. Can you topple them?"
The minotaur man scrutinized each stone monument. He put some distance and took a running charge, slamming into an obelisk. It didn't budge. All he succeeded in doing was dislocating his shoulder, which he pushed against the wall to get back into place.
Well, now Kanae knew brute force wouldn't work. They were probably running out of time. Soon, these things would pulse with magic, and the two of them were back to fucking an entire day away.
Kanae tried everything between taking a sledgehammer to the obelisk, scratching the sigils, and even casting Dispel hoping to end the magical effects. Nothing worked. She checked her satchel for something else to use… that was when she discovered Cockcalibur resonating at the bottom.
"What is it?" Jayir asked.
"This is the ancient relic I found in Dry Gulch's vault. It can transform into any dick I had sex with. For some reason, it's acting up. That hasn't happened before," Kanae said, pulling the dildo out.
Did it have something to do with the obelisks? Kanae waved the weapon in front of one. To both her and Jayir's surprise, it absorbed mists of magic from the sigils until they stopped glowing. The obelisk no longer hummed with energy. She did the same to the remaining two. Like a vacuum, Cockcalibur sucked up every ounce of magic from them.
"Now what?" Jayir scratched his head.
"I'm not sure. This is new to me." Kanae shrugged.
Cockcalibur began to vibrate, like someone was slowly dialing up the setting to max. Kanae's hand grew numb, and she dropped the weapon. A pulse of energy exploded from the weapon, knocking them both off their feet.
When Kanae sat up, a profound hunger gnawed at the depths of her stomach. Jayir's cock stood erect. She laid eyes on it like an object of worship. Her tongue salivated, her pussy leaked with juices anticipating to receive it, and her nipples stiffened harder than diamonds.
"Your dick looks like it's in pain. How about I take care of it for you?" Kanae offered seductively.
"Yes, please!" Jayir pounced on her without hesitation, burying his dick into her eager cunt again.
They gorged on each other to sate their sexual appetites for the entirety of the second day. Kanae lost count of how many times she had sucked his cock, taken it up the ass, and milked Jayir with her tail pussy. She swallowed his cum for sustenance, and he drank both their canteens of water empty.
By the third, Jayir was still on top and fucking her in the missionary position. Kanae's blurry vision gradually adjusted to a figure standing behind the minotaur. Whoever they were grabbed him by the head and shoved him away.
"Kanae, damn you!" A furious Petyr lifted Kanae up by a horn. "We've been digging for the past three days, and you were just on the other side. All along? FORNICATING?"
They weren't an illusion. The entire expedition crew had seemingly excavated their way through. A couple of Kanae's companions snickered from the back.
"P-Petyr?! We were… locked in from the other side… had nowhere to go… but out the window." Kanae directed their attention to where she had originally flown herself and Jayir out from.
Jayir hastily came back to add, "It's true! We figured that the goblins who came with us had fled back to the main group!"
The three of them turned in the direction of the goblin miners. Kanae recognized the pair that ran away when the moles attacked. However, instead of saying anything, the two kicked rocks and whispered nonchalantly.
"They didn't tell you a damn thing, did they?" Kanae asked.
"Alicia and I went to check down the tunnel since you didn't come back though," Claudia interjected.
"Unfortunately, a cave in rendered the passage unuseable. It must have been caused by those creatures you faced. They also attacked us," Alicia explained.
Petyr shook her angrily. "You could have looked for another way through. Or dug from this side. Anything!"
"I'm sorry! We… We were being controlled! That's right! These obelisks had some kind of magic that compelled us to keep having sex," she recounted truthfully.
The succubus sisters exchanged knowing glances.
"But Kanae, you and I have Steel Mind tattooed on our bodies by Enchanted Ink. Our minds can't be influenced," Alicia reminded her.
Kanae started sweating bullets.
The other sister, Claudia, erupted into laughter. "Hahaha! You just wanted to have yourself some good ole prime minotaur steak in private, huh? Hey, I don't blame you. They got some big cocks."
"Okay, I know this looks bad. But the obelisks really were enchanted with magic. It had Jayir charmed and made him perpetually horny. Obviously, I only got the horny part of the effect. Cockcalibur was able to drain their magic, but something happened that made it affect us one last time," Kanae explained with Jayir nodding to her side.
Petyr finally let Kanae down. She and Jayir showed everyone the now inert obelisks. Its runes were no longer glowing. The magic had all but waned and no traces were left.
"What's up with these skeletons? You fought undead here?" Edina asked.
"Yeah. I thought they were yours at first. There's no other necromancer here other than you," Kanae said.
"Nah. I would've known if a necromancer did this. There's lingering necromantic energy on them though. Something else brought them to life," the squirreling muttered in thought to herself.
Kanae had heard of undead that wander and attack anyone on sight. They came across such monsters near Capillis in Hellfire Badlands. But if not from a necromancer, then how?
"Kanae!" Jayir flagged her down after disappearing for a moment, coming back with an elderly feline beastman dressed in Ordane's academic robes in tow. "This is Rodan. He's the archaeologist. There's something he wants to tell you about the Saviran architecture."
Rodan bowed and started, "My lady, you are correct to assume these are Saviran. However, their architecture differs slightly from buildings on the surface. Their structure and designs are outdated. In other words, they were built thousands of years ago. Likely, around the same time as this dwarven city."
"The dwarves down here were in league with the devil Satine's Cult of Lust and Depravity. In your expert opinion, do you think it's possible the Savirans down here were, too?" Kanae asked.
"Your theory… would also be correct." He nodded gravely. "That suggests that the succubi of old once held deep influence in Savir. They may still to this day."