Chapter 38: Helpless
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Jennifer recognized that sound.





She was very familiar with this sound.







She would recognize that sound anywhere.



“Professor Cole. I do believe patient Zero is waking up.” Said a female voice.


“Ah! Excellent! Right on schedule!”


Ugh! My head! What the hell?…… is going on?


Jennifer slowly opened her eyes. As she did, blurry shapes of people in a well lit and white room came into focus.

“What is?…….. going?……… on?………”

As her vision became more and more clear.

She realized the people near her were all wearing similar outfits: white lab coats with medical scrubs underneath them.

“Good morning miss Barakat. I hope you enjoyed your nap.” Aman with a bowl cut said to her.

“Pro… fessor? Cole?…..” Jennifer questioned. “What?….. what is?……..”

“I’m sure you’re pretty confused right now.” Professor Cole told her. He then shrugged his shoulders. “That is completely natural to be disoriented.” He informed her. “Hypnosis is a powerful psychic type move, which will render the person into an unconscious state.”

“Unconscious?……. Hypnosis?….”


Wait?!….. Hypnosis! That’s right!


Jennifer tried shaking her head clear, but found her movement were restricted.

“What?!… What is this?! What is going on!” Jennifer demanded, now that her head was much more coherent.


“Ah! I see you’re fully awake now. Good.” Professor Cole said to her. “I’m glad to be having a proper conversation with you now, miss Barakat.”


Jennifer glared at the man in front of her, then glanced at the other people next to him.

Many she recognized as her fellow students.

She tried standing up, but was halted immediately.

She looked down to see, that her arms and legs were strapped to a wooden chair. She tried looking around the room by moving her head. But found she could only move it so far left or right, or up and down.

“What the hell is all this?!” Jennifer demanded. “This had better be some sort of prank!” She shouted towards them.

“Oohh ooh oh!~ I assure you, miss Barakat. This is quite real.” Professor Cole told her.


Jennifer glared at Cole again, then started to reach out with her mind.










Jennifer screamed as she felt a powerful bolt of electricity run through and over her body.


“Haa…… Haa…… Haa…” Jennifer panted through the intense pain she had just experienced.

Oh Arceus! That hurt! She cried in her own mind. That hurt so much!

She looked back up at Cole. Staring daggers at him, with tears pricking at the corner of her eyes.

“Ah! Ha haha!~” Professor Cole laughed at Jennifer after her futile attempt. “Thank you for that.” He told her. “We weren’t sure if this restraining device was going to work on you the same as psychic Pokémon. But after that “electrifying” demonstration. You all said out right, that you have psychic powers.” Professor Cole spoke with a fanatic glee, as he clapped his hands in excitement.


Jennifer stared at him with shock and despair, as she realized what had happened.


“Now we can begin the next step of our experiment.” Cole announced before the people in front of her started to move about.

“Next?…. *PANT* Step?….” Jennifer questioned.

“Ah yes, the next step.” Cole spoke with satisfaction, before looking back at Jennifer. “I suppose I should inform you what is about to happen.” He said to her.


A blond woman Jennifer recognized as a student came over and handed Cole some sort of device, that looked like a helmet.

“Do you know what this is?” Cole asked her as he presented her the device in his hand.

It took Jennifer a long moment to recognize it.

But once she had, her eyes went wide.

“That’s!— that my!—“


“Yes,” He smiled at her. “We procured your father’s life’s work from his lab. His: Evo-inducer.” Cole said with a smile.

“What a magnificent device,” Cole said in wonder as he stared at Jennifer’s father’s device. “almost twenty years of research, and he’s nearly succeeded in creating a device that forces a Pokémon to go undergo evolution.”

Jennifer stared daggers at Cole.

“How did you get that?! What did you do to my father?!” Jennifer shouted at the mad man in front of her.

“Ah! Worried that we killed him for this?” Cole smirked at Jennifer. He then reached over and pulled a large rolled sheet of design paper from a rolling stand.

