Two and a half weeks had passed since the expedition journeyed into the Under Roads. There hadn't been a single path back to the surface. According to Seif and Panner, going from Dry Gulch to Avanesse would have taken only a little over a week of traveling. Underground, however, the roads were treacherous and long. Winding passages, monster attacks, taking detours due to collapses being too entrenched… they were only some of the many incidents faced in the gods-forsaken subterranean world.
Kanae had been sitting with Seif and Panner in a carriage of their own. They were going over notes on Nan'Garo when she decided to check in on them.
"I'm starting to miss the dry warmth of the sun…" Panner grumbled, wiping a layer of sweat from his forehead.
"We can't be much farther, right? There's got to be some way out of here," Kanae said.
"Logically-speaking? Yes." Seif nodded, who had long since taken off his tunic so his leathery kobold hide could breathe better. "If we presume that ancient Savir was enslaved by succubi, then these roads would extend from city to city. There might even be one to Elusis we have yet to discover."
If they get out of here and Archmage Donnu asked to chart an Under Roads path to Elusis, then Kanae intended to decline. She was only going to travel on the surface from now on. It couldn't get any worse than wondering if there even was an exit at the end of this path. Every day they spent down here added another day should they ever consider turning around.
Kanae noticed Panner staring a little too hard at her chest. People ogling her breasts were normal, but he seemed particularly fixated on them today. Glancing down, she realized why. There were wet spots where her nipples and fabric met.
"Oh, sorry. Must be because I got pregnant with cragswines the other day. I'm going to go… squeeze them out somewhere," Kanae said.
"And waste perfectly good succubus breast milk? I think not!" Panner threw himself onto her.
"Eh— wait!" Kanae stumbled back against the carriage and made it rock a little.
The human scholar buried his face between her breasts. She tried to push him off, but the man clung to her desperately. Kanae lost the will to resist when he pulled her sparse outfit aside and latched his lips on her nipple. A wet and wriggling tongue teased the stiff nub. After birthing several cragswine, her breasts had swollen with milk. Panner nursed on one tit like a hungry infant.
Seif, who had been watching this unfold before him, couldn't take it any longer and joined his colleague on the other breast. Both of them sucked greedily. Their tongues flicked at the Piercings of Impurity, dialing up Kanae's pleasure by several folds.
"You two… quit sucking so hard… I'm going to cum at this rate…" Kanae squealed.
"I'm sorry. I'm just so thirsty!" Seif squeezed her breast with both hands to wring more out.
"Don't have all the fun. Make us feel good, too!" Panner guided her hand to his erect dick, and she grabbed Seif's with the other.
In the heat of it, they bit down on Kanae's nipples and tipped her over the edge. She climaxed hard. They blew their thick loads into her hands. Everyone's panting breaths added to the humidity inside the carriage cabin.
"Have you guys… had enough… yet?" Kanae gasped for breath.
"Lake! We're stopping to hydrate!" someone else answered from outside.
They emerged from the carriage to a sparkling underground lake, the size of which rivaled an ocean. Water poured from holes in the cavern ceiling, giving them the impression of giant columns. A man-made ramp led off from the Under Roads corridor Gentle waves crashed against the sandy black shores.
Goblin miners jumped into the waters, dunked their heads in, and bathed themselves clean of sweat and grime. Foreman Jayir unhitched their burden beasts and led them down to drink. Ronoas dipped their beaks into the water and came back up with fish. Kanae kneeled down to wash her hands of Seif and Panner's spunk. Tiny fishes with long bodies swam past her.
Shurran, the young human cartographer, walked up to the water's edge with a map in hand. He glanced up and scratched his head, readjusted his glasses, and did a double take.
"Put the map down and take a swim. The world is still going to be here for you to chart when you get out," Kanae said, wading waist-deep into the water.
"Maybe in a bit! I'm just confused as to where the water is coming from. I know an enormous aquifer exists under Savir, but this water is too clear. There are hardly any sediments or soil even from the water columns," Shurran explained.
"Any rough estimate where we are relative to Savir?" she asked.
The cartographer pressed a hand to his cheek in thought. He turned the map around to give Kanae a glimpse. It wasn't of the entirety of Savir, but the extent of the map stretched from Dry Gulch on one end to the western shores of desert landmass.
