52.Stars Guide, They do not Dictate
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We have finally reached Casterso. I watch over Michael as he begins inspecting the city walls and listening to the details of the damage. We are perhaps half a days march from Alle. I am assuming that the Allonians are worried about conserving manpower. They have been avoiding sieges. 

Most of their actions have been raiding villages and farms. 

“This is what I want Arria to be. A modern nation that all nations bow down before.” Recent battles have shown this to be untrue. One person is walking the country side and destroying everyone who stands in his way. “That is why I like the term Glory be to Arria. I will do anything to ensure our destiny is met.” 

“It will be an uphill battle.” 

“I never thought that it would be easy. The stars guide us but they do not dictate.” I look up to the sunny sky. One can change his destiny. I hope the church does not hear his heretical talk. To suggest that God isn’t in charge over fate. 

“No matter how hard one struggles some things are unavoidable.” Michael doesn’t respond but merely looks out into the distance. Arria will always be Arria but I do not think it will last forever. History has shown this to be impossible. “We will do our best to prolong the inevitable.” 

“Luca, if you talk like you are defeated then it is but reality.” 

“I will keep this in mind.” I look out to the horizon. It seems so finite and yet one can never reach it. We will meet the Allonians in battle soon. The moment we know of their direction we will move to intercept. “Are you ready?” 

“Who knows. We will find out the victor when the time comes. Until then I will prepare myself to the best of my ability.” I smile at his words. If it is Michael then I do not doubt for a second that he will overcome the challenges in his way. 

“I am nervous. Dark thoughts seep into my head.” I can’t help but think the worst. The enemy is William Asherton De Allonia. I have heard about his achievements during the War of Brothers. Not to mention the fact that the devil whispers into his ears. 

How could he manage the feats that he does otherwise? 

“That is good. It means that you will think twice before doing anything stupid.” An image of all the commanders to have fought against William enters my mind. Arrogance is a grave enemy. It makes you do something that you would otherwise not do. 

I can attest to this being the case from personal experience. 

It is hard to accept that somebody is better than you when you have experienced being the best. It tastes like a bitter medicine when one is forced to swallow the fact. “I will keep caution in mind when the battle begins.” 

“Let us rest and allow the army to enjoy itself tonight. Tomorrow we will set out to meet William in battle.” That means Michael has determined where the Allonians are going and planned out the route we will take. “Tomorrow we head south.” 

“You have been reading my mind again.” 

“You are making your thoughts obvious.” I do not doubt his words. I am most likely wearing my thoughts on my face. I better break the news to the men. Upon finishing building camp they are allowed to enjoy themselves within the city. 

Tomorrow we will set out and begin march again. 

“Also, ensure they know the punishment if I hear news of misbehavior.” I bow down before walking away. He is giving me a slight headache but that is alright. The troops need to relax before the battle. They must also be nervous. 

News of defeats has caused an eerie atmosphere within the camp. 

I hop on my horse and make my way to camp, located outside of the city. I will inform them of the news and buy some ale from the city. Michael didn’t specify if he wanted them to enter the city or not but I am assuming doing so would be a rather bad idea. 

They will not be able to behave if they get drunk and they most certainly will be drunk. 

I should check up on Michael. Make sure that he isn’t drinking too much either. While I haven’t known him to do so it is better to be safe than sorry. 

A/N: I was thinking about who the most 'Arrian' character was inside this book. To me the most Arrian character in the book is William. He values militaristic success. He believes in predestination and fate. He dislikes the House of Nobles as he finds them a disruption to order and authority. And I can't blame him for that opinion, his weakness as the ruler of Allonia is the entire reason this war is doomed to fail. He just doesn't have the support of the nation when Arria does. But I want to hear your guys' opinions on the matter. Who do you think is the most 'Arrian' character?

As always, thank you for reading.