Chapter 10: The 6th Hero
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Thwack. A tree fell in the forest and on the bottom broken half was a man beaten up and tied up. Zogard stood over him, his hand closed in a fist.

“So are you willing to tell me why you attacked our mistress?” He said, clearly pissed. The man didn’t answer.

“Sir, I think he fainted when he saw you break the tree.” Roinel, the vice commander, standing next to him said.

“Tsk.” He was pissed off at himself, filled with regret. He knew that lately, Ivana was getting cocky, but then he didn’t set her on the right path. He knew he should’ve sent someone after her, to keep her safe. “Right now we have to go find her.”

“Sir, I don’t think we can right now. You remember the phenomena they had described, right?”

“No? I stopped paying attention after they said they chased the mistress.” Hearing this Roinel facepalmed.

“He said that he saw the mistress disappear in a flash of blue light. What does this remind you of?” Understanding dawned on Zogard as he remembered the tale of almost every hero.

“Divine intervention.”


Where am I? Ivana had no idea where she was. The cliff she was trapped by disappeared and now trees and mossy rocks surrounded her. She stood up and picked up a sturdy, big stick. It’s not a lot but I think I can defend myself if anything attacks me. She walked forward holding the stick in front of her. Slowly the trees began to peel away, and in front of her stood the ruins of some ancient temple.

“Where am I?” If there was such a temple in such an explored area, she would’ve heard about it. But no one had ever talked about it. She remembered the voice saying something about the grave of some hero? She looked at a doorway in and entered it, looking to avoid traps. 

“Hello anyone home?” She didn’t know why but decided to ask this. It’s not like anyone was living here. What was she expecting, a zombie waiting for her?


Brfieubgsobeonfosof. Ivana nearly jumped out of the doorway. 

“WHO ARE YOU? WHERE ARE YOU?” Going into panic mode, Ivana brandished her stick fiercely.

That stick won’t do anything to me so put it down. But sorry about scaring you. I’m Lucius, the hero. You must be the next one if the goddess allowed you in here. The name triggered a connection in Ivana’s head. She constantly read about the heroes, as they had interested her. Politics was boring but reading these well-written and exaggerated stories excited her.

“The hero? Lucius? Like the history books guy? That one? The one who fought a million of the gema?” She was starstruck. Although he wasn’t as cool as the first or fifth, he was still pretty cool “Anyways where are you? I hear your voice, but I can’t see you. Can I get you an autograph?”

Are you sure you can hear me? 


Wrong! I’m talking inside your head. I’m basically a floating spirit. That’s why you can’t see me. Anyways, what were the other questions you asked me? I forgot. Oh, wait yeah… I did beat 10 thousand gema, not a million. 

“Tell me more!”

Sure! This is the most fun I’ve had ever since I came here.


Hey, Ivana wake up. It’s been a day. Do you have anyone you left behind?

“Mmm. Five more minutes dad.”


“AHHHHH. WHO'S THERE?” She sat up and brandished an imaginary stick. “Oh wait, it’s you, Lucius. What happened?”

You’ve been here a day. But do you have anyone who you left before you came in here? As a responsible adult, I’m supposed to ask that. It’s in the manual to crown a new hero that you have to make sure that if they have any priorities to make sure they finish it.

“Shite, you’re right. I’ve got to get back to Zogard. Send me back.” 

Wait, not yet. You didn’t inherit anything.

“Then what do I need to do? I gotta get out soon or Zogard will... uh… be annoying.”

Okay, so what you have to do to inherit my legacy is to ask to take anything of mine, like a skill or weapon, and with the transfer of ownership, I can add the hero qualification. This way when you reach 12, you can get the hero job.

“Uh, anything?”

Yes, anything. For example, some of the things I recommend are my special skill lig-

“I want you!” Ivana had never had a friend. After her father remarried, the duchess made sure that no one ever could get close to her, so she considered Lucius her first friend.

Wait, me? But you could choose something better! Is it even allowed?

“Nuh-uh, I want you to come with me. And you told me I could choose anything to take.” Suddenly a screen popped in front of Ivana.

You have chosen to take 6th hero as your hero qualification. Is thisyour final decisions?
Yes No

Ivana didn't hesitate and clicked yes. 


Suddenly the voice of Lucius disappeared from her head. Now a new screen popped up in front of her.

Since the 6th hero's body is long gone, you have designated to design the hero's body.

Ivana smiled as a dastardly idea came into her head. 


10 minutes late...

"What happened?" Suddenly a voice can be heard in the temple. "You asked for me to be your hero qualification and suddenly I saw the night sky surrounding me. Then I came back?"

"Lucius! You're back! So tell me how is it?" Ivana stared at the human in front of her. Suddenly Lucius felt like Ivana was looking at her and suddenly felt embarrassed.

That can't be true. Maybe it was a lucky guess where I was? I'm a spirit so unless she has one of those undead related skills, no way she can see me, Lucius thought.

"Your new body I mean? I made it myself!" Ivana said. This prompted Lucius to look down. Earlier his body, which seemed faded and ethereal, looked tnagible. He moved his hand and touched the wall. Unlike before where he passed through it he could now feel it.

"I'm alive again?" His shock grew larger and larger. "I'M ALIVE!" He runs up and hugs Ivana. "I can't believe it, I'm actually alive again." Ivana smiles as he face flushes red, seeing his happiness over this. Feeling a mixture of happiness and embarrassment for what she did. Lucius lets get of her and backs away to look once more at his body. But then he notices something weird. There were was seemed to be two  mounds peaking our from her chest. Curious, Lucius grabbed them.

"Ahn." A soft moan escaped his mouth. "I'm a girl? IVANA!"



Lucia, the reincarnated hero






Pleas forgive me for the late upload. I was really busy with school work. But enjoy! (Also you can help me by telling me if there are any plot holes. Once I finish the "first arc" I'll try and rewrite some parts.