Chapter 04
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Dear God,

I flew. I flew faster than I ever flew. I felt like the whole world stopped. I felt like I stopped. Everything became a whisper that it was a few moments ago. Everything went wrong.

I flew to the harbor. They were taking my sister to some dark place that I couldn't ever begin to imagine. They were taking my family from me. They were taking the Sun.

When I arrived at the harbor, I felt as if I could faint on that dirty floor. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe. That was a mess. My worst nightmare. A bad dream.

The harbor was a confusion. It was crazy. It looked like every person in the nation was in the same place, trying to make something, sell something, say goodbye to someone, load and unload huge packages. They were taking my sister. In some spot in this horrible place.

I start to walk. I walked like I owned the place. I walked like I could conquer the world. While I walked I started to use my magic, feel my sister, looking for her. Looking for the person that I had known my entire life.

Most of the people were looking at me. Like I was an animal on the verge of madness. Like I could start to kill people while I walked. And for a brief moment, I wanted to do it. I wanted to make them pay for letting the real monsters take my sister. I wanted to shout out bad things to these people. But I don't do any of these things. I take a deep breath and get control of my emotions. I continue walking and looking for the Sun.




I found her. She was in a warehouse just a few feet away from a ship. A warehouse full of things that would go to various places in the world, to so many other nations I couldn't ever count. A warehouse full of things, and between these things was my sister. My beautiful and brave older sister was in a cage. A cage. She was in a cage. And in this brief moment, this dark moment, my heart stopped for a few seconds.

She didn't see me standing there at first. She didn't see anything, actually, because she was crying. Sun was crying, my sister, in a cage. I think that was one of the moments where you know, with everything you have, that you could, if you just had the opportunity at that instant, to destroy everyone and everything that dares hurt someone so lovely, kind and courageous like Sun.

When I started to walk toward the beautiful girl, and I was close enough to see everything in that hideous cage, I saw the most ugly thing I ever saw. On the floor, in black ink, were the symbols of imprisonment. Of the containment. The type of symbols, that was only used in prisoners, in danger people. And they used it on my sister, a healer. Someone that never hurt another person. Someone who has spent his whole life helping people. She was a prisoner.

     When I was close enough, I whispered like the world needed me to be silent:


That little word made her cry more. And I saw her shoulders shaking hard. Too hard. The Sun was crying. The world stopped when I continue, whispered:

“I'm here. I'm here with you, Sun. You are okay. Everything is going to be okay. I promise,” I did my best to not start crying too. My heart was in pieces. My heart was a wreckage. “What's happened?” I said, choking my heart. “Why are they doing it to you?”

She tried to stop crying. But she couldn't stop. They put my sister in a cage. They tried to silence her. They are trying to make her become a shadow than she is.

     “Aladris died” She said like the wind in a cold river. “She died this morning. She… She said…” Sun was sinking. She was sinking in her thoughts. "She said someone was pressing her. She said someone wanted more power. She died trying to give me freedom. Not only that, but she was at her desk when she died. I saw her with the papers. I saw it. Under her. Someone was in her room. Someone that shouldn't be there," she said everything like someone was there. Trying to kill her. Trying to hurt her. She said everything like a thief in the middle of the night.

That words make my body freeze. Make my body have shivers of fear. Because Aladris shouldn't die. She must be alive. Strong. As long my sister lives, as long my sister serves her, Aladris would live too. My sister gave Aladris’s life. She must be alive.

While my sister spoke, while fear was sinking in my body,  I placed my hands in the bars. Somebody like me makes this paint. Somebody like me created this hideous way to slave someone else. And if somebody like me created it, I could destroy it. 

“I took the papers. I gave it to Anya,” she said Silently, as she feared someone would listen if she said it too loud.

“Okay,” I whispered. 

I dove inside myself. Looking for my magic. Looking for my power. I dove inside myself, calling what makes me what I’m. I called it and hugged it. Not only that, but I hugged the pure joy. Pure happiness. I hugged the feeling of being alive. The feeling of being strong and unbeatable. And my power, my magic, hugged me back. It sang to me. It told me how happy it is to be with me again. And I felt in heaven. The heaven in the earth.

The metal bars became dust. It became nothing. It was nothing.

 “I will get you out of here. Okay?” I whispered, while my heart beat like an animal running for life, fighting for life.

“Moon, The Runes…” She said, with her big green eyes open, fighting against the tiny hope that I could see there.

“I know. I could do it, right?” I smiled at her, like it was not my worst nightmare, like I was not crying internally.