“Or? Are you worried that he simply handed it to us? That Professor Yew isn’t somehow working for us?”



        *BA-DUMP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*


Cole smiled sinisterly at Jennifer.


“You’re!— You’re a liar! YOU’RE A FUCKING LIAR!” Jennifer yelled at the man. “My dad would never hand over his device to people like you!”

Professor Cole only laughed at Jennifer’s desperate yell.

“Why don’t you read my mind?” He suggested. “See if it’s true.”

Jennifer then tried concentracting, to use as little of her psychic powers as necessary so that she could read his mind.








“Haa…….. *WHEEZE* Haa……… *WHEEZE*”


“Hahahahahaha!” Cole laughed at the second successful activation of the neural psychic energy detection device.

It had been well worth the money spent. Cole thought to himself.


“Who… *PANT* Are… *PANT* you… *PANT* people?… *PANT*”


Cole looked at Jennifer incredulously.

“Shouldn’t it be obvious by now?” Cole suggested. He then lifted his fist up over his heart; his arm across his chest.

“We are the ones, who will free the future!~ To Make a paradise in every nation!~” He said with an almost song like flourish. “To dethrone the capitalist from all of creation!~ To raise the humans to the heavens above!~”


“We are the one and only: Team Dunes!” He proclaimed.


Jennifer closed her eyes. As she tried to maintain focus, so that she could over come the pain from the shocks she had received before. She also couldn’t believe her ears.

Team Dunes? Here? How is this possible?

“How?… *PANT* Why are you?… *PANT* in Hoenn?…”


“Oooh ho! ho ho!~ Oh miss Barakat!~” He smiled sinisterly as he drew closer to her, until he was a couple inches from her face.

“We’re everywhere!” He then sat her father’s device on top of her head, and began to strap it into place.

“What are?!— RGH!— What are you doing?!” Jennifer complained as he roughly put on her dad’s device.

“Why?~ Our experiment of course!~” Professor Cole told her, before walking away after strapping the device on her head.

As he was walking away, a thought occurred to Jennifer.

“What rank are you?” Jennifer asks.


This had the man stop in his tracks, halfway between where she was and where he was going.

“Excuse me?” He questioned her.


Jennifer glared at her enemy.

“What rank are you? Gamma? Delta?”


“Oh! What a surprise!~” Cole thought excitedly. “Never would have guessed you knew so much about our ranking system.” He thought amused.

He walked back towards her, before giving a bow towards Jennifer.

“While my rank isn’t the highest, it is significant.” He informed her. “I am but a humble Lambda.”


Jennifer had to think back about where that fell on the order of the symbols of the alphabet.

“Lambda…” Jennifer breathed. “That’s pretty high up there…” She realized that she was dealing with someone pretty high ranking and significant.


“I would like to think so,” Cole; Lambda said to her. “Sadly, I am barely halfway up the ladder.”

Lambda stood back up straight before turning around and headed back to his destination.

“So? What’s this experiment—“

Just as Jennifer began to ask this. She noticed for the first time, a Pokémon directly across from her. Strapped down in a similar fashion as she was.




Ralts was in a dazed, almost slumped state.







“RALTS!” Jennifer yelled as she watched her Pokémon get shocked the same way as she had been.


“Really now!~” Cole; Lambda said in an almost playfully chiding frustrated tone. “How many more times must you be shocked Ralts?~ before you learn that you can’t use your psychic powers.”


“Ralts! RALTS!” Jennifer yelled in her Pokémon’s direction. “Everything is going to be alright Ralts! Everything is going to be fine! Whatever you do! Don’t try to use your psychic powers Ralts! Don’t hurt yourself!”


“R-alts…… R-alts…… R-alts…… R-alts……”

Jennifer watched helpless as her Pokémon was tortured from using her Arceus given abilities.

Jennifer stared fiercely at Cole; the man also know as Lambda. With such intense hatred, that she worried for a moment that she might trigger the sensors attached to her.


“You— You!—“


“Hmm?~” Lambda looked back towards Jennifer.


