Chapter 3 Star Enders Mercenary Group
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It had been 2 day's since the Caravan had departed Trinity City,so far we had minimal issues,I was a bit uncomfortable as this was my first time travelling on a horse for this long.


I had to use a little bit of my healing potion to heal the insides of my groin as the pain in between my legs was excruciating.


As we stopped on our second day I decided to Practice my Swordsmanship that I had acquired from Father Kron,the name of his Sword technique was called "Light Breaking Swordsmanship".


Looking over Angos couldnt help but admire my Swordsmanship,he then came over and gave me some pointers while saying that my Swordsmanship was quiet beautiful but deadly.


He then showed me a basic Sword technique that could be used as he said that relying to much on the the Light Breaking Swordsmanship would bring too much trouble to me as it was a Swordsmanship used by only the High Paladin Guardian General's of the Tree of Light Order.


It made sense as Angos taught me "Cross tear Swordsmanship" which was similar to Light Breaking.


Having been taught by Angos it was quiet the experience.


Over the next two days we sparred alot,even the women mage Lenya had taught me a exclusive movement technique she had been experimenting with.


She called the technique "Shift steps","Shift Steps" suited both my Swordsmanship styles as we arrived closer to our destination.


The Ranger Calum had also contributed to my training as he taught me how to use a bow and arrow,which I enjoyed.


As we got closer to Ventador City ruine's of burnt Caravan's could be seen littered across the highway.


Angos was a little concerned as we were 2 days out from Ventador.


Suddenly Calum returned swiftly next to Angos,Angos then commanded "Lenya erect a Barrier quickly" as arrow's came flying over.


Angos then commanded "formation up" as his men set themselves in a strategic formation as he yelled "steady,steady" then riders on Wolves could be seen,as he screamed "NOW" "Zooooooom!" ,Calum had let 3 arrows fly killing 3 Orc warrior's,Falix the Shield warrior flattened 4 goblins,as the mage Lenya supported by casting spells.


Angos then asked me to join as we criss crossed the battle area,I finally took down 2 goblins using Cross tear Swordsmanship and then as a Orc warrior on a wolf Jumped over I used "Shift steps into Light Breaking Strike"!


Angos cleaned up the next few Orc warrior's and goblin's as it didnt take long,Tinord finally came out of the carriage as it was now safe giving his Thanks to Angos team and myself.


Looking at my hands they were shaking,this was the first time I took a life.


Lenya then grabbed my hands,before saying "Landor you did a good job",she also explained that goblins and Orcs were bloody in nature and that the Caravan's that were littered all over the road was probably caused by these Monsters,I than understood.


This World was cruel,It was Kill or be Killed.


That was my first taste of battle, but wouldn't be the last.