Chapter 365 – Beneath Nan’Garo
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Adventurers Gone Wild [Patreon] | [Amazon

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

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Hero Succ! Vol. 7 is available on Amazon!

I Became a Succubus, and the Only Way to Level is to... What?! Vol. 7

For the time being, the expedition took refuge in the dwarven city to plunder its remains, learn of how the populace had perished, and turn into a temporary base of operations. Danger still lurked in every corner. The undead periodically rose from their eternal slumber, so any non-combatant had to travel with an armed escort. Namely, that came in the form of Petyr and Renya.

Everyone had been tasked with different things to do. Edina went around exterminating any undead that didn't belong to her. Since Claudia and Alicia could fly, they soared over the city in search for a passage through to recommence their journey. Petyr joined Jayir and his miners to guard them from attacks while they excavated blocks buried in a mountain of sand. Renya and Kris escorted the scholars through the city to uncover its secrets.

As for Kanae, well… Goblins needed an outlet for their sexual frustration. Without relief, they didn't work. Not even the threat of violence and death moved them. She served as their glorified spunk dumpster for as long as the journey through the Under Roads demanded.

"Whew! What a semen demon!"

"I'm beat. Can't wait to fuck her again when we come back."

The secondary group of goblin miners pulled up their pants and grabbed their equipment on the way out. A slacker stayed behind to get one more nut in. He thrusted madly from behind, both hands striking Kanae's ass red.

"Hurry up, will ya? Foreman Jayir's gonna be pissed!" one goblin poked his head back in to shout.

"Almost… done… Take it all, you succubus skank! Ooohh, this is a big load!" He emptied his balls into Kanae's pussy, joining the mixture of cum from his fellow colleagues.

Satisfied, the goblin pulled out, waved his dick in front of Kanae to lick clean, and hurried out to join the others. She laid there after having been painted white from their spunk. Kanae winced when she tried to get up. Her hips didn't agree, and she collapsed back into the solid stone bed which dwarves once slept on.

Those goblins didn't know how to hold back. They might not hold a candle to a minotaur dick, but their insatiable appetite had beat Kanae's pussy sore. It was so humid, the somewhat cool stone felt nice to the touch. She almost fell asleep until someone entered the little habitation block.

Another goblin? No. Their stride sounded too long. Kanae hoped it was Jayir, returning to give her a taste of his cock, but the footfalls were far too light for a minotaur.

"Peeyew! Goblin spunk really smells like something fierce. How do you stand it?" Renya asked, towering over her by the side of the bed.

"Renya? Oh, you know. You get used to it after being screwed by the hundredth one. What are you doing back so soon? Weren't you with Rodan and— iiiieeee!" Kanae jolted to an intrusion to her pussy.

Renya flashed an amused grin and bit down on her lower lip. She fingered Kanae with expert skill. Just when it couldn't get any worse, the dark elf plunged a thumb into the twitching backdoor.

"Uu… stop… I'm so sensitive right now… Renya, please… I'm going to… I'm going to cum… I'm cumming!" Kanae gritted her teeth and orgasmed harder than what six goblins could accomplish.

"Ahh. You always make the best faces." Renya flicked the jizz from her hand. "I don't think there are any other succubi as sex-starved and masochistic as you! Anyway, I got back with Rodan and Vienne a hot minute ago. They found something worth checking out. Need your opinion on it."

Kanae regained feeling back in her hips enough to sit up. She let all the goblin spunk gush out of her, cleaned herself and Renya's hand with magic, and got dressed.

Their steps echoed through the streets of the mostly empty city. Churning lava gargled beneath them like a hungry earthen beast. Meanwhile, the metal chains that suspended the city above certain doom groaned under the stress of its own weight. Kanae hoped they left the city soon. She and those who could fly were fine. If those chains snapped, they wouldn't be able to save the others.

Renya led Kanae to what appeared to be a bar. The giant steel casks in the back of the room contained stale air instead of alcohol. Stump-sized stools lined were strewn about. Rodan and Vienne spoke quietly from behind the counter surrounded by notes, trinkets collected from the city, and metal ingots.

"Kanae, good of you to come. Take a look at this please." Rodan beckoned her over.

The archaeologist was an old man who walked with a cane. His tail was crooked near the tip, and something had taken a bite out of his left ear in the past. The emblem of a tome stitched onto his blue robes of Ordane University signified him as a member of the scholarly class, somewhere above Seif and Panner in status.

Sitting beside him was Vienne, the geologist. The dark elven woman was young by comparison, possibly in her late-20s. A headscarf covered most of her face except the curious dark brown eyes, and her pointed ears adorned with piercings poked out from the back. Instead of blue robes, she wore a light tunic without any indication of a scholar or student of Ordane.

"Vienne, court geologist, at your service." Vienne bowed her head deferentially.

"Aren't you hot in that?" Kanae asked, gesturing to the woman's outfit.

"It is… stuffy down here, but I am used to heat in all forms. As a court geologist, our identities must stay hidden. The sultana's enemies, particularly the Mutt of Avanesse and Harpy King of Elusis, have sought to kidnap us in the past to uncover rich mines for their profit," she explained somberly.

