prologue chapter 6:Goddess Creation is hard, ok! Just give me some lazy ones, and I’ll figure it out from there!
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Writing is easy, writing in a schedule is hard. Hope I gave you something good enough for the critics! (please don't hurt my feelings!)

I started to stop removing the character curse words in the chapters, more to me as the author. If you don't like it I can stop, I spend most of the time removing them, mostly because a single curse has to be replaced with a more friendly word while editing.

also, Koalesmos is getting actual use, besides being a small background buffoon in the story during this chapter. I didn't intend to leave her hanging as much as I do, but she is incredibly helpful as a character. The reason she doesn't appear as much is that she likes doing trivial stuff instead of complicated stuff, mostly because as a goddess of foolishness and clumsiness, particularly the bold part, she doesn't do a lot of complicated stuff.

a final thing to do

Gea was staring at the final stuff before realizing something that she was still missing.

"what do I do to get a light source again?" the light source, while not important for goddesses, they were important for normal creatures to see. A goddess in her plane innately knew where and what everything was in her plane unless another goddess caused them to not perceive it. 1illusions, leaving something much more powerful made from their power to block the view of something, other things of the like that only a divine being would understand.

The races, monsters, and otherwise aren't as gifted in vision as a goddess. after all, the reason vision decays over time is they start to lose connection to the goddess that guides them. 

the one thing that caused the issue that Gea was mentally making of it, was the 2 goddesses that she had received instead of sun and moon goddesses were arguing about throwing the world first into the stone age, or just making a bunch of fake memories for everyone, and starting them off with castles and walls to protect them against the monsters.

After Thyia turned Koalesmos into a loli for a short time to win the argument was a bit too much for Gea. She grabbed out the equivalent of a large duster before chasing after the 2 goddesses for a spell*.

* is here to symbolize a saying in the story, just to make it easier for you to understand I meant a different meaning than the original meaning of the word. I mean a bit of time, but I used spell as a joke.

The 2 goddesses were very helpful when she had started, being great to throw her work on when she had created stuff, and Thyia, while annoying, was a very serious worker. The problem now was they're lazy as fuck, and now had become a set of freeloaders on Gea's world. They weren't useless, per se, they just were getting in her way while she was working.

They were not truly to blame though, as actually, it was a bunch of trivial goddess stuff that no sane goddess liked doing, a good thing Koalesmos was doing the truly boring stuff while bored.

She tsked as she sat down in front of the guidebook that had turned out to be not as useful as she had originally imagined it being when she had started to create it, pointedly ignoring Koalesmos perfecting a monster and making it more feminine than it originally was. She liked the idea though, so she wasn't going to destroy the changes, now on the guidebook.

after probably being thoroughly tricked by the sun and moon goddess summoning spell, here is the actual way to do so!

"well that is helpful," Gea said, she looked down the list

You don't! Instead, use a random soul, and create a goddess for this realm good/light and evil/dark. If you already have obtained one for this, you can deter the role off to them by asking if they want it. you can also find someone to take the role, but they would be able to do whatever they want.

"Well that's not helpful," Gea said, she put down the list. She looked at Koalesmos...

No, never in a million years would she trust a job as important as that to Koalesmos.

She looked at Thyia...

Honestly, she wanted to be away from that crazy goddess as fast as she could. if they are gone more quickly then she could make something that she wanted to make, which of course colluded to a library. There were a lot of books from Gaia that she wanted to sort, she would then be prepared to give them all back to her when she woke up.

sadly Gea would learn that Gaia had a wide collection of libraries across her world, which would put even Gea's collection of novels to shame, the gift would not be as meaningful as she would want it to be.

She looked down at it, "you just will a soul into being a goddess?" 

Gea looked at the massive collection of souls, before smiling to herself, she looked at the poor double murdered bunny soul.

She couldn't fuck up making it into a goddess, Right?

Turns out you can fuck up making a goddess, not in the way you think though. Gea was starting at the bunny-eared girl, similar to the bun-bun she had created before.

She was lacking the small fur pieces that the bun-buns had on her hands and feet, instead, she just had a set of ears as the only non-human characteristic, her nose did have a pointed look similar to a bunny.

The problem, you may have wondered, is not that she is lacking most of those things, instead, it is much, much more important.

