Chapter 7: Brief Reunion
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David's POV


David was floating in a space of absolute darkness yet fear failed to grip his heart as he knew that he was merely within his own mindscape.

As a result, he closed his eyes and focused on the air entering and leaving his body through his nostrils.

When he opened his eyes once more he was within a peaceful grove. It contained beautiful trees in the process of blossoming, and small animals scampering about. It gave off a feeling of serenity.

In the middle was a small pond with a woman sitting beside it.

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes upon.

She possessed a pure, unadulterated, and motherly aura, that not even Lucifer Morningstar himself would dare to profane. Her aura seemed to wind itself around anyone who remained in her presence, bringing them untold comfort and peace.

Her hair was golden blonde in color and her skin was fair. 

Her hair was twisted into two French Braids which decorated her crown and twisted into one long braid at the back of her head hanging down to the small of her back. Some of it framed her delicate face, which was a cross between oval and heart-shaped. 

She had thin lips pinkish-red in color, a pert nose, and round greenish-blue eyes.

She wore a pure-white dress which hinted at her long and slender body, with obvious curves.

He walked over to her with an inherent sense of reverence. As he approached she turned her head to look at him with a smile that would cleanse one of all evil thoughts.

Under the brilliance of her smile, the rhythmic beating of his heart almost stopped.

"Hello David, my chosen. Come sit next to me, we have much to discuss in regards to your future journey." 

Her voice woke him from his internal sense of reverence as she patted the soft bed of grass beside her.


[Kibo System Activating...]

[Scanning Environment of Host, and Host's internal structure...]

[Scan Com-]

Before the string of System announcements from the Kibo could finish or David could properly orient himself his body was overwhelmed with excruciating pain. He doubled over and collapsed onto the ground below.

"Ahh..." He squeezed his eyes shut and screamed out in pain with all the strength his lungs could muster.

As he did so streams of foreign energy rushed into his body through his pores. It moved throughout his body, slowly being absorbed into his flesh and refining it on a cellular level.

After being absorbed into his flesh the energy altered his genetic structure, in a way that seemed to be completely natural. As it moved through his nerves they became more sensitive and flexible, increasing both his reaction speed and the sensitivity of his senses as a result.

The energy also assimilated into his brain and Kibo making the two fuse on a deeper level.

He soon felt another wave of pain stemming from his head, as four objects which he could only assume to be horns extended from his skull. The horns had a bone-like texture and a spiraling shape and were a deep black color similar to his eyes and hair.

A long draconic tail possessing golden scales carrying a metallic luster extended from his waist. It possessed a spear like tip which could easily pierce reinforced steel and a thick base.

Eventually, the pain began to fade and another form of energy that was soothing in nature began to flow throughout his body. It healed the injuries caused by his previous transformation and greatly calmed his nerves, clearing his mind.

As he began to slowly open his eyes, a whole new spectrum of colors light bombarded his retinas, causing him a temporary sense of discomfort. 

A wide array of smells also revealed themselves to him, and he could feel the slightest movement of the surrounding air against his body's surface as countless indistinguishable sounds rang in his ears.

He briefly closed his eyes in an effort to better adjust to the hypersensitivity of his other senses first.

As he did so, he felt a slight headache due to the vast amount of information flowing into his mind.

In the process, a final string of announcements rang out from the Kibo within his brain before the two completely fused.

[Kibo and the host's body have fused with a foreign form of energy.]

[Rescanning host's body condition.]

[5...4...3...2...1... Scan Complete]

[Condensing Phantasm.]

Mana then rushed outwards from the Kibo and flowed throughout his body, placing his body through yet another round of alteration and refinement. The Mana mainly focused on refining his nervous system, making his senses sharper still, while also making his entire body more conducive of Mana and higher forms of Energy as a whole.

This process was not nearly as painful as the last, but it still caused him to clench his teeth in pain.

The pain soon faded, and when it did, he once more opened his eyes and attempted to observe his surroundings as he adapted to the new spectrum of colors available to him.

He was laying on the ground of a cavern whose ceiling was covered in stalactites. 

He rolled his body over and began to push upwards, rising to his feet.

There was a golden-colored Magic Circle inscribed on the ground beneath his feet. It had four Magic Sub-circles, each inscribed in a cardinal direction. They all had a single indentation in their center and were linked to a central Magic Circle through many Magic Conduits.

As he slowly rose to his feet, his gaze moved forward and he instantly recognized Emily and Akane. They stood with their backs toward the enterance of the cavern as they watched him with intense gazes.

Emily was slightly taller than her younger sister, standing at 5'11" She mesmerizing eyes, which were crimson-red in color, with vertically slit pupils, a pert nose, wolf-like ears on top of her head, curved brows, and full pink-colored lips.

Her thick hair was jet-black in color, forming a contrast with her fair skin as it hung down to her waist. There was also a pair of blood-red draconic horns extending from the two sides of her forehead.

She wore a pure white kimono with a blood-red obi. The kimono revealed the tops of her milky white breasts and collar bone, as well as, the slight curvature of her ass.

His gaze lingered as it traveled over the figure of his first love, and he gave a slight smile when their gazes met, space seemingly nonexistent.

He then turned to take in the appearance of Akane.

Her eyes were an ocean-blue color set beneath curved brows, and the rest of her face was around 70 percent similar to that of her elder sister's. 

She possessed a slightly shorter stature at 5'9" and a more slender body, with a studious yet shy aura surrounding her. Her silky black hair hung low to just above her round behind.

She was dressed in a similarly white kimono to her sister with the only difference being that her obi was ocean blue in color.

He felt a slight sense of guilt as he sensed her gaze of adoration and gave a mental sigh.

"How long have the two of you been in this World?" 

His tone was relaxed after having become somewhat accustomed to his body's recent transformations.

"Almost a century I believe, you know I'm not too good with tracking the flow of time, after all, that time we spent on other planets when we were younger. Anyway, that's not of much importance, we have much to tell you."

Emily spoke with a coquettish tone.

She walked to his side and slipped her arm through his and led him to the cavern's entrance.

"Come on sister, we have much to explain to our first brother, don't we? This is no time to be acting all star-struck."

Emily spoke to her sister teasingly.

"Yes, we do."

Akane nodded her head and blushed as she spoke before following them out of the cavern.