Chapter-8 Containment 3/5
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Sen's ever growing nervousness grows as he finds a way to take down the four mechs.

Sen rushed forward towards the brown mech as it fired upon him with its heavy cannons, the land behind Sen turned into a hellish burning landscape as he bashed the mech with his hand cannon and fired it at point blank range.

massive wires came out of the brown mech as sparks flew everywhere, the other three mechs quickly reacted as they all dashed forward, the grey mech slashed its sword at Sen but was blocked by Sen's blade.

the red mech dashed to the side as it fire upon Sen with its Uzis while the blue mech fired on the other side with its rifle, Sen dashed back avoiding the barrage of bullets while the brown mech continued to function as it aimed its cannons at Sen and started firing at rapid speeds as another hail of larger bullets came rushing towards him.

Sen ducked as the bullets passed him and hit the mountains behind him.

Sen quickly got up and prepared to strike the brown mech once again but was blocked by the grey mech as it used its shield to block Sen from the brown mech.

then after the grey mech got in place the blue and red mechs released another hail of bullets towards Sen as he quickly ran to dodge the incoming attack, Sen aimed his hand cannon at the red mech and fired upon it leaving a few holes on its armor but was not able to pierce through into the main core and deal considerable damage.

the blue and brown mech was quick to support the red mech as they began shooting at Sen once again, but this time damaging Sen's mech as a shot from the brown mech hit Sen making him tumble backwards.

the damage dealt by the bullet was dangerous, the armor was shredded instantly upon contact, leaving a massive mark on the armor, but Sen's mech still managed to operate.

Sen stood up as he quickly dashed forward towards the blue mech while aiming his hand cannon towards the brown mech and releasing a torrent of bullets of his own, the grey mech was quick on its feet as it dashed in front of the brown mech to block the incoming attack but at the cost of the blue mech who was sliced in half by Sen with his blade.

the blue mech fell as it split apart without any explosions, only sparks from the wires that once held it together, Sen then turned to face the other mechs but was rammed by the grey mech full force with its shield.

without much time to react Sen took the hit as he tumbled backwards, then after only a mere moment the grey mech seemed to have vanished, Sen looked up to find it above him and quickly descending on him with its sword raised ready to deal a fatal and killing blow, one strike enough to slice his mech in half.

just like what he did to the blue mech, a similar fate.

but Sen was having none of it, he didn't want to die today, and not ever, so he raised his blade to block the incoming attack as he aimed his hand cannon towards the silver mech.

before he could fire however he was rammed from behind by the red mech causing him to tumble forward and roll on the ground before getting back up and looked at the mech that rammed him, then he remembered there was another, so without even looking he aimed his hand cannon behind him and blindly fired.

and as he predicted, the brown mech was indeed behind him, this time filled with enough holes to not be able to function, now there were two mechs that remained, the assassin and the knight.

even with the significant damage dealt to his mech it was still able to function properly, but its armor was almost worn off, Sen had to make it count, these mechs seemed smarter, better even.

and just like that his situation got worse, Sen remembered that the mech he was in had limited ammunition, a quick looked to his right the monitor that displayed the amount of ammunition that the mech had showed that there were only 37 bullets left, a cursed number for someone who cares little about how many bullets he had.

inside Sen gritted his teeth, this mech was a damn experimental, no wonder there was little ammunition, then he remembered the bombing run he did around the helipad.

but before he could think any further he was interrupted by the the sound of large metal footsteps that came closer, he then focused on the screen in  front of him, it was the grey mech, and it looked angry.

Sen dashed forward and prepared to deal with the grey mech, but on the right bottom corner of his screen a little red figure stood still, the red mech, the assassin.

cocky bastard, I wont fall for it again Sen thought to himself as he jump to the right and aimed his hand cannon at the red mech before releasing his remaining ammunition upon it while his blade blocked the attack of the grey mech who swings its massive sword at him with its shield blocking half its body.

and with a loud thud the red mech fell, leaving only the grey mech, without any ammunition left it was now close combat, no more ranged attacks for Sen, only close combat, like the medieval ways.

