Kanae and her retinue waited at the lift as the resistance's Commander Rasheena had instructed. The large platform was operated by a series of chains and pulleys. It didn't look to be of dwarven engineering and was likely constructed by the town's current inhabitants. Heavy counterweights made from thick rope nets and rocks currently anchored the lift, and a nearby operator sweated profusely at the sight of savagely-armed outsiders. Claudia and Alicia probably terrified the poor human man the most, given the resistance was fighting to repel them from Avanesse.
"So, the folks we traveled with are leaving soon? How in three hells are we going to get back?" Renya asked.
"We don't. We're going to be here for a while. Depending on how we resolve the conflict, we might need to find a different way back to Bravost," Kanae explained with a sigh.
"You're all here?" Guin ascended the stone steps, strolling past them and onto the lift. "Good. You don't have much time. Let's get going before the next edirashem leaves."
As soon as everyone boarded the platform, the operator pulled a lever that detached one counter counterweight at a time. Something snapped harder than the crack of a whip, and they began to rise from the underground town of Rayad. Renya, who had developed a fear of heights since the scuffle at Kandis, backed away from the ledge and grimaced.
Darkness enveloped them from all sides, and the only light came from a lantern at each corner of the lift. Kanae gazed up the makeshift elevator. A tiny speck of light shined down at them from above.
"You mentioned something called an edirashem before we got on the lift. What is that?" Kanae asked the elven man.
"Those are your big caravans, aren't they?" Renya chimed in, her fear of heights dispelled after touching on an interesting subject. "Rown Company's been trying to get the schematics on those, but hooo are you Avanessi sticklers about secrets."
Guin scoffed, and the corners of his lips twitched with brimming pride. "Because you northerners would lack the most valuable commodity of all to build them— our craftsmen. Edirashem are our moving cities on wheels. Large wagons linked together that boast an entire community within them, each with a unique microcosm of Avanessi culture. Trade caravans, travelers, adventurers, and more board an edirashem to reach from place to place. They came into being out of necessity. See, the sun shines more brutally here in the west than all of Savir, and the untamed wildlife will prove more vicious than anything you have ever faced. A caravan as large as an edirashem can provide relief and safety. You and your fellows will board one bound for Vanuis, as well as intercept the East Saviran Trading Company's cargo on the way there. Take this."
He handed Kanae a folded up piece of paper. The others gathered around to look. When she opened it, a couple of them gasped. Petyr, however, held a straight face. Sketched onto the parchment was none other than the emblem of the Dryoak Consortium.
"Elf, where did you get this?" Petyr asked.
"One of our spies drew it from memory. It belongs to a rather unsavory guild by the name of Dryoak Consortium. They cannot be negotiated with, only paid for. We believe the East Saviran Trading Company has hired them to deliver magical armaments to Avanesse. Of course, it is far too dangerous for non-Avanessi to travel alone. We have intel that they intend to board the same edirashem at Maraag's Crossing," Guin explained.
The East Saviran Trading Company and Dryoak Consortium butted heads as naturally as two packs of wolves vying for territory. They would never ally with each other. It was most likely traitors within the trading company taking advantage of the chaos. As for the consortium, profit couldn't be their only motivation. Riley… what was that high elf up to?
When Kanae searched Petyr's eyes for answers, she averted her gaze.
The lift reached its terminus inside a tunnel. Searing sunlight peered in from the mouth of the cave, where several armed resistance members stood guard. Kanae got as far as the light. The bright rays scorched her skin, and she backed up into the dark tunnel again for respite.
"Holy shit. How hot is it outside?" Kanae gasped.
"Hot." Guin didn't hold back emphasizing the simple word, then produced some potions from his person. "A gift from Rasheena. Concocted from our best alchemists. The brew will cause your body to produce cooling mists. It should last long enough for you to reach Spineridge in the distance." He pointed to a tall but narrow mountain range resembling a spiked spine. "That is where the edirashem is currently stopped, but they won't be for long. Miss it, and you will likely die from exhaustion traveling on your own. Rasheena won't mourn your deaths, but she paid Edirashok Zayn a lot of gold to delay their travel for a day to wait on you."
"Are we going to need disguises? What are people's sentiments on succubi and high elves around here?" she asked.
"Luckily for you, succubi of the Cult of Lust and Depravity and Ortesians have become… Not a common sight, but not an unwelcome one. Sultan Cerberus has welcomed them with open arms. You may be able to blend right in," he explained.
The only one among them who looked out of place was Kris. Undaunted and brimming with energy, the explorer was ready to join them in braving the heat of Savir again.
"Kris, are you sure you want to come with us? You heard Guin. It's going to be dangerous. It's not too late if you want to stay behind in Rayad. I'm sure Rasheena won't mind," Kanae said.
"And miss out on exploring the southern tip of the continent? No way! Savir has been so fun! Near death experiences, more underground dwarven ruins, and most of all, political intrigue! I should travel with you more often," Kris gushed a little too excitedly.