Being part of Sultana Dudula's inner circle must be tough. It made sense why they were so careful though. Gems and jewels fueled Bravost's economy.

"Now that the introductions are out of the way," Rodan began after clearing his throat, "we have discovered the name of this city after translating existing texts. Nan'Garo in dwarven. It means 'farm' in our language, which doesn't make sense. There didn't seem to be much farming going on back then."

"That's because it isn't a normal farm. It's a succubus' farm. The obelisks I disabled pulses with magic to make the dwarves sexually aroused. The succubi most likely ranched the inhabitants like cattle here," Kanae suggested.

He scribbled hastily into his notes. "Fascinating. Do you suppose the inhabitants were willing or unwilling participants?"

"Judging by what I saw in Tortuga and Ha'Vavish, and that crazy spy from Avanesse, my bet is they were willing," she said.

"What about these strange stones we found in one of the houses? They are unlike anything I've ever seen before." Vienne showed them small eggs and oblong-shaped objects that looked like smooth rocks at first glance.

Kanae picked one up. They were slightly warm and emanated a very subtle magical energy. These certainly weren't just rocks. Whatever magic or effect they had had waned too much over the years. Maybe Restore Mana would work? She normally used the spell on people though.

With nothing to lose since her mana regenerated as a gradual stream, Kanae casted Restore Mana and channeled the life of magic back into the objects. They started vibrating. A few almost fell off the counter until Vienne caught hold of them.

"They vibrate?" Vienne gasped. "I'm not sure what you did, but what an incredible discovery. Vibrating stones like these could revolutionize Bravost's mining industry!"

"Not to rain on your parade, but these aren't what you think they are. I've seen them before. The dwarves designed these for sexual purposes. For example…" Kanae tied a string to one egg, and to the others' surprise, she inserted it into her pussy. "Mmm! So, you see…" She struggled to speak as her breath grew more and more ragged. "This is… how you… ahh… use them…"

Rodan went red but continued staring. On the other hand, even though Kanae couldn't see her face, Vienne definitely grimaced and let the other 'stone' vibrators drop from her hands.

"Haha! That's what a degenerate expert like you is here for! Now, how about we show Kanae what you really asked her here for," Renya said, pocketing one of the vibrator eggs for herself.

Whatever it was Rodan and Vienne wanted to show Kanae, it wasn't here in this tavern. They traveled a few blocks down, slaying a couple of stray undead along the way. Eventually, the group came across piles of broken bones swept off the road.

As soon as they turned the corner, Kanae walked face first into a flaccid yet incredibly hung dick. Vienne screamed and jumped behind Renya. A hulking death knight, Corpsestitched with numerous monster parts, glanced down apologetically.

"Oh, hello." Cantu bowed and shot a look at Vienne coming upright.

"Relax, everyone. This is Cantu, one of Edina's living death knights. Why are you walking around with your dick out?" Kanae rubbed her nose.

"Metal chafes and pinches my skin! The sensation of touch has its uses, but I've grown to abhor the mortal pleasure because of how often I'm in armor. Anyway, if you're looking for my mistress, she is with the explorer Kris down this way." The death knight pointed west down the block, which Rodan recognized was where they needed to go. "We've been clearing undead all morning."

"Hey, you're sensitive to undeath as a mummy lord. Do these undead down here strike you as odd?" she asked.

"Now that you mention it, they do give me the creeps. And look at me, I'm the terrifying one! The dead cannot rise without the touch of necromantic energies. Mistress seems to believe the Necronomicon has awakened. If it isn't here, then it likely passed through here. I'm inclined to agree with her," he explained.

The rest of the way to Edina and Kris was clear. Death Knight Cantu and the other undead made sure of that. They entered a square where raised garden beds contained nothing but soil devoid of nutrients. A wide staircase led into the depths of Nan'Garo's enormous metal platform.

Someone had lit the braziers on the stairs. It would have been pitch black otherwise. At the very bottom, Edina and Kris waited in front of a large black metal door reminiscent of the sunken temple. Succubi ciphers etched into the top pricked at Kanae's mind, practically begging her to speak their words aloud.

"What took you guys?" Edina asked.

"Uhm… Miss Necromancer?" Vienne pressed her fingers together nervously. "We appreciate your assistance, but your death knight named Cantu makes me uneasy. I-I fear he looks at me lecherously."

The squirreling cocked her head sideways. "Really? Guess my feet and tight pussy of mine ain't enough for him. Don't worry. I'll square him up later with a wringing."

"Huh? Feet?" Kanae recoiled.

"Turns out, he's a feet kinda guy!" She shrugged.

"Ahem! Kanae, we're told you have opened one such door before. Could you do the same here?" Rodan requested.

Kanae walked up to the door and scrutinized the words written on it that only succubi could understand. Luckily, it didn't have a stone key slot. Simply speaking the words should open it. She let their magic seize and speak through her for a moment.

"Herd the loyal," Kanae began, "to sate both the hunger of Her and Her most fervent disciples."

The heavy gate opened. A rush of air filled into the chamber. Like an ancient dragon waking up from a long slumber, the city yawned with enough force to cause the walls to tremble. Each of them exchanged glances before pressing forward. Kanae and Edina led the way into a chamber that was very familiar.

