Ash is Here, A Side Story
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Small Side Story



Ash: "Hey Medusa, hows life."

Ash's blindfold covered his eyes so the petrification wouldn't affect him and the runes etched onto his tattered black blindfold allowed him to see as if the blindfold wasn't even there.

Medusa: "ASH! How long has it been!" 

Her temple was a mess, filled with so-called 'heroes' who went after the innocent Medusa who was just defending her home. Her home resembled Mount Olympus only that the place was in ruins, cracked pillars, petrified people intact and not. 

Ash: "How is the village Lamia treating you, I hope it was a good fit considering they are snake people and only female."

Medusa: "Oh it is the best, they come with gifts and treat me as their goddesses!"

Ash: "That is great to hear! Well, I brought you this."

Ash pulls an item from his abyss storage, it was a tiara, many gems were encased in it. The tiara itself was gold, she graciously accepted it, gently fitting it on her head as the snakes moved around it checking it out.

Ash: "Now you can rule the lamia and keep them safe from the gods. Also, it would be fruitful if you fixed up the place, maybe you can invite the lamia for a feast after the place is fixed."

She kept feeling up the tiara, forgetting about all the wicked deeds that she has been put through because of the gods' unchecked actions.

Medusa: "Thank you thank you thank you Ash! I love it so much!"

The normal girl Medusa once was has shown herself, a lovely normal girl with above average in beauty. Ash admired her happy attitude as he watched her dance around with her new gift. 

Ash: "Tell the lamias I said hi, I bet a few know who I am!"

He walked out of the temple waving goodbye to her as she waved back.

Medusa: "I will and thank you again!"

Ash: "Gate!"

A gooey purple portal opened in front of him, he entered head first, on the other side, a group of misfits stood before him, varying from a red-haired demigod to an elf queen all awaiting his orders.