A new goddess, any goddess, is supposed to first take the form of a small light like Gea did before they take any physical form.

The goddess skipped that step, which resulted in a goddess that cannot survive in a goddesses plane

The bunny-eared girl didn't even get to fall to the ground and raise its hand in defeat, it just died, completely non-dramatic.

"bun... BUN-BUN!" Gea cried as the poor bunny died for a third time2I couldn't pass up the chance, Gea won't be coming back for a while after all! , The soul popped out of a corpse for the third time, setting a new record for bunny kills.

Koalesmos looked up from the boring project, as the soul drifted out of the corpse's mouth, Koalesmos kneeled over the corpse to look at it as Gea was running around erratically to grab a soul jar to put the soul in, she had forgotten about the jar she had used to transport it in her panic.

"what-are-you-doing saving-the-bun-bun," Gea said quickly, finally remembering the jar she reached to grab it.

Koalesmos picked the deceased girl up, before pushing a bit of magic into the girl, which ended with her taking a gasp of breath.

"What... did you do!" before Gea realized that the new goddess was breathing again.

"I did Thyia's spell, might as well try," Koalesmos said.

Gea decided that the 2 goddesses were much more useful after that, but she still needed to create a moon goddess.

Gea would learn very quickly that she had skipped the goddess step, instead it made the girl into something else.

"I still need a moon goddess," Gea said, as the bunny girl was sat down to explore, the girl was speaking in what was equivalent to rabbit speaking to the unused souls, not that the souls would hear her.

The girl was technically speaking in complete gibberish because she wasn't a rabbit any more, but she was walking around doing the trivial stuff that Koalesmos had left.

"Oh, so you were doing that! good thing because I forgot that part!" Koalesmos said, putting herself into the stupid pose that she went into when she did something foolish3 just for the meme.

Gea signed, the fool had saved the day, even if she hadn't meant to...

"How did you do that?" Gea asked Koalesmos, the goddess had gone back to the boring work afterward.

"you didn't go to goddess school to learn this stuff, so you wouldn't understand," Koalesmos said.

"... Huh?" Gea asked, she could have just gone to school!

"oh, they shut it down, a large number of goddesses started to learn just to throw away their job early on," Koalesmos said, "They decided that if people weren't going to use the information for appropriate actions, then there wasn't enough use for it to stay, Gaia was an instructor there for a while."

Gea was flummoxed, if she hadn't slacked off for 200 years she could have just learned all this stuff at a school!

"How did they expect people to do this stuff if they didn't have a way to teach them!" Gea cried

Koalesmos lifted her head, and pointed her finger towards Gea, "the same thing you are doing," she said.

"a load of crap, is what it is," Gea said grumpily, does everyone else and getting 2 erratic goddesses that won't stop messing with you! "can we get this done any faster!"

Koalesmos, in a time of need, decided to show another showing of competency, "why don't you just create a system to finish all the trivial stuff?"

"...huh?" Gea said again, the bunny-eared girl was poking Koalesmos in the belly, causing her to stop and start rubbing her ears, the girl was leaning into the rubs.

"we'll call you bean, also the system is a leveling system for the people in your world to survive, but there is also the use for the goddesses," Koalesmos said, Gea gasped indignantly at her naming the bunny girl, "you can use it to finish all the trivial stuff, and they'll also wipe and use souls in your worlds, Gaia didn't use a system in her world, because she liked everything to have a bit of her touch."

Gea opened the guidebook to see there was a section on creating a system at the very end.

I have no idea, I actually couldn't figure it out when I was finishing my world up, so I just didn't do it. You're supposed to write a bunch of rules and will it into existence, but I tried it with this book to make it easier on you, it didn't work as you can see.

"well, it seems harder than what Gaia can do," Gea said, which caused Koalesmos to snort.

"It is much simpler than that, it is actually because Gaia overcomplicated it so much that the system creation doesn't work if something contradicts something else," Koalesmos said, before bringing out a piece of paper, writing something on it, and walking back over to Gea.

The paper simply said sort souls into small groups when Koalesmos showed it to Gea.

Koalesmos put it into Gea's hand, and said, "all alright will it into existence, and think of a form for it to take."

The piece of paper transformed into a loli bunny-eared girl, right then and there, who then immediately ran off towards the souls.

