B2 Chapter 34: Grim Determination
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It was clear that something serious had occurred, Gylippos had just returned from his meeting with the Scyllans. Dressed in rags and smelling of accumulated filth of the slums, Gylippos expected to be turned away at the door, forced to sell his information to a broker instead. Yet today the Scylla headquarters were unusually receptive, taking great lengths to accept every tidbit of information, offering generous payment for specific information regarding an attack and kidnapping in the noble district.

Gylippos at that point had no idea as to the value of his knowledge, only upon overhearing mention of the kidnapped woman and her specific traits did the young man put two and two together. His eyes had widened in surprise as he realized how quickly Argades had made his move, even more so was the response to her disappearance. His fists clenched in anger and frustration, recalling how many women from the slums disappeared each day?

“Why didn’t anyone care for her? What makes my sister any different… why does the circumstances of our birth make us any less valuable? Are we sheep to be slaughtered?” Gylippos huddled within a corner, with head in his hands had mumbled cursing the vindictive gods. For a moment he contemplated leaving, yet his body would not move, understanding his responsibility and the reaction his sister would have had towards his action. Even gone, Pelopia had an oversized influence upon her brother, she had been a saint, willing to help others when she herself had nothing. He would not dishonor her memory with actions born of jealousy and envy, such actions would make him no better than his father, or those who had raped and murdered his poor sister.

Upon remembering her bruised and battered form Gylippos couldn’t keep from upending what little he had within his shriveled stomach, much to the disgust of all those within the vicinity. Yet there was one woman, her scarred form spoke of similar hardships, recalling that her eyes showed neither disgust nor pity, but understanding. Gylippos had not known it then, but the woman was none other than the Scylla matriarch, having never met her, he was only aware of their leader being a woman. None of those within the western sectors ever spoke well of her, always speaking ill, spreading rumors of her hideous features, of a fire scarred and bandaged monster. Of which this woman had been none.

The ever-wary Gylippos had wavered in her presence, lulled by a sense of safety, the way a child feels within its mother’s arms. None knew why he was there, but the woman had not removed him from the building, instead granting him a chance to catch his breath, presenting a cup of fresh squeezed lemon water. Once Gylippos had a chance to gather his wits he finally spoke of his purpose, explaining that Argades was looking for a woman with such features, had informed them where the Taureas store their captured women. Jezebela had thanked him for his contribution, handing him a bag full of silver and some gold, enough for him to easily cover the wounded stranger’s medical care, in addition to a nice hovel away from the western slums.

As Gylippos neared the doctor’s workplace he once again examined the weighty pouch, examined the fistful of gold and silver coins. The matriarch Jezebela had not batted an eye at the expense, simply thanking him before running off and meeting with a sizeable one-armed man, a distinctive three-clawed scar running the length of his face. Gylippos had seen the Scylla fighters start to mass, with the man bringing soldiers of his own, he could see the two had intended to move immediately. Luckily the woman had been kidnapped only a few hours prior, if the woman’s family could move this many soldiers, then it was obvious that Argades would focus on fleeing to safety before tasting his prize.

“Do you have my money? I will toss your friend onto the street if you don’t have my pay by tonight. That is all one small gold coin gets you.” The doctor was waiting at the door as Gylippos rounded the corner, his breath smelling of wine, a clear look of disdain in his eyes. This was exactly what he had expected, his tattered, soiled rags filled others with looks of disgust. Always they wanted his money upfront, charging far more than what they would have asked of others, in this way the residents of the slums remained poor, stepped upon by those outside the slums, an easily exploited pool of labor.

“Here is your money!” Gylippos cursed at the drunkard, tossing a handful of silver coins in the drunkard’s direction. “There is a little extra there, just watch over him for a few days and keep him alive. I’ll be back tonight, here’s another silver coin if you let me stay the night… even an empty supply closet with a bed of straw is enough.”

“Boy if you pay like this you can stay as long as you want. I might be a cranky bastard, but I know how to keep my word. You paid your due… I’ll look after your friend and prepare a room for you to sleep in, don’t worry I’ll even include a meal. Won’t be much, but it will be something.” The doctor shrugged his shoulders as he spoke, turning his back and reentering his home as Gylippos stalked away in the other direction.

Argades would definitely attempt to flee, but with how fast his opponents were moving they would soon be upon him. If Gylippos wished to fulfill his heart’s desire, to fill the void left after his sister’s death he would need to move quickly. He understood that he could get there first, there was little to no chance of him ever getting revenge on Argades normally, yet if his men came under attack by a stronger force, there was bound to be an opportunity.

Gylippos now had a plan, he would attempt to help the captured women, perhaps while they were distracted. He would slip in during the attack, by freeing the women Argades would be forced to remain, unable to run and bogged down in the fighting with the Scylla and their allies. In the meantime, Gylippos could shadow the Taureas members, and if an opening presented itself, the young man intended to take it. With his own hands he would avenge his sister, that was the only thing Gylippos cared for, the reward far outweighing the risks within his eyes.

Tightly grasping the funds in his hand, the young man held no hesitation. There would be no quaint hovel, no peace for him. His gaze turned towards the city, towards the public baths and the commercial area. First, he would need a bath, clothes, and weapons, the gutter rat died with his sister, today he would be reborn into an avenger, a tool to quench his thirst for vengeance. No longer would he cower and run, there was nowhere left to go anyway, only Taureas blood would slake that thirst.

“I will see you soon dear sister. Please wait for me.” Gylippos tightened his grip upon the coins, a grim determination held within his empty stare.