Lou Xiening looked on with distress at the poor excuse of a battlefield while floating up above in the sky
the sect disciples were mercilessly attacked and killed.
The bodies of several hundred kandarian race elders lay scattered across the place.
Some of the sect disciples were dead.
Some were injured.
Some of them were seriously hurt.
but none of that was as bad as the Kandarin people for them
There were no survivors.
They were slaughtered ruthlessly like animals.
Lou Xiening closed his eyes and sighed heavily
She hated this.
This war had just begun and already so much death
It was unbelievable.
it would take months if not year's before she could bring the mine back to operational status again.
Her eyes remained shut as the images of the massive losses she would need to suffer replayed themselves in her mind
she couldn't stop the tears from flowing
she would have to spend most of her fortune to even rebuild and restore her mines once again
She would have to use everything in her power to save up enough resources to advance
She would have to work tirelessly and tirelessly to find new slaves
or to earn another fortune
her heart sunk
to the bottom of the pit
she felt as though she lost something important
that she will never ever be able to regain
no matter how hard she works
she began to mentally curse the day she bid for this cursed position
it will be easy money they said, no politics they said, it would be peaceful life they said,
no bloodshed they said,
no fighting they said,
they were wrong, they didn't know what hell it really was
she wanted to scream out loud
cry out and weep and yell at the unfairness of it all
why? why? why?
why was she the one to suffer
but straighten her back and kept a neutral expression next to her we're higher echelons of the sect
to her right stood cushion shu and lan
along with an unknown nascent soul woman called Xing Yufei
and to her left stood the scourged Gong father and son duo
she hated this she hated herself for reporting to the next elders
if she had known that their response to the knees of a cult practising in the mine would be extermination
she would not have reported to the elders at all
she would have just allowed the cult to exist as long as she got her due
she cursed herself as she looked at the numerous corpses littering around the place
She would have been fine with such a fate but she would never be fine with such a personal loss of benefits and resources
this suffering she could not forgive
she hateful looked at the custodians who had come to her and told her to hand over her authority
she hated the pair with a passion she never knew she possessed for these evil bastards.
She hated them for putting her in such terrible situations.
"all of your disciples except one are doing remarkably well Fairy shu" the nascent soul woman spoke
"As it should be, senior though my youngest disciple seems to suffer from some sort of mental deamon" Fairy shu spoke
"Well if it was any other time and under different circumstances then I may not feel so troubled by your disciple's condition but you've made it quite clear that he is still our priority," The nascent soul woman said
"We can't allow ourselves to be distracted or else we'll never get our desired results"
"don't worry all there will ready for the competition long before the date ever comes all three will be at core formation at least," fairy shu said
the nascent soul woman nodded
"We have a little more them a hundred years fairy Shu you better be right, especially about my son he needs to be better than everyone"
"So is it time?" fairy Shu asked
Lou Xiening was confused about what these two fossils were talking about
"Time for what Fairy shu?" she asked humbly
"For us to begin, to make those who dare to defile our lands and our way of life pay!"
Lou Xiening was shocked and disgusted by these words
She would be lying if she said that she wasn't angry at first but after hearing these words
she understood completely she was homeless to stop the action of these monsters
custodian Shu turned to the young man standing next to her
"Custodian Lan order the disciples to withdraw immediately"
the man nodded once and then flew off to do so.
"Now that the battle is over I think it is best to discuss more important matters at hand" fairy shu said
"Such as?"
"the sects reward for siding your clan in the current war"
"How much?"
"Twenty years worth of rewards, provided your clan wins"
"I will gladly accept whatever I can get"
Fairy shu nodded in approval
"Good, good, now Fairy Shu, let us focus on more important matters at hand"
as they both looked down below
Lou Xiening hurriedly followed their line of sight to see the area completely devoid of the sect disciples
she noticed several corpses of the dead sect disciples strewn about here and there
but no living sect disciple was to bed even anywhere it was as if they had just disappeared into thin air
"What happened down there?"