"There it is, nice system by the way," Koalesmos said, "most people use animals, yours is the only original creature I've seen so far," Koalesmos stopped herself before continuing, "but why is it so small, nothing dictates the size of the system?"

"I thought that the material would dictate the size, you didn't mention that it didn't matter..." Gea said, Koalesmos started laughing at that.

"Alright, we can finish all this last stuff in a jiffy if you create a bunch of systems!" Koalesmos said.

"Why can't you make systems?" Gea asked, which received a stare from the older goddess.

"This is your plane, if I made a system here, it would disagree with your systems, also you can pump them out fast to do permanent roles, like class and skill creation" Koalesmos responded, "they're pretty much a small personality built off a desire from you to do something."


"Why didn't we pull these out, to begin with?" Gea asked a good question about the information she was given.

"They can't create anything on their own without already having a divine system, those are an entire tier on their own," Koalesmos said

"Why did we have to make them create stuff?" Gea asked, "just having them around to sort stuff would be enough!"

"because they don't work well without a divine system," Koalesmos said again, almost bored of it all.

"I haven't created a divine system yet though!" Gea said, almost yelling.

"You did," Koalesmos said, before pointing at the first bunny-eared girl.

"oh..." Gea said

Gea was the first goddess to fuck up making a goddess, amazingly she fucked it up straight into the tier above it.

She had somehow upgraded the bunny/bun-bun/attempted goddess, into a creator of skills and titles of her world, all in a day's screw-up.

"Let us get this done with her help then!" Koalesmos said, before clapping her hands together.

"I still need to make a sun and moon goddess though!" Gea cried, which caused Koalesmos to snort.

"we'll just throw one of our kids into the roles for you!" Koalesmos said, before casting a summoning spell similar to the spell Gaia had hidden in her book, then another blond woman appeared in her plane who looked similar to Koalesmos, though her robes weren't trying to restrain her breast unlike how Koalesmos' clothes were.

The woman dropped a weird colorful cube when she teleported, she stepped forward to catch it only to step on it instead.

"damn it, mom!" said the new girl

Thyia walked over to the expanding group, (how could you miss this chaos?)

"What did you bring your lazy ass daughter for," Thyia said.

 "lazy!" Koalesmos's daughter gasped indignantly, "I was doing work all that time, thank you!" which caused Thyia to snort.

"What else do you do, my child?" Koalesmos asked kindly, with a sprinkling of venom put in, "I have this girl who, just so you know, does more work than you, but is still 'learning how to create a world, she's pretty much reached the last parts too!"

Gea was sitting in the middle of a family feud she had never wanted to be in the first place, and it was getting her in what she considered to be a troublesome issue. The issue was that the new girl would probably hate her because of Koalesmos, and Gea was probably going to be forced to work with her.

"come on Ida you need to get out more, and you can be a good role model for her," Thyia said between yawns, "besides, you need to act like a light goddess, instead of a room lover."

Ida puffed out her cheeks a bit, before grumbling and laying down, which was a more normal behavior compared to...

"why is the divvy so curious..." Gea asked as the bunny-eared girl started poking Ida.

"Just a thing they do, it is to make sure that you are real, its mind is a bit distorted after becoming a divine system," Thyia answered, "also you're calling it divvy?"

Gea decided to respond with, "name pending," she has had just taken a part of the word Divine and removed and given letters, she had been trying to name her for a bit.

"Why didn't it test on me?" Gea asked as Divvy passed by to poke Thyia in the shoulder.

"probably because you managed to kill her three times," Koalesmos said, "probably a subconscious thought-"

"Noooo!" Gea cried after the statement set in.

"-or it could be just because you made her, though," Koalesmos finished.

"oh, woo..." Gea said, she stared at the girl was walking around, before realizing that she something bunny like that she hadn't noticed before, a small bunny tail.

Thyia though was causing enough trouble that Gea had bigger problems than gushing over how cute the bunny girl was, though.

"you need a moon goddess, I have a goddess that can take the role, I forgot about getting you a moon goddess too!"

Gea was not happy about how the two goddesses were starting to take over Gea's plane, she had wanted to make a soul moon goddess after all, but I guess their help is like gifts, and you're not supposed to turn down gifts...