“Y-You!—       —YOU BASTARD!” Jennifer yelled at him.

Lambda watched in terror, as the young Barakat’s eyes started to glow, as well as pale sky-blue aura with a multitude of colors that shone within the aura around her; glimmering  pieces of rainbows.




The room started to shake around everyone. Jennifer’s arms struggled against their restraints.



*ZTZZ* *ZTZZ*        




Jennifer’s right arm broke free of her restraint.


*Z-A-P*Z-A-P* *Z-A-P* *Z-A-P* *Z-A-P*



Jennifer raised her hand through the pain, as she focused as much as she could, while maintaining eye contact with what she was looking at. Her nose bled as she stretched out her hand.


“RRRAAAAAGHHHHH!!!” She roared through the pain as she clenched her hand closed tightly.






Two sets of screams echoed in the room, as Lambda’s leg bent in several incorrect angles. As Jennifer and Lambda screamed their misery.

“””LORD LAMBDA!””” The other people yelled in the room at seeing their superior fall to the floor, as his leg was destroyed.


As Lambda screamed while clenching at his leg broken leg. He pointed with his a hand towards Jennifer.


“”Y-Yes Lord Lambda!””


Two people threw PokéBalls out.

“Go Beautifly! Use Stun Spore!”

“Go Mr. Mime! Hypnosis!”




Two Pokémon emerged from their PokéBalls and immediately began using the moves their trainers structed.

“Mr.! Mime Mime Mime!”

“Bea uti fly!”


A light a glimmering shower of orange dust, spread through out the air around Jennifer, even as she was being electrocuted.

Then the strong hypnotic effect came over Jennifer. She struggled to stay conscious, but all her efforts were in vain, as she promptly and quickly, fell asleep.


Ralts sat there in tears, as she felt helpless by not being able to use her moves to help her mistress.

She couldn’t even read her thought to make sure she was alright.

Ralts herself, was one more shock away from fainting herself.

“Mistress…..” Ralts whimpered plaintively.


Lambda was moved to a table with wheels that had a bed on top of it. Ralts watched as he screamed in agony from the pain he endured from his leg being crushed by her mistress.

Ralts smiled in satisfaction at his pain.

Ralts watched as they moved about the room, resetting what moving things around. Ralts also watched as they moved Jennifer to a larger chair, with more supports and straps attached to it; she also saw then attach more things to Jennifer’s head and attach an additional machine next to Jennifer, where the wires running from Jennifer’s head, attached to the machine.

Ralts realized, that Jennifer would not be able to break free like she had again.

She won’t be able to fight through the pain if she tries again. Ralts thought to herself. With so many attached to her, it may kill her this time! She worried.

Ralts then realized. That unless someone came to save them, there was no escape for the two of them.






Lance’s eye brow twitched. This was the ninth sigh since they began investigating the university.


“When are we going to find anything useful?” Came a complaint from his right.

“*AHEM* Private.” Lance called out to her.

“I mean! We’ve all ready searched from her classroom to the bike rack multiple times!” Aviary groused. “My Herdier can’t pick up any of Jennifer’s scent from anywhere else, except her to her classroom…” She complained. “It’s hopeless!”

“Now now,” Lance tried encouraging. “There are a variety of reasons and ways to dissuade a Pokémon like Herdier, from catching the sent of someone. For instance: they may have used a repel before leaving the classroom.

“A repel?”

“Do you not know what a repel is private?” Lance questioned Aviary with a certain sense of worry for her lack of knowledge.

“O-Of course I do!” Aviary announced. “It’s that thing, you know? That thing that repels wild Pokémon in the wild zones where Pokémon live.”

Lance nodded at her answer; a little relieved she answered at all.


“That’s correct private.”

“But are they really using something like that for this instance? Shouldn’t my Herdier be able to follow the sent of the repel, if that is the case?”

Lance nodded.