A large hall welcomed them in with its daunting presence. Kanae noticed first the giant crystal the size of a grown man lying on the ground. Crushed beneath its weight were steel pipes that snaked across the floor, leading to recesses in the wall where they formed rings. This place was exactly like the sunken temple Alicia had tended to while hypnotized by Ambrosia.

However, Kanae recognized a few differences. There were no artificial Rift portals in the recesses. Beautiful and intricately-woven cushions, though blanketed by a layer of dust, had been arranged to serve like some kind of seating in an entertainment venue. Empty glasses and wine bottles rested on their sides. At the back of the chamber, a statue of Satine the Lustful stood vigil over them.

"This is… certainly dwarven engineering, but what is this place?" Rodan asked.

"An engine," Kanae answered readily. "There's a temple in the Commonwealth with an engine in it, too. We don't know its purpose, but we do know that it harvests energy from inhabitants inside artificially-generated Rifts. This engine looks broken though."

Like the kleptomaniac she was, Edina skipped about collecting anything that might be of value. A gold knife, a cushion made of silk and cotton, a dented platter… nothing escaped her sticky fingers. Kris zeroed in on something else. She picked up a tattered journal and blew the dust off its leather bindings.

"Guys, I think this might be a diary!" Kris exclaimed, only to frown after flipping a few pages. "Awww. A lot of it is smudged up though. The humidity did a number on this."

"Can I see?" Kanae asked for the book.

Kris was right. Many of the pages at the very beginning and end were illegible. The ones closer to the center could be read. Everyone— except Edina, who was still plundering— grouped up to look. They were shocked to be able to understand the words. It wasn't written in succubi ciphers or dwarven language. Entries weren't made daily. There were days, weeks, and sometimes months in between.

Kanae read aloud the first entry, "It's been a year since Mother sent us down here to herd cattle. These 'dwarves' as they call themselves are intelligent for livestock. But will they really be able to create this engine they talk so highly about? I'm doubtful. Mother is confident though. At least we don't have to waste mana charming these fools. They willingly serve us on their own accord. Ha!"

"Mother? So, we can guess this diary belongs to a succubus. Is she referring to Queen-Mother Zariah?" Renya asked.

"I doubt it. The dwarves went extinct a long time ago. It must be a different succubus queen." She continued to the next entry dated a few months after the other. "Spank my ass, the cattle have done it. Ha'Vavish and Tortuga have been supplying us with the necessary metal. It took forever to get here, but the engine is complete! My fellow sisters sent word to Mother. She will be here soon with the artifact to test the engine's efficacy."

Kris chewed on her thumb. Having gone down into Tortuga with them, she must also be connecting the dots. Without a shred of doubt now, they knew the dwarves and some members of the other races eagerly served succubi in the past.

But there must be more to it. This relic that the diary-writer spoke of, that her mother wielded… could it be?

"Skip to the next entry, to when the mother arrives. I doubt the rest are important," Rodan insisted.

Kanae did so until she found and read aloud, "Mother arrived! In all her beauty! I was among the chosen to witness the engine. We threw people into the artificial Rifts and ordered them to perform orgies. Their debaucherous acts powered the magic crystal with energy. Mother wielded the glorious Cockcalibur, and she successfully absorbed the power the crystal had drained from others. We will have the dwarves make more engines like it, and soon, Mother will ascend and become deified."

Everyone drew a sharp breath. Kanae hadn't been the only succubus to enter the path towards Deification. Another succubus had in the past. She flipped across countless pages searching for information as to whether this succubus had succeeded or not.

"Treachery," Kanae started as the texts appeared to be written by an angry hand, and at some points poked through to the other page. "Mother's sisters found out her plans and sought power for themselves. A war is raging in the north. Fearing Cockcalibur might fall into their hands, she sent it to be sealed in a vault not far from Nan'Garo. My sisters and I are to stand guard here. How long will it be, I wonder? The dwarves are beginning to starve. When they starve, so will we. Mother, your loyal daughters will wait for your return."

"Seeing as there are plenty of succubi skeletons here, her mother never did return. Perhaps the war ended in her defeat?" Rodan wondered aloud.

"Hey." Renya nudged Kanae on the shoulder. "Wouldn't that mean Zariah is the descendant of the succubi who won that war?"

She nodded. "I think so. The Queen-Mother might be seeking Cockcalibur and the dwarven engines to achieve Deification. That makes me competition."

The diary also confirmed that Cockcalibur could absorb magic originally borne from sex. It explained how Kanae seized the magic from the obelisks, and how the diary owner's mother took from the crystal.

Hurried footfalls descended into the chamber. Everyone turned around to find Seif leaning against the doorframe, catching his breath. It looked like he had something to say, until his eyes adjusted to the interior chamber and marveled at the construction.

"Seif, did you need us for something?" Kanae asked.

"Oh, sorry! Foreman Jayir wanted me to inform you that they found a way through. If you're all done here, we're ready to leave posthaste," Seif explained.


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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Dakimakura available for purchase here: Kanae Toyomi – Cuddly Octopus