Fairy shu answered simply
"The deliverance of justice"
with the nascent soul woman raised her hands and blue molten fire began to form at her fingertips
Fairy shu nodded at the nascent soul woman
"Now, if I may..."
she started to say but was cut short
"No, this is my domain" Lou Xiening hurriedly shouted
fairy shy turned her toward her and tilted her head
"No overseer Lou this is now our domain"
without warning, fairy Shy lunged forward and grabbed Lou Xiening by the collar
"you will follow me and answer only when you are spoken too"
then fairy shu and the poor Lou Xiening walked away from the nascent soul woman
the blue fire on the fingertips of the hands of the nascent soul woman began
to morph and form into large flame hounds
whose flames seemed alive and hungry
as the flames grew in size and the hounds transformed themselves into a humanoid shape
its eyes were red and its mouth was pulled back to reveal razor-sharp teeth
it grinned viciously and rushed toward the ground
Lou Xiening stared as the massive humanoid dog monster crashed into the ground causing a huge crater in the middle
she watched in horror as the colossal beast devoured the remains of the mines
and then
spread along the ground spreading throughout the land
everywhere the flames touched anything and everything began to burn and melt
there was nothing that could be saved and there was nothing that could be salvaged
the fires seemed to be moving in every direction
soon nothing but a fiery wasteland remained
fairy Shy slowly released her hold of Lou Xiening's shirt collar
"I apologize overseer Lou but it seems your mistake has caused the sect to lose a valuable resource"
Lou Xiening felt a sudden flare of pain that ended as quickly as it had appeared as did her tragic life.
A few moments earlier...
"You sure we can't just go back to the city? I'm tired from all this walking" A voice said to another voice
"I agree we're wasting valuable time on this journey, it wouldn't harm anyone if we stayed behind and rest"
"SHUT UP!" old by shouted with all his might but he had run out of Qi long ago
so instead of a mighty roar, it came out more like a strangled cry
but it had the desired effect
all his kin quoted down
he was heavily leaning on one of his younger descendant as they wobbled forward trying to keep with the mysterious and powerful figures
the old man was carrying David like a princess and the old man called the priest was leading the way as they went old Bu didn't know where
all he knew was if there was slightest a chance they could survive this ordeal,
they needed to keep going flow these two who had single handy killed all the apostles in a flash
the old man looked at the thousands of people following them as scampered the fort mountain and went up to the top of the hollow mountain and deeper into the fort
he could only hope that the two experts would help them escape this dreadful situation
he was praying for a miracle to happen so that he wouldn't die at this moment of despair
the old man sighed and prayed that he would live till tomorrow
the old man suddenly heard a soft gasp coming from beside him
he turned his head and saw his daughter looking up at him while she cradle her daughter and whispering
"I'm sorry for being so foolish, please forgive me," the girl said softly as tears started running down her face
old Bu looked at his daughter's face and saw sadness and regret in his daughter's eyes
he couldn't understand why she had done what she had done
she had destroyed everything they had worked so hard to achieve
and now they were...
old by stopped his line of thought and shook himself
"stop crying child?" old Bu said
the girl nodded her head slightly
her tears falling down her cheeks
the old man looked away as he continued to walk onward with the help of the young boy
a small part of the old man wanted to give up and accept death as the inevitable end to this adventure
he wondered what would happen next
and then the experts began to walk toward a high rock wall
old Bu stopped in his track nearly sending him and the boy helping him falling toward the ground
as he watched in shock and fear as the pair vanished into the stone wall
it was as if the wall had swallowed them
the old man felt himself being moved by an unknown force to lookup
his heart beat to beat rapidly when he saw that the giant flame monster
he hurriedly pushed the boy forward and with force, he hurriedly ushered the crowd into the walls
he felt his heart nearly stop as the people vanished into the walls
but it soon resumed beating at a normal pace
old Bu closed his eyes and let his breath return to a normal rate
when old Bu opened them again he realized how badly out of shape he was
he looked around and noted that everyone had vanished into the wall
so he too with desperate attempts wobbled into the wall
inside he saw a giant burrow made out of stone all his people had comfortably settled into the area
right in the middle were the two pairs of experts as they watched a pool made of white water begin to churn and form a vortex
he tried to walk but his legs gave up on him as he turned around he saw his daughter having her child to the boy who looked groggy and disoriented as soon as he pitched the small bundle that was his granddaughter the priest pushed him into the vortex
"No" he screamed
then he remembered feeling intense heat and a moment later a blue flash of light blinded him then a brief yet severe pain engulfed him then he felt nothing
I watched in shock and awe as Pollux and the gang burst into the white blinding light
they had transformed into ferocious humanoid giants made of light
their demonic appearance which caused them to appear to stand taller than before and stronger than before
I stared and gaped at them with my jaw dropped open and my heart thumped loudly
their strength and presence stunned and astounded me completely
I was in the middle of trying to comprehend the scene before me when suddenly something else caught my attention
I wasn't standing instead I was in someone's embrace
looking closely I saw that the person I was in the arms of was...