Numerous landmarks and notes of places they passed had been inked onto the parchment, like Nan'Garo and the underground forest. Instead of dots, they were marked with a circle to show their relative location. Fresh ink denoted that they stopped at an underground lake. Shurran's guesswork suggested they were two-thirds of the way to the city of Avanesse, the Ruby Jewel of Savir. Their expedition, however, appeared to be situated underneath a series of mountain ranges. That might explain where all the fresh water was coming from.
Kanae quietly casted Charm on Shurran, causing him to tense up. She compelled him to roll up the map, tuck it into a bag which rested on the ground beside his legs, and take off articles of his clothing.
"W-W-Wait, what are you doing?" Shurran stammered.
"You weren't going to take your eyes off that map unless I forced you. Come in and let me show you a better time instead." Kanae tugged the g-string of her Matron's Regalia off and twirled it seductively.
Shurran gulped hard and slowly entered the water— until Petyr intercepted him with an embrace from behind.
"Shurran will bathe with me instead of a foul succubus with ill intentions on her mind," Petyr glowered.
"And you don't have ill intentions? I know what you're into!" Kanae fired back, feeling pussy-blocked from someone else taking her meal.
"He may be a few years older than what I'm used to, but his innocence is more than enough to make up for it. What's the matter, fiend? Don't you have a harem with that minotaur and goblins?" she tauntingly.
Kanae squirted a jet of water from her tail and splashed Petyr in the face. The high elf winced. She set Shurran aside and stormed in. The two of them wrestled, but Petyr easily overpowered her. She dunked her repeatedly into the water.
"Petyr… You're drowning me! You're drowning me!" Kanae cried as she struggled to resurface for air.
Something heavy splashed down towards the middle of the lake. A large wave knocked Kanae and Petyr down, and they washed up onto shore next to Shurran's feet. Both of them noticed him staring off into the distance with a terrified look on his face, then followed his gaze to the lake.
As the waters calmed and ripples subsided, a giant eel-like creature levitated out from the surface. Tentacles ending in spikes sprouted from its lower back, undulating with unnatural smoothness as though swimming in air. A dozen cloudy black eyes scanned the shores and zeroed in on them. Its thin lips peeled back to reveal rows of sharp teeth.
A guttural shriek erupted from its maws and echoed across the cavern. Everyone pressed their hands to their ears.
"That's a berinath! Fascinating!" Seif exclaimed.
"No, Seif. More like, that's a berinath! GET OUT OF THE LAKE AND RUN!" Panner screamed.
The creature Seif called a berinath beelined it for goblins, who were scrambling to swim back to shore. Kanae exchanged glances with Petyr and nodded. She picked the paladin up, flew high in the monstrosity's path, and let her drop. Having left her warhammer behind in her carriage, the paladin balled up two fists and slammed into the berinath.
Both of them plunged into the waters. The ensuing wave threw the goblins back onto land. Kanae's companions came rushing over just as the berinath broke water, soaring high with Petyr between its jaws.
"Why does Petyr get to have all the fun? I want to be made into a chew toy!" Claudia exclaimed and rocketed head-first into battle.
"Sister, you— ugh, knucklehead. Wait!" Alicia chased after her
"So, uhh… Small beastmen like me don't do well against giant meat-eating monsters. I'm out." Edina tucked tail and turned around.
"No, you're not leaving!" Kanae grabbed her shoulders. "We have to save Petyr! Think about how you can raise that terrifying monster after we kill it."
"You're right… Now we're talking my language! To me, my dragon!" The necromancer opened a giant abyssal portal and ushered out her own monstrosity.
"Careful! Berinaths can cast strange magic that even the greatest mages can't even fathom!" Panner shouted from the Under Roads corridor.
Strange magic or not, Kanae wasn't going to let one of their greatest assets be fish food. Claudia and Alicia had already caught up, but they were having a hard time getting through the metallic scales. Petyr had her knee pressed to the berinath's lower jaw and shoulder to the upper jaw, fighting back against its strength.
Edina's dragon pushed forward with her and Renya on its back. The Rown Chairwoman fired a salvo of arcane missiles that exploded harmlessly on the berinath's body.
"The hells is this thing made of? Not even a scratch!" Renya clicked her tongue.
"Look at the tails on the back!" Kanae warned.
Not a second later, the berinath fired laser-thin rays in every direction. One beam clipped the undead dragon's left wing, but not enough to ground it.
