Chapter 21.5: Have you seen Aiden Ortega?
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[Rana POV]

"Ah," I yawned as I woke up. Expecting to feel my husband's strong arms when I awoke, I was confused to find him out of bed. "Lanie, wake up."

My sister-wife was more reluctant to wake up early. "Eh." She was resistant.

"Lanie, have you seen Aiden?" I asked her, a little drowsy myself. "He's not here."

This got her attention. "Aiden? Maybe he's with everyone else."

Needing to seize the day, we both got clean and got dressed. We went to join the rest of our group in the dinning hall for breakfast, thinking Aiden would be there, but found our husband wasn't among Lost Fang and Louis as they ate.

"Good morning." Ra'sh greeted us. "Where's the boss?"

"We thought he'd be down here with you all." Lanie spoke first. "Have any of you seen him?"

Cavadier spoke first. "I think I saw him last night while I was reading in the lobby. He was dressed and moving in a hurry. I just thought he went out to get something."

"Let's check the campers to see if he's in one of them." I had the idea, if he wasn't here he'd must have went to check on the campers and fell asleep.

After breakfast, we went to check on the campers but instead of Aiden, we found a door broken.

"What happened here?" Louis said what we all were thinking.

Before any of us could answer, Lanie and Ra'sh began sniffing around. "Aiden was defiantly here last night." Lanie spoke first.

"Not just him, some else broken in, my guess looking for something to steal." Ra'sh continued. "They were demi-human, my guess is some type of fey."

"Do you think you could find Aiden?" I asked, scared.

"I'm very familiar with his scent, I think I can find him." Lanie tried to comfort me. "Let's go find our husband, Rana."

[Lanie's POV]

Being around Aiden for weeks has made my nose very sensitive to his scent. With Ra'sh and his years of experience in following scents, we could find a trail of Aiden moving around the city for over a mile trying to catch somebody. Following his scent to an alley, it suddenly goes cold and neither me or my tiger friend can find any more of a trail.

"His trail ends here." I spoke, disappointed that I couldn't do more.

"He wasn't alone." Tuca, the expert scout investigated the alley. "It looks like he caught whoever he was chasing, but then a struggle broke out." She looked at the ground. "From this ground, I would say at least five people restrained him with ropes, then they used some type of teleportation magic to take him somewhere without people seeing." Our avian friend looked distressed. "Whoever these people are, they must have did this for one of two reasons. Reason one, ransom."

"If they were going to ransom him, we would have gotten a note by now with demands." Cavadier argued. "The only reason somebody would abduct an obvious foreigner is... Oh, God." He realized the other reason Tuca was talking about.

With a mix of fear, shock, and sorrow, Tuca approached me and my sister-wife, Rana. "Girls, I'm afraid there is only one reason for this."

"What?" Rana asked, I was too terrified to speak.

Louis told us, a clear expression of horror on his face. "Slavery." He had a far off look, like he was remembering some long forgotten memories. "It's hard to explain, but this is triggering old memories I never knew I had until now. In the Paganish Realm, there is a practice called 'Night-hunts', where people would abduct unsuspecting people, usually foreigners or people isolated from their loved ones, and selling them off. If Aiden was abducted by a group of those night slavers, and if they really used magic to take him to the Nevermist... it would be suffice to say we'll never hear from him again."