I slowly lifted my head up and met with the gaze of the person hugging me
his face which was right above mine
I was able to look into his eyes and saw them staring right back at me without any emotion
just as I was about to see the face properly my world turned yellow and began to spin
everything around me started spinning wildly
when my senses became even foggiest as I saw the white giants beginning devoured by their own shadow
the I remember being carried around my head was in too much of a mess to make sense
after some time I realised I was bringing led somewhere I did not know
after that realization, I began panicking
as I struggled against the grasp of the grip that held me tightly around the waist
I looked around frantically and noticed that we were inside a cave
the place was dimly lit by some glowing water that was right in the middle of the cave
I squinted and looked carefully but the more I tried to concentrate the more the world made less sense
then I was forced to stand near the glowing lake
"His skull was caved in we are surprised he is even alive" an old gruff weird voice sounded
" We don't have much time you fools just heal him and let's send him away" an enchanting sweet voice came
" exalted seniors can you listen to this lowly one" this time it was the voice I recognised a mature yet kind voice of a woman I knew but for some reason, I could not place a face to the voice
"what is it we don't have much time left for you and your kind manling" the weird dual voice sounded
" This lowly one apologies but can you give a boon to this lowly one and save this lowly one's daughter"
"What?" the enchanting voice sounded
"Why should we do that?"
the old gruff voice asked
"This humble one cannot tell you for the love of gods and goddesses just trust me and spare this lowly one" she begged
"leave we don't have time for this insanity"
the strange dual voice spoke
"Leave now fool"
"no, wait!"
"get up we need to leave"
"Please don't..."
"leave the fool alone we don't have time"
"We need to get him out of here now"
"They are bonded"
"WHAT?" both the dual voice and the enchanting voice said at the time
"my father did this to the boy in order to....
."Shut up"
"We don't care we're leaving"
"No, please let us stay a little longer, I will repay this debt with my entire existence"
"You idiot this is not about payment, it's about survival, now come along we need to leave this place"
"Hold on you fools if the child is bonded to this creature he will not be able to advance until she does as well"
"then what do you propose"
" We were already planning to send two people him and his fake apprentice now that apprentice is dead why not send the babe"
right then a ground began to shake
"all right we are out time, give her to us"
then I felt something bringing shoved into my chest as the voice told me
"Hold her tight"
then I felt like I was falling the world around me melted as It turned bright
and all I could hear was a loud roaring sound
then everything began to fade away as I fell onto the ground clothing whatever in my embrace
I heard the birds chipping
I smelled the cool refreshing wind
I felt the warm comfortable grass under me
this felt like heaven to me but then my consciousness started fading fast
in my last conscious moments as my vision faded black
my last lucid thought was
"This must have been what heavens feels like"
who the hell are the Kandarians? and what just happened? when was the Mc damage done?
Kandarians are the race of giant tall people with multi hair colour and in when in chap -48
["I was standing intently at the amazing stone when a powerful blow landed at the back of my head and sent me rolling forward
I felt the impact and felt the wind as I slammed down"]
@JDSIn Hmm, it hadn't been clear to me that he had such a serious injury, plus there were a lot of things going on between that and now ... Honestly, everyone had a senseless death ... Pure xiaxia style
It was also put in the middle of this "I could not only hear but feel my skull embedded in my brain, making my thoughts a swampy mess.
@Gtmaxter I guess you never had a head injury or concussion
it is like your brain stops responding you don't even realise how dangerous it is most of the time because you don't realise something is wrong when it happens all you can think I am so tired maybe I should take a nap