prologue chapter 1: The Sad End of Gaia
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This chapter has been edited for grammar, nothing changed story-wise.

The prologue chapters are and aren't important to the plot but, they are there if you want to know a little background as to why the pantheon behave as they do and, why the world has so many reincarnated heroes and demon lords.

you can just skip to chapter 1 and just leave these chapters ignored, unless...

you like reading about a learning goddess.

There was a god, named Gea, and she wanted to be like her favorite role model Gaia so, she went past all the other god planes and, walked up to Gaia's abode.

I mean what else could she do, send a letter?

Gea walked up to Gaia and asked her nervously, "Could you teach me?"

Gaia looked down onto Gea, smiled, and said "No." Gaia grabbed something from her pocket, and handed it to Gea, "But you can use this as a reference".

Gea, surprised at the proposition looked at the device, it was hard but, it was also flexible in certain directions, she held it by the corner and it flopped open. Gea was fascinated by the device she had been given. She immediately traveled back to her plane and, stared across the book but, the young god couldn't read any of it. she technically could understand the language but, the written form is like strange artwork to Gea. She loved the pictures in it and, the strange symbols were a source of entertainment for a bit when she had started but, had lost all excitement after the 1 looking symbol had 2 circles next to it.

She went back to Gaia

Gaia, realizing Gea did not understand the words blessed Gea with something more valuable than the original device.


Gaia taught her how to read the little "book" she had been given, which she now knew was a storybook that she had read wrong. How was she supposed to know she was doing it the wrong way if she didn't know what was the right way? She read it, got attached to the characters, loved the hero, hated the villains She loved the book but, finally, she got bored of it again. 

She went back to Gaia, getting a new book each time, a different author a different style and, a different person after every book. She loved the Drizzt series, a person that was discriminated against for his race because of the hatred of them. Born from a race of black-hearted killers that is built on a hierarchy of women over men, he fought against his blood-thirsty brethren to escape to the surface. She found the story not only awesome but, thrilling too. 

She read thousands of books, maybe she could have read millions if only she had picked up on it.

She again went to Gaia but, she came back to a different woman.

She was sickly, the people that had been her heart blood had turned into a poison for her. Her once beautiful hair was gross and sticky, her nose bled and, her arms were covered in boils. all those that had respected her left her behind.

Except for Gea, she came in front of Gaia again, asking to help Gaia in her time of need.

All she received from Gaia was a single statement,

"You will do great things, curious one"

before the god, who had watched over her world for thousands of years, fell into a great slumber. Gea watched as the world that Gaia watched over started to turn blacker and blacker as the people she had loved were eaten by the rot that was the pollution that marred it. Gea watched those that had tried to help the world get drowned in water, she watched as entire populations starved from lack of food they didn't know wouldn't grow again, She watched as the ocean surface got covered in dead fish, kelp, and other creatures in their time of need. Those that had money hid in holes in the ground but, that didn't save them from rotting away down there.

Gea, she cried, not for the people but, for the one who had created them who laid asleep unable to save any of them. A god with a heart so pure she loved those that poisoned her, to their very end.

Gea put multiple fertilized plant seed onto what was left of the land the once beautiful, like the one who had created it. 

Maybe that one seed will be enough, Gea would never know, she decided there was something more important to save for Gaia.

She started collecting the souls of Gaia's world, erasing their self-destructive tendency from most of them because she didn't want to turn out like Gaia and, she found a book another one of the devices Gaia had first given Gea

She opened it up to see on the front page

Gaia's guide to world creating

Written for the curious one,

because she immediately ran away without introducing herself so, I don't know her name

Gea felt a little guilty after that intro but, she could learn from the best life creator ever! she opened the first page and saw

You're only getting other god's plans for world creation, I wouldn't want you to turn out like me because of your curiosity 

"Damn it", those 2 words would be the first words she said in an angry way

Gaia would have been proud.

Technically Gaia is not dead, just everything on her planet is dead

Technically Gea is old but, she doesn't need to talk in a meaningful way if she sits in her own space all the time and read books