The magic of the Runes. I could feel it. The power. I could feel how it made my sister a prisoner. I put my hands at the barrier, I called my magic, and I involved The Runes with it. Not only that, but I feel how these two magics feel together, and somehow it was similar. The same but different, someone else magic, someone else power. But I was more powerful, I was there, I was infinite and could do everything.

I was almost there. I remember the feeling, feeling victorious, to be powerful enough to save someone you care about, it was like being at the top of the world. Intoxicant.

I was almost there. Almost there. I felt it. For a second. A second longer than life. I was almost there, but we were not alone anymore.

“Take your funking hands from The Runes,” someone else said, with a voice like a velvet. “Walk away. Slowly.” He said it with hate, but at the same time his voice was soft, calm.

I remember to think a hundred things per second when I hear his voice. I think about running away, trying to kill him, trying to take Sun away from him.

I looked at the Sun, and I just saw fear in her eyes. Pure and genuinely fearful. The type that paralyses you and makes you lose your mind. The type that makes you become a shell of yourself. It was the type of fear I never thought I could see in the Sun's beautiful eyes. She probably feels his power, something I should have noticed too, but I was so focused on Sun, to break The Runes, and take us out of there.

I was with my hands in The Runes’s barrier, still desperately trying to break it, trying to give freedom to my sister.

“I said to you to walk away from The Runes. Don't do it and I will kill her,” he said, with a cold voice, a whisper of death in the air.

“You can't kill her. You need her, if this cage is a hint of your obvious fear of losing her,” I talked with so much conviction I could get together in these few seconds. “Thus, don't make a threat you can not accomplish,” I said, looking, finally to him, into his pale blue eyes.

He laughed. He laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke. Not only that, but he laughed like he didn't have a care in the world. How could someone so handsome be so cruel?

It made me angry. The way he treated someone else's life. The way he looked like he was having fun.

The magic took my body. I felt it inside me, I felt it in the surrounding space. I saw his surprise. Thus, I attacked before he could think about me as a possible danger. I used my power as a weapon, I used my hands to be precise on the target, I used my magic as a knight seeking revenge, blood, and pain.

Shock. It was the only word I could use to describe what I saw in his eyes when I used my magic to attack him.

I saw light blue flying towards him. I took one, two, three steps and stood in front of my sister, trying desperately to protect her. It took just a few seconds. But that guy was fast, because before my magic ever touched him, everything in that warehouse became murk. It’s like a mist, but was so dark, as light never existed in the world, as the darkness was the only thing that ever existed.

I send my magic toward him, over and over again. It was like a spark in the middle of the night.

“Someone here forgot to mention that was a Dreamer. It hurt my feelings. Being the last to know things sucks,” his voice was in each corner of the warehouse. He was in every corner of a place in the darkness.

I used my magic to stay in our surroundings. Light blue was there to keep me strong during a difficult time. A torch in the dark.

“Stay away from us. I don't want to hurt you,”  a foolish threat. A silly sentence.

“Don't make a threat you can not accomplish, little dreamer. It's rude,” he said low and slowly. I could almost see his smile. I could hear it in his voice. He was having too much fun. “Just to make this clear, love: in any other situation, I will stay away from you, like you demanded. I will ever help you release your lovely friend, but unfortunately, to us, I make an oath to take her to the place she is required. So, please, forgive me,” he said, earnest for the first time.

It was the only warning he gave me. After it, I felt, and I saw his power coming towards me. The darkness in the room was coming to attack me. It feels like being in a chasm, and just feel and see darkness and gloom.

I lost seconds. I lost an eternity. I took so much time to raise my shield. The shield of The Guardians. I took so much time to raise it beyond myself, to use The Shield to protect my sister, to protect someone that was inside The Runes. That could not use magic, that could not use The Shield.

When I raise The Shield, I do my best to do it fast. To make it strong. To make the darkness go away. I did my best to focus on the shield, I did my best to enlarge as much as I could. I was a fool.

I made it. Not only that, but I managed to beat that guy's magic. I made that darkness go away and become nothing. Nothing. But I was not a Guardian. Thus, in the middle of my foolish happiness, I saw what I allowed to happen. The Runes were broken. The cage was empty. The warehouse is empty. I was alone. That Dreamer took her. The sun is gone.




Dear God, thank you for listening to me. Please, make me fast and agile to protect my family. Please, give me the strength I need to save my family. And please give us a good night of sleep. That’s what I ask you and appreciate, God.