Sen then jumped back while the grey mech did the same, but somehow the mech let go of its shield and gripped its sword with both hands as it aimed it towards Sen.

chivalry, this idiot thinks I'm some sort of knight? fine, have it your way Sen thought to himself as he changed his right hand cannon into a normal steel hand, Sen then remembered that there seemed to have been an option where he could take out some sort of sword from the back of the mech, or at least what's left of it.

Sen changed his left hand into a normal hand as he searched his back for anything that seemed like a handle, once he grabbed onto something Sen pulled only to take out a hilt.

what the hell is this? Sen thought to himself as he looked at the hilt, but then there seemed to be a button on its guard, he pressed the button, from the guard the blade started to form, taking shape as it built itself, then it glowed blue but the silver blade still visible, it was half as long as the grey mech's sword.

Sen smirked as he aimed his glowing sword at the grey mech with his right hand.

Sen became cocky, not long after Sen aimed his blade at the grey mech it charged at him at terrifying speed, but with a single strike Sen sliced the mech's massive sword in half, melting the part where he sliced.

almost like a human the grey mech was dumbfounded, surprised that its sword would easily be sliced in half, Sen then raised his sword, like an executioner he struck the grey mech with a single blow.

leaving a melted mark as it fell backwards.

a loud thud shook the ground, four dead, or say destroyed mechs lay broken on the ground with the land around them deformed and burning while one stands as the victor.

Sen then looked at the sun setting ahead of him, even with the winter snow blocking the mountain terrain ahead he could still see the light that the sun provided, he watched as it slowly sets, the shadow slowly consuming the land as the area around Sen was slowly consumed by darkness, and the sun replaced by the moon.


Sen turned to face the helipad where the moon rose.

there he saw Bishop and the others struggling to put up a fight against Bafomett who floated all over the helipad, Sen sighed as he walked over and with a single hit Bafomett was reduced to a puddle of blood.

Bishop turned to face the mech Sen was in as he waved his hand and thanks him.

Bishop: I thank you for your assistance.

Sen nods as he got out the mech out of the hatch located at the back of the mech.

as he got out of the mech from the back an cargo plane flew by as he watched it slowly pass over them, Sen then looked down below to see Zafar waving at him as she soon points at the chinook

Zafar: we're leaving! get in already!

Zafar walked inside the back of the helicopter, the chinook, while Sen soon made his way down as he walked inside the back of the chinook where most of his new allies are seated.

Jupiter: this is Jupiter, your captain speaking all passengers please buckle your seatbelts for we are about to depart on our journey, please take note that there appears to be strong cold winds so expect slight turbulence.

Jupiter spoke through the radio in a slightly robotic voice while Zafar chuckled as the helicopter's engines started, the propellers started to rotate faster and faster while the helicopter started to lift itself up slowly.

the back door slowly closed while the helicopter soon left the helipad and flew into the winter skies, leaving the cursed lands behind it and leaving for the dead lands the nearby city.

inside the helicopter Sen sat comfortably on the floor of the helicopter.

he watched as his new allies gain some rest while the pilots, Jupiter and Bishop switched the helicopter into autopilot and also gained themselves some well deserved rest.


meanwhile on another part of the world, in a glamorous palace a certain individual sat in his seat concealed under the dark shadows of the room that the being was in, watching the video on a tablet where Sen is seen fighting the four mechs, he was intrigued by how Sen fought, he already knew who he was, but decided to bide his time.

???: interesting...

the deep distorted voiced man spoke in a deep voice while resting his head on his hand, he continued to watch the video on his tablet while marching was heard outside his windows.

???: I wonder... how will this turn out...

a maid walks inside the room the man was in as she bows before looking at him.

Maid: my lord, there's a letter for you.

she took a few steps forward to put the letter in her hand on the desk before taking a few steps back and bowing while the man in the shadow took the letter and read its contents.

???: hmm... I am not surprised... tell the professor that I will not punish him for failing in capturing his target, however it has come to my attention that this problem has to be dealt with accordingly...

Maid: my lord?

???: shoot down the helicopter... aim for the propellers... leave them alive, and send in a team of specialists, deal with the foreign forces near the island, slaughter them all, leave none alive...

Maid: of course, it will be done.

the maid bows before leaving the room leaving only the man behind the desk to look back at the tablet on his desk, he continued to watch until the very end, where Sen left on the helicopter leaving the mech behind.

