Chapter 3 – Ratan
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While I hear Elise and Berand make out I check out my own body. My tail still looks lively and my arms still need more muscle just like the rest of my body. I could not really find any change, well it seems like no drastic change happened. Nothing was written about what would change in the welcome page, so no way to know besides experience it.

I heard Elise make the one-hit-kill-Berand joke followed by a question from Berand that no one was willing to answer.

I decided we should move on, “ladies, please start your body change too.”

Filia was the first to react, “claim laying on top of Thomas when I am out cold, also please keep Megda away from laying on me.”

I see Megda get a smile after that last bit that tells me that Filia could better have left it out. Megda sneaks behind Filia before she could click to change her body and grabs Filia’s breasts.

Megda says, “How many times do I have to tell you that these two big guys you have are too big for me.”

Filia gives a scream, “Don’t insult my breasts, they are average sized. And why do you only fall for flat chested girls? Is it not better to than fall for androgynous boys, those have a -- Aarg, stop stop, ouch ouch, I surrender, please no more.”

Yea, Megda falls for flat chested girls, not boys that look like those for some reason. She has not explained why that is but, well, who can precisely explain why their preferences are a certain way?

Megda releases Filia and tells me, “I will take your lap pillow if you do not mind.”

“Sure,” I reply, “just don’t start hugging me. That hurted for a few days last time.”

Megda then touches the screen and falls knockout, I catch her and lay her on the ground with her head on my lap and hands firmly in my hand. I do not want a repeat at all costs. I then have a look around. Elise is still sitting in Berand’s lap but does seem to have started to change her body via the screen. He was giving her headpats but no ear scratches, the torturer.

Luke is the one to break the silence and asks Berand, “did she just call you “mate”? Does that mean you finally asked her?”

Berand answers while looking Luke straight in the eyes, “Yes” he did not elaborate further.

“Come on dude, you are part of the pack. We only want all the details. Give a fellow man some advice.”

“No, find it out yourself begging dog, I did this myself with all the experience I have and until you are willing to admit a crush to all of us I ain’t helping you man.”

“Come on, at least tell us how long ago you asked.”

“No, now leave me alone while I am petting my mate.”

Dennis chimes in, “first, you are not petting her, you are punishing her by only giving headpats.” This is true, but this does not mean she can not relieve herself from the itch. “Second, about two nights ago, he snuck out of the tent. He woke up Elise and had a romantic walk under the moonlight to a waterfall upstream that crook. I followed them to make sure they would be safe.”

Berand said, “great another dog to add to the collection, a snooping dog. Seems like I have to train these dogs a bit better.”

I could not help but reply, “I wish you good luck, almighty wolfkin tamer.”

Berand throws me a look that could kill. Thomas asks with a scary smile, “Need help with punishments? Cuz I would love to help...”

I regret opening my mouth, Thomas is a bit too sadistic. Although he does not go beyond, the things he implies are scary enough.

Berand thinks about it, “no thanks, I do not want to continue this joke.”

Megda picks this moment to wake up fully alert, “but we do know, almighty wolfkin tamer.” she then proceeds to extend her tongue out of her mouth with a big smile.

Berand falls over backwards and lays down in defeat. “Will you seriously stop? I do not want to see you guys as dogs, but as friends. You once asked me to treat you as equals and not something different. I am trying to do that but you guys are not making this easy.”

Elise keeps sitting up and just looks at her lover. She proceeds to message us with her tail, [I think we better stop for now and continue this joke another time.] She then tells Berand, “if you are going to lay down, activate the next step, the mind one.”

Before he can I give a quick warning, “we will get a new language imprinted into our minds and while we can still understand the old one we can no longer speak it. Something to do with some languages having too much power in other worlds. Same goes for etiquette by the way.”




After everyone had their minds changed, we are onto the fourth page, cheat.

“What I understand from the welcome page is that cheat gives us a power that will remain with us across all worlds we might visit.” I started to explain, “some local powers might only support locally or do not carry across worlds. We will all receive a single cheat, but beware the word they use is only the closest approximation in both of the languages. So what we might consider a proper cheat might not be in it. That is about all the info that I could extract in the info dump at the start. Let's do it all at the same time, 3, 2, 1, click.”

The Hero Transmigrating System






last actions

On this page like said in the welcome page you will receive your cheat. We will once again warn you (...) We hope this explanation was useful for your endeavours. This will be your cheat:

Gray Moon Pack

You can use your tail tongue to communicate with any pack member over any distance. Included but not limited to: trough walls, while blind folded, through wards, over entire oceans.

Dennis is the first to react, “I got the Gray Moon Pack cheat, you too?”

I slowly look around the circle and see everyone confirm except for Berand.

I suggest, “Check the person to your left if he or she has the same description.” I picked left because Berand is to my left and I want to know what is in his description.

The Hero Transmigrating System






last actions

On this page like said in the welcome page you will receive your cheat. We will once again warn you (...) We hope this explanation was useful for your endeavours. This will be your cheat:

Tamed Animal Space

You have a subspace where animals you have tamed can reside inside. The space grows with each animal you have tamed. The size can be found using the formula (Total tamed animals) ^ 3 meters cubed. Animals can enter and leave in a space around you of (your length) / 2 + (the animals length) / 2. The entering and leaving can be done based on desire and the strongest desire wins.

We once again look around and confirm that all us wolfkin have the same cheat. Filia notes, “I hate that they took the name I worked so hard on to think about.”

Luke dryly replies, “You looked up to the first sky you saw and called out that name. You were not being creative at that point. On another note, it seems like we only need to figure out how 2 cheats work instead of 8.” He continues with his tail, [Does everyone get this message]

Berand lets out a scream and grabs his behind. Elise looks concerned, “you alright? need help? what happened?” She asked all the questions we wanted to ask as well.

“I am fine, just not prepared. Give me a moment.” He takes some time to calm down. Meanwhile Dennis send me, [Did you got the message I send to Thomas?] I reply to that, [Nope, so you can also send it to individuals and some people of the Pack. Seems handy for when you forget clothing in the shower, looking at you Elise.] The feeling I get is like when we entangled our tails in the past to use this language.

Berand got his breath, “I felt that message too, seems like I am also included in the group of “pack member”, I do need to adjust to it. I do not normally feel a tail after all.”

Elise jumps to hug Berand and wags her tail hard while sending love letters to his virtual tail.

The rest of us just let them and I give the others the space to read the cheat Berand got.

I voice a question, “Berand is included in our group of “pack member”, what is all that is included in his group of animals? Is that all non sapient life? Is it like what he told us in a  biology lesson, all beings in the animal kingdom? So humans and so on included? Is it some god's opinion?”

Luke replies, “well time to test--” A scream from Berand interrupts him. “Where did Elise go?”