Well, there was only one thing left to do now.
Kanae shot each of her companions a look and nodded. They imbibed the potion Guin had given them, and the heat of Savir vanished immediately. Instead, a cool breeze surrounded them. It felt like a tornado of chilly air kept the heat at bay.
Their wonder disappeared when Guin barked at them to hurry before the potion effect wore off. They rushed out into the sun, and Edina summoned her undead dragon. Renya hesitated to climb on. It took a Charm from Kanae to get the elf on.
Edina directed her undead dragon low to the ground to avoid being seen by the edirashem caravan. The last thing they wanted to do was spook their own ride. They arrived under the shadow of Spineridge just as the potion wore off. The oppressive heat bore down on them worse than in the Arkesian Wastes.
They walked the rest of the way under the blazing sun. The shade provided little comfort. Just walking took great effort, and each laborious step tempted her to give into exhaustion. The edirashem came into view, and Kanae almost mistook it for a village if not for the wheels beneath each 'house'.
Hundreds of people lounged and wandered about on wagons bigger than Kanae had ever seen. It put Ortesia's carriage mansions to shame. However, these vehicles weren't completely enclosed like someone's home. Massive canopies raised above the wagons shrouded them in shade. The smaller ones orbited larger vehicles like moons around a planet, with platforms and walkways connecting them together like Guin had described. There must be twenty wagons in total, but Kanae couldn't see past the bigger ones in the front. More might be hidden behind them.
The edirashem looked like they were ready to depart. Carts and push wagons loaded with belongings filed onto the largest wagon from a ramp. In order to move such a large convoy, just as massive beasts were needed. The biggest wagons were pulled by hulking creatures with stout legs, the face of a rhinoceros, and a spiked tail. They were maybe ten feet tall and thirty long, humbling grazing on the plentiful desert grass that grew in shade.
"Ughh… Why am I getting heebie-jeebies? All the fur on my tail is standing…" Edina shuddered.
"Are you okay?" Kanae asked, but someone took notice of them before the squirreling could answer.
A weary elven stagecoach tightening the harness of the enormous beast looked down. He saw Kanae and her companions approaching, then whistled sharply to someone in the main wagon.
"Strangers! There are succubi among them!" he hollered.
The ramp leading up to the wagon pulled away. Riders mounted on ronoas stampeded over. They were armed with bone spears and crossbows. A harpy woman with a monocle and dressed in red robes came up to the edge with a clipboard in hand.
"You are speaking to Forewagon Conductor Miras. All who are expected to board edirashem Nashkala have already come aboard. We are not expecting anyone else. However, I see there are succubi. Might you be compatriots of Mistresses Jhene and Mistress Elaine? They spoke nothing about one of their own joining us," the woman said.
Kanae was about to speak until Alicia picked her up.
"W-What are you doing?!" Kanae panicked.
"It would look suspicious if a child spoke for us. Allow me." Alicia cleared her throat and looked up to the harpy. "Yes, we are. My entourage seek passage to Vanuis. The mistresses…" She gagged on the word. "They expect us to deal with a commotion that happened in Vanuis. Something concerning rebels. We would like to board soon. My sweet child has a hard time dealing with the heat."
"Of… Of course." Miras changed her tune real quick and shooed the edirashem guards off.
A heavy wooden ramp stretched to the ground. They climbed up onto a bustling plaza, more akin to a bazaar than a transport vehicle. Merchants behind vendor stands and carts shouted to passersby, selling anything from fruits, fresh cuts of meat, to textiles, pots and pans, and more. At one corner, a group of men drank merrily with a hookah between them. At another, prisoners in chains faced punishment by standing under a hole in the canopy. Once the edirashem left Spineridge's shadow, they would be forced to endure Savir's sun without respite.
Towards the front, a trumpetting horn bellowed loudly for everyone to hear. It roared across the deserts like a waking monster. The beasts rose from their slumber, and the edirashem's main wagon lurched forward. Every thunderous step brought them closer to the sunlight, and they were finally on the move.
"You can put me down now… You're lucky they don't know that a succubus' horn shape indicates ancestry." Kanae sighed.
"If you ever want to be pampered, don't hesitate to let me know. I've always wanted a child of my own." Alicia smiled.
"Eh… huh?" She blinked absentmindedly after hearing what sounded more like an invitation than a tease.
"Mistresses. Allow me to guide you to accommodations more appropriate of ones such as yourselves. Please, forgive us as this is an edirashem. Luxury is not so much a priority compared to practicality." Miras escorted them to another wagon towards the rear.
They crossed a wooden bridge reinforced with steel chains and rope. It swayed precariously as the wagons moved. Kanae gulped looking down between the planks. Falling off would mean certain death, being seriously maimed by the heavy wheels and subsequently left behind by the edirashem.
Kanae and her group entered one of the smaller, orbiting wagons furnished with cots and cushions on the floor. It was connected to another vehicle of the same size with the same furnishings.