???: interesting...

multiple humanoid shadows appeared behind the man as he held his hands together and laid back on his seat, the marching outside stopped as the color inside the room turned red.

???: deal with the outside threat... I want no intervention, and have this Fenrir dealt with... along with the Military Intelligence Division... leave no trace of your existence...

the humanoid shadows flickered as they responded in a alien like voice.

??? Shadow: it shall be down... my master...

the humanoid shadows flickered violently before disappearing with the room turning back to normal leaving the man behind the desk to once again be alone in the dark as he looks out the window.

???: I wonder... if this Fenrir will live to see tomorrow... Norse mythology confuses me... and this Oromuga... I wonder if he is related to Shize... I shall find out myself.

and in unrelated news Cosmo was still fine being fed by the butlers and maids inside Sen's mansion, also he was still cute as ever fluffy and chubby, forever cute and adorable.


meanwhile just a few thousand miles away from Sen's position to his north an entire squadron of 24 jet fighters were on their way towards Sen's location at rapid speeds at an altitude of 32 kilometers.

even with the harsh winter snow blocking most of what they see a few hundred feet away their advanced radars tell otherwise, Sen and his new team were on their radar, only a mere 930 miles left.

after only one minute Sen and his team was now only an hour away from being shot down by jets, the same amount of time where they would reach the middle of the dead city, where zombies and monsters mostly lurked, and where a special lab containing Sen's other friends are now currently being held.

half an hour passed as they jets ever get closer, until half an hour more passed, the alarm on the helicopter alerted its pilots and its passengers, its radar detecting 24 hostile jets coming straight at them.

Wisher: what the hell was that?

everyone except Sen, Jasper, Bishop and Jupiter panicked a little as they turned to look at the small windows to their right to see 24 small dots becoming bigger and bigger as the winter snow disappeared from view, the rocky landscape replaced by green forests and a massive grey city and blue clear skies.

Jupiter: looks like we have company, hang on!

 everyone on the back grabbed onto their seatbelts and their seats while Jupiter did some evasive maneuvers as the combat jets came descending upon the helicopter.

Stinger-One: Stinger-Five to twelve, aim for the propellers, heat seeking, remember, the boss wants them alive don't mess this up... the rest of you use basic rounds, damage the hull a little.

the pilot of the leading jet spoke on his radio while his squad mates responded.

Stinger-Five: affirmative squad leader, releasing heat seekers.

Stinger-Seven: roger, firing now.

Stinger-Twenty Three: roger, releasing hollow rounds.

Stinger-Thirteen: roger that, lets send them a message.

Stinger-Three: copy that thirteen, releasing heat seekers.

Stinger-Four: target acquired, missiles away.

half of the jets sent missiles descending towards the chinook while the other half fired with their mini guns both destroying the propellers and the engine of the helicopter while damaging the outer part of the helicopter, some even managing to pass through an ricochet inside the helicopter wounding both Sen and Sierra.

the helicopter began to lose altitude as it descended towards a building below, all the while Sen and the others inside the helicopter began to buckle their seatbelts as they prepared for a crash.

Stinger-One: target hit mission complete, well done guys lets head home, lunch on me, we'll probably get promoted for this, I'm sure the captain will be proud of us.

Stinger-Three: hell yeah!

Stinger-Two: affirmative sir, I'll buy the beer.

Stinger-Ten: I want some.

Stinger-Twelve: hehe, you bet.

the jets passed the helicopter as they returned back to where they came from, all the while the descending helicopter was about to crash atop one of the tallest buildings in the city.

the helicopter first crashed on a larger building making it rotate the other way violently as it crash landed on the roof of a wider and large building, before the roof collapsed on itself and made the helicopter fall into the inner floors, this kept continuing until one floor was strong enough to finally support the helicopter.

once the shaking stopped Sen unbuckled his seat belt and kicked down the back door of the helicopter, he then walked outside and surveyed his surroundings before returning to the helicopter to wake everyone else up.

after waking everyone else by tapping their faces Sen returned back outside the helicopter and checked the window just a few feet to his left, only to find out the crash caught the attention of unwanted guests.

not the mutated nearly endless undead no, but thugs, all armed to the teeth.