"Time for evasive maneuvers!" Edina yelled.
"Hey, I'm scared of heights. I'd appreciate it if you didn't go too hi—iiiggghhhhhhhhh!" Renya clung to the spine for dear life when the dragon evaded wildly.
Kanae narrowly dodged a beam. It struck the water below her, freezing a section of the lake's surface into ice. She cursed under her breath for having a lack of decent offensive spells. For now, Edina's Necrotizing Touch would have to suffice.
The sister pair pursued the berinath at an arm's length away just above its back. Kanae caught up to them as they were debating what to do.
"I'll weaken its scales, you guys hurt it!" Kanae instructed.
They nodded.
Kanae landed on the back of the berinath. She infused her right hand with necromantic energy, turning it into a ghoulish appendage. One quick slash, and the scales started withering. Pink flesh festered and sloughed off. The berinath let loose an agonizing screech. Kanae leaped off and signalled the sisters, who took her place on the monster.
With both daggers in hand, Alicia plunged her toxin-coated blades deep into the berinath flesh. She let the weapons stay and stepped aside to give her sister room. Claudia rubbed two hands together, drew the enchanted paddle, and struck the pommels of Alicia's daggers with all her might. They sank all the way down to the hilt.
The berinath shrieked again and bucked them off, but not before Alicia pulled her daggers out. Now, the beast grew sluggish. Whatever toxin Alicia used slowly worked its way into the massive body.
Petyr pried the jaws wide open enough and jumped off.
"Edina, get Petyr!" Kanae pointed.
"Gotcha!" Edina ordered her dragon to swoop down and catch the high elf before she hit the water.
On the way back up, the necromancer flourished the Pillar of the Damned. A large number of dark portals zipped open. Hundreds of undead spilled out. Many plummeted into the lake. However, a not so insignificant horde landed on the berinath and hacked away at the exposed flesh.
"Hahaha! Cleave it cleanly down to the bones! Bring forth to me a new minion, my minions!" She cackled menacingly, much to everyone's horror.
"You're sure she isn't evil?" Alicia flew up to Kanae and asked.
"I-I'm sure," Kanae said.
They flinched as the berinath howled one last time. In a desperate act of defiance, its many writhing tails shot beams of magic all over the place. A ray came right for them. Kanae shoved Alicia out of the way, only for her leg to get caught. Painful shocks electrified her entire body. Millions of needles pricked at her skin. She went numb from her legs all the way up to the head. Cradled in Alicia's arms, the succubus carried her back to shore.
Meanwhile, as Kanae fought her light-headedness and pain, the berinath plunged into the lake with all of Edina's undead still savagely attacking it.
Claudia landed and drew a sharp gasp, lifting both hands up to her mouth.
"How bad… does it look?" Kanae asked and was surprised by the higher pitch of her voice.
The undead dragon descended, and its passengers hopped off its back to race over. Their shocked expressions were so palpable, Kanae feared the answer to her own question. However, she did notice something odd. Everyone was a lot taller than usual. Even though she was only lying down, they were like giants by comparison.
"Don't tell me. Did the berinath shrink me?" Kanae groaned.
"No." Alicia shook her head and pressed a hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh. "Worse…"
"Maybe you should take a look for yourself." Petyr gestured to a puddle of water nearby.
Kanae crawled over and looked in. An incredibly young, child-like succubus stared back at her. She looked almost fifteen years younger. Her clothes didn't fit and sagged on the ground. Her long hair came down to the waist. Worse yet, her boobs were gone. She had a chest flatter than Edina's!
"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Kanae scrambled to pick up her wand and casted Dispel on herself. Nothing. She was still a pint-sized version of herself.
"Kanae, you're soooooo cute!" Claudia sweeped Kanae off her feet and rubbed their cheeks together.
"Stop it! This isn't funny!" she cried.
"I'm inclined to agree with my sister. You are… rather adorable in that form," Alicia cooed and wagged a tail in her face.
When Claudia finally put Kanae down, Edina strolled up to her to gauge their heights. The squirreling was a whole head taller.
"Heh. Who's the squirt now?" Edina sneered.
"Ugh! This magic better not be permanent!" Kanae pouted.
"I can't take it. You look so precious when throwing a tantrum." Alicia picked her up and squeezed.
Finally, loli Kanae