“One would think.” He commented. “But repel does more than just admits a foul smelling odor that Pokémon don’t like. It’s chemical components, that also eliminates the odors of the people using it.” He explained. “So that, even after you start moving and move away from an area. You won’t leave behind any of your own sent.”

Aviary’s eyes went wide hearing this.

“And we just sell such a strong reagent like that in supermarket?!” Aviary questioned in astonishment.

“Well, to be fair. Repels are necessary for those who have weaker Pokémon, who are looking to travel from one weak zone, through a strong zone, to another weak zone or route; it is also necessary to keep Pokémon out of major cities, where there is a lot of traffic or vehicles. Or for people who just don’t have Pokémon who are particularly suited for battle. Another reason might be, that a person may very well not have a Pokémon with them.” Lance explained before adding.

“All these reasons are why it is made so readily available.” Lance told Aviary. “But this is also the major drawback of the product. Since it can be obtained by those who would miss use it, for nefarious purposes such as this, to escape law enforcement.”

“O-Oh shit… that’s…”

Lance nodded.

“A catch twenty-two. Do we band a product to keep people safe, just so criminals have a hard time using such readily available means. Or do we allow them to have access to them so they can escape, so that more more people can be safe from other more immediate dangers.” Lance disclosed.

“Wow… when put into perspective like that, it… it’s sort of obvious.”

Lance nodded.

“Right,” Lance agreed. “It’s the age old argument. Should everyone have a weapon? Or should no one? What keeps more people safe?” Lance shook his head. “But we’re not here to discuss philosophical or hypothetical debates: we’re here looking for a missing girl.”

“Right,” Aviary concurred with a determined nod. “So? The question is then… if they used a repel or not?”

“What do you mean?” Lance questioned Aviary’s line of thinking.

“Well?” She thought about it as the went from the bike rack again, towards the school.

“This is the main stretch of sidewalk to and from the university.” Aviary pointed out. “If they used the repels in the classroom to cover their tracks. There would be no scent there to discover.”

“Rightly so,” Lance agree. “So obviously they didn’t use it in there.”

“But why?”



“Why not though?” Aviary questioned. “If they did, it would have eliminated her scent or all of their scents in that room. Now were have loads of different scents to track if necessary.”

“That’s true, good observation.” Lance pointed out to the private.

“But that is the thing!” Aviary argued against her own point. “There is no back exits to this university. Some fire exits and multiple paths encase of a fire; along with window that open and such. But there is no where to go, except through this main area.” She pointed out.”

“That’s!” Lance was becoming confused by the fact that this private was correct on everything she was saying. “…Very true.” He agreed.

“So? What does that mean? Why can we only locate her scent, to and from the bike rack?” Aviary asked.


Lance pondered this as they walked back towards the classroom yet again.

“What would be they reason?…” He thought. “…Could it be?”


“Private Aviary.”

“Yes sir?” Aviary responded.

“Let me hold Herdier’s leash. I need you to go the university records and find the layouts of school. Past and present; all the layouts you can find.” He then handed her his badge. “Tell them you with the G-Men.”

Aviary’s eyes went wide at the responsibility she was being given.

She saluted him with a huge smile.

“YES SIR” She said as she handed Lance the leash.


Lance watched as the private officer ran at a full sprint back the way the came, towards the main office building.


Lance looked down at the Herdier, who was also looking back up at him. Lace smiled at the canine Pokémon.

“Enthusiastic! Isn’t she?” He said with a chuckle.

He watched as the Herdier gave a sigh at his trainer’s behavior.

“Ahahahahaha!” Lance laughed at the Pokémon’s response.


He and Herdier got back to work on going from the classroom, back towards the bike rack yet again.

“If they didn’t leave the classroom ever…… then there is a possibility of a secret facility beneath the classroom.” Lance thought aloud. “If there isn’t, then…”

He looked up from the bike racks towards the rest of the area beyond. Woods, streets that lead to town, and many other places that Jennifer could have been taken.


“Lieutenant.” Lance called over an officer who was talking with the other officers and giving them orders.

“Y-Yes sir! It is an honor to greet you and work w-with you, D-Dragon Trainer Lance, sir!”

