B2 Chapter 15: Market Square Brawl
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The guards did not rush in, approaching cautiously, slowly enveloping their group. As they did not factor in Leucena or Mera as fighters their focus was primarily on the four men. Providing the noble’s guards with a slight numerical advantage six on four, however, disregarding the women would be a fatal mistake. Mera was no pushover, and neither was her mother, both had been trained well enough in the basics of armed and hand-to-hand combat.

Even though the guards were physically fit, appeared well-trained, and carried themselves with the gait of a military veteran, they made a devastating error in judgement. Their preconceived notion, their views of society reducing their awareness to the threat at the rear. The second these men turned their attention from both women, seeking instead to overpower the men with numbers, they were attacked from their blind spots.

Mera acted first, rushing forward, and pouncing upon the back of one of the guards closest to her. He did not have a chance to react as the girl moved quick, a linen pouch exploding in his face. A cloud of white powder hit him point blank, restricting his vision and inducing an intense coughing fit. Even as the cloud of powder disappeared, the effects did not, the man struggled to stay upright. However, he instead fell to his knees, his eyesight obscured by tears, body racked with harsh coughs, even his arms and legs could be seen trembling, struggling against the effects. Mera had no intention to allow that was already in front, her knee smashing solidly into the man’s face. Continuing this barrage of attacks against her disabled opponent until he eventually collapsed in a bloody heap.

Mera’s mother Leucena had taken a little more time to get to her target, in her hand was a brownish colored toga she had grabbed from the nearby remains of a shattered stalls. She rushed towards one of the two men threatening her son, a sharp low kick striking the backside of one of the men’s knees, forcing him down to where she could easily throw the toga over the man’s neck. Before the man had the chance to comprehend what was occurring, Leucena placed her knee on the small of his back, pressing him forward as she leaned back, tightening the clothing wrapped around his neck.

The man struggled to remove the cloth, his hands desperately clawing at the item slowly strangling him. In the meantime, the fights amongst the men had also broken out, and with one man down and another currently in about to be strangled, it was now the bodyguard’s turn to feel threatened. Using a moment of distraction following both Mera and Leucena’s actions, Apollonius and Niko charged forward. However, before they smashed into their opponents a small round object flew past, shattering and emitting a momentary cloud of fine dust.

One of the men took the full brunt of the blow, dropping his club and falling to the ground screaming in pain, clawing at his eyes. The second cursed at the top of his lungs, his eyes watering from the particles, swinging his club wildly and almost hitting his associate. A devious chuckle and the leather sling clutched in Mera’s right hand, as if to inform those within the crowd that she was anything but a dainty and obedient girl.

None of these actions slowed Niko’s charge, he leapt over the first man, the one screaming in pain and pounced upon his target. He smashed downwards with his elbow, the force of the charge included, crushing the man’s lower jaw, and sending him sprawling. To ensure he stayed down, Niko didn’t hesitate and slammed the head of his into the man’s right kneecap. There was an audible crack as the bone shattered from the strike, with shards of bone sticking out from the unnaturally bent leg. He shrieked like a banshee, his screams echoing down the streets and alleys. A few quick jabs to the face broke his nose and left him unconscious, silencing the cries.

Glancing to his rear Niko witnessed Apollonius slamming his club into the back of the skull of the guard currently engaged in combat with Spurius. Whereas the older brother Paulus had no issue with his opponent, the reach provided by his oaken staff allowing him to level quick rapid strikes. First breaking the burly man’s stance and then getting a solid hit on his chin, with the end of the staff slamming the bottom part of his jaw into the top. Some in the crowd visibly winced as they imagined the man’s teeth shattering from the impact.

The fight had lasted a few minutes, with Leucena finishing off her victim, his head being lowered towards the ground after being strangled into unconsciousness. All that was left was the last guard who lay on the stone street crying in pain as his eyes bled, and the young noble who had started this whole interaction, laying flat on his behind, white toga stained yellow below the waist.

Ignoring the screaming and crying guard, the group of six slowly crowded around the noble, taking special care to remain clear of the growing puddle under him. His body was shaking like a leaf in the wind, the vibrations only increasing as Leucena stepped forward and squatting slightly, her face inches away from his. He attempted to turn his head away, but she did not let him, taking firm hold of the lower half of his face in her right hand.

“I’m sure not aware boy, but the women of the north are born tough. I may resemble one of your southern wall flowers, but don’t mistake me for one. I have hunted cubs bigger than you, and had this been outside the city walls… I would have stuck a spear through your anus… If I see you again around me or my children, then you’ll get to experience a whole new world. Do I make myself clear?” An unintelligible string of words fell out of the noble’s mouth, but no one needed to hear them, his body language was clear enough. He was ready to leave, and he would agree to whatever conditions to get away.

“Mother, we can’t just let him go though. There is still the matter of compensation… after all he and his men caused us all this trouble. What if someone stole from our carts while we’ve been forced to deal with these troublemakers?” Mera was clearly still itching for more, but the matter of compensation was not wrong. Leucena herself seemed to agree, as seconds later she responded, “You’re right my dear… Why don’t you help me relieve our new friend here of his valuables? All these jewels should do, don’t you think?”

Unable to do a thing, the noble sat there as the pack descended upon him, stripping his body of all its valuables. Other than his embroidered and currently soiled toga. Just as they were finishing stripping the overconfident noble of all his valuables cry could be heard as a large shadow barreled forth from the crowd. A trunk like foot came down hard, slamming the remaining guard’s bleeding face into stone pavement below. One strike and he was left motionless, dead, or unconscious, it didn’t really matter all that much.

Standing there in front of their merry little band was the now one armed Timeaus. A wide smile stretched along his scarred face, and a big old skin full of wine or beer, it was easy enough to smell on the man’s breath. “Well look at this…. The families all here…was I late to the party? Would any of you like to partake in some of this fine drink with me?” With that he plopped himself down onto the unconscious guard below him, using the man like a table. Then he signaled to the Leucena and the others with a quick nod of his head in the direction he had appeared from.

Currently pressing through the crowd of onlookers was a small group of city patrolmen, their shields and spears glinting in the sun. When they caught sight of the group, specifically the palanquin with the sigil of house Duris emblazoned upon it that they sped up considerably, viciously pushing the crowd out of their path.

“Don’t worry sis… just sheath your weapons and let me handle it. Then we can all head over to a nice little eatery by the sea. Don’t think I haven’t forgotten how much you love to watch the sunset with your meals sister.” At times Timeus would slur his words slightly, which didn’t do much for the confidence of those around him. However, it was Leucena’s firm response which forced everyone’s cooperation.

“Do as he says, my brother-in-law might be a drunkard at times… but I can tell when he’s drunk. He’s playing around right now, listen to what he is saying.” Leucena kicked away the noble who promptly curled up in fear. Under her breath the merchant woman couldn’t help but mumble about wasted time, and something about persistent men not being able to take a hint.

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