There, another demon girl appeared, but there was something different compared to Thyia. She had skin similar to Gea and all the other goddesses, but she also had demon horns, a spaded tail, and small weak wings on her back, the wings were lacking on Thyia, as her wings were an illusion, but it showed a bit of her demonic heritage, even though she had a small halo on her head.

"she's a little shy, but she'll get the work done," Thyia said.

There was still something about the girl that Gea was noticing though...

"why is she more of a child than me?" Gea finally realized.

"oh, she was a child when I met her, I just kept the look," Thyia said, "she's actually an old loli, but I don't think you know that word, she's pretty much an adult in a child's body."

"oh..." Gea said, what else could you say to that.

"now, toodles I have to nag at other of my children for a while," thyia said.

"wait, what?" Gea cried, the goddess was just leaving her hanging with the anti-social loli, also Gea is her child?

"oh yes, almost forgot, her name is Luna," Thyia said, before dissipating into a mist cloud.

"oh yes, I also have things to do, those 2 will do the jobs for you, and they'll also play the role of evil and good for your world too!" Koalesmos said before also dissipating. 


Gea turned around to look at the 2 goddesses that were given to her, "did they just leave you here?" Gea asked the two.

Ida answered with, "yep!" and Luna nodded while trying to redirect the prodding Divvy from her cheeks.

"so..." Gea started, "what do we do to start the world's?" She had already gotten everything that she needed to start it after all.

"world's?" Ida asked, "also you just have to snap your finger or something," Ida answered the question.

"not very hard," Gea said, before trying to snap her fingers...

Which she failed miserably, as it sounded more like a snipping sound than a snap.

"can you not snap your finger?" Ida asked

Gea tried to whistle next but that ended in a raspberry.

"All it requires is for you to just do something you can do quickly..." Ida said.

Gea clapped her hands which then caused all the worlds to come to life, "could you have told me that instead of just, 'something'" Gea said.

Ida snorted which caused Gea to realize something...

"Why do I forget the most important things?" Gea said, "You two, you're supposed to be the role of good and evil right?"

"yes..." Ida answered which Luna nodded to.

"Ida, can you select the heroes," Gea said pointing to Ida, "and can you choose the demon queen?" pointing to Luna, which caused Luna to jump in surprise, she had been playing a child's game with Divvy...

"Yeah, it doesn't matter if you're childish, can you find an evil goddess?" Gea asked Luna and she nodded.

"I can do the role of a good goddess," Ida said, slightly miffed that she had to do something.

"Okay," Gea asked questionably, she didn't quite trust the two thrown on her.

She would have to figure out that capability doesn't come from energetic people, they were quite good enough for the roles.

Hundreds of years of plot building later, that I am not going to do!

There have been hundreds of heroes in the world, but only a few dozen demon lords.

Demon lords are strong, wise, and have quite a bit of fortitude, but were mellow in their power, recognizing the battles that they can't win.

The heroes were plagued with something though, something that played them into foolishness, something called arrogance, something that is not born with, but is earned through others' actions.

Praise and gifts beyond their power plagued their journey, a person who wanted to gift something to the hero that had helped them, the power trip was something that made them rely on their items, which caused a bit of a problem when the demon lord had a skill that disabled the effect of items.

The fact that their physical abilities were lessened because of their reliability on items resulted in their demise by the hand of a being that relied on pure physical and magical power, and the demon lord only grew more powerful.

The power of the demon lord's 7 of 7 had never been used, even though it would have been powerful.

Now the heroes fought a demon queen, a demon that had made its throne in the world off of defeating multiple sets of heroes. The other demons had crowned the demon lord as a demon queen to increase her power.

She even had dropped all the armor she had been given for the fight, instead deciding to fight in armor that no one could deny was unprotective bikini armor, 4she is protecting her dignity over wearing actual high grade physically protective armor.

She had already defeated 6 sets of heroes, they were the 7th set of heroes to come, most of them wouldn't come out the same though, unlike any other set of heroes before them.

I could go into how a demon lord is born into the world, but I thought it would be more fun to ask on a poll, it'll just be a side story anyways that I can quickly type up for it. I'll probably add it to the start of the true chapter 1 on the series.

also, I could do a bit of plot building for the heroes, but their personalities will already be built up from how they talk to the demon queen







Point out the bad grammar after, I didn't edit this one as much because of an assignment I had to do.