Lance rolled his eyes at the his stuttering nervous enthusiastic idol worship.

“Go take some men, bring all the chairs from inside the classroom outside.” Lance instructed him.


Lance smiled cheekily at the man.

“We may have been trying to follow the wrong scent.” He informed him.




“Aaaagghhhhh!” Lambda growled as he limped around on his casted leg. He was currently using a crutch to hobble around their facility.

“Damn that wench’s little girl!” He cursed Jennifer.

Even with immediate healing from the Chansey onsite, his leg could still not be healed fully.

Damn her! Damn that little wench! My leg! My leg! She’ll pay! PAY! He thought in rage.

Several attendants followed after the man, as he hobbled back to the main room of research center.

As they were about to reenter another one of his “students” came running towards him.

“Sir! SIR! Emergency!” He said as he called for Lambda.

“What is it Beta?” He asked is inferior.

“I-It’s about the school sir!”

“What? What is happening?”

“About twenty minutes ago. Police had arrived on scene and secured the area.”

“W-What?! Already?!” Lambda questioned.

“It’s… it’s not already sir.” A Delta from behind him answered. “Your surgery took well over an hour and a half sir.” He reminded.

Lambda did his best to glare at his Delta.

But he could see it.

He could see it on all of his inferiors faces.


They smelled weakness.


They were circling him like Sharpedo, after a wounded Seel.


Damn them all! I!— I can’t back out now!


“Have they started heading this way? Have they started tracking us?” He asked the Beta, while ignoring his Delta’s comment.

“No sir! They show no signs of heading this direction or to having caught on to our trail sir.”

Lambda smiled.


He turned to look at his inferiors behind him.

“Then this is what we’ll be doing my loyal subordinates: we will proceed as planned. Albeit a slightly delayed, but as planned as we had orginated.” He told them.


His inferiors looked from one another, rather than answering him in affirmation or executing his orders.

“I-Is there a problem?!” He growled at them.

“*SIGH* With all do respect sir.” The Delta from earlier spoke again. “We have missed our window of opportunity to conduct the experiment. We need to move the asset from this location, and find away to send her to Ejapul, right away—“




The inferior fell down to the floor as Lambda smashed his crutch into the side of his head.

After he fell to the floor, Lambda continued to smash his head with the arm rest of the crutch.

His inferiors watch in sick fasciation, as their leader continued to smash and kill their fellow comrade. For if they could just have his position, then rights such as who lives and who dies could be theirs.

Once he was done. He took his crutch, and without cleaning it off. Leaned against it once more.

He looked back at his inferiors with an angry scowl.

“Will there be any other suggestions?!” He growled them.


Not a one said a word.










All but the one who delivered the message dispersed from the hall, where their Delta had been killed in cold blood by their Lambda: as was his right.

Lambda looked at the Beta who delivered the message.

He was staring in abject fear at the dead body that was laying on the floor. Lambda felt a surge of pleasure at the green sickly look on the Beta’s face.

“You!” He pointed at the Beta.

“Y-Y-Y-Yes sir?!” The man stammered in fear.

“Clean this up! Dispose of the body and retrieve his Pokémon for repurposing.”

“Y-Y-Yes sir!…. Right away!”



Lambda then turned and left down towards the hall. He looked at the door that would lead him back to the room where Barakat was.


             Where that bitch was! He thought to himself.             



As Lambda entered into the room. He could see that everything was set and ready for procedure.

He also saw that Barakat was awake again.


“Well!~” He greeted with a sneer.



“Miss Barakat!~”



“How nice of you,~”



“To join the land of the living,”


“Once again.”



He stood in front of Barakat, smiling sadistically at her.


But his smile faltered as he saw her smile back.

“W-What?!” He growled at Jennifer as he scowled at her smile.


“Oh, nothing!~” Jennifer told him. “Just had a good nap is all~“ She informed him. “But…..” She frowned. “I’m a bit confused? Jennifer told him.