"I will inform Edirashok Zayn of your boarding. If you will excuse me…" Miras was on her way out until Petyr grabbed her shoulder.
"When will we get to Maraag's Crossing?" Petyr asked.
"The h-halfway point between Spineridge and Vanuis, my lady. It is where we stop to allow the gwarmceros to drink from the oasis," she explained nervously.
Petyr let Miras go, and she breathed a sigh of relief before hurrying out of the carriage.
"We made it into the edirashem, but I think most people here are fine with being under the succubi and Ortesian's thumb. Once we arrive at Maraag's Crossing, keep a low profile and don't tip off the Dryoak Consortium. We'll seize their cargo at Vanuis so as to not risk getting kicked off. Petyr, what do you plan to do if Riley's there?" Kanae asked.
"I smell a betrayal~" Claudia mused aloud.
"Call me a traitor, and I'll tie you to the edirashem's wheels. I came here as a member of Amethyst Hall to help Kanae. I intend to keep my word. However… if I have to come to blows with Riley, I… I don't know if you can count on me to raise my weapon against her," Petyr answered honestly.
Since they were staying on the edirashem for a while, everyone unloaded their baggage and made themselves at home in the two carriages Miras had offered. The others set off into the caravan to explore what it had to offer.
The edirashem really was a town on wheels. Some of the smaller wagons were entire shops. One was a blacksmith with a forge, and the team of three smiths worked tirelessly to fill the needs of the caravan's people.
Kanae wandered to a medium-sized wagon in the back. The railings were raised higher than usual. Children frolicked about, playing tag or whatever game was afforded to them in such a crowded space. Some of them climbed the rope netting up to the canopy and watched the desert passing by.
"Hi!" A little canine beastman boy, holding a leather ball in two hands, came running up to Kanae with a few other kids behind him. "You must be new here. We were wondering if you want to play kickball with us?"
"I'm not a kid!" Kanae cried.
"Ahhh. You're just like some of us. We wanna be adults already and lead the edirashem. You won't grow up properly with that attitude though!" He stuck his tongue out before returning to his friends.
Watching the children play reminded Kanae of her children. She had been in Savir for a while now and missed them dearly. Teana, Revah, Pan, and Mikki were all grown up and had their own lives to live now, but Suvee and Kanade were both still young.
Actually… Kanae hoped to be back to her normal form before she returned. Otherwise, that would make for an awkward homecoming. As she turned to leave, the wagon grinded to a stop. Heavy wheels and the metal frame groaned loudly, like they were about to crack. Behind, another wagon failed to break in time and slammed into the back of the one she was on.
Kanae stumbled forward and fell to the ground. Children screamed from afar. She pushed herself up and glanced back. Some of the kids on the canopy netting lost their grasp. A human girl desperately held on to her elven friend's hand, who was dangling off the vehicle.
"Hang on!" Kanae shouted, soaring over and swooping in on time as the elven boy plummeted.
They landed gingerly back on the ground. Dozens of children trotted over, and the little girl climbed down from the perch to hold her friend. Aside from the brief scare, he was perfectly fine.
"Thank you so much!" she cried.
"You shouldn't climb up there. I might not be here the next time it happens!" Kanae scolded them.
"Hmph. You're not my mom!" the boy fired back.
"Hey, shush. She just saved your life." His friend bonked him on the head.
Kanae smiled. She flew to the frontmost wagon of the edirashem to see what had happened. Foods and merchandise littered the floor. People voiced their complaints with profanity. She noticed Edina flying near the bow of the wagon, hidden behind a manor that rose as tall as the canopy.
"Edina!" Kanae whispered, causing the squirreling to jump.
"Shit, you scared the shit outta me. Be quiet and come over here. Look!" Edina pointed to a gwarmceros lying flat on the ground, groaning in pain.
That must be why they had stopped so suddenly. Some of the coaches on top of the beast scratched their heads.
There was shouting going on above. Someone from the window of the manor they were hiding behind. Another man, cloaked in dark gray robes, levitated above the beast. A book floated listlessly beside him.
"What happened down there?" someone asked impatiently from above.
"Dory's on death's door. Told ya to buy another gwarm in Avanesse, but nooo! Edirashok Zayn needs a fancy new bed!" a coach taunted.
"You… Maybe I should have replaced you. Necromancer, get this beast up and moving. You wanted a free ride? Time to earn your keep!" Zayn growled.
Kanae and Edina shuddered as necromantic energy poured from the book. The purplish mists flooded onto the gwarmceros, and the coaches that were still on it quickly leaped to another in panic. The other beasts grunted in distress. Soon, the dying gwarmceros rose effortlessly back to its feet and started moving again.
"The sooner I make it to Vanuis, the better… It's hot. I'm sweaty. Savir sucks more than a succubus. All this better be worth it!" The necromancer cried.
"Oh, it will be. Fret not, my master. You will become the greatest necromancer this world has ever known yet. Together, we shall rule empires," a deep and grumbly voice said.
A single thought came to Kanae and Edina's minds. The Necronomicon.