“About what?” He asked in a low menacing tone.

Jennifer nodded her head towards his arm pit.

“I’m pretty sure I broke your leg.” She told him casually while smiling. “How did you get hurt in your armpit? Did you stab yourself with the crutch? That is not how you’re supposed to use that.” She edified him.




Jennifer head was smacked on the right side of her face. Which made her head jerk quite violently, because of it being locked in place. Her lip bled from the corner of her upper and lower lip.


Jennifer looked back at Lambda, who was rubbing the back of his hand.

“T-That is quite enough of your mouth bitch!” Lambda shouted at Jennifer.


Jennifer then just glared at Lambda. Staring straight into his eyes.

Her gaze sent shivers down his spine as he maintained eye contact. But he knew he couldn’t look away from her.


I can’t show weakness while I’m being challenged! It will undermine my authority of my inferiors!


So he stared at the young Barakat’s challenging eyes. Even while he sweat bullets in fear.


Fear that she would hurt him again.


Him, a Lambda.






I don’t get hurt! I hurt other people! I am of the superior authority of this world!


As he stared back at her gaze. He would have swore to himself that she was getting closer somehow.


Jennifer leaned forward very, very slowly. Until she felt her restraints tighten and hold her in place.


When she was close enough. Cole was about fifteen inches from her face.

Hope this is close enough.



“BOO!” Jennifer yelled with a jerk of her body, like she was bursting out of her restraints.





Lambda leaped backwards.

But as he did. His crutch wasn’t angled properly and slipped on the floor. His leg then landed hard on the floor, which shot pain straight up his leg.




Lambda fell to the floor with a scream in pain. As he once again clutched his broken leg in agony.


“Ha-Hahahahahahahaha!” Jennifer burst out laughing at the fallen head of this splinter cell organization. “Oh man! Hahahaha! You should have seen the look on your face! Ahahahaha!~ you were so scared!~” She taunted.

She knew she had put the fear of Arceus into the man.

I don’t even need my psychic powers to see that. Jennifer thought joyfully to herself.

“Isn’t thar right, Ralts?” Jennifer asked her Pokémon, who was sitting in the other experiment chair across from her.

“Ralts!~ Alts!~ Alts Alts Alts!~”



Lambda’s inferiors all swarmed to come to their leader’s aide

But he shook them off. Refusing to be touch or assisted.


He eventually his pain in his leg subsided, and he glared up at the laughing young woman, whom he fear for all his life. He admitted his to himself.


And he hated that fact.



He hated that he was terrified of a young teenage girl.



He pushed off his subordinates again.


“START THE PROCEDURE!” He told them.


His inferiors saluted him, then began to get to work on starting the machines attached to Ralts and Jennifer.


Lambda eventually got to his feet, with his crutch supporting his gimp leg.


He smirked sinisterly at the young Barakat.

“You SEE! Jennifer!” He growled at her with a smile as he circled in front of her. “You’re father is a brilliant man! His device is nearly perfect.” He told her. “But sadly, his idea and design is a bit, how shall we say?…” He said with a wave of his hand. “A bit naive.” He informed Jennifer.

She narrowed her eyes at Lambda.

“What makes you think so?” Jennifer asked him. “My father has had many near success with that device. I’ve seen it, first hand.”

“But that is the problem!” Lambda told her. “Near! Successes!” He said in emphasis. “He couldn’t find the major flaw in his design, as he was to concerned with the Pokémon’s safety in mind.”

Jennifer narrowed her eyes as she heard Lambda say this.


“Y-You’re not saying you changed and altered his designs have you?!” She questioned in panic.

“We didn’t need to alter them! We just added to them! They are perfect just the way they are!” He informed Jennifer while getting up close to her face.

Lambda looked over at his inferior and gave a nod of his head.


The inferior nodded back.






“ERGH!” Jennifer gripped on tightly to the armrests of her chair, as the device strapped to her head turned on.


“You see! JENNIFER!” He shouted her name, as he watched her and her Pokémon seized up from the affects of the machines.

“You’re father’s machine’s principal. Is an unexplainable scientific phenomenon.” Lambda stated. “For you see: when one Pokémon and another Pokémon do battle. They release energy as they preform moves, take damage, or even when another Pokémon faints or dies. Scientists have even narrowed it down, that a release of emotions can affect Pokémon and help them to evolve.”

He smiled down at Jennifer. Who looked like she was in to much pain to speak to him.

“The thing is about this device, Jennifer! Is that it’s purpose is to absorb the latent expelled energy around the Pokémon around them. Which is then absorbed back into the machine and transferred back into the Pokémon.” He gave Jennifer as edification; showing off his professoriate degree.



Lambda stopped in front of Jennifer, then got right in front of her face.



“And that is where your father has made his fatal mistake!”


“This machine is supposed to transfer energy a Pokémon expels and transfers it back to itself. But that is the problem: a Pokémon can’t absorb its own expelled energy naturally, unless it is mixed in someway from another source!” He shouted in glee.

“This is what I’ve learned as I watched and studied your father’s research! I have been making sure to note everything about his device, since he first showed it off at a scientific exhibition at a scientific conference.”

“I… I was hooked…” Lambda said as he began to pace again in front of Jennifer.

“I knew… the moment I saw that device. I saw it’s true potential!” Cole said with glee.


“What’s its true, you may ask? Well!~ ell!~ ell!~” He chuckled as he spoke. “It is just redesigned, to help expel energy from it’s wearer: you’re is, to be exact.” He pointed at Ralts.

“Hers,” He pointed towards Ralts. “Is just designed as exactly as you’re father had intended.” He informed Jennifer. “But with the addition, that it also causes pain, so that she also expels more energy!” He got back into Jennifer’s face again. “Whereas yours, is just to make it so that only expels energy. Not absorb it!”


He smiled sadistically at Jennifer once again.

“But if you think this is hell already!” He chuckled as he watched her suffering. “This is only the first setting!” He looked towards his subordinates.


“DO IT!”







“RRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!” Jennifer groaned in agony.









Trainer and Pokémon screamed as they sat strapped to their seats, as they were tortured for some sick experiment.





≈USE CALM MIND!≈ Jennifer thought telepathically to Ralts.



      *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*



“R-RALTS!” She answered back to her mistress.


















Jennifer didn’t even know if her plan would work.

But she know she had to try something.

If what Lambda said was true. Her pain; her energy. Would feed into Ralts: she thought that, if while she absorbed Jennifer’s energy, while using Calm Mind. Would help her boost her power, while also helping her to endure the pain.










“That’s enough…” Lambda ordered. “THAT’S ENOUGH! Turn off the machine, NOW!” He shouted out.



The machine sounded as it was powered down.


Jennifer and her Pokémon in their chair across from each other, were both slumped in down and limp.


Both of them beyond the point of exhausted; both physically and emotionally.




“Ha-?! Ah ha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!~” Lambda cheered as he looked at the end results of the test.


“I’VE DONE IT!~” AH HAHAHAHA HA!~” He cheered for joy.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, and everyone else in between! Congratulate yourselves and break out the champagne! Because we have done it!” He cheered.

“We have successfully transferred psychic energy from a human, into a Pokémon!”


He looked at the two operating the readouts and data information.

“You two!”

He pointed at them.

“Come with me!” We must take this data, and e-mail it off to headquarters, right away!”


The two inferiors saluted their superior before answering me with pride.

“”Yes sir!”

They both pulled out data and research from flash drives that had been copying and recording the whole event.

“There is no time to waste! We must—“










Lambda was barely through the the double door, when an explosion happened behind him.


There was a huge hole blown open within the wall of the building.


Everyone in the room, either on the floor after the wall was blasted inwards or standing upright. Remained frozen in place as they stared at the four armed figure that stood in front of the crumbling wall, with dust clouds swirling around him and obscuring his visage.














The Superpower Pokémon said, as